Chapter 230 Two Why Enter Customs

"Xiaojie, isn't it a bit extreme for you to raise that opinion today?"

Chen Kangjie and He Baoguo returned to Building No. [-] of the Municipal Party Committee compound. As soon as they sat down in the living room, He Baoguo couldn't wait to ask. Like everyone else, he felt that Chen Kangjie's suggestion was too extreme, which was not good for Liushuipan's investment attraction. of.

Previously, both He Baoguo and Chen Qigang were under a lot of pressure because they published articles together with Zhao Zhibang, and they were also depressed for a while. After Hongyuan’s investment was launched, the situation in the Soviet Union became clearer, and they all focused on their work. Seeing the results, the haze hanging on their faces before was swept away, and finally their work was on a fast track. Of course, He Baoguo had reservations about Chen Kangjie's suggestion, because if many construction companies were excluded, It will seriously affect the progress of such large-scale projects. Chen Kangjie's approach of introducing construction companies from abroad is obviously not advisable. Putting aside political factors, the increase in cost alone is not a small amount. Based on this, Ouyang It's impossible for the president to agree. This is the nature of businessmen. They don't know that Ouyang Zhenhua is just Chen Kangjie's subordinate.

"What did Xiaojie mention, is it extreme or not?" Zhao Yuexiang asked in concern after hearing He Baoguo's question in the kitchen.

"Godmother, it's nothing, it's just a little thing, hehe", Chen Kangjie knew that Zhao Yuexiang didn't really bother with his godfather's work, that is, when he was involved, the godmother would ask. In order not to make the godmother worry, Chen Kangjie was simple and honest said with a smile.

"I thought what's the matter, since it's fine, you two should chat first, and we'll have dinner later." After finishing speaking, Zhao Yuexiang went back to the kitchen and continued to work.

After Zhao Yuexiang left, Chen Kangjie put away his innocent smile, and said to He Baoguo seriously, "Godfather, I know that it will be difficult, and I have two purposes for making that suggestion. The hard-working migrant workers can get the money they deserve on time. This is the duty of any company and the 'government'. The second is to increase the competitiveness of these state-owned enterprises. Don't look at these big companies in the country. But Once you really go out, to be honest, you are nothing. This kind of narrow perspective of a frog in a well is unacceptable. I know it is not very realistic to import enterprises from abroad to build, but it is completely impossible. The cost will increase a lot, but maybe The quality and management will also be much better. This is not to exaggerate the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige. You have been abroad for investigation, and you should be able to understand many things without me talking too much. Inevitably, I would really not agree to directly use foreign-funded engineering companies for one or two construction sites, at least there are many construction companies in Hong Kong.”

He Baoguo didn't expect Chen Kangjie to say such a thing. He Baoguo always thought that Chen Kangjie was amazing, but he didn't expect his thinking to be so different.Chen Kangjie's simple words brought He Baoguo into deep thought.

"In fact, this is also a shortcoming of our management, but realistically speaking, it is still difficult for us to go out, and the current foreign trade import and export volume is only so small." After thinking for a while, He Baoguo said with a sigh.

"Actually, it's easy to understand. We haven't joined the GATT yet, but we're negotiating. When we join the GATT, there will be a large influx of foreign-funded enterprises. It's not just those Processing enterprises, all kinds of enterprises will exist, and our enterprises will also go out. It will be too late when we find out that we can’t beat them.” Chen Kangjie knows that there is still very little foreign exchange in China, and there are very few enterprises that can go out However, the foreign-funded enterprises that are allowed to open up are also restricted in some industries. There are very few companies like Hongyuan that can invest in many sensitive industries.

The reason is that it has not yet joined the GATT. Of course, the GATT has not yet been changed into the WTO. This will have to wait until the GATT held in Marrakech, Morocco on April 1994, 4. The Agreement will not be available until after the opening of the Uruguay Round of Ministers.

In Chen Kangjie's impression, after the country joined the WTO in 01, although it has made outstanding achievements in foreign trade and economic growth, there are still great shortcomings. Two goals have not been achieved to a certain extent.

First, WTO accession is meant to reduce the rights of the 'government', especially the right to intervene in economic development. On the surface, it seems that many departments of the country have loosened the approval of many departments, and the control of the micro economy has also been reduced a lot, making Private enterprises have been able to grow rapidly, but the "government" still firmly grasps the pulse of the economy through macro-control means and through a large number of state-owned enterprises. The economic environment has brought immeasurable losses, but the internal problems are temporarily covered up by the rapid economic development.

Secondly, joining the WTO is to increase the competitiveness of enterprises and carry out industrial upgrading through the integration of domestic and foreign enterprises. Most of the top [-] companies are state-owned enterprises, and these state-owned enterprises have developed hugely because they occupy a large amount of social resources and have policy advantages. However, the degree of internationalization, research and development level, and development efficiency are actually not satisfactory. It has made huge profits from the domestic people by relying on monopoly, which is one reason why so many people want to join large state-owned enterprises more than ten years later.

"I also read about the GATT negotiation in the news. It has been discussed for so long, but nothing has been achieved. It was applied for in 86 and has not been approved. This is the deliberate suppression of Western countries. I really don't know why we If you want to enter, it’s fine if you don’t enter.” He Baoguo seems to be very dissatisfied with the West’s refusal to allow my country to join the GATT, and he is considering it from an ideological point of view.

Chen Kangjie also admitted that a large part of this is indeed that the West suppressed our country through negotiations and reaped benefits, but this is how games are.China was originally one of the signatories of the General Agreement on International Trade. After the United Nations expelled the legal seat of Baodao in 72, we could choose to inherit and restore the legal status of the United Nations and its international economic institutions, but the result was because of our understanding and ideology. In particular, it misinterpreted the "non-discrimination principle" and "unconditional most-favored-nation treatment principle" in GATT.

From a practical point of view, the GATT plus the World Bank and the International Monetary Economic Organization were originally a wall built by the United States and Europe to maintain Western hegemony, especially American hegemony, through trade, finance, capital and other means. From this perspective, They have suppressed many developing countries, but since we want to open up to the outside world and integrate into the world economy, especially the Western economy, we must abide by this set of rules, just like on the basketball court. Since we want to participate in competitions, we cannot Because Asians are short in stature, they propose to lower the height of the basket. This is the game, and this is the rule. Whoever masters the rules will take the initiative. Custom rules.

"It's hard to explain in a few words why we want to enter the customs. I believe the central government's consideration of this is comprehensive and far-reaching. However, godfather, I can tell you that it has several advantages: 1. It is conducive to our country's participation in international economic cooperation and international cooperation. The division of labor promotes economic development; 2 is conducive to expanding exports and utilizing foreign capital, and participating in international competition under equal conditions; 3 is conducive to promoting technological progress, industrial upgrading and economic structural adjustment, and further improving the socialist commodity economic system; (Author's note: At this time, there is no reference to a socialist market economy, and it will not start to change until after the chief executive’s southern tour); 4 is conducive to reform and opening up, the development of a socialist commodity economy, and the improvement of people’s living standards; 5 is conducive to promoting the growth of the world economy ;6 It is also conducive to directly participating in the decision-making process of international trade rules in the 21st century, getting rid of the unfavorable situation that others make rules and our country passively accepts them, so as to protect legitimate rights and interests.” After drinking his saliva, Chen Kangjie continued: “Of course, there are also disadvantages , Joining the WTO is also a severe challenge to China's weak industries. If the pace of reform is not accelerated, these industries will face the danger of being eliminated. With the further expansion of the market and the substantial reduction of tariffs, foreign products, services and Investment may enter the Chinese market more, and some domestic products, enterprises and industries will inevitably face more intense competition. But generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.”

Chen Kangjie's words are entirely aimed at popularizing knowledge about He Baoguo's accession to the WTO. Except for a few experts in China, almost no one in China has a clear understanding of GATT, including the diplomats involved in the resumption negotiations.

After entering the new century, my economy has been able to grow at almost double digits for ten consecutive years, which has a lot to do with joining the WTO.However, because of the level of awareness and the intricate interest relations among various departments and groups, quite a few people resist entry. Once entering the customs, it means that their rights will be greatly weakened, and the interests of the department will also be affected. have been greatly affected.

In fact, the biggest change when I passed customs or joined the WTO was not how much foreign capital and industries came in, but the biggest change in consciousness, the adjustment of the system, and the strengthening of the legal system and the spirit of contract.This has played a strong role in promoting the entire country's economy and people's lives and other aspects.Of course, Chen Kangjie hasn't said anything about it yet, and no one can understand it. Only when there is a real change, the public can feel it. Chen Kangjie very much hopes to enter the customs as soon as possible.

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