rebirth of change

Chapter 2305 You Are My Pressure

Chapter 2305 You Are My Pressure

For the Capital Film Academy, today is a big day, the long-awaited Long finally came to this school.

The Capital Film Academy, as the highest film art institution in the country, of course has no shortage of celebrities.Among other things, there are countless celebrities who have achieved success and fame just by graduating from here.In the domestic film circle, the students who graduated from the Capital Film Academy are undoubtedly the most backbone force.Whether it is acting, directing, photography, recording, etc., there is hardly a film that can leave the shadow of the Capital Film Academy.

However, compared with Chen Kangjie, those so-called celebrities always have a certain distance in terms of fame, influence at home and abroad, and achievements. There is a huge distance, and it is completely impossible to compare them on one platform, without any actual comparability.

No, Chen Kangjie just arrived at the school, and as soon as the news spread, almost all the students ran out.Some were attending classes, but when they heard that Chen Kangjie had come, they didn't even attend their original classes.Some even found a far-fetched reason, some didn't even bother to find a reason, maybe they felt that there was no need to find it directly, and seeing Chen Kangjie was the best reason and excuse.

Accompanied by Dean An Ming, Chen Kangjie visited the school environment with great interest while listening to him introduce the situation of the college.During this period, fortunately, security personnel were arranged in advance to strengthen the security of Chen Kangjie, otherwise, Chen Kangjie and Dean An might have been pushed away long ago.

Don't think that college students are not crazy. As long as they are young people, few people can completely restrain themselves in front of idols.

"It seems that you are much more popular than me as the dean. Usually in school, some students will pretend not to know me when they see me, but look, they look at your eyes and expressions one by one. I almost regarded you as a god." Dean An said to Chen Kangjie with a smile, pointing to the large group of students who were blocked on the other side of the grass.

"Dean An, based on my experience, usually the principals of our school are not very popular with the students of our school when they are in school. In addition, you can see their eyes from so far away, which is a gratifying thing. "Chen Kangjie joked with a smile.

"Hahaha, hehehe, let's go, I'll accompany you to the big screening center." Dean An Ming laughed boldly.

Chen Kangjie also naturally laughed heartily.

Along the way, Chen Kangjie extended his hand and waved hello to those students who liked him.

This time when Chen Kangjie came to the Film Academy, the venue for the event was arranged in the big screening center, which can accommodate more students. Chen Kangjie finally came here, and of course he wanted to give more students a chance to have a close contact with him.

Wherever Chen Kangjie and An Ming went all the way, it would become crowded and noisy. There was no way, there were too many people following Chen Kangjie who wanted to see Chen Kangjie clearly.This is also due to the fact that the news was not disclosed in advance and the number of teachers and students in the Film Academy is relatively small in general colleges and universities.

If the news had been leaked in advance, or if Chen Kangjie hadn't come to the Film Academy, his popularity would have exploded long ago.As a very professional university, the Academy of Film only admits a few hundred students every year. This number is probably not as good as that of a very ordinary junior college.

Dean An Ming introduced that so far, the total number of full-time undergraduates in the whole school is only 1000 or 300, with an average of 200 students in each grade.Even with the addition of some trainees, graduate students, and international students, the current number of film schools is still very small.As for teachers, there are only 100 people, including more than [-] professors and less than [-] associate professors.In terms of this number, Chen Kangjie's appointment as an associate professor is already quite high.

The large screening center of the Film Academy is similar to a movie theater. Here, some popular movies or movies considered to be of high artistic level will be shown here for everyone to learn and refer to.

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, the big screening center had already been set up, but there was no movie screen on the stage, but it was transformed into a lecture seat, and a banner welcoming Chen Kangjie was hung above it.

When Chen Kangjie came in, some students inside had already been seated in advance, which is one of the reasons why the number of students who "greet" Chen Kangjie outside did not constitute a "threat".

"Crack, crack, crack..." When Chen Kangjie's figure appeared at the gate, there was thunderous applause in the screening center, and many people screamed excitedly.

Following the domestic habit, Chen Kangjie catered to their rhythm and walked inside with clapped palms and a smile on his face.

All kinds of greetings came and went, and Chen Kangjie also nodded and waved in response.

On the front table, there were two chairs, one belonged to Chen Kangjie and the other belonged to Dean An Ming.In the first two rows under the stage, there were some teachers from the school.Don't think that only those students are interested in Chen Kangjie, many teachers are the same, the difference may be that they have to appear more reserved.

Sitting on the front table and looking down, although most of the seats are already occupied, more and more students want to squeeze in, and even at the two gates, there is still a fight with the student cadres who maintain order. There was a jostling with the security guard.

"Dean An, I think there are still some people in the three aisles. Since they like to look at my diorama, let them have some chances." Seeing this situation, Chen Kangjie suggested to Dean An Ming.

Since Chen Kangjie came here at the invitation of Dean Anming, the relevant arrangements must naturally be in place. How many people can be accommodated in the screening center and who can come are all arranged in advance.It is impossible for there to be a big mistake, otherwise, it might not be Chen Kangjie's business, but An Ming's business.

It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie should do as he pleases, and should not meddle in other people's affairs casually.However, those enthusiastic young people are like that because of him after all, and he doesn't want to favor one over another.

Dean An Ming nodded, stood up, and waved to a staff member.After receiving An Ming's instruction, the staff member trotted off the stage, and immediately, more students were let in, almost filling up the entire large screening center, making it impossible to get through.Some students rushed to find familiar people to squeeze in, some students simply stood in the aisle, and some people squatted or sat in front of the first row without a foothold.

Even so, there were still many people blocked at the door, there was no way, there was really no room for more people inside.

"Okay, okay, everyone, please keep order. Although it's crowded, I hope you can leave a good impression on Mr. Chen. Especially those students who don't have a seat, you are allowed in under Mr. Chen's suggestion. Yes, no matter whether you are standing or sitting, I hope that everyone will be courteous to each other, maintain continuity and rules, and at the same time cause some unfavorable accidents..." Waiting for the crowd to be almost crowded, Dean An Ming He got up and walked to the back of the lecture seat and spoke into the microphone.

The originally noisy environment was suddenly silenced by Dean An Ming's words.

"Today, we are very pleased to have invited Mr. Chen Kangjie, an internationally renowned filmmaker. At the same time, he is also an associate professor of our school. Next, let us once again welcome Mr. Chen with the warmest applause." An Ming said The dean led the applause.

Under the leadership of Dean An, the applause in the screening center was deafening.

Chen Kangjie quickly stood up and bowed to everyone in thanks.

Since this is a film school, Dean An Ming only said that Chen Kangjie is an internationally renowned filmmaker.As for Chen Kangjie's sports, music and other aspects, I simply skipped it.In addition, Chen Kangjie is an associate professor who personally sent the letter of appointment, so it is normal to call Chen Kangjie Teacher Chen.

After speaking on the stage for about 5 minutes, Dean An returned to his chair and sat down, giving the stage to Chen Kangjie.

Undoubtedly, before Chen Kangjie came to the microphone, there was another round of applause and screams that were more popular than Dean An.

Chen Kangjie bowed and pressed his hands again, and it took him a while to stabilize the scene.

"Thank you, thank you for your applause. The warmer your applause is, the more pressure I feel. Your applause is an unbearable burden for me... Now that you have stopped, I also feel pressured The mountain in my heart has turned into a big rock..." Chen Kangjie's ingenious opening caused a burst of knowing laughter.

"Our beloved Dean An has been telling me that if I have time, I will come to give lectures and impart experience to everyone. I declined several times. On the one hand, I really don't have enough time. On the other hand, He put too much pressure on me. I am standing here today, one is not teaching, and the other is not imparting experience. I am here to meet with you, chat and communicate with each other. This time I am here, and Dean An said the same , So, if Dean An had said that earlier, I would have come here long ago, causing me to look for space to move and dodge, you should know that it is very tiring..." Chen Kangjie lowered his head If the gesture is modest, there is another burst of laughter in the screening center.

Even Dean An Ming, who was sitting on the side, laughed. Even if what Chen Kangjie said was mostly his own fabrication, it is impossible for An Ming to help Chen Kangjie correct it now.

"I am very happy to be able to come to the Film Academy today. The handsome men and beauties here are definitely the most prominent and concentrated among all universities in China. Standing in my position, all of them are so beautiful. There are many respectable teachers here, and, under the edification of art, each of these teachers has an extraordinary temperament. Those in front should be teachers... Many of you, even if you get mixed up with the students behind , It is estimated that outsiders will not find out..." Chen Kangjie's praise, of course, made him laugh again.

"...Although I am nominally an associate professor of the Academy of Film, I personally know that I am not worthy of this title, and I am sorry for this title...I am guessing, most of you I probably don’t want me to stand here as an associate professor, in fact, I don’t think so, I’m just communicating with you as a filmmaker like everyone..."

"Today, I don't plan to talk about those professional topics with you. To be honest, you are all academics, and these teachers are also experts and elites in the industry, so I have to avoid making mistakes. So what are we talking about today? Since you are a filmmaker, I believe that you will be interested in Hollywood. It just so happens that I have also contacted and cooperated with it, and I know a little bit about it. Let’s just talk about Hollywood movies, or compare Hollywood movies with our domestic movies. The difference between film and television works..."

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