"Boom, boom." With two consecutive loud sounds, two grenades exploded not far from Chen Kangjie, and two and a half meters of craters were created on the ground, and the blasted soil splashed and fell on Chen Kangjie. body.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie had been trained. When he jumped down, he supported his upper body with his palms, and his chest was five or six centimeters away from the ground. Apart from the buzzing in his ears, the explosion did not have any substantial impact on him.

As a pre-emptive measure, the two gunmen were able to smoothly attack Chen Kangjie.But immediately, what they faced was the vicious counterattack of Chen Kangjie's bodyguards.

Just when Chen Kangjie gave a warning and fell down, Xiong Ziqiang and the others beside him were already drawing their guns.

As soon as the opponent's gunshot rang, their guns were drawn out, and they basically raised their guns and shot at each other before they had time to aim.

If they didn't take aim, their accuracy might be reduced. However, they also had an advantage in doing so, that is, they messed up the opponent's position and prevented them from doing things calmly. To a certain extent, it was also a disguised form of protection for Chen Kangjie.

When Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu were shooting, Samidov and Alyosha, who were waiting beside the car, used the cover of the car body to draw out their guns and joined the battle.

And John Jimmy, Pillard, Chris, Michaels, and Jobbury, who were in charge of peripheral security, moved towards Chen Kangjie's position and joined the battle group as soon as the gunshot fired.

Those two attackers, apart from the threat they had made to Chen Kangjie by surprise in the first round, it would be very difficult for them to have a good chance later on.They received counterattacks not only from the front, but also from all directions.So, soon, the two of them were shot into a hornet's nest.

Although this sudden attack did not pose too serious a threat to Chen Kangjie, did not hurt him or his bodyguards, but in such a fierce battle, it was inevitable that some people would be affected by Yuchi.

Originally, the filming was over, and the whole team relaxed immediately. Everyone was walking leisurely to finish work, and some people were still talking about where to go for fun after work.Unexpectedly, when the gunshot rang out, their leisurely life was broken.Those who have experience will immediately lie down or find the nearest object to hide, but those who have no experience in dealing with emergencies will run around when they are startled, aimlessly.However, this kind of running around without purpose and self-protection has become the most dangerous action in this kind of preemption.



Chen Kangjie lay on the ground and heard several screams.There is no doubt that someone has definitely been shot.

"Jie Shao, it's okay. The attackers have been eliminated." Xiong Ziqiang held a gun in his right hand and supported Chen Kangjie with his left hand.

Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu, one on the left and one on the right, raised their guns on guard.

Chen Kangjie got up from the ground, looked around, and saw several film crew members lying on the grass bleeding and crying.

"How are you? Hold on, I'll take you to the hospital right away." Chen Kangjie ran over and helped up a fat middle-aged woman who was closest to him. He remembered that this woman was Chang Ji, but he didn't expect that she was smiling just now. , but now I can't move.

"Call an ambulance, call an ambulance, call the police, did someone call the police?" Chen Kangjie knelt on the ground, put his arms around the woman, and shouted loudly to the surroundings.

"I've already called, and the ambulance and the police will be there in a few minutes." A staff member ran over from behind the equipment box and replied.

"Long... Am I going to die? I feel like I'm about to lose consciousness..." The woman raised her right hand and said nervously looking at the blood on her hand.

Chen Kangjie looked down, and there was an eye-catching blood gurgling on the belly where he moved his hand away.

Chen Kangjie hurriedly took off his shirt and covered his wound: "No, no, you will be fine, it's just a small injury, we still have to work together, don't worry, be strong, I believe you will be fine It will get better soon."

At this time, Chen Kangjie didn't know if his injury was really serious, but, facing such an innocent victim, Chen Kangjie could only comfort and cheer her up, hoping that she could get over it.

"Okay, okay...I believe you..." the woman said weakly.

"I'm sorry, I've troubled you all." Chen Kangjie said apologetically, hugging the injured man.

In other places, some team members are also doing their best to rescue the injured, and we cannot pin all our hopes on the ambulance.

"Jie Shao, we have to leave here, it's not safe here." Xiong Ziqiang said after checking the two attackers who were killed.

"How can I leave at this time, they are all injured because of me, I can't leave them alone." Chen Kangjie said stubbornly.

"Jie Shao, you won't be of much help if you stay here. They should be handed over to the police and medical staff. It's not safe here yet. We don't know if there are other dangers." Xiong Ziqiang raised his voice to persuade.

"Who are those two people?" Chen Kangjie shook his head and asked, changing the subject.

These injured people are all his employees and subordinates. They all work for him, and they are injured because of him. At this time, let Chen Kangjie escape for his own safety. Take charge.

"It's two people from the Middle East, but they haven't found any relevant documents or items that can prove their identities. John Jimmy is sorting them out further, hoping to find some clues." Xiong Ziqiang replied .

"People from the Middle East... I probably guessed who it would be. It seems that no one would hate me that much except them." Chen Kangjie thought for a while and said slowly.

In fact, there are very few people who hate Chen Kangjie, but some people don't know his identity, and some people will not take such broad daylight attacks.

"Jie Shao, are you talking about bin Laden's group?" Xiong Ziqiang rolled his eyes and asked immediately.

"Besides them, it's hard to analyze it as someone else." Chen Kangjie said with a cold face.

The very penetrating siren and the sound of an ambulance came from a distance. Judging from the sound, no matter whether it was a police car or an ambulance, they were not far away from them.

"Jie Shao, let's go, the police will come soon, let them deal with it. Even if you don't care about the danger, it will be troublesome to cooperate with their investigation after the police come." Xiong Ziqiang pricked up his ears and listened , made a suggestion to Chen Kangjie again.

Thinking about it, what Xiong Ziqiang said made sense. If the police came, Chen Kangjie and the others would be taken to the police station for questioning and assisting in the investigation.If they left the scene, the police would have no choice but to come to the door for questioning.

"Wait a little longer, the ambulance is here, and the police are here, and you will be fine soon." In regret, Chen Kangjie put the woman on the grass again.

The woman didn't speak any more, but nodded to Chen Kangjie with difficulty.

Chen Kangjie stood up from the ground, and Liu Deyi handed him a shirt.

Liu Deyi was not injured at all. He was pulled down by Chen Kangjie and fell to the ground on his side, so the explosion of the grenade did not shake his heart.After getting up, take a rest and you'll be fine.Seeing that Chen Kangjie's shirt was taken off and someone covered it to stop the bleeding, he went to the car to fetch another one for Chen Kangjie.

After Chen Kangjie put on his shirt indiscriminately, surrounded by Xiong Ziqiang and the others, he walked towards another off-road vehicle.

The station wagon he was riding in just now had several single holes left in the body by bullets. Whether it was for safety or for face considerations, that car could no longer be used.

"Deyi, you stay and contact the company to deal with the aftermath. The medical expenses of these people will be paid in full. Later, pensions will be given according to the severity of the situation. Tell them that the expenses will be deducted from my income." While walking, Chen Kangjie gave Liu Deyi instructions road.

By Chen Kangjie's side, Liu Deyi was able to represent him, and it was perfect for him to stay and assist in the process.He himself has experience studying abroad, and it is easier for Xiong Ziqiang and the others to deal with the local government.

"If they ask you, how will you answer?" Liu Deyi asked.

"Just say that I was frightened and went back to recuperate. You can play the rest according to your circumstances. Anyway, we don't know the attackers and have nothing to do with us. As for their motives, it is the police's business." Walking to the car door, Chen Kangjie left a word and got in the car and left.

The loss of a station wagon will not have much impact on Chen Kangjie's actions. They already have a convoy, and with the loss of a car, the others can squeeze in as well.

Before Chen Kangjie and the others went to First Avenue, they saw a row of police cars and ambulances roaring towards them, passing them by.

"Jie Shao, after this incident, you should not be able to continue filming your mv, right?" Xiong Ziqiang, who was sitting with Chen Kangjie, asked.

"Besides, I'm not a person who is scared just by such a small thing. I hope that those injured will not have any serious problems, otherwise, I will feel uneasy."

"It's none of your business. You don't have to blame yourself for it. No one wants this kind of thing to happen. Since it happened, we can only face it calmly." Xiong Ziqiang comforted.

"CNN's news broadcast van is also here." Dong Mingshu, who was driving, said.

Chen Kangjie looked out of the car window, and indeed saw a white OB van approaching at a fast speed. The signal transmitter and the CNN logo on the car were very eye-catching.

Fortunately, they left. If they waited a little longer and were caught by the media, it would be difficult to deal with them.In the face of such a big news, if CNN moves, it is probably difficult for other media to turn a blind eye.

It didn't take long for the OB van of CNN to pass by before the convoy entered the main road from the auxiliary road. A van cut in obliquely and squeezed in between the vehicle in the middle where Chen Kangjie was riding and the vehicle in front.

"Fuck, how did you drive? You bastard." Dong Mingshu cursed and hurriedly applied the brakes to avoid the collision of the two cars.

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