rebirth of change

Chapter 2310 The first person to enter the alto hall

Chapter 2310 Entering the Alto Hall No.1

Chen Kangjie and Dean Jiao didn't stay in the lounge for a long time, just drank a cup of tea, and within ten minutes, the assistant dean came in to inform that everyone was here.

"Mr. Chen, please go and meet your classmates. You know, they have been looking forward to you for a long, long time." Jiao Yufu got up and extended his invitation.

"Dean Jiao, I was kicked out of the shelves. I have never been so nervous like today." Chen Kangjie followed Jiao Yufu and stood up.

What Chen Kangjie said is not entirely a word of humility. Although he is already a world-renowned musician, or some people regard him as a musician, Chen Kangjie has not received professional music theory education in essence.In other words, in the Central Conservatory of Music, he is a layman, at least half a layman.

But now, not only did he have to face a group of top students in the music field in China, but he also had to face some authoritative teachers. Of course, he would feel some pressure to some extent.

"It's okay, I believe you are absolutely fine, don't be humble, too modest, that's pride." Jiao Yufu thought Chen Kangjie was pretending to be humble.

Hey, there's no way out, you can't hide, if you come, you'll be safe, let's fight it out.I have seen so many storms, are you still afraid that the boat will capsize in the small river ditch?Chen Kangjie can only comfort and motivate himself in this way.

As expected, Chen Kangjie's appearance still caused a frenzy.Most of the students didn't know that Chen Kangjie would appear on campus today, which made them feel that happiness came too suddenly.

Many of them had already heard the news that Chen Kangjie was going to the Film Academy yesterday. At that time, many people were still lamenting and sighing. They never thought that Chen Kangjie would come to them just after one night. How could this not be exciting and exciting? excited.

Although Zhongyin is a professional music school, compared with Chen Kangjie's pop music, their majors seem to be more elegant and technical, such as folk music, vocal music, conducting, composition, piano and so on.But this does not mean that they reject or look down on pop music.In any case, pop music is the most popular and popular, although there is no pop music major in music schools.

After the flood of applause, Jiao Yufu took the lead to stand in front of the stage, introduced and praised Chen Kangjie first, especially emphasized Chen Kangjie's many award-winning experience as the first Chinese overseas.

After Jiao Yufu finished speaking, it was Chen Kangjie's turn to take the stage.

"Students, teachers, and friends, hello everyone. I am standing here. I am excited, but I am really afraid in my heart. Why do you say that? In fact, the answer lies in the introduction that Dean Jiao gave me just now."

Chen Kangjie's opening surprised not only the audience, but also Jiao Yufu.They didn't understand what Chen Kangjie meant and what he wanted to express.

"It seems that everyone doesn't understand, so I'll analyze it to see if I'm right. Some people may have noticed the same thing as me. When Dean Jiao introduced me just now, there was a lot of space to highlight and emphasize My overseas award-winning experience, such as the Grammy Awards, such as the American Music Awards, etc. Why is this, I think, Dean Jiao thinks that if I don’t show those award-winning experiences, I have no qualifications to stand Here, those awards seem to be my stepping stones and proof of raising my status, Dean Jiao, I understand that, right?" Chen Kangjie looked back at Jiao Yufu and asked with a smile on his face.

Since Chen Kangjie asked the question with a smile, it meant that he was not angry.It can also be said to be Chen Kangjie's understanding of Jiao Yufu.

Facing the smiling Chen Kangjie, Jiao Yufu neither denied nor admitted, but responded with a similar smile in embarrassment.

"Hehe, you see, Dean Jiao acquiesced, so you think, can I not be sincere and fearful? When you didn't come just now, Dean Jiao told me that right here where I stand, there are many Music masters have stood, including Penderecki, Schednin, Gubadulina, Seiji Ozawa, Zubin Mehta, Fleischer, Ashkenazy and Passman, Pavarotti and many more Mingo, etc., they are basically famous masters in classical music festivals. Besides these people, Dean Jiao did not mention any pop musicians... I don’t know if I am the first I am a pop musician who is standing here facing everyone. Anyway, I told Dean Jiao just now that I am very fortunate. The tenor can be said to be the highest palace in the field of music in China. I must be honest. On the one hand, everyone here is better than me..." Chen Kangjie's openness and openness surprised many people.

If it is an ordinary pop musician, they would definitely not dare to say such things here, and their managers or brokerage companies would not be willing to do so.That's tantamount to admitting that I'm not good enough, and I don't want my reputation.Here, even if you really can't do it, you have to pretend to be good. Only in this way can you put money on your face when you go out.

"Before I came, Dean Jiao told me that when I came to the Conservatory of Music, I must talk about something, preferably something related to music. After all, what I talked about at the Film Academy yesterday was almost about movies. Comparing each other is not..." Chen Kangjie's words elicited a burst of laughter.

"Everyone laughed, then I will continue. The old saying is good, you must be self-aware, you can't play big swords in front of Guan Gong, and you can't sell articles in front of Confucius. Professional knowledge in classical music and modern music and In theory, I would never dare to touch it, but as a musician, I can chat with you about pop music, and I hope this will not tarnish this elegant palace."

"...Everyone, have any pop musicians been here before?" Chen Kangjie asked a question with a smile before getting into the topic.

Whether it was a verbal answer or a physical answer, the answer Chen Kangjie got was no.

"Hehe, since no one has been here, it's easy to handle. Even if I'm talking nonsense, it's relatively easy to get away with it." Chen Kangjie laughed at himself.

"Since no pop musicians have been here, I think your teaching is also focused on your own majors, and the teachers may not pass on such low-level things."

"Pop music has developed to this day, that is, a history of about 100 years. Compared with classical music, its history is much shorter, but compared with modern music, it is almost the same. They all originated in the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century. early......"

"...Some people equate popular music with popular music, which is somewhat inaccurate. To be precise, popular music should be understood as commodity music. It can be said that it is the product of the American Industrial Revolution. At that time, a large number of agricultural population entered the The city constituted an early industrial team, and the structure of urban citizens changed. The representative of the new culture from the citizen class was the early popular music. At that time, the popular music works that reflected the nostalgia for the homeland and the life of the hometown just expressed the far away The psychological state and simple thoughts and feelings of people who came to the unfamiliar environment to survive in their homes. The United States experienced the Civil War and the second industrial revolution at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Economic development brought people rich life and music The rapid development of..."

"...Since it is a product of the industrial revolution, pop music has a similar pursuit to the industrial revolution, that is, the market, and the ultimate criterion is whether it can survive in the market. To make it acceptable to the market, It is necessary to enter the homes of ordinary people. To be accepted by ordinary people, there are several characteristics that must be met, such as popularity, which must be easier to understand than elegant music. On the contrary, if the meaning of the lyrics is obscure, It is difficult for these kinds of music to spread widely among the people with relatively low cultural level. From the perspective of professional singing, popular music has a narrow range and is most suitable for ordinary listeners who have not received special vocal training. It also contributed to the popularity of "pop music". The reason why pop music is popular is that it has really entered people's hearts. The content of music is easy to understand and close to people's lives. Another important reason for the popularity of pop music ..."

"...The second point is the popularity. It can be said that "popularity" is one of the most critical characteristics inherent in pop music, and it is also the social foundation of pop music. At present, with the rapid economic development and the social form It is striding forward from an agricultural society to an industrial society and an information society, and the construction of spiritual civilization is also placed in an important position. People often hang out in karaoke rooms, dance halls, coffee shops, bars, etc. In some entertainment venues, pop music is the most popular music. Because of the popularity of some of its music styles, people can participate in this cultural form, and it has become an indispensable part of the cultural life of all walks of life.... ..”

"...the third feature is fashion. Since popular music can adapt to the pace of the development of the times and is closely connected with the most fashionable and popular materials, then "fashionability" can also be said to be the characteristic of popular music. A unique aesthetic feature. You should know better than me that the bands formed during the classical music period, from instruments to arrangements, have basically remained unchanged for hundreds of years, and the performance forms and environments formed during this period are still intact. Pop music, however, constantly dresses itself up by chasing fashion and the latest technological audio-visual effects, such as: electro-acoustic instruments (electric guitar, electric bass, etc.), effectors, synthesizers, and midi production equipment, etc. These "new elements" Infusion, the concept of creation, production and performance of popular music has been improved unprecedentedly. In addition, fashion is more reflected in the concept of creation of pop music. Many musicians are focusing on fashion The purpose of making a fuss is to reflect the development of social times and the progress of human thought..."

"...the fourth feature is entertainment. Pop music has played an increasingly important role in popular culture, especially the rise of dance halls and karaoke, making pop music more and more a form of entertainment for the masses. The content of popular music works in popular music is easy to understand, the themes are mostly taken from daily life, and most of them express the theme of love. Most of the subjects of acceptance and consumption are ordinary people or subcultural groups. Therefore, it emphasizes The most important thing is its own entertainment and pastime. Its popularity determines that it has the basis of the masses. People can actively participate in the performance, which increases the dynamic space and fun, and people can relax and enjoy it. Therefore, popular music is more In order to pay attention to and emphasize its own entertainment, entertainment is an important feature and function of popular music..."

"...The fifth characteristic is the commerciality. The carrier of popular music is mainly all kinds of audio tapes and records as mass cultural consumer goods. Under the market economy, because producers face a huge In the commodity market, they will inevitably take profit as their ultimate goal, and pop music has realized industrialized mass production and established a complete set of commercial operation mechanism with the help of modern technology, fashionable packaging and convenient media. , so as to realize its economic benefits. If many of you join the pop music circle in the future, you should be more influenced and attracted by this feature.”

"In addition to the above-mentioned characteristics, popular music also has participation, novelty, rapid replacement and improvisation. I will not explain them one by one. Anyway, it is easy to deduce its content from the literal meaning.... ..”

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