rebirth of change

Chapter 2276 Weird Things

After a while of busy work, Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang set up and adjusted the equipment after getting familiar with and exploring.

"Jie Shao, actually we don't need to get this sound collector. You just want to see it. A good telescope will do. At most, it's a camera equipment. That thing doesn't seem to be very meaningful." Xiong Ziqiang squatted He stood up, stretched his waist and said.

"Then you didn't say it earlier, it made us mess up for a long time, and you only say it now that it's all done." Chen Kangjie gave Xiong Ziqiang a white look, and then stretched himself.

It took Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang a lot of time and energy to set up and debug the sound collection equipment.This kind of thing can't ask other professionals to help. Thinking about it now, Chen Kangjie also thinks that the thing is not very useful and meaningful, and they don't need to collect any special sounds.Is it possible to eavesdrop on the chats and business talks of people in the opposite office building?Chen Kangjie really didn't have much interest in this.

"How can you blame me? I thought you had a special purpose." Xiong Ziqiang felt wronged.

Chen Kangjie smiled helplessly: "You shouldn't bring it up. If you don't mention it, we won't regret it. Now that everything is done, what's the point of talking about it, haha."

"After a long time, I'm still to blame, why am I so unlucky!" Xiong Ziqiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Come on, don't worry about it, we can't let our efforts go to waste. Let's use this high-tech gadget together to see if we can see or hear some interesting anecdotes." Chen Kangjie put a pair of earphones on his head and said self-deprecatingly.

Anyway, it's already like this, what else can I do besides comforting myself and laughing at myself?

This set of sound collectors mainly uses a small radioactive antenna to collect distant sound waves. After those sound waves are converted by the instrument, they become recognizable sounds.Such equipment is often used by spy agencies, and its longest detection distance can reach two to 300 meters.

Of course, if the other party does not want to be "eavesdropped", they can also do some special isolation treatment when decorating the room, especially the windows.However, ordinary office buildings do not pay such special attention.Under normal circumstances, no one would pay too much attention to them.

If this kind of equipment is combined with a telescope, it will not only be able to hear, but also see.There is an immersive feeling, as if every move of the other party is happening in front of your own eyes.

At night, many people in the World Trade Center had already returned home from get off work, but there were still some brightly lit offices, which indicated that some people were still working overtime.

Also, almost all the companies in the World Trade Center have international business, so due to the time difference, it is normal for some people to serve customers or pay attention to changes in other markets.

After Chen Kangjie and the others turned on all the equipment, they first aimed at those floors and offices that were still lit.Those dark offices with lights out are neither worth seeing nor listening to.

"Master Jie, did you hear that?" Xiong Ziqiang just put it on, and adjusted and swayed the detection antenna with Chen Kangjie's telescope. Chen Kangjie stopped in a room on the sixty-odd floors, and he also stopped.

"What did you hear?" Chen Kangjie asked without looking back, wearing earphones, his eyes already on the telescope.

"The room you look at seems like someone is discussing the Hong Kong stock market," Xiong Ziqiang said.

"What's so strange about this, do you think you can get some inside information from their mouths?"

"Is there really an inside story in the stock market? Even if there is, a group of them sitting there boasting and talking, is that still an inside story? Listening to their inside story, it is better to find you and President Ouyang." Xiong Ziqiang is no longer Wuxia Amon. Having known Chen Kangjie for so long, he can be regarded as well-informed.

Others don't know, but Xiong Ziqiang knows something. Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua's operations in the financial, futures, stock and foreign exchange markets are almost all profitable.From this perspective, their news is indeed more reliable than inside information.

"Brother Qiang, you are really getting better at flattering, hahaha." Chen Kangjie laughed teasingly, "This place is nothing to look at, so go look elsewhere."

What Xiong Ziqiang can understand, can Chen Kangjie himself not understand?Chen Kangjie was really not interested in those people's discussions.Since their conversation had no effect on Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie would naturally not be interested in wasting time.

After visiting several places in succession, Chen Kangjie and the others did not encounter anything particularly meaningful.Of course, if Leng wanted to say anything, it was nothing more than a manager and a clerk having an affair in a certain company's office.

The two deliberately chose to leave the office at the end, just to have a chance to be intimate with each other. Hearing the two of them talking about the incomparably nasty love words and doing the invisible things, Chen Kangjie only felt a little disgusted.If Tan Jian was there, he must be very interested in such things.

"Forget it, that's it. There's nothing worth seeing or listening to. Put it away, let's go back. Wang Wei and Samidov are probably dozing off outside." After looking at a few more places, Chen Kangjie was in high spirits. Said plainly.

"Also, if the information you got is true, then the real highlight will be tomorrow, not tonight." Xiong Ziqiang agreed.

However, just as Chen Kangjie was shaking the binoculars and was about to take off the earphones, he saw a figure walking in a room that had already been turned off. Voice.

It's the middle of the night, and the lights in the room have been turned off, so why are there still people and strange noises?Chen Kangjie was puzzled.

"Wait a minute, stop for a while, and transfer to the room with lights off on the 64th floor." With this doubt, interest will arise, and interest will arise, and Chen Kangjie wants to find out.

Chen Kangjie doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, even though he himself was reborn with the help of a god.Chen Kangjie wouldn't think that there was any ghost in that room, but he didn't know what it was.

"Stop, stop, it's here, it's here." Chen Kangjie directed Xiong Ziqiang to swing the detection antenna.

"Young Master Jie, it's dark, there's nothing, and there's no sound at the same time. Did you notice something just now?" After stopping at Chen Kangjie's request, Xiong Ziqiang took a closer look, but saw nothing. Didn't hear anything unusual either.

"Strange, just now I clearly saw a figure in that place, and also heard a strange sound, why didn't it disappear?" Chen Kangjie wondered.

"Jie Shao, could it be that you have hallucinations?"

"A hallucination? Could it be a hallucination? It shouldn't be. It was clearly real just now. Let's wait..." Chen Kangjie still believed in his strange vision and hearing, and it was impossible to see and hear Simultaneously hallucinating.

However, after waiting for another 2 minutes, nothing appeared. Just when Chen Kangjie was about to feel unconfident that he might really be hallucinating, the strange situation appeared again.

"Look, do you see it, do you see it?" Chen Kangjie patted Xiong Ziqiang excitedly and said.

"I see, I see, two figures, strange thing, could it be two thieves?" In the binoculars, Xiong Ziqiang saw two figures walking back and forth in a room without lights.

"It's not like, they don't look for things, and they don't look like they are looking for things. The World Trade Center is not a place where thieves can go in casually." Chen Kangjie observed seriously.

"That's right... I heard the sound of thud, thump, thud, they seem to be smashing something... It's like hitting a wall." This time, Xiong Ziqiang not only saw, Moreover, he also heard a strange sound.

I can't be sure if the sound is hitting the wall, but it must be hitting something with a hammer.It's just that the other party didn't speak, so they couldn't know exactly what they were doing.

"Jie Shao, on the 32nd floor, look on the 32nd floor, there seem to be people in the two unlit rooms." Not long after, Xiong Ziqiang discovered similar abnormalities in other places.

Chen Kangjie adjusted the binoculars to the place instructed by Xiong Ziqiang, and indeed saw figures walking across the two rooms.

This time, due to the angle, Chen Kangjie and the others couldn't see how many people there were.However, after the detection antenna was aligned, a similar "boom, boom, boom." sound was heard from those two rooms.

Strange, really weird, since they're still staying in the office, why don't they turn on the lights?Moreover, what office has such a vibrating sound?

However, something even stranger is yet to come.After Chen Kangjie and the others searched around those rooms with lights off, they found that several rooms had similar situations.

There are figures and voices, but no one speaks.The lights in the room were not turned on, and Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang couldn't see clearly what he was doing. They could only vaguely see some people walking around.

Weird thing, really fmd weird thing.Chen Kangjie couldn't figure it out. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure out why.

That kind of situation in a room may be accidental, a coincidence.But similar things happened in several rooms, so it wouldn't be a coincidence or a coincidence, it should be a certain pattern.It's just that Chen Kangjie still doesn't understand what the law is.

Such a strange scene lasted for more than an hour before it returned to calm, moreover, it returned to calm almost at the same time.

On the way back to the hotel after leaving that room, Chen Kangjie kept thinking about this situation in his mind.The more he didn't understand, the more he wanted to understand.

It's a pity that the content obtained is really limited, and Chen Kangjie didn't solve the doubts in his heart all night.

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