rebirth of change

Chapter 2075 Cocooning and 1 move to control the enemy

Chen Kangjie's whole expression was slightly relaxed, the corner of his mouth seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and even one of his legs trembled slightly. Although his eyes were staring at Fujita Mikio sternly, no matter how he looked at him, he could still feel the Cynical and flamboyant.

Compared with Chen Kangjie, Fujita Zhaofu was much more serious and nervous.His face seemed to be numb, serious to the bone.A pair of small eyes fixed on Chen Kangjie sharply, without blinking, for fear that Chen Kangjie would rush over by taking advantage of his unpreparedness.And his hands are always in a fisted posture, ready to fight.

After a while, Chen Kangjie seemed a little tired, his legs trembled more, and his energy seemed less concentrated. The focus of his sight was not Mikio Fujita, but he passed Mikio Fujita and began to disperse I looked at the audience who couldn't bear it one by one.

But even so, Takao Fujita did not dare to relax in the slightest.He didn't believe that Chen Kangjie's endurance was so small, and he didn't believe that Chen Kangjie's foundation would be that bad.

"Trap, this must be a trap." Takao Fujita judged himself, "Hmph, you thought I would be fooled by deliberately selling a loophole, no, you are wrong, my concentration will not be so shallow. Don't you Move, I won't move, let's see what you can do."

At the beginning, Chen Kangjie really wanted to show a flaw to lure Fujita to recruit his husband. His legs trembled more, which was a kind of preparation to fight back at any time.Although Chen Kangjie didn't pay much attention to that guy Fujita Zhaofu, his current defense was relatively strict, and he could use effective means to attack up, down, left, and right.

It's a pity that Fujita was not fooled when he recruited a husband.Since he wasn't fooled, Chen Kangjie really relaxed.

Don't look at just standing there, it doesn't hurt any physical strength, but after a long time, the tense nerves will still make people feel uncomfortable, especially in public, and you have to bear another kind of pressure.

Chen Kangjie really relaxed, but Fujita Zhaofu didn't think so. He still felt that Chen Kangjie was setting her up, so he was always on high alert.

"Are you guys going to fight or not? It's been 10 minutes, how long will it take?" Some audience members couldn't sit still and protested loudly.

"Fujita Bikatsu, Fujita Bikatsu, Fujita-kun, hit him, hit him." Ono and the others were equally nervous. Seeing someone protesting, the Japanese students stood up to cheer for Fujita's recruit.

Ono and the others had good ideas and good intentions, but the consequences were rather tragic.

The booing of a few Japanese students immediately attracted more people's attention and participation, especially those students who were holding tickets to buy Fujita Zhaofu to win.

All of a sudden, the audience cheered for Fujita Zhaofu, and the momentum was higher and higher.

Of course, there were also those who cheered for Chen Kangjie, but their numbers were not dominant, and their voices were completely drowned out by the other party.

If in normal times, there are so many "fans" cheering for him, it is something that makes people very proud, it is something that can stimulate potential and boost morale, Fujita will be happy and excited.

However, at this moment, the encouragement and encouragement to him did not make him more powerful, but rather like waves of pressure rushing towards him, making him irritable and depressed.

Those people didn't urge Chen Kangjie to attack at all. Instead, they kept encouraging Fujita Zhaofu to fight quickly and defeat Chen Kangjie quickly, so that they could cash them in cash.

Just now, Chen Kangjie was smiling but not smiling, but now, as Fujita Zhaofu's face became more and more serious, Chen Kangjie was really smiling, and he could even admire Fujita Zhaofu with a kind of pleasant eyes, which made Fujita Zhaofu even more Uncomfortable, like a monkey.

"Don't you need such an on-site effect? ​​Then I will give it to you. I will stand here as an old monk, and see what you can do." Chen Kangjie took a step back, and simply leaned on the rope to "rest" leisurely.

This is self-confession, thinking that the emotions of the audience are mobilized to stand on your side, creating momentum, which can inspire you and suppress me.Hehehe, now, I don't know if the stimulation didn't stimulate you, but it didn't suppress me anyway, so I'm very satisfied.

As time went on, as the shouts continued to push up, Fujita's anxiety and irritability became more and more serious.

"Miscalculation", Fujita Takao subtly shook his head, and the generous bait he put down not only failed to catch his opponent, but turned into his own poison.

To attack or not to attack, this has become the choice before Zhaofu Fujita, and it is also his embarrassment and contradiction.

Attacking, let alone whether you have succeeded, at least in terms of momentum, you will lose.He took a good time to retreat and rest, but he still had to step forward. The steps he took were not to threaten the other party, but to admit defeat and worship.

But if you don't attack, then it won't work, can it really be consumed indefinitely like this?More importantly, Takao Fujita has already heard a deep sense of impatience from the various voices.

If he continues to focus on stability, the voices supporting him now will most likely turn into boos and chokes against him in an instant.

You don't dare to fight Chen Wen at all, why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?It's fine to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail, but you still made such a move, and you made such a high odds to attract the old people to jump in. Isn't this an extremely shameless scam?

To win or lose is a matter of strength, but whether to fight or not is a matter of attitude.If you don't even fight, why support you, why don't you attack you?

"Silly b, hit it, get out if you don't dare to hit it." Some people's patience reached the extreme, and they began to swear.

"Gouri looks like a human being, so he's just a coward. You're a coward, little Japan, have you eaten your dog's guts?" If someone scolds at the beginning, someone will follow.

In our country, in our culture, there has never been a lack of followers, sometimes what is lacking is a leader.

"If you don't fight, you will get the money back. Refunding the money is a waste of my expression, causing me to wait in line for hours, and my feet are soft. If I don't fight now, I'm playing tricks, right?"

It wasn't just the usual vulgar boys who were cursing, it was also unusual for some female men to be aggressive.

"If you can't do it, get out and let my aunt come here. Little Japan, do you suffer from kidney deficiency? Impotence? You've settled down in a shabby house, and my aunt despises you."

The pungentness of this girl caused many people to look sideways at her. Even Chen Kangjie, who had a keen hearing, caught the voice, and he was ashamed and could not laugh or cry.

You are a girl, you come?What are you doing here?can i fight youIf you strip yourself naked in front of me, you'll admit defeat if you don't beat me.What about kidney deficiency and impotence? Girls like this are really hard to mess with.

"Hahahaha, Little Japan is dead, Little Japan is scared, Little Japan is terrified, and will definitely lose." Seeing so many people turning around, that guy Chen Wenjie sprang up, shouting and fanning the flames.

It doesn't matter whether you fight or not, it's also a fun thing to have some fun first.

"Chen Wen will win, China will win, and Japan will lose, oh ho ho, go down, go down, go down, go down..." Ge Zihao was unwilling to add fuel to the fire, Moreover, this guy's tone and expression are more vivid and exaggerated.

"Turtle son, Ge Laozi, ran to a big country to play wild, are you afraid now? Are you unsteady? Hahaha." Tan Jian also had a smile on his face.


There was an uproar in the indoor gymnasium, and Guan Mengyu, who was sitting in the independent office, shook his head, and he was a little confused.Isn't this a martial arts competition?How did it become like this, and it was the last final.Is it true that Little Japan is afraid, as the students scolded?

After all, the king is the king, that boy Chen Kangjie, just leaning on the rope like that, people dare not do anything to him in a daze.The legendary bastard spirit?

Shit, even if Guan Mengyu knew Chen Kangjie's identity, he couldn't see any domineering from Chen Kangjie's body.

Compared with the dormitories, the indoor gymnasium is already considered civilized.In many dormitories, the curses have long been ugly, and even in many dormitories, there have been cases of smashing things to vent their anger.They couldn't bear this silent torture.

A thin layer of sweat began to appear on Fujita Mikio's forehead.

If he doesn't fight, he will be drowned by all kinds of saliva.On the contrary, Chen Kangjie has a low voice and lower odds. He does not fight, but not many guns are aimed at him.

The environment that was originally unfavorable to Chen Kangjie was reversed by him with a single tactic, which was beneficial to him, but greatly unfavorable to Zhaofu Fujita.

Chen Kangjie knew that Takao Fujita couldn't bear it any longer, his forehead was sweating and his eyes were spitting fire.This guy will launch an attack next, and the attack will be very fierce.

Sure enough, three seconds later, the unbearable Fujita moved. He let out a loud "Yiya" and rushed towards Chen Kangjie.

If you want to rush, then go ahead and "babble", thinking that this will scare people?

In terms of speed, Fujita Zhaofu's speed is really fast enough, and he still has a run-up distance, so the speed can be raised even more, the momentum is also greater, and the initiative seems to be in his hands.

However, what happened next really shocked everyone's eyes. There are many students wearing glasses in the university, so it seems more appropriate to be surprised.

When Takao Fujita ran two meters in front of Chen Kangjie, his fists, legs and feet hadn't been used yet. Standing on the opposite side, Chen Kangjie, who lacked the space to retreat and run-up distance, suddenly flew up like a sharp arrow Straight out, the speed is much faster than that of Fujita Zhaofu.

At the moment when the two bodies were about to be dislocated, Chen Kangjie's outstretched hands hugged Mikio Fujita instead.Immediately afterwards, Chen Kangjie stepped on the ground with his right foot, bowed down, and swung his hands suddenly.I saw Takao Fujita's body flying high, and in the astonishment of everyone, he was thrown out by Chen Kangjie.

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