rebirth of change

Chapter 2282 The First Plane

Chapter 2282 The Third Plane

"Oh, my god!" Just as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Jesse, who was leaning against him, exclaimed in shock.

Disturbed by her words, everyone looked towards her, it didn't matter if they didn't look, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw her.

"Boom, clatter..." The north towers of the Twin Towers collapsed layer by layer as if suffering from scoliosis.

What is even more shocking is that the speed of the collapse is no slower than that of a person jumping from upstairs, layer by layer collapses at a very fast speed, and there is no tilt, just like being trapped. It's the same as artificially evacuating.

"Ah! My God!"

"The building is falling, the building is falling, God..."

"How could this be, my god!"


That shocking scene made everyone on the helicopter exclaim, even Streisand and the others covered their mouths and cried.

Even though Chen Kangjie knew this scene would happen in advance, he was stunned by what happened before him.Seeing it on TV has a completely different visual impact than seeing it live.That feeling is almost the same as seeing a tsunami wave of more than ten meters rushing towards him.

A 100-story building collapsed, and the huge wave of dust and smoke caused by it was spreading along the street to the entire Manhattan with an unimaginable impact and speed. At this time, let alone a block, even the adjacent The five blocks in the city will change from day to night in an instant, as if encountering a total solar eclipse or the end of the world.

Looking down from a high altitude, the visual explosive power is more obvious.Manhattan at this time is not a world city full of buildings, it is almost like hell.

Even if you don't have to experience the scene, you can still feel the panic and fleeing of the people below.Maybe some people who just escaped from the building, haven't left the area, or are waiting to watch because of curiosity, at this moment, it is estimated that many people will be buried.Quite a few of them would not have expected such a building to collapse like this.Yes, a collapse, not a collapse.

People all over the world will see this hellish scene through the lens of SC TV station.

Chen Kangjie looked at his watch, and the time came to 14:[-], which means that the North Building collapsed nearly half an hour after being hit by the plane, half earlier than the original historical time.

Just because of this half in advance, I believe that the number of casualties will be far more than the number in history, and will definitely increase significantly.

No wonder when Chen Kangjie was on the roof just now, he felt that the temperature had risen extremely. It turned out that the upper ten floors had reached the critical point of their tolerance.

The smoke and debris continued to rush towards the surrounding area of ​​Manhattan with the impact. Many buildings that could be seen before gradually became like mirages, and only one roof could be seen.

"My god, I can't believe my eyes, it's collapsed, such a building collapsed like this." Streisand said with tears in her eyes.

"I also can't believe that it collapsed so quickly." Chen Kangjie replied involuntarily.

"The fire in the south building is so big now, will it collapse soon?" Streisand wiped her eyes and asked Chen Kangjie with a firm expression.

"Probably so. The two buildings are the same. The fire in the south building seems to be bigger. It seems that there was a violent explosion just now. Its fate should not be much better than that of the north building." Chen Kangjie climbed by the window, separated Looking out the window at the flooded Manhattan said.

"Long, where are we going now? The Marriott Hotel is no longer available for landing. The visibility there is too low. We have to find a new place to land." The pilot asked timely.

The pilot was right. Chen Kangjie could barely see the roof of the Marriott Hotel in the helicopter, and the surrounding area was all gray.It feels like standing there can suffocate anyone.

"If we can't land anywhere, then we..." Chen Kangjie got stuck in the middle of speaking, and didn't go any further.

"Why are there still planes?" Chen Kangjie didn't continue because he saw another small plane flying over from the west.

What Chen Kangjie wondered was that there were only two passenger planes hitting the World Trade Center in New York on 911, why did another plane appear.It stands to reason that at this time, the United States has already implemented air traffic control, so why would it allow planes to fly over New York?

Moreover, Chen Kangjie clearly remembered that on 911/[-], the terrorists only hijacked four planes, two of which hit the two World Trade Center buildings, one hit the Pentagon, and one crashed.But what happened to this plane that suddenly appeared?

This plane that appeared out of nowhere immediately became the focus of everyone. Not only Chen Kangjie and the others, but even people all over the world who saw this scene were wondering where the plane would hit next.If you want to destroy a symbol of the United States, it is best to crash the Statue of Liberty.

However, the plane was not heading in the direction of the Statue of Liberty, but in the direction of Chen Kangjie and the others.

"It's coming towards us, it's coming towards us..."

"Pull up...Pull up, pull up quickly, avoid...avoid..." Realizing that something was wrong, the two pilots shouted eagerly.

Just now the pilot planned to fly the helicopter to the roof of the Marriott Hotel to land, but because of the sudden collapse of the North Tower, the Marriott Hotel was relatively close to the World Trade Center, so it was the first to receive the impact, so the landing was not successful.

But now, that uninvited guest came out of nowhere, but rushed towards them recklessly. Who wouldn't be afraid?These people are all lunatics, and they all live without humanity.

With the skillful operation of the two pilots, the plane immediately tilted and rose rapidly.The people in the cabin couldn't stand upright, and a few even fell down. Chen Kangjie also quickly pulled the doorknob to escape. Streisand was close to Chen Kangjie. An embarrassing disaster.

Fortunately, the two pilots discovered it early, performed skillfully, and operated correctly. Their plane deviated when it was pulling up, and the small plane dived obliquely from their side.Otherwise, Chen Kangjie and the others would be scrapped in a ball of fire in the air.

The few people in the helicopter had time to take a deep breath, and there was a loud "boom" below, and then a mass of fire burst into the sky.

In fact, at the same time that the North Tower of the World Trade Center was hit, the North American Aerospace Defense Command had already issued instructions to all civilian aircraft flying in the air to land at the nearest airport.Several F15 fighter jets have also taken off to conduct air control over the airspace of the United States.It's just that if the hijacked plane cuts off some signal connections, even the North American Aerospace Defense Command will find it difficult to find the plane over millions of square kilometers at once.

You must know that the original intention of the North American Aerospace Defense Command was to protect the security of North America and prevent attacks from external missiles and aircraft, especially the Soviet Union at that time.Therefore, they do have the ability to control aircraft or missiles from the outside in the first place, but they are a little slow and unprepared for internal changes.

Americans don't believe that anyone can really attack their homeland. In history, except for the Pearl Harbor incident, there has never been an attack on the North American continent in the past 100 years.Americans firmly believe that their strength is enough to keep any enemy out of the country. Even the Pearl Harbor incident happened in Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, not their real homeland.

Therefore, no matter how good the defense in the world is, there are actually loopholes to exploit.In our words, the most difficult thing to prevent is internal contradictions and disintegration.And the most effective is internal attack and disintegration.

"The Marriott Hotel was hit and exploded..." When the helicopter flew a certain distance, everyone looked down to see where the plane hit just now.

Chen Kangjie rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. It was indeed the hotel where he was staying last night that was hit by the plane just now, and it was burning raging fire at this time.

Chen Kangjie's mind was suddenly in a daze. What he was dazed about was not the loss caused by the hotel being hit, but why the plane hit a hotel.To be honest, bumping into the Marriott Hotel is much less influential and symbolic than bumping into the Statue of Liberty.Even if you want to cause huge casualties, you can use the excuse of landing to crash into Kennedy Airport, or even New York City Hall. Why choose a hotel?

From the fact that they were able to target the World Trade Center, we can know that their choice of location must have been carefully designed and screened, and they will definitely not be aimless.Then the question comes, why did they choose Marriott?Where did this plane come from?It can be seen from the early collapse of the North Tower that the trajectory of history seems to be slowly deviating.

"Long, is there any staff in the Marriott Hotel?" Seeing Chen Kangjie's dazed look, Streisand thought he was worried about his subordinates and related staff.

"Brother Qiang, are there any of us inside?" Chen Kangjie was startled, and quickly asked Xiong Ziqiang.

Usually, Xiong Ziqiang is responsible for the relevant personnel arrangements, and he knows the situation better than Chen Kangjie.

"It should be gone. After we came out, other people had already left the hotel. Some went to the Kodak Theater with Liu Deyi, and some were arranged by me to go to some pick-up locations." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"That's good, that's good." Chen Kangjie felt a burst of relief, he really didn't want to see his brothers who followed him perish in this catastrophe.

"Long, we received a message from the air traffic control center. They ordered us to find an opportunity to land at a suitable place immediately. Strict air control has been implemented over the entire New York and its surrounding areas. If we don't land, they will take measures to shoot us down." The pilot reported to Chen Kangjie at this time.

New York has been attacked by planes one after another, and the authorities are also scared and frightened. Even if Chen Kangjie and his helicopter have been applied and approved before, they still need to leave the air.

"Let's fly the plane to New Jersey and land at Mr. Bob's residence. There may not be a place for us to land in New York." Chen Kangjie instructed.

Now the whole of New York is under anti-aircraft, and there is a cloud of smoke and dust below, which is really not suitable for landing.

"ok... turn to...."

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