rebirth of change

Chapter 226 Luo Zirong's Guest

Chapter 220 Six, Luo Zirong's Guest

After receiving Chen Kangjie's promise to meet Qiu Yi, Luo Zirong finally let go of a stone in his heart, walked quickly back to the office where Qiu Yi was waiting for him, and informed Deputy Mayor Qiu of the news.

"How is it?" Seeing Luo Zirong coming back, Qiu Yi asked kindly. From this point, it can be seen that although Qiu Yi used dialectical thinking, he was still afraid of what might happen.

"Believe it or not," Luo Zirong replied easily with a smile, but then continued: "When I called just now, he was at Mayor He's house. I told you what you meant, and he promised to chat with you. Look, Where is the right place to meet?"

Although Luo Zirong didn't speak too bluntly, the meaning was already clear.Since Chen Kangjie was at Mayor He's house and promised to meet him, it showed that Mayor He had not changed his attitude towards him from the side. After grasping this detail, Qiu Yi was really relieved.

But then thinking of Luo Zirong's question about where is the right place to meet, Qiu Yi was a little embarrassed again. This place is not easy to choose, and it really takes a lot of thinking.

Choosing to visit Mayor He's house is very sincere, but there are some things that are not good to say in front of Mayor He. If you choose to visit him in your office, it is tantamount to Chen Kangjie visiting you. In the office, it would look too formal, which is not conducive to emotional communication. He also thought of hotels and teahouses in the past, but it seemed a bit boring. If Chen Kangjie was an adult, it would be the same. Drinking wine and drinking tea are pretty good. The problem is that it is a "child" who is eleven or twelve years old.

Qiu Yi really couldn't think of a perfect place, but he immediately took a selfie and blamed himself secretly. Luo Zirong was right in front of him, why didn't he listen to his opinion?He has dealt with Chen Kangjie before.

"Old Luo, where do you think it is appropriate to meet? Let me give you an idea."

Luo Zirong observed Qiu Yi and thought about it for a long time, but he didn't come up with anything. He knew that this matter still had to fall on him. Really remember your favor.

"Well, then go to my house. I'm transferred to the district. It happens that none of you have been to my house, so I'll invite him to my house as a guest!" Luo Zirong replied without thinking too much.

"That's right, it's best to go to your house, Lao Luo, brother, thank you very much," Qiu Yi said sincerely.

Being able to invite both parties to his home as guests, from this point of view, Luo Zirong is really benevolent and righteous. Qiu Yi deeply understands this, so the words of thanks are loud and loud.

Luo Zirong is indeed willing to go all out. From the beginning, he intervened in this matter because he wanted the bear's paw and no fish. In the end, the fish came on his own initiative. Qiu Yi said that the bear's paw was saved, so he hoped to harvest more fish from Qiu Yi.

"Mayor Qiu, let's not talk about thanking you. I'm helping myself. I led a team to deal with this matter, so there must be a result, right? I just want to use this opportunity to discuss with Chen Kangjie what should be done." How to deal with the aftermath, and, let’s just explain it in plain language, you and I are both on Mayor He’s side, and it’s right to drag each other, don’t you think so?” Even if he wanted Qiu Yi to owe him favors, Luo Zirong couldn’t do that "Naked" and "naked", so he said half-truth, no matter what the meaning was, at least the attitude was very frank.

"Yes, we should pull each other out, so I'll go back and prepare first, and I'll go directly to your house later." Now that we've finished talking, it's time for Qiu Yi to go back and prepare. Don't say anything else, the first time If he went to Luo Zirong's house, he couldn't go empty-handed, not to mention that Chen Kangjie would also go, so he could only let Chen Kangjie go first and go later by himself. It's all scruples.

Qiu Yi's good intentions Luo Zirong didn't know eight points, but guessed seven points. From the perspective of connection, it could only be like this, because Luo Zirong had to pick up Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie didn't even know where he lived. Mayor Qiu could at least Ask the secretary and the driver to inquire.

After Qiu Yi left, Luo Zirong contacted Chen Kangjie, straight to the point and asked him to visit his home, and made it clear that Qiu Yi would also go.Since Chen Kangjie has agreed, he can meet anywhere, not to mention that Luo Zirong has visited him several times in Liuzhi, but he has never paid a return visit. Yu Li couldn't explain it either.

Qiu Yi's time was very accurate. After Luo Zirong and Chen Kangjie arrived at his home for about ten minutes, Qiu Yi was "long overdue".

"District Chief Luo, I'm bothering you."

"Mayor Qiu, welcome, welcome."

When Luo Zirong extended Qiu Yi in from outside the door, the two of them inevitably had to say a few words of politeness. Although some things were tacit, the etiquette that should be said still cannot be ignored.

Qiu Yi followed Luo Zirong to the living room, where a handsome child sat on the sofa under the wall, flipping through a provincial newspaper casually.Needless to say, Qiu Yi knew that this child should be Chen Kangjie.

Qiu Yi wanted to say hello, but he didn't know how to say it, and he couldn't even grasp how to call him.

"Mayor Qiu, this is Chen Kangjie, the consultant of Hongyuan Investment. They are the six children of Chen Qigang." Vice Mayor Qiu Yi"

"Hello, Consultant Chen"

"Hello, Mayor Chen"

After Luo Zirong's introduction, the two people who knew each other well put down their pretense and greeted each other.

This title is very particular. First of all, when Qiu Yi introduced Chen Kangjie, he introduced his position first, which clearly treated Chen Kangjie as an adult or even a peer.When introducing Qiu Yi, Luo Zirong also named the deputy mayor by name, instead of directly omitting the adverb as in the usual official circles. This is because of He Baoguo. In order to avoid verbal embarrassment and misunderstanding, Luo Zirong had to introduce it according to the actual situation.

As for Qiu Yi and Chen Kangjie greeting each other, Qiu Yi called Chen Kangjie Chen Consultant instead of calling Xiaojie directly like Luo Zirong, because they were not familiar with each other first, but since both of them could sit here face to face, it meant that Chen Kangjie was not a It's a child, Qiu Yi needs to fully understand this. Chen Kangjie's name is Qiu Yiqiu, the mayor, so this is a matter of Chen Kangjie taking care of him. It has nothing to do with others. It is also the courtesy Chen Kangjie should have. Also called "Vice Mayor Qiu, hello", which is a bit of a slap in the face. If Chen Kangjie wants to give He Baoguo and Luo Zirong face, he should do it thoroughly.

After exchanging pleasantries, the three sat down in sequence.After Luo Zirong personally acted as a waiter and served Qiu Yi a cup of green tea like Chen Kangjie's, he asked his wife, who was busy in the kitchen, to set up a table to serve, and took away the gift that Qiu Yi brought.

Qiu Yi brought a bottle of Moutai, a can of royal jelly, and a box of tea as gifts.Regarding this, Luo Zirong was not too polite, he just said "Why be so polite?" and that was the end of the matter, and Qiu Yi replied "should, should" in only four words.

Anyway, it’s fine if we understand each other, otherwise, excessive politeness and humility will turn out to be hypocritical, it’s impossible to take away what you bring, and it’s impossible to refuse those who receive gifts, so a tacit understanding is reached in an understatement.

After Luo Zirong's wife, Cai Lin, set the table, she took off her scarf and planned to open the door to go out.

"Xiaojie, Mayor Qiu, I'm sorry, let's talk slowly, there is still something to do at the unit, I'll go over," Cai Lin said politely to Chen Kangjie and the others before leaving.

"Aunt Cai, you can eat before leaving. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Yes, Mr. Cai, you can eat before leaving."

The two guests, Chen Kangjie and Qiu Yi, saw that the hostess was leaving, although they knew the reason, otherwise, as a teacher, there would be no reason to work overtime at night, let alone it was a holiday.But even though he has already overwhelmed the guest, he still has to verbally persuade him to stay, otherwise it would be too impolite.

"It's okay, let her do things if she has something to do, she's not an outsider anyway, come, sit down, sit down", asking his wife to find an excuse to leave is what Luo Zirong meant, the three of them have something to talk about, isn't it because of all What kind of secrets will be involved in the chat, but Qiu Yi's face is just scruples. If his wife is present, Qiu Yi may not be able to save face in some words.That being the case, of course Luo Zirong would go along with his wife's wishes and let her leave.

In order to bring Chen Kangjie and Qiu Yi together tonight, Luo Zirong not only asked his wife to find an excuse to leave after preparing the dinner, but even his daughter Luo Ya was sent to play at a classmate's house in advance.

When Chen Kangjie came this time, he planned to visit Luo Zirong's house, so he had prepared gifts in advance.For Luo Zirong's wife is a set of high-end cosmetics, for his daughter Luo Ya is a Walkman, which is left over from Chen Kangjie's gift, and for Luo Zirong is a set of 24 History.

When Luo Ya came back from her classmate's house in the evening and got this small and exquisite Walkman from Chen Kangjie, she was overjoyed, no less excited than Deng Min.After playing with the gift for a long time, she turned around and complained why Luo Zirong didn't let her see this rich and generous little guest.

"Kids, what do you know? We are talking about business. Besides, he is ten times more sensible than you." Luo Zirong said slightly dissatisfied with his daughter's teasing address to Chen Kangjie.

"Okay, okay, just cross the river and tear down the bridge, you, if I hadn't suggested you to give me big pears last time, you would still be scratching your head." Luo Ya was a bit spoiled at home, so she didn't take Luo Zirong's words seriously at all, and instead teased him .

Luo Zirong did the same thing, he could only sigh and shake his head.His wife, Cai Lin, didn't help her anywhere, but went to her room to try the cosmetics sent by Chen Kangjie, because just by looking at the packaging, she knew that this was a high-end product that her husband couldn't afford, so why not try it out quickly? some.

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