rebirth of change

Chapter 2073 Signing the Certificate of Birth and Death

No matter whose side the audience is on, and no matter what kind of posture the players appear and play in, the final victory or defeat still depends on their strength.

"Student Chen Wen, this is already the last competition. You are both a contestant and the vice chairman of our student union. At this moment, what do you want to say to everyone?" Xiang Guanqi, who was acting as the host He handed the microphone to Chen Kangjie who came to the stage. He hoped that Chen Kangjie could change the attitude of the audience through his verbal appeal.

Xiang Guanqi also knew that it was not easy to turn around. He knew about the betting in the school, and he also used his own money to bet, but he did not follow the crowd, but stood by Chen Kangjie.He didn't expect to make much money by betting. If making money was his biggest goal, he wouldn't be on Chen Kangjie's side. If he chose Fujita Zhaofu, the return would be much more astonishing.What he did was to express his own attitude.

Chen Kangjie smiled wryly, and reached out to take the microphone: "Thank you, thank you to those students who firmly supported me, and also to those students who temporarily hoped for my failure. You inspired my enthusiasm and fighting spirit. Everyone's choice is like ours in Taiwan. Every punch on the stage is equally important. Every time a contestant stands on the stage, every time he punches, he will think in his heart that this round can knock down his opponent, but will this be the case? Of course it is hard to say , and, I have to bear the consequences of every punch. For example, will it reveal a flaw, will it increase physical exertion and allow the opponent to take advantage of it? We are a business university, and most of the majors It has something to do with management and investment. As an investment, it is the same. Everything is good before the investment, but whether it will be as you think, it may not be the case. Anyway, the consequences of the investment need to be borne by yourself. Thank you, thank you Everyone can come here."

There were no grandiose words in Chen Kangjie's speech, he didn't even say the word "win or lose".It's just a kind of advice to everyone, which makes the audience a little strange.

Is this advice helpful?won't work.As an investment, it is natural and understandable to choose the option with the highest rate of return.As a fighting competition, punching is also necessary. Do you just hold your hands and wait because you will show your flaws?You can't wait for your opponent to wait, it's not a game of daze.

So, everything will continue as it should.

Of course, Chen Kangjie's speech can also be seen as his dull protest and faint dissatisfaction.He was expressing his complaints about those Chinese in a roundabout tone.Rather than being demoralized by being snubbed, he says he was inspired by enthusiasm and fighting spirit.He was also ready to watch the jokes of those who wanted him to lose for their own pockets.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, it was Fujita's turn to recruit a husband, and Xiang Guanqi couldn't treat one another just because Fujita's recruit was Japanese, which would be unfair.

Hirofu Fujita was holding the microphone, his mood and state of mind were completely different from those of Chen Kangjie. He looked complacent, and it seemed that he was not like this, and he was not enough to continue to attack Chen Kangjie.

"Thank you, thank you everyone. Before coming to China, someone told me that the Chinese people are not very friendly to us recently. I was skeptical at the time, but now I don't believe it at all. Your enthusiasm and friendliness made me deeply feel that the Chinese people are not very friendly to us. The country is indeed a great country. The citizens here have a broad mind and are truly inclusive. I am very moved. You are the cutest group of people. This country is a country worthy of respect, which is amazing. "Fujita Takao seemed to be well prepared. His speech was not smooth due to language barriers. On the contrary, he spoke fluently, and he also cooperated with his expressions and movements.

"I am standing here today. My identity is not Japanese or from any other country. The people standing here have only one identity, that is, students of Technology and Business University. Just like you, everyone is a friendly classmate and alumni. For Your enthusiasm and friendliness, I will not let you down, I will definitely show the best state. If you give me confidence, I will give you hope. Just like the host said just now, victory is not what we are pursuing in this competition The original intention, but I will still fight for victory, I am firm, victory belongs to us, belongs to the majority.” Finally, Fujita raised his fist and shouted the slogan.

Mr. Fujita's speech smoothed away the guilt of some students.

Hiroo Fujita is a person who is very good at taking advantage of the environment and opportunities. In a certain sense, he hides or gives up his Japanese identity, and replaces it with an "alumni". This removes people's psychological barriers.

Since everyone is just alumni, what does it matter who you support and who you don't? They are all the same.What's more, their huge self-interests are also involved in it.

In the end, Takao Fujita yelled the slogan of victory again, which was equivalent to igniting the weak flame again, and the fire became more vigorous.

"Victory, Fujita will win." Who knows who yelled that, and then brought a chain reaction, and the audience even chanted the same slogan.

Amid the people's cheers and cheers, Fujita became more energetic, while Chen Kangjie's face was still ashen.

"Why don't you two wear protective gear, why don't you wear gloves?" Xiang Guanqi went down, and the referee came up.

Chen Kangjie didn't speak, and it was agreed, this issue was handed over to Fujita Mikio to apply and explain.

"Mr. Referee, this is the case. This is the last game. We hope to give you a different presentation. It is also for our performance to be more vivid. Therefore, we both agreed that we will not wear protective gear, and we will not rest in the middle." , played for 9 minutes in a row. I know this is not in compliance with the rules, but I still ask the teacher to give such a chance, please." Fujita Takao transformed back into a typical Japanese, and gave a deep sigh after speaking. A ninety-degree bow.

The referee teacher looked at Mikio Fujita, and then at Chen Kangjie: "Is that so? Do you agree?"

"If he insists, I can't disagree. It's up to you." Chen Kangjie shrugged and said lightly.

The phrase "as the host as the guest pleases" made the relationship between Chen Kangjie and Takao Fujita very clear.They are not alumni and classmates, but the relationship between the host and the guest. Moreover, it is still a situation where the host is passive when the guest comes to the door.

"If you don't agree, I don't have to accept it." The referee teacher said in favor of Chen Kangjie.

"Teacher, there was already an exception in the previous competition. Chen Wenjun didn't wear gloves with his opponent in a match. Now that we have the previous example, why can't we just follow suit? Isn't that true?" Fair." Takao Fujita straightened up abruptly, staring at the referee and said.

Fujita's recruiting husband wanted the rhythm of a general, and he didn't want to be changed if he got better with Chen Kangjie.

The referee teacher's face suddenly became ugly.He allowed the exception last time, but now Fujita Zhaofu uses it as an example, which is obviously meant to satirize him.

"Teacher, since it's the subject's discretion, then he can do whatever he says. Is it possible that a member of the magnificent Chinese nation will be afraid and shrink back? Moreover, Mr. Fujita also said that this game is at your own risk Of course, there will be no such situation as human life, the teacher can rest assured." Chen Kangjie stood up to help the referee teacher to make a rescue, and he also filled in the part that Fujita Mikio missed.

The last sentence that there will be no human life is a comfort and consolation to the referee teacher.If there is a problem of human life under his law enforcement, he will not be able to explain it.As for the pain caused by other bumps and bumps, it is inevitable.

"Yes, we bear the consequences at our own risk. No matter what happens, we will not be held accountable." Fujita Takao said in a timely and emphatic tone.

The referee teacher continued to hesitate, but he was still a little worried, especially since the two of them emphasized that they should bear the consequences at their own risk.He's just a salaried gym teacher who can't afford to take risks.

"Teacher, if you still have concerns and worries, then we can sign a relevant document. We are all adults and have the ability to bear our own legal responsibilities." Chen Kangjie also didn't want to wear the gadgets that affect the effect of actions and attacks , So he simply came up with an idea for the referee.

"I think it's okay. We have many students who study law. It shouldn't be difficult to draft such a document." Of course Fujita Mikio didn't want to appear weak, and said in line with Chen Kangjie.

"Well, since both of you request and insist, then I won't stop you. Find someone to draft a legally binding document immediately. After both parties sign it, the game can start." The referee teacher doesn't want to be a villain either.

At the same time, the referee teacher also saw a hint of encouragement and confidence in Chen Kangjie's eyes.Since this little Japan is so arrogant, I hope Chen Kangjie can really give him a hard time.

A brief document was drafted in 10 minutes, completed by two law students and a referee.In the document, Chen Kangjie and Fujita Hiroo were responsible for all the responsibilities, and the referee and the school were completely excluded.Moreover, it was agreed in the document that within 9 minutes, whoever is knocked down and cannot get up for 9 seconds will be considered a loser. If the winner cannot be determined within [-] minutes, the delay can be extended.

Two handwritten documents were placed in front of Chen Kangjie and Fujita Mikio.Chen Kangjie didn't even look at it, and just signed on the promiser's place. On the contrary, Mikio Fujita carefully read both sides before carefully signing his name.

In modern society, there is no such thing as a "life and death certificate", and the law does not allow the existence of a "life and death certificate". However, what they signed is equivalent to a life and death certificate.

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