rebirth of change

Chapter 22 Come With Us

Chapter 22 Come with us

"Sister, do you think it's a waste to buy so many bags?"

On the way back to the restaurant for dinner, Chen Kangjie saw that Chen Yuqiong was not in high spirits, so he took the initiative to ask to resolve her thoughts.

"It's not wasteful, but it's 1 yuan after all. What if everyone knows that we give away bags and come to us to buy some worthless things and just ask for bags?" Chen Yuqiong is still a little puzzled.

"Hehe, big sister, you have already answered my question yourself, think about it, who doesn't want to save face, it doesn't matter if you come once or twice, it's only four or five cents anyway, but who has the nerve to keep doing this for a long time You always have to spend and buy things in your supermarket. If they buy one more thing, you will earn back all the money in your bag. I’m talking, I just asked the boss to print the name of the supermarket on the bag, and they took it The bags are always used to hold things, right? They carry them around, and they just advertise for us, you have saved even the advertising fee, hehe, are you still not satisfied?" Chen Kangjie could only laugh By explaining in detail, he is also instilling some marketing knowledge and skills into the eldest sister, but he can't always pay attention to the supermarket of the eldest sister.

When Chen Kangjie said this, Chen Yuqiong also suddenly realized, and blushed, how could he doubt his younger brother's eyes?Really.My younger brother is a genius at making money. A few months ago, I was still spending ten yuan to break flowers. Now I can have such a big store, but it is all thanks to my younger brother!

"Come on, let's go in and eat quickly. I'm so young, but I'm not hungry." Chen Kangjie's mischievous words made Chen Yuqiong laugh, and the cloud in his heart was swept away.

The two ordered four Cantonese dishes, none of which were spicy. When they came to Guangdong Province, they always wanted to try Cantonese dishes.Before eating, I heard a lot of people arguing at the door.There were men shouting and cursing, women crying, and children screaming.

Chen Kangjie stood up and wanted to go out to see what happened. Chen Yuqiong was worried that his brother might be in trouble, so he quickly followed him and held him tightly.

When I went to the door of the restaurant and listened carefully, I realized that there were three men asking for debts.The one standing in the middle should be the head, with short military-style hair, wearing a black shirt with a low neckline, and the tattoos inside can be vaguely seen, giving people a sinister feeling.Standing next to them are two small men who look like horse boys, one is holding down a woman in a floral shirt, the woman is crying, she looks about 27 or [-] years old, kneeling on the ground, the black cloth shoes on her feet are old and gray' The colored trousers were also stained with dirt by the dirt on the ground, and the two braids were also loosened due to pulling.

A pony next to him was holding a little girl, very cute, but at the moment the snot and tears from crying were fused together, his hands stretched out long, screaming and crying "Mom, mom", it felt very cruel.

There were also some bystanders on the side of the road complaining and complaining in low voices, but none of them really stood up for the mother and daughter.

I only heard that this woman owed 1000 yuan. This woman came out from Xiangxi to find a man, but she couldn't find a man. She was asked to repay the debt by several men for no reason, saying that his man owed them money, and she would not return it. Now she doesn't have any money, and they take away the little money left for food, and they don't even have money to buy food for her daughter when she is hungry.I could only kneel down and beg them to let me go, and I will return the money to them when I go back to my hometown.

Of course, it is impossible for these people to let go. The big man in the middle shook his head, and the horse boy on the left was about to pull the woman away. The woman knelt on the ground and kept begging hard. It was even more desolate, my voice was almost hoarse from crying, and I kept yelling "Mom, mom, don't hit my mother".

Chen Kangjie couldn't see it anymore, he let go of Chen Yuqiong's hand, walked up to the big man in the middle, and asked with a sullen face, "How much does she owe you?"

Seeing a little kid jump out and ask such words, the big man was stunned for a moment.He laughed and said: "Boy, what, you want to pay them back, do you have money? She owes me a thousand"

Seeing her brother jumping out to "cause trouble", Chen Yuqiong hurried to the crowd and dragged her brother behind for fear of losing her brother.But Chen Kangjie was very stubborn, and came out from behind again, glaring at the big man: "Let her go, and I will pay you back a thousand for her."

The onlookers nearby were surprised when they heard that the child was going to repay 1000 yuan for someone else. Some even gloated and said that the child was crazy, and some criticized Chen Yuqiong in a low voice for taking the child out without taking care of him.

Chen Yuqiong was also stunned when she heard that her younger brother wanted to pay someone back 1000 yuan.What's wrong with this little brother?However, after "confrontation" several times, she knew very well that this younger brother was a very assertive person and would not change his mind casually, so she nodded to the big man.

The child's words may not be credible, but Chen Yuqiong, an adult who can be seen as a parent, nodded, and the other party not only believed it, but was also very pleasantly surprised.

The creditor wasn't the only one who was surprised. The woman who was dragged along heard that someone was willing to "repay the money" for her, so she hurriedly kowtowed to thank her.

The big man was pleasantly surprised because he thought that if the money was not returned, it would be a waste of time. He just wanted to take the woman back and let the brothers have fun, repay the debt with meat, and then let her go. Can not be happy.

Not to mention that woman, she also knew that there would be no good end for being dragged away, especially with her daughter beside her, so she was at a disadvantage. If something happened to such a young daughter, how would she survive?

Chen Yuqiong took out 1000 yuan and gave it to the man, and the three of them turned around and left, saying "thank you" lightly before leaving.

From great sorrow to great joy, the woman ran over and hugged her daughter tightly and cried, and the little girl also hugged her mother's neck with all her strength.Just like a mother would fly away, she cried a few times, feeling that she hadn't solemnly thanked her benefactor, the woman hurriedly pulled her daughter over, and knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Kangjie and his brother again.How could Chen Kangjie receive such a big gift, and Chen Yuqiong hurriedly held him and pulled him up.

"Come with us!", Chen Kangjie saw the little girl crying miserably, and was in a bad mood, so he turned and walked into the restaurant after speaking.

Chen Kangjie sat down, and before he had a few mouthfuls, Chen Yuqiong brought the two of them in, the mother and daughter, and the hotel owner came over to take a look, wanting to hear some anecdotes about the incident, seeing that Chen Kangjie and the others were not looking good at him and he was bored walked away.

Chen Kangjie pulled a tissue, wiped the little girl's nose and tears, hugged her on a chair, brought her a bowl of rice, and picked some vegetables for her.

"Eat quickly, don't be afraid." Chen Kangjie just said this and ate by himself, and kept bringing food to the little girl.

The little girl was probably really hungry. She glanced at her mother and saw that her mother had no objection, so she picked up the bowl and started to eat.While eating, a pair of big eyes stared at Chen Kangjie flickeringly.

Only then did Chen Yuqiong pull the woman to sit down and eat together. The woman was still a little reserved, after all, she didn't know what would happen after eating.But she must be really hungry. Picking up the bowl, although she ate more politely, she still ate two big bowls, but she probably wasn't full, and she was afraid that she would eat too much. The siblings have an opinion.

Chen Kangjie didn't care about the adults, he finished eating by himself, and took care of the little girl. After finishing eating, he wiped her mouth clean and poured her a cup of tea. Then he paid the bill and dragged the little girl to leave the restaurant.

It's not the little girl's going, and it's not going to go.A pair of big eyes glanced at the mother for a while, and then at the brother who was pulling him.The small mouth sips and sips, very charming.

"Little sister, let's go, your mother will come together." After finishing speaking, he pulled the woman out, and Chen Yuqiong also pulled the woman out together.Seeing that her mother was really following behind, the little girl followed Chen Kangjie back to the hotel.

At this time, Chen Kangjie was in a better mood.After asking the elder sister Chen Yuqiong to open another room for the two mothers and daughters, they went upstairs together.

The reason why Chen Kangjie is in a bad mood is that no matter what your reason is for borrowing money and not repaying it, it would be very sinful for such a young child to suffer along with him.It was also for this reason that although he helped the mother and daughter just now, he didn't have much affection and enthusiasm for the adults.

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