rebirth of change

Chapter 2278 There is a plane there

"Long, your idea is really ingenious. It seems that this is the first time I have seen someone being interviewed on a helicopter." Going up to the top floor of the hotel, Streisand shrugged as she looked at the helicopter parked in the center of the building. Said.

"In this era, what is needed is ingenuity. If everyone follows the rules, how can we make progress and create new ideas?" Chen Kangjie spread his hands and showed a charming smile.

"Yeah, with the whole of New York as the background, it's indeed a great attraction. But, Long, aren't you worried that the noise of the helicopter will impress you?" After glancing at the surrounding reinforced concrete forest, Streisand looked at Chen Kangjie asked.

"That seems to be your business, not mine." Chen Kangjie replied beautifully and responsibly.

The noise was really not within the scope of Chen Kangjie's consideration. Anyway, at that time, others would no longer care about what Chen Kangjie said. The pictures they saw were enough to shock them.

"Well, it's superfluous. In addition to me and the camera operator, I also arranged for a radio operator to be on the plane." Chen Kangjie's "rogue" made Streisand lose her temper completely.

"No problem, I can sit down." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie straightened his wind-torn hair and walked towards the helicopter.

Today's arrangement is a medium-sized helicopter, which can accommodate 9 people in addition to two technicians, so one more person or two people is not a problem at all.

"Turn on the equipment, let's start." As soon as Chen Kangjie moved, Streisand gave orders to her assistant and cameraman.

Since it is an ingenious interview, today's interview is destined to be much more casual, unlike in the office, where the questions and the manuscript are first matched, and then the order is given to go through the motions.So Streisand not only wanted to show the audience the content of Chen Kangjie's conversation, but he even wanted to show his every minute move.

Due to the program preview in advance, tens of thousands of "lobsters" are waiting in front of the TV. When they saw Chen Kangjie stepping on the helicopter, they were excited.

After Streisand became the president of Suncloud News Group, she took the lead in rectifying the following TV stations, improving efficiency and changing program content.His purpose is to integrate several TV stations into one, and then expand its coverage and increase ratings.Streisand hopes that its newspapers can become national newspapers, and the TV station can also become a national TV station. In addition, Streisand has also set up a news website. When newspapers and TV cannot cover the whole United States, online media can play a role in the early stage. leading role.

The name of the company Sun Cloud was not chosen by Chen Kangjie, but by Streisand himself. Sun Cloud is referred to as SC News Corporation.

According to Streisand's explanation, the sun represents light, and the clouds are trying to block the light.The news media is often a trade-off between the sun and the cloud. They need to report the truth, but there are always people who hope that they can help cover the truth.So he took such a name, put the sun in front and the clouds in the back, hoping that the sun can penetrate the clouds and bring light to the public.

As soon as Streisand explained, Chen Kangjie thought it was very good, so Streisand became the president of SC News Corporation.

Today is the day with the best ratings after the integration of SC TV station under Sun Cloud News Group.During the integration process of several TV stations, the ratings were more or less affected and impacted. Today's live broadcast of Chen Kangjie's interview, Streisand hopes to raise the ratings that have dropped and restore more viewers.

Streisand still doesn't know that today will not only be the day with the highest ratings for sc TV, but also the day when it will become famous. As the first TV station in the world to live broadcast the 911 process, it is impossible not to attract attention.

"Long, I'm very glad that you can accept my interview here. It's the first time I boarded a helicopter and interviewed a very important public figure in the air. It's really the first time for me. I'm both excited and nervous." Streisand followed closely After boarding the helicopter, his microphone was directed at Chen Kangjie.

Everyone aboard the helicopter is required to wear earphones, not only to block out the noise, but also to make each other's conversations audible.When Streisand stretched out the microphone, the radio engineer also prepared the radio equipment. His purpose was to let the audience in front of the TV hear Chen Kangjie's voice more clearly.

Of course, Chen Kangjie will not be alone, Xiong Ziqiang, John Jimmy, and Wang Wei will also follow, but they will not appear in the camera to steal the spotlight.

"Actually, I don't want to do this either. The main reason is that I have too little time. Today I will leave New York and return to China, so I can only have a conversation with you on the way to the Kodak Theater. Of course, I can have you by my side , I think it is a wonderful thing to enjoy the cityscape of New York from the air again." When Chen Kangjie answered, the helicopter had already taken off slowly.

"Thank you. Although I have worked in New York for many years, this is the first time I have seen the city from the air. Wow, it is really beautiful." Streisand cast her eyes out of the window, looking at the row upon row of skyscrapers and the quiet Hudson He admired, "Long, for my interview, you can't go in a straight line, give me more time."

Chen Kangjie pretended to hesitate: "Well...well then, let's circle around Manhattan."

In fact, even if Streisand didn't mention it, Chen Kangjie would find a way to let the helicopter circle over Manhattan.It's just that it's better if she proposes it.

"That's great. You are such a good person. I don't understand. How could someone be so frantic and want to assassinate you, a good person like you? This is simply a cowardly and shameless act that makes the world collectively indignant." While chatting, Streisand changed the topic to the righteous way.

"Hehe." Chen Kangjie chuckled, "The world is so big, there are so many wonders. Not everyone in the world is sane, and not everyone is kind and gentle. This problem seems to be easier to explain from your religious beliefs. "

"You mean human nature is evil?" Streisand asked.

"Human nature is inherently evil is generally recognized by Western religions and cultures, but in our East, it emphasizes that human nature is inherently good. Of course, today we are not discussing issues of religious ethics and philosophy. In fact, no matter what kind of discussion it is, we cannot avoid the world. There is always the fact that there are some bad people, otherwise, every country would not need to have a police system and a judicial system. For someone who wants to assassinate me, I don’t know why, maybe they are jealous, maybe they don’t agree with my behavior, or maybe , It is not necessarily true that there are problems in their spiritual world. This question, I think, should be left to the police to answer, and their answer may be more accurate and convincing than what I guess here." Chen Kangjie's The answer was very broad and general, and in the end it was pushed to the police in one sentence.

And now the police haven't come to a conclusion at all. How can they have a clear conclusion if they haven't caught the person in charge?

"Then will you be afraid? Will you be afraid? In our eyes, you are not only tender and kind, but also a man with a strong will." Of course, Streisand hoped that Chen Kangjie would say that he was fearless. Added some compliments.

News also needs to pay attention to perspective and impact. If Chen Kangjie said that he was afraid, not to mention that this might not be what his fans want to see and hear, it doesn’t seem too attractive in terms of gimmicks. .What's more, as a relationship with Chen Kangjie, how could Streisand damage Chen Kangjie's stalwart image?

"Afraid? Afraid? Oh, no, those people are actually cowards. How can we be afraid and fearful in the face of worrying ghosts? In your United States, several presidents have been assassinated, and I have never seen you Americans afraid. Every four years, there are still many outstanding people who are willing to take responsibility to stand up for election. I believe that justice will never be defeated by evil, let alone be intimidated." Chen Kangjie said righteously.

Since you are in the United States, it will be easier to gain recognition and resonance by involving this country and touting this country.Just like when those big figures are interviewed in China, they will more or less mention the good side of China in their conversations.If they dare to slander China, not to mention being scolded, I am afraid that the reporters who interviewed them will also quit.


After the topic was opened, Streisand hurriedly asked some relatively sensitive topics, and Chen Kangjie didn't completely avoid it, he knew what to say and what not to say.

However, what Streisand didn't pay much attention to was that when Chen Kangjie answered his questions, he would glance at the electronic clock above her head from time to time.

The time has come to 46:[-] in the morning, but outside the cabin, there is nothing unusual.

Chen Kangjie seemed a little absent-minded, and he began to doubt himself a little puzzled.

Is it true that the event is no longer happening?Could it be that his own butterfly effect extinguished the fire?He clearly remembered that in the news reports at the time, it was said that the time between the 94th and 98th floors of the North Tower of the World Trade Center was first hit at 8:46:40 in the morning.And now, there are only thirty seconds from this time. Will the event really be rewritten?

When the time came around 8:46:40, Chen Kangjie kept staring at the World Trade Center outside the cabin.It's a pity that nothing happened to those two buildings, and they still stand there unharmed and stand out from the crowd.

The situation has changed, Chen Kangjie is 100% sure.He became a little restless, he was not worried about the loss caused by Ouyang Zhenhua's operation, nor was he worried about how the meeting of compatriots would proceed.What he was more worried about was that if 911/[-] did not happen, the overall international situation would change differently from the original situation, and it is difficult to determine whether this will be good or bad for China.

"Look, there's a plane over there..." Just as Chen Kangjie was distracted, Xiong Ziqiang shouted.

After getting the information from Chen Kangjie, Xiong Ziqiang has been concerned about the situation around the two buildings, so he was the first to discover the abnormality.

(Happy Chinese New Year, I wish everyone a prosperous and prosperous Year of the Rooster. On New Year’s Eve, everyone, eat, drink, have fun, and sleep well!)

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