rebirth of change

Chapter 2228 Respective Future

"Come on, let's have a drink."

In the restaurant private room of Mengting Hotel, five people, Chen Kangjie, Tan Jian, Chen Wenjie, Ge Zihao, and Chen Jundong, surrounded a table full of good food and wine. Tan Jian stood up with his wine glass full of red.

"Tan Jian, before we toast, we should toast the boss first." Chen Jundong picked up his glass and stood up, but his glass was facing Chen Kangjie.

"Yes, we should give a toast to the boss first. We are able to be what we are today because of the help and support of the boss." Chen Wenjie stood up and said.

"You're right. If it weren't for the boss's foresight and planning, we wouldn't be where we are today. Boss, let's toast you." Ge Zihao stood up and said.

"It's because I didn't think well, it was because I didn't think well, Chen Wen, come on, today we won't get drunk and we won't return. From now on, you are not only my brother, but also my boss who is always looking forward to it. You just have to say something in front of me. Well, if I, Tan Jian, said two things, I would be the grandson of a turtle." Tan Jian slapped his forehead and said.

Chen Kangjie also stood up afterward: "It is fate that we can get together among billions of people. Brothers, say thank you or not, don't be so polite, respect come and go, Let's have a toast, for our youth, and for our friendship that will last forever."

"No, no, the first cup must be respected. This is a matter of our attitude. As for youth and friendship, that is the second cup." Chen Jundong waved his hand.

"Well, what Chen Jundong said is right, the first cup is to be respected." Chen Wenjie said.

Of course, Tan Jian and Ge Zihao also agreed immediately.

"Okay then, I'll take it." Chen Kangjie was not that kind of hypocritical person, since they wanted to, they didn't have to refuse.

No matter from the credit or from the usual style, Chen Kangjie can also stand up to the glass of wine they toasted.

This is still Chen Kangjie, if it were someone else, would he share such huge benefits with them?Difficult, very difficult.Even if you take out a little to share with them, you don't know what it will be like.On the contrary, it was Chen Kangjie, as always.

After drinking a glass of wine, the five of them hurriedly sat down to eat their dishes.

Since entering the school, it was the first time for the five of them to sit down and drink baijiu in such a formal way, and today they drank aged Moutai.

Now that I have money, and if I don’t want to get drunk, of course I don’t want to drink good wine.

"I really can't think of it. Before I graduated, I was already a millionaire. Thinking about it, I still feel like I'm in a dream." After eating a shrimp, Ge Zihao sighed excitedly road.

"Isn't that right? Before, I didn't believe that our entrepreneurial project could sell for a sky-high price of 2000 million. At that time, I thought that 3000 million would be the best." Chen Wenjie wiped his mouth and said.

"It also depends on who is operating it. If it's us, then 3000 yuan will be dead, hundreds of millions? Don't even think about it for the rest of your life." Tan Jian took another sip of wine, smashed his mouth and said.

"Boss, you are really a business genius. If you don't do business, you are definitely a reckless talent. Your step-by-step arrangement is really ingenious. According to you, this is about to be a chicken rib, but you are stupefied. Huyou came in and spent more than 1 million yuan. I really don't know whether he should thank you or hate you in the future." Chen Jundong said with emotion.

"Whether it's thanks or resentment, what does it matter? Can he bite me? He begged me to sell it to him, and I didn't take the initiative to find him. I can't see it. Who is to blame? That kind of person Ah, I was blinded by the benefits." Although he had eaten so much money from Dong Huaishan of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Chen Kangjie would not only not thank him, but despised and looked down on him instead.

"That's true, boss, come here, I will toast you alone. This time I go home, I can feel proud. If my parents know that I have studied in college for four years, and I have earned money that they haven't earned for decades. The money, my eyes might fall out of shock." Chen Wenjie leaned close to Chen Kangjie, raised his wine glass and said to him.

"Drink if you want to drink. Don't fix those useless ones. They pay you to go to college because they want you to be better than them. Otherwise, your reading of this book will be meaningless. You will have to deal with it yourself in the future."

The two wine glasses touched each other, and Chen Kangjie and Chen Wenjie drank the wine in the glasses.

"Boss, I would like to toast you too. The luckiest choice in my life was to apply for this school and get to know you." Chen Jundong also wanted to respect Chen Kangjie.

"Mutual, mutual."

So, Chen Kangjie drank another glass of wine.

Seeing Tan Jian and Ge Zihao raise their wine glasses towards him again, Chen Kangjie quickly blocked them.

"I said, it's not like you guys want to get drunk. Don't respect me, you two. I don't want to get drunk so quickly. If you want to drink, you can clink a glass with each other."

Ge Zihao and Tan Jian were stunned for a moment, but they could only touch each other and drank the wine in their glasses.

"Oh, by the way, there is still a sum of money here." After the two put down their wine glasses, Chen Kangjie took out a few bank cards from his jacket pocket and threw one to them each, "The password is the same, 123456, the amount It's the same, both are 200 million, if you want to change the password, you can change it yourself later."

"Boss, why did another 200 million appear?" Picking up the bank card, Tan Jian asked suspiciously.

The others also looked at Chen Kangjie, waiting for his explanation.

"These are the 1000 million that Dong Huaishan bought me alone. Isn't it exactly 200 million for each of the five of us? I didn't say anything about this to Li Chuang Venture Capital." Chen Kangjie explained.

After the deal was concluded, Chen Kangjie only reported to Zhong Kefan according to the amount in the first agreement. According to the equity ratio, Chen Kangjie only distributed 6000 million to Li Chuang Venture Capital.

But it was impossible for him to hide the extra 1000 million from his brothers, not to mention that 1000 million was really nothing to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie doesn't really care much about how much money he makes from the business operation he personally handles this time, but he still enjoys the sense of accomplishment.

"Boss, you take it back. We can't take this money. Brothers, we will never forget that this project was proposed by Chen Wen, and he was the one who gave advice on how to do it. He was the big head of capital, so how did he sell it at a sky-high price? , It is also his credit, you say, this money, do we have the nerve to divide it again? We share the 6000 million with him equally, which is already a great advantage. If we divide the 1000 million again, we will be too bad at being human and aggressive Yes. You have contributed so much, and we won’t complain about taking an extra 1000 million, you deserve it.” Tan Jian handed the bank card back to Chen Kangjie.

"It's true that we can't, boss, you still took it back. Each of us has 1000 and [-] million, which is enough, and we are very content." Chen Jundong followed suit and did the same.

After Ge Zihao and Chen Wenjie said similar things, they also returned the bank card to Chen Kangjie.

"What do you mean by this? Do you want me to take advantage of you? Take it all for me, chirping and crooked. Oh, you are affectionate, am I the only one who is unrighteous? If you still recognize me as the boss, it's his mother Accept it for me, if you feel sorry, then fill the glass yourself." After reprimanding them with a straight face, Chen Kangjie threw the bank card to them again.

If Chen Kangjie refused nicely, it probably wouldn't work. If he spoke so harshly, Tan Jian and the others couldn't hold on anymore.

The last four people looked at me and I looked at you. They had no choice but to be so moved that they each drank a large glass of wine.

A glass of wine is worth 200 million. Where can we find such a good thing? Others can only hope that the more the better, but facing Chen Kangjie, they can only keep his friendship in their hearts.A boss who doesn't take advantage of his brothers is the real boss.

"You will be graduating soon. What are your plans? In order to engage in this project, you failed to pass the postgraduate entrance examination." A few minutes later, in order to break the cohesive atmosphere, Chen Kangjie asked.

"My father told me to go back to Mingzhu. He arranged for me to work. I am also conflicted now." Chen Jundong took a bite of the dish.

"What's so contradictory about this? Civil servants are pretty good too. Their status is high and their remuneration is not bad. With your father taking care of them, the future is still good. But, don't be a corrupt official, otherwise, brother, I won't recognize you." .” Chen Kangjie said lightly.

"I have more than 1000 million yuan, so there is no need for corruption."

"That's good, Chen Wenjie, what about you? Do you want to go back and set up your furniture factory? I know that what your parents want is for you to go back and inherit the mantle and the family business." Chen Kangjie Then he turned to Chen Wenjie and asked.

"I am also conflicted now. They have always thought that way, but now that I have capital, I feel that I can do something else."

"Look down on the furniture factory at home? Let me tell you, if you are really capable, the furniture industry can also become a big industry. In the future, a good furniture company can become a big business worth hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions." From the consortium." Chen Kangjie encouraged.

"I'll think about it again." Chen Wenjie was obviously moved.

"Hehe, then think about it carefully. No matter what you do, I believe you will succeed, as long as you don't break the law and discipline. Where is the mouse? What do you think?"

"My family doesn't have any arrangements for me. There are only two clothing stores in my family. There are no good grassroots ones. I want to take another postgraduate entrance examination and continue to be a classmate with you. I don't think I have learned enough from you yet." Ge Zihao stared Looking at Chen Kangjie said.

"Isn't it enough? I don't object to your idea of ​​continuing your studies, but don't focus on me. Your hobbies may not be the same as mine. It's important to choose the industry you like to do."

"That's right, Mouse, the boss is a graduate student. By the time you pass the exam, he's already in his second year of graduate school. Moreover, the boss is studying for a graduate student with interdisciplinary majors. If you take the interdisciplinary exam, the difficulty is not ordinary. By the way, boss. , I don’t get it, why does the school guarantee you a postgraduate study that is interdisciplinary?” Tan Jian said.

"If you don't understand it, then don't do it. What do you want to do?" Chen Kangjie wouldn't explain it to him.

"Hehe, hehe." Tan Jian scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "I want to go back to real estate. Now that I have funds, I should be able to open a real estate company. I am not interested in continuing to study or being a civil servant. "

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