rebirth of change

Chapter 2301 Guan Mengyu's Misunderstanding

"Principal called me here today, with such great hospitality, is there anything you want to tell me?" After chatting for a while while eating, Chen Kangjie still didn't mention his today when he saw Guan Mengyu. The purpose and focus, so I can only take the initiative to ask.

Guan Mengyu invited Chen Kangjie to be a guest at home today, of course it was not for no reason, there must be something wrong.Otherwise, why hadn't there been such a move before?It's not a day or two to deal with people like them. Chen Kangjie can still understand their psychology.

In fact, Guan Mengyu didn't want to say anything. He had been entangled for a long time, but he didn't know how to speak properly. After all, Chen Kangjie was just his student, so he still had to take care of his face.

"Xiaojie...I...I invite you here today, the purpose is to thank you." Even if Chen Kangjie asked, Guan Mengyu still seemed a little unnatural, which was different from his usual students In front of the teachers, there are completely two attitudes.

"Thank you? Principal Guan, what are you thanking me for? I don't quite understand, it seems that I didn't do anything." Chen Kangjie was confused by Guan Mengyu's words, and his heart beat.

"Stop pretending, don't I know who you are?" Guan Mengyu looked at Chen Kangjie with a kind smile.

This time Chen Kangjie was even more puzzled: "What am I pretending to be? I really don't know."

"You...really didn't do anything?" The raised chopsticks stopped in the air, and Guan Mengyu was also stunned.

"It's not like I didn't do nothing, but I really didn't do anything related to you. Principal Guan, what's the matter? Come on, you're like this, which makes me quite interested. " Chen Kangjie's curiosity was completely aroused by Guan Mengyu.

"This... is actually nothing, but I may not be able to work in the Technology and Business University in the future." Guan Mengyu said after thinking about the wording.

"You want to leave Technology and Business University? Principal Guan, where and which department will you go to? Have you made it clear?" Chen Kangjie knew for the first time that the school he was studying in was going to change the principal.

This is not to say that changing the principal needs to consult Chen Kangjie or seek his approval, it doesn't mean that, but, from the perspective of personal connections, he should know about this matter.

Although the current Gongshang University has more than 90.00% of its financial support, or almost all of it has been obtained from Chen Kangjie, but its system has not changed. In terms of nature, it is still a public university.

"I don't know where to go. It hasn't been decided yet, and the organization department hasn't talked to me yet." Guan Mengyu said honestly.

"Then I'm surprised. The Organization Department hasn't looked for you yet, and you don't know where or which department you will go to. How do you know that you are no longer working at the Industrial and Commercial University?"

"This was revealed to me by a classmate of mine at the Central Party School. We lived together at that time, and he was very close to me. Now, this classmate works in the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He called me and said that he would Someone came to me for an organizational conversation, and my job was [-]% about to be moved. I thought... I thought it was you who helped me." Guan Mengyu explained the reason.

"Hehe, Principal Guan, I don't care if you want to be transferred or not. It's just that, judging from your tone, you seem to dislike being the principal of the Technology and Business University. I feel wronged by this job. I think it's a good thing to be transferred."

"Well... Let me tell you the truth, and I won't hide it from you. This job is good, but it's not suitable for me. In some people's eyes, being the president of a business university is a very rewarding thing. , a good reputation, abundant funds, a high degree of freedom, relatively simple interpersonal relationships, and a very good environment.”

"Yeah, it's so good, why do you feel dissatisfied and want to escape?" Chen Kangjie nodded.

"The reason for this is mainly on me. You don't know, I am under a lot of pressure. Even though I have a high degree of education, I used to think that I have a good education. However, after being the principal in the past few years, I found that I am getting more and more The more you feel inferior. If you think about me, our school’s teaching qualifications are getting better and better, and there are more and more famous professors. The people working around me are almost all well-educated and highly talented scholars. Every time I talk to them about work , I feel that I am similar to a middle school student. When they quote a set of theories from the classics, I find that I don’t understand many things. But I am the principal, and I can’t be ashamed to ask everyone every time. Well, not to mention the delay in work, the number of times is too many, and it is easy to be underestimated. Of course, during this time, I also tried to learn, enrich myself in theoretical knowledge, and narrow the distance with them. But it is not easy, they I am a professional scholar, and I, a half-way monk, in terms of academics and talents, I can’t catch up with them no matter how hard I try. The University of Technology and Business should, like other universities, find a professional intellectual to be the principal. I will do my best. It's a stretch, maybe it's delaying the school and so many students." Guan Mengyu gulped down the wine in his glass, expressing his heartfelt feelings.

Chen Kangjie suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Guan Mengyu wanted to leave. The position of university principal made him very difficult, and made him feel inferior and aggrieved.

In actual work, everyone has a position that suits them. Once it is misplaced, the work efficiency will be reduced, and the people working will feel very uncomfortable.Before that, Guan Mengyu had been working in the government department. His working environment and job content were very different from those of university presidents.It seems that they are all doing management, but when he was in the province, he was considered an expert, but when he was in university, he became an outsider.

It's not depressing for a layman to lead a lot of experts.

When Guan Mengyu was assigned to the Technology and Business University, it was actually a political task. His job was for Chen Kangjie, not for this university and so many teachers and students.

When he was working at the Technology and Business University, Tan Changguo once told Guan Mengyu that he had to work until Chen Kangjie graduated and left the school, but Chen Kangjie has not left the school now, and he is still studying in graduate school.Therefore, Guan Mengyu felt that it was Chen Kangjie who helped him clear things up so that he could leave the university.

Speaking of which, Guan Mengyu was responsible for Chen Kangjie's postgraduate study.At that time, he made decisions more from the perspective of benefiting Chen Kangjie. Of course, he also thought of the possible benefits to himself, but he was not sure which direction this mutual interaction would develop.Knowing that he was going to be transferred, Guan Mengyu thought that his kindness had a positive effect, but now he found that this matter had nothing to do with Chen Kangjie at all.

Apart from Chen Kangjie, Guan Mengyu could also ask Tan Changguo, but he didn't dare, because he knew the old leader's temper, if he took the initiative to ask Tan Changguo, it might backfire.

"If you say that, Principal Guan, it doesn't seem like a bad thing for you to leave school to work in a government department." Chen Kangjie said in a deep voice.

"Isn't that right, but right now, I don't know where I'm going, and I don't know who will take over my shift. I can only wait for the decision of the organization." Guan Mengyu didn't know what to do. Melancholy said.

"Principal Guan, what are your expectations, or, which position do you think is suitable for you?" Chen Kangjie asked.

If Chen Kangjie is an ordinary person, then it is obviously inappropriate and abrupt to ask such a question.However, Guan Mengyu didn't feel that Chen Kangjie's question was inappropriate, let alone abrupt.

However, he also couldn't answer this question with his heart.

People in the officialdom, no matter who they are facing, cannot openly say which position they want, at most they can only hint vaguely.Asking for a position is a very taboo thing. Once it gets out, there will be a series of negative effects.In political life on the stage, it is impossible to accept a person who only wants position.Because in all our propaganda, we pay attention to the selection of the organization, the appointment of the organization and the work. There is no difference between high and low. A party member must obey the needs of the organization and the distribution of the organization.In the face of organizations, individuals have no room for bargaining.

In addition, a person who asks for a position will also be considered by the public as a person with a problematic personality.If you have a noble character, how can you seek a good position?

"As an old party member, how can I pick and choose? It is impossible for me to choose myself in the organization. So, I accept and choose whatever is allocated in the organization. I still have this party spirit. Yes. As long as I am competent for the job given to me, I will try my best to do it the best." Guan Mengyu really said according to his usual thinking.

"Hehe, Principal Guan is indeed a role model for the younger generation. Since we say so, then let's not talk about this topic. Principal, I would like to toast to you. I have almost eaten this meal." Chen Kangjie didn't want to gossip. Instead of saying one five six, they planned to regard Guan Mengyu's words as the end of their formal conversation.

Raising the wine glass, Chen Kangjie and Guan Mengyu clinked another glass. After a few mouthfuls of food, Chen Kangjie got up to leave.

As Guan Mengyu, of course he tried to persuade him to stay, hoping to have more contact with Chen Kangjie.However, Chen Kangjie still did not stay.

Since the reason why Guan Mengyu invited him was that he thought he had said something for him, but in fact he hadn't, then the two of them would be a little embarrassed if they continued to stay.

After Chen Kangjie left, Guan Mengyu went back to the table alone and drank twice as much.

Guan Mengyu felt a little regretful, regretting that he couldn't hold his breath.How could Chen Kangjie be invited here, and he thought he was helping?Well now, it backfired.

Hey, it seems that I really lack experience, or have I really purified myself after staying in the university for a few years?

I don't know if Chen Kangjie will have any thoughts in his heart after he left. If he left a bad impression on him because of this incident, then he would really lose money.

One thing Guan Mengyu didn't say was that he wanted to leave the school because he felt that there was still a big gap between the rights inside the school and those outside.In government departments, various resources are incomparable in schools.Now that a man is in politics, the pursuit of power is the ultimate goal, and it is the same for anyone.

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