rebirth of change

Chapter 2071 How can such a good face-slapping opportunity be missed

Fujita Hiroichi immediately called Fujita Zhaofu himself. After asking Fujita Zhaofu that he only had a [-]% chance of winning, Fujita Hongichi immediately asked Fujita Zhaofu to work hard outside the game to make the chance of winning [-]%.

Guan Mengyu couldn't afford to lose this game, but how could the Fujita family afford to lose.It is also very heartbreaking to ask their family to pay more than one billion US dollars for compensation.

There is another reason why Fujita recruits so much, that is, Fujita Koichi, who has read countless people, does not think that Fujita recruits a real [-]% certainty.Seventy percent, that is a figure with moisture, in the view of Fujita Hongichi, it is estimated to be fifty to five.

From the perspective of odds, the number of five to five is also cheap for the Fujita family. If they lose, it is all, and if they lose, they only need to add 40.00% interest.This unfair ratio is really rare enough.

It's just that capitalists are greedy, and they absolutely don't want to spit out the money they get.That is no different from cutting flesh on their bodies.

In addition, Guan Mengyu's brave gamble is also to some extent a commentary on Fujita Koichi's guess.

It's very simple, if Chen Kangjie's odds of winning are not high, would Guan Mengyu bet so much?Could it be that he is crazy?

Guan Mengyu must not be crazy, he is not crazy, then there is only one explanation, that is, Sato Zhaofu's opponent is very strong, and Guan Mengyu is clear about his strength.Only in this way, Guan Mengyu would want to make a fortune.Otherwise, there is no explanation at all.

Takao Fujita has been the head of the family for decades, and has grown the Fujita family from small to large. It is impossible for him to be without excellence.He is a cautious person, a person who pays attention to the actual interests of the family. In his thinking, the threat is the safest only when it is eliminated in the bud.

Since it was the request of the head of the family, Fujita Zhaofu could only comply with it, and he had to do it as well as possible.Otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to have a good chance of getting ahead in the family after Fujita recruits his husband.Only when Fujita Hongichi, who promises everything, appreciates it, will he have a bright future.

"We Japan is a developed country. Similarly, as a member of East Asia, we also care about honor and dignity. Although we will lose money, in order to win everyone's goodwill towards Japan, we think it is worthwhile to spend some money. " Sato Takao said brazenly.

Zhaofu Sato wanted to show a sense of superiority of a rich country. They are rich developed countries, and they can spend the money.The reason is not very tenable, but it sounds like that is the case.

Of course, it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to think that way.

I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones, whose skin is thicker than that city wall.It's also euphemistically called winning everyone's favor, which is simply not smelly.

"You think it's worth it, but I don't think it's worth it. If you're willing to admit defeat, I can sell you 2000 million...Turkish lira, how about it?"

The words "Turkish lira" that came out after Chen Kangjie paused almost made Zhaofu Sato choke.

The previous 2000 million sounds like a large amount, a huge amount of property, but when it is matched with a unit, it is not the same thing at all.

According to the current exchange rate of 1650000:1, 2000 million Turkish liras cannot even be exchanged for [-] U.S. dollars. Converted into RMB, it is only about [-] yuan.For such a small amount of money, Chen Kangjie also added the adjective "smashing the pot and selling the iron".

This is simply a disgusting person with a heart.I will give you 2000 million to buy and you lose and you don’t do it, and you want to buy and I lose, but even so, you have to get a reliable price.Could it be that you are worth 2000 million RMB and I am only worth 100 RMB, which is one 20th of yours?

"Chen Wen, I'm sincere. Is it necessary for you to do this?" Sato Takao's face was ugly. As a student of finance in a business university, he generally knew the currencies of various countries.

"Are you sincere? If you are sincere, do you need to show off in front of me that you are a rich and developed country? Since you are rich and can afford 2000 million yuan, then we are poor and can only afford 2000 million Turkish lira. That's right. Wait, there is nothing unreasonable. Isn't that what you wanted to express just now?" Chen Kangjie snorted coldly.

Chen Kangjie's bluntness really convinced Fujita Zhaofu, he wanted to get angry, but couldn't, wanted to argue, but was at a loss for words.

"Don't think I don't know, are you Japanese the kind of people who are willing to take the initiative to suffer? If you want not to be humiliated, you must first learn to respect others. Money is important to me, but it's not enough for you to throw it away casually." I’m just begging for three melons and two dates. Now you’re begging me, and since you’re begging me, you have to correct your attitude and don’t think too highly of yourself, as if you’re making yourself great.” What Chen Kangjie said next was even more embarrassing. It sounds good.

Although Chen Kangjie's words were harsh, for Fujita Zhaofu, it was something to be happy about.Why?Is he cheap?of course not.

Fujita Zhaofu could hear signs of looseness from Chen Kangjie's tone.It's not that he doesn't do it, it's because he thinks it's too little. If the price is right, he will release water.

"Mr. Chen, let's open the skylight and tell the truth. You make an offer, how much do you think is appropriate? As long as you make an offer, I don't think it will be counter-offering." Unexpectedly, Fujita Hirofu's tone was loud. Could it be that he really put Fujita Hongichi "Whatever it takes" is regarded as having no bottom line.

"Crack, crack, crack." Chen Kangjie raised his hands and applauded appreciatively, "Fujita-kun is really bold, is what you said true? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Takao Fujita nodded arrogantly.

Hirofu Fujita felt that no matter how greedy Chen Kangjie was, it would be at most 5000 million, a whopping [-] million. These prices, no matter how they were calculated, were quite a bargain, and he himself avoided the corresponding risks.

"Well, if you agree, I can announce my withdrawal now and let you win, how about it?" Chen Kangjie pushed his hand and closed the locker door, as if he didn't intend to compete anymore.

"That would be great, Chen Wenjun, please make an offer."

Now the two are "talking about business", so Chen Kangjie not only doesn't mind the other party calling himself "Jun", he even took the initiative to call the other party Fujita-kun.

"Fresh, as for me, I'm not greedy, the quantity remains the same, just change one word." Chen Kangjie stretched out a finger while speaking.

"The quantity remains the same? Do you mean it is still 2000 million? Then you are going to change the currency?" Fujita asked with some secret joy.

If it is just to change the currency, at most it is to exchange the renminbi for the US dollar, and the sky is the same as the British pound.Such a change, although the price suddenly doubled many times, but overall, it is still within the acceptable range, especially compared with the huge income.

But in his heart, Takao Sato also seriously despised Chen Kangjie.

Just now he acted as noble and great, but he turned out to be just an insatiable clown.The appetite is really big. One game like this will make a profit of [-] to [-] million yuan. I will promise you now. After the matter is over, I will sell you again. Let's see how you spend the money?At least Principal Guan will be the first to spare you, hum, hum.

Fujita Zhaofu was overjoyed and self-righteous, thus ignoring Chen Kangjie's crucial words.What Chen Kangjie said was to modify one word, but if you want to change the currency, you need to modify two characters.

Chen Kangjie shook his head, and continued to stretch out his right index finger: "It's enough to change one word, and change it to [-] million, how about it?"

"Change ten thousand to one hundred million?" Fujita Shofu didn't realize it all at once, but immediately, without Chen Kangjie's explanation, he screamed out: "2000 billion yuan? Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, you yell like crazy. Why, can't afford this price?" Chen Kangjie teased of course.

"2000 billion, who can afford this price? You are simply crazy and unrealistic." Fujita said excitedly.

We only gained more than 100 billion yuan, and you need 2000 billion yuan. Only a fool will do this kind of business that can't lose more.Even if he was killed, the Fujita family would not pay the money.It's just a joke, and it's a big joke.

"Then there's nothing you can do. It's you who said that I can set the price. I only changed one word, which means that the price is still set by you. Tsk tsk tsk, just now I saw your categorical attitude and the way you treat money like dung. I thought it was so great, I thought you Japan is really rich with gold, but now it seems that it is not so much. Without diamonds, don’t do porcelain work. You can’t do it when you talk big, really Shame, you make me despise you and look down on you. In the future, remember, don’t be too self-righteous, don’t brag too casually, I finally saw your bragging skills today, hehe, hahaha.” Before the game, there was such a good How could Chen Kangjie miss the opportunity to hit Fujita to recruit a husband? If he didn't humiliate him well, he would be too sorry for the precious time spent chatting with him for a long time.

Takao Fujita's face was red, white, and blue, as ugly as it could be.That pair of eyes stared like a bull's eye.He didn't practice his internal skills, otherwise, he would probably still be smoking from the top of his head.

Although there was no smoke coming from the top of Takao Fujita's head, the way he gritted his teeth made him really want to eat Chen Kangjie's meat and drink Chen Kangjie's blood.

"You will regret it." Takao Fujita choked out a threatening word from between his teeth.

"Really? Then I'll wait, but I see that you look very regretful now. Do you regret that you are bragging? Do you regret that you are too arrogant. Wow, looking at your face, it seems very hot If you go back now and crack an egg on it, you will probably have fried eggs to eat right away." Chen Kangjie not only slapped him verbally, but also matched his facial expressions and gestures, which seemed to be quite Seriously, it doesn't look like a sarcasm and a slap in the face.

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