rebirth of change

Chapter 230 What the Government Should Do

Chapter 230 What the Government Should Do

Chen Kangjie brought the man to the city's 'government'. In the car, Chen Kangjie had already called He Baoguo. After hearing what Chen Kangjie said, the mayor He attached great importance to it and asked Chen Kangjie to bring him to the small meeting room of the city's 'government'. He and the executive Vice Mayor Zhang Qiang met them there.

It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie himself is the boss, so it's over if he can solve it by himself, why bother.However, Chen Kangjie knew very well that this was definitely not an isolated case. With the increase of investment in Liushuipan, it would become more and more serious. This was the case all over the country, so Chen Kangjie was promoted to the level of the 'government' through He Baoguo, hoping to prevent it as much as possible in the future.

Because of being greeted, Chen Kangjie and the others were able to drive directly into the city'government compound even though they drove just an ordinary Santana this time.Even though Gou Er and Lao Li didn't have any advanced culture, they could still read the big characters "Liushuipan City People's Government" clearly. Now their hearts were in the air, and they were extremely nervous. Hearing Chen Kangjie say on the phone that he wanted to meet the mayor, they thought it was a child bragging, but now it seems to be true. The biggest cadre they have ever met before was the township head. They still saw it from a distance, but now they want to see him A senior official with many ranks will naturally feel his heart pounding.

"The next time I go out, I'll drive a commercial vehicle. If something happens, I can sit more people and lie down." After getting out of the car, Chen Kangjie told Qian Degui that he was the driver, and Chen Kangjie believed in Qian Degui. If you want to call a commercial vehicle, no one will not give it.

"Jie Shao, don't you think that license plate is too eye-catching, that's why you didn't drive?" Qian Degui said with a simple and honest smile.

"Then buy another car, and get another ordinary license plate." Chen Kangjie was embarrassed by Qian Degui's words, and walked towards the city government building without saying a word.

Xiong Ziqiang patted Qian Degui on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Brother, you seem to have opened a new car." After speaking, he led Gou Er and Lao Li to follow Chen Kangjie quickly, leaving the simple and honest Qian Degui behind. Stay there dumbfoundingly.

"Godfather, hello Mayor Zhang, it's them." After meeting, Chen Kangjie first greeted He Baoguo and Zhang Qiang. Now everyone is familiar with Chen Kangjie, so Chen Kangjie gradually called He Baoguo the same no matter what the occasion was. Introduced to Gou Er and Lao Li: "This is Mayor He, and this is Deputy Mayor Zhang. They can take care of your affairs. If there is any situation, please report it to the two leaders."

In addition to the two leaders, there is also an office clerk, who should be a secretary or something, responsible for recording the conversation. Chen Kangjie didn't know him, so he didn't say hello.

Before I came, I was clamoring to find the leader in the city, but now the leader was in front of me, Gou Er and Lao Li were so nervous that they didn't know what to say, they just smiled awkwardly on their faces.

He Baoguo took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with them, "Don't be nervous, just tell us frankly if you have anything to do, we will help you solve it, feel free to do so", He Baoguo's words were without any pretensions, and seemed approachable, which made the two " The guest" relaxed a little.

In addition, the service staff served tea for everyone, and after the two of them took a sip of water, they finally recovered completely.

"The two mayors, my name is Li Guifa, his name is Liu Ergou, and his nickname is Gou Er." Liu Ergou's own name is not very pleasant, but Lao Li actually said his nickname on such an occasion, which is so embarrassing Quickly poke Lao Li's waist with his hand.

Everyone couldn't help but smile when they heard Lao Li's introduction, but they didn't act too much, otherwise it would make people even more uncomfortable.

Li Guifa didn't care so much, he dropped his arm, and continued to introduce: "We are all from Yanggou Township, Shuishan Special Zone, because the highway will pass through our place, which is a good thing for us locals, so we all support it. More than two months ago, a boss named Yang came to our place to recruit workers. He paid five yuan a day for digging foundations and repairing sills. , so everyone eagerly signed up to earn some pocket money to supplement their families. Who knew that after two months of work, everyone didn’t get a penny. Now some children are going to start school, some have sick people at home, and they all need money. ..." At this point, Lao Li was a little excited.

"Drink your saliva and speak slowly, we are all listening carefully," Vice Mayor Zhang Qiang comforted.

After taking a sip of tea, Li Guifa continued: "We approached Boss Yang several times, but he kept procrastinating, and finally said that the project entrusting party did not transfer the project funds to them, so they had no money to pay us. Later, someone heard that This time the road construction was not paid by the 'government', but by foreign businessmen, so everyone was worried about being cheated, so they sent us to ask about it."

It was a coincidence that Yuan Peiyun arrived just after Li Guifa had finished speaking.

"Let's solve the latter problem first. This is the representative of the entrusting party you mentioned, the president of Tongda Highway Management Co., Ltd., Mr. Yuan Peiyun. As far as we know, Tongda Company has not owed any funds to the construction party. Specifically, Let Mr. Yuan tell you." He Baoguo pulled Yuan Peiyun and introduced him to Li Guifa and Liu Ergou with a smile, and also said something objective on behalf of the 'government'.

Yuan Peiyun already knew the general things, Xiong Ziqiang had already told him on the phone, and Mayor He mentioned it cryptically, so he already knew the situation well.

After Yuan Peiyun sat down, he took a breather, and then answered the questions of the two of them, "One thing can be stated first, our company not only did not default on any construction party's payment, but also our previous project investment There is a big difference between the parties, that is, after signing the contract, we will prepay 60.00% of the total project cost in advance, and after the construction party completes 80.00% of the project volume, the quality is verified, and the remaining 40.00% of the funds will be paid , Therefore, all the companies that contract our projects will basically have no financial pressure. The reason why we do this is to prevent downstream enterprises from defaulting on workers' wages due to insufficient funds. In this regard, the city'government' is If there is supervision, Mayor He and Mayor Zhang are here, they can testify," Yuan Peiyun explained Tongda Company's project fund operation measures concisely in one breath.

"As we said just now, Tongda Company is indeed different from other companies in the past. What we know here is that they have paid a certain amount in advance, so you haven't received your salary for two months. It should be your part. Regarding the issue of the contracting boss, our 'government' has the responsibility to ensure that you can get your wages, so we will investigate this matter clearly today and tomorrow." He Baoguo made a serious promise from the perspective of the 'government'.

"Thank you leader, thank you 'government', then we can rest assured," Li Guifa and Liu Ergou hurriedly bowed and thanked.

"This is what we should do, Mr. Yuan, which company is the contractor for this tender? This company should have been selected in the early stage, right?" He Baoguo said modestly before turning to Yuan Peiyun and asking .

'Government' officials, no matter they are good officials or others, will show humility and kindness in front of the people, but He Baoguo really feels that he has this responsibility.Shuipu Expressway and Shuipan Expressway are the number one key projects in the city. Not only are the funds large, but they also involve extensive and far-reaching significance. Therefore, He Baoguo attaches great importance to them. Otherwise, it is enough to send a deputy director to handle such a small matter. The chief goes out in person.This characteristic of He Baoguo is also a prerequisite for Chen Kangjie to be willing to maintain this kind of family relationship. If He Baoguo is a mediocre or corrupt official, then even if Chen Kangjie recognizes him as a godfather, he will try his best not to have any contact with him, because he will look down on him.

"Before we invite bids, we will strictly screen, and this tender is currently being constructed by the largest construction engineering company in our city - Sanjian Company (the third construction engineering company in Liushuipan City), and during the construction process, I also went to After three constructions a few times, they are state-owned enterprises, so they shouldn’t deduct workers’ wages, right?” When he spoke, Yuan Peiyun still felt full of confidence, but when he talked about it later, everyone in the room could feel that he was not so persisted.

"Third construction company? I haven't heard that they have won the bid for the project, and haven't they all tendered yet?" He Baoguo was a little puzzled when he heard that it was a state-owned engineering company in the city.As the leader of the city's engineering company, Sanjian Company, how could He Baoguo not know that if Sanjian Company wins the bid, even if it is not clear which section it won the bid for, it is impossible not to know about it.

"Mayor He, it's true. The large-scale bidding has not yet started, but the amount of earth and stone excavation in the third section of our plan is too large, with millions of square meters. In order not to affect the overall progress of the project in the future, so We contracted the earthwork excavation and canyon leveling of that tender section to the Municipal Third Engineering Construction Company in advance, so that we will not be delayed and ensure the completion of the entire road on schedule," Yuan Peiyun explained.

"Oh, so that's the case, what about the funds?" Since it involved the state-owned units in this city, He Baoguo had to be more cautious.

"We paid 60.00% when the contract was signed two months ago. The budget for that lot was 1, and we have already transferred 0 to the Sanjian Company."

"If that's the case, then it's easy to handle, Xiao Huang, you can go to Sanjian later, find Qi Jun, let him understand this matter clearly and then report to me, time, just give him two days", Qi Jun is the general manager of Sanjian Company, and Sanjian Company is a large state-owned enterprise owned by the city, so He Baoguo is no stranger to Qi Jun.Acquaintance is acquaintance, He Baoguo is not polite at all, this is a time-limited reply, no procrastination is allowed.

Xiao Huang is one of the officers of the city government secretariat who took the records. After receiving the task assigned by Mayor He, he stood up and said "yes"!

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