rebirth of change

Chapter 2255 The Joke Is Big

As soon as he heard that Chen Kangjie had been arrested and taken to the East Street Police Station, Chen Qigang jumped up on the sofa: "What? You were taken to the police station? What's going on? Tell me clearly. What did you do?"

Chen Kangjie stared speechlessly, and said depressedly: "Dad, can't you think of something better? What can I do? Really, I was punished by someone. Of course, it was also for you. Otherwise, I wouldn't want to suffer this pain in vain."

"What, please explain clearly to me." Chen Qigang didn't sound so easy to understand Chen Kangjie's words.

"The thing is like this..." So Chen Kangjie succinctly described the ins and outs of the matter from beginning to end, "That's the way it is. As for how you want to use it against Tang Quan, then It depends on your decision and choice. Don't worry, I didn't suffer any disadvantages in it, and I believe I will be back soon. Remember, don't tell my mother, lest she find out and worry."

"Okay, then I know, I will keep an eye on this matter. Since you are already prepared, I will not intervene so early."

"Well, dad, you've improved your skills again, you're laughing too hard, haha." Chen Kangjie was locked up at the police station, still in the mood to joke with Chen Qigang.

"Brat, do you think I haven't made any progress?" Chen Qigang said kindly.

"Of course not, of course not, I said the wrong thing, I said the wrong thing, hehe, your lord has a lot, if you forgive me, please forgive me." Chen Kangjie quickly apologized with a playful smile on his face.

After answering Chen Kangjie's call, Chen Qigang collapsed on the sofa, lit a cigarette and began to think.Now that his son has set up a platform for himself and drafted the script, then Chen Qigang plans to continue to perform this play well, otherwise he would be too sorry for his son's dedication and dedication.

On Chen Kangjie's side, after making this call, he simply sat down with peace of mind, leaning against the wall to take a nap and rest.

On the contrary, Wang Lun was neither standing nor sitting.

"Brother Wang, sit down and have a rest. You must be tired after standing for so long." Sensing that Wang Lun was not sitting down, Chen Kangjie simply waved at him.

Wang Lun was about to sit next to Chen Kangjie when the door of the room was opened again.

Chen Kangjie slightly opened his eyes and looked, Lu Ziyao and Tang Xiaoqiang came in with a policeman, who was still holding a stun gun in his hand.

"It's quite comfortable. I can still sit and sleep. I admire it, I really admire it." Tang Xiaoqiang was naturally upset when he saw Chen Kangjie sitting there comfortably, so he teased him.

"You don't have to admire, you won't be able to sleep soon." Chen Kangjie glanced at him disdainfully, and then said contemptuously.

Only Wang Lun could understand what this meant. When Tang Xiaoqiang, Lu Ziyao, and especially Tang Quan knew that it was Chen Kangjie who was imprisoned, it would be strange that they could sleep.This is not only because Chen Kangjie is Chen Qigang's son, but because he himself has such great influence and intimidation.

"Haha, hahaha, you're still stubborn when you're about to die. After a while, we'll see who can't sleep, and who's worse off than dead." Tang Xiaoqiang laughed arrogantly.

For this kind of self-righteous idiot, Chen Kangjie really couldn't arouse the interest in fighting back against him, so he simply didn't dump him, and turned to look at Lu Ziyao: "Why, the gun was out of bullets just now, and now I have another one?"

"That gun has no bullets, but this gun will never run out of power." Lu Ziyao smiled evilly.

Lu Ziyao didn't want to shoot, but he didn't object to stun guns, and was even a little happy to do so.Anyway, stun guns won't leave any eye-catching scars or evidence. As long as they don't admit it, others will have nothing to do with them.

"That's not good. It's not impossible for the police station to lose power." Chen Kangjie continued to sit there, ignoring the other party's threats.

"What are you talking about so much nonsense with him? Hurry up and let him go, so I can vent my anger." Tang Xiaoqiang was completely ignored by Chen Kangjie, he couldn't accept it, and said impatiently.

Lu Ziyao made a gesture, and his subordinates were about to show off against Chen Kangjie and the others with stun guns in their hands.This time Wang Lun was finally brave enough to stand in front of Chen Kangjie and spread his hands to protect him.

And the policeman didn't care who was standing in front of him, he was ordered to punish both of them, so it didn't make much difference who came first.

However, just as the policeman was about to emit electricity, someone knocked on the door from the outside.

"Who the hell, can you understand something, knock, knock!" Lu Ziyao was very impatient, and walked over to open the door.

Standing outside the door was a policewoman.

"Peng Min, what are you doing? What are you doing? I don't know if I'm busy? I'll talk about it later." Even though it was the first female policeman outside, Lu Ziyao still didn't show a good face.

"Director Lu, four lawyers came downstairs to bail out the prisoner inside." Peng Min flashed a moment of embarrassment, but finally summoned up his courage and said.

"Lawyer? Bail? I thought it was a Hong Kong movie, let them come and go, they don't understand any rules, really." I don't know whether Lu Ziyao is criticizing his subordinates for not knowing the rules or criticizing the lawyer for not knowing the rules, anyway, his Domineering is obvious.

"Director Lu...I'm afraid it's hard to refuse..." The female policeman seemed very embarrassed.

"What's wrong with refusing? You just tell them directly, can they still bite you and rob you?" Lu Ziyao became angry again when he saw that his instruction was declined.

"Comrade policeman, we can neither bite nor rob people. However, we have the right and the obligation to provide relevant legal services for our clients. We don't know why you want to be so rude." Lu Ziyao said After finishing speaking, four middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes walked up the corridor, and one of them, a tall man wearing glasses, said.

"Who are you?" Lu Ziyao stared at the tall man with an unfriendly expression and asked.

"Director Lu, Director Lu, right? My name is Zhang Shanzheng, and this is my relevant certificate." As he spoke, Zhang Shanzheng handed his work permit to Lu Ziyao, "These three are my colleagues, and we are all He is the legal advisor of China Future Metallurgical Group and the attorney representing Mr. Chen Kangjie."

Lu Ziyao's heart tightened, and he accepted Zhang Shanzheng's certificate unnaturally.

Lu Ziyao didn't immediately realize who Chen Kangjie was, but he must pay attention to the China Future Metallurgical Group.

China Future Metallurgical Group is a large-scale and powerful enterprise in southern Jiangxi. Its reputation is not only in the province, but also in the country.This enterprise is a key protection object in the province. Almost every provincial leader will go to this company to inspect the work. Leaders from the central government seem to have to go to this company when they arrive in southern Jiangxi.This shows that the influence of this enterprise is not ordinary.

But now that the four legal advisers of this company have collectively come to this small temple, Lu Ziyao has to pay attention to it.

After confirming that Zhang Shanzheng's certificate was not forged, Lu Ziyao returned his certificate with respectful hands.

"Guys, you are welcome, but what did you say that you are here at our police station?"

"We are here to provide services to our client, Director Lu, we hope we can meet with our client, and if possible, we would like to release on bail." Zhang Shanzheng said.

"I don't know who your client is..." Lu Ziyao already had a bad feeling, but he still didn't know what was wrong.

"Chen Kangjie is the Chen Kangjie who was captured by someone you led for no reason." Zhang Shanzheng said, staring at Lu Ziyao angrily.

Not to mention Zhang Shanzheng's ability as a famous lawyer, but Ye Tangsen's strong confession to him, it is impossible for him to be weak in front of Lu Ziyao.

Ye Tangsen directly ordered them to drop everything and rush to the Dongjie Police Station non-stop. At that time, Zhang Shanzheng didn't know what he was going to the Dongjie Police Station.He only found out when he was talking on the phone with Ye Tangsen in the car that he was here to provide legal services to Chen Kangjie.At that time, Ye Tangsen's tone was unquestionable, he simply gave a death order, that is, no matter what method they took, they must bring Chen Kangjie out, and they had to follow Chen Kangjie's instructions during the whole process.Ye Tangsen even said something he had never said before, that is, if this matter is not handled well, then don't go back.

You know, Zhang Shanzheng and the others are attached to the China Future Metallurgical Group, which is a matter of fame and fortune.If the China Future Metallurgical Group is lost, the four of them will immediately lose their identities and status, and even face some unpredictable difficulties.

"Lu Ziyao, what are you doing so long-winded? After you've dismissed him, come back and get down to business." Tang Xiaoqiang, who had waited for a long time without any movement, also rushed out of the door.

"Young Master Qiang, these guys are from the China Future Metallurgical Group. They are here to find... What did you just say? Chen Kangjie? Is that Chen Kangjie?" Lu Ziyao originally wanted to explain to Tang Xiaoqiang, but It took him a while to recall the name Chen Kangjie, his expression changed immediately, and he became nervous.

"That's Chen Kangjie, our Olympic bid ambassador, Olympic champion, and world celebrity. He has been arrested by someone you led. As for what crime he committed, we don't know." Zhang Shanzheng nodded, looked at Lu Ziyao and Tang Xiaoqiang said meaningfully.

"Buzz!" As soon as Zhang Shanzheng finished speaking, Lu Ziyao and Tang Xiaoqiang were stunned.

Is it necessary to make such a big joke?

"Director Lu, don't listen to him fooling around. There is no such thing as Chen Kangjie here. Really, if there is, don't you know? Cut, I really think we are bumpkins. You guys, hurry up, I don't care about you Whose lawyer is it, my father is Tang Quan, you came here to play wild, and found the wrong place." After Tang Xiaoqiang was shocked, he reacted very quickly.

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