rebirth of change

Chapter 2321 You try to shoot a shot

Chapter 2321 You try to shoot

Wei Minggu's overbearing and rudeness made Pang Hui very uncomfortable, but he didn't fight back, just looked at him indifferently.

And Wei Minggu didn't show weakness, and stared at Pang Hui with wide-eyed eyes.

If eyes could fight, then Wei Minggu and Pang Hui might have fought dozens of rounds in a short period of time.No one will let anyone.

"Come on, let me go in and search. If anyone obstructs, he will be arrested for obstructing official duties." Maybe I feel that it is a bit shameful to just stare at Pang Hui with a large number of people, and he is also a "teacher of justice". Tens of seconds later, Wei Minggu withdrew his eyes, waved his right hand, and ordered domineeringly.

Wei Minggu waved his hand, and a group of heavily armed police rushed towards Pang Hui.Pang Hui didn't flinch in fear when he saw this group of policemen, but instead showed a slight mocking smile on his face.

Just when the police were about to touch Pang Hui, Deputy District Chief Liu spoke.

"Stop..." Deputy District Chief Liu shouted, and the policemen stopped in their tracks.

Although they wanted to obey the orders of the Chief, Wei Minggu, they also knew that Deputy District Chief Liu was the leader of the team, and his rank was higher than that of Wei Minggu, so they had to listen to his greetings.

"District Chief Liu..." Wei Minggu approached Deputy District Chief Liu.

"Director Wei, since people have said that only the leaders who lead the team are allowed in, then I'll go. There's no need to force our way in and cause trouble." Deputy District Chief Liu stretched out his hand to block Wei Minggu's words.

"District Chief Liu, the situation inside is unclear. Isn't it too risky for you to go like this? What if something happens to them?" Wei Minggu tried to persuade Deputy District Chief Liu to change his mind.

"In this capital city, I don't believe anyone would really dare to mess around. Director Wei, you lead the team and wait outside. I'll go in and have a look." Deputy District Chief Liu said with a lingering side.

"Here... District Chief Liu, if you insist on going, then I might as well go with you. If there is anything wrong, I can help." Wei Minggu decided to settle for the next best thing if he failed to persuade.

"Then... well, you and I will go." Deputy District Chief Liu nodded, "Comrade, please lead the way. If you have anything to talk about, you can talk to me."

Deputy District Chief Liu saw that only Pang Hui came forward, and that he had to let the team leader in by name, so he felt that the other party wanted to negotiate with them.In order not to hurt anyone, Deputy District Chief Liu decided to "take the risk with his own life".From Pang Hui's fearlessness just now, he could tell that if he really forced his way in, those comrades who had disappeared would probably suffer.

In fact, Deputy District Chief Liu misunderstood something.It was true that Chen Kang wanted to negotiate, but he did not intend to use those people as hostages to threaten him. Pang Hui's fearlessness was only due to his own self-confidence.

Under the leadership of Pang Hui, Deputy District Chief Liu and Wei Minggu came to the door of a room. After Pang Hui knocked on the door, he opened the door and entered. Deputy District Chief Liu and Wei Minggu also followed.

"Deputy District Chief Liu Neng, Director Wei Minggu, please sit down." As soon as Deputy District Chief Liu and Wei Minggu entered, a young man stretched out his hand to greet them on a chair opposite the door.

Although it was an invitation, the young man didn't stand up, but the old god sat quietly.Beside him, there is also a middle-aged man who is Kongwu and powerful.

Undoubtedly, that young man is of course our Young Master Chen Kangjie, and as for the middle-aged man with Kong Wu's strength, it must be Xiong Ziqiang.

Hearing Chen Kangjie call out their names and positions, both Liu Neng and Wei Minggu were taken aback. They looked at each other, and they both saw puzzlement in each other's eyes.

"Are you two wondering why I know you? Actually, there's no need to be surprised. It doesn't seem that this should be the focus of our meeting, right?" Chen Kangjie continued with a smile.

"Who are you?" Liu Neng looked at Chen Kangjie and asked.

"I'm just an ordinary citizen, District Chief Liu, are you here to check your household registration?" Chen Kangjie couldn't possibly answer truthfully.

"Regardless of checking your household registration or not, you have to answer whatever we ask you." Wei Minggu was very displeased with Chen Kangjie's attitude.

"Why? Just because of the police uniform you're wearing? Let me tell you, I'm not the criminal you arrested. Moreover, you came here on your own initiative. I didn't invite you here. Why should I Answer your questions? Besides, I didn't ask who you are, why do you ask me?"

Chen Kangjie's series of rhetorical questions left Wei Minggu speechless.

Yes, when they show up, people will call out their positions and names, but they still don't know anything about each other, as if they are the government and the police who hold secrets.

"Comrade, it's hard to say whether you are our criminal or not. We have received a report that several of our policemen have been held hostage by you. This is a serious crime to hold and kidnap a policeman. It’s a big mistake, and it’s not good for anyone.” Liu Neng is worthy of being a leader, and he has a set of words, both hard and soft.

"Hehe, kidnapping? Kidnapping? District Chief Liu, this seems to be over. Why do we want to hostage and kidnap? What do they have that deserves our hostage and kidnapping? Are we crazy? If you come here, it is for Threats, and then let us submit obediently, then the calculation may be wrong, you might as well let the police outside come in. If you come here to hope for a peaceful settlement, then put away this set of official airs, this set is right for me It's useless." Chen Kangjie smiled, and then said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Then tell me, where are they? Have they been physically harmed?" Liu Neng asked back.

"They are in this yard, but they are locked in another room. As for whether they have been harmed, some people have a little bit, and some people haven't." Chen Kangjie said lightly, not feeling at all hurt. They locked up the police representing the government and law enforcement.

"What are you talking about? Chief Liu, listen up, listen up, isn't this hostage and kidnapping? What is it? It's so audacious to lock up the policeman after he was wounded. Now, in front of us, he not only admits it, You are still brazen, this kind of person has nothing to say to them, and you should be arrested and severely punished." Wei Minggu suddenly became agitated.

"Director Wei, it seems that you are very excited. If you are also locked up, wouldn't you be even more excited?" Chen Kangjie looked at Wei Minggu teasingly and said.

"What did you say? plan to attack me? You..." Chen Kangjie's words made Wei Minggu unbearable all of a sudden, and almost flew into a rage.

Speaking of which, Wei Minggu jumped up from the chair, reaching out to touch the gun.

Chen Kangjie clasped his hands together, and leaned back on the chair leisurely, planning to see what Wei Minggu would do.

These policemen like to draw their guns at every turn, but when they arrived at Chen Kangjie's house, if Wei Minggu could still threaten him with his gun, then his bodyguards would not be confused.

After becoming the chief, Wei Minggu has been unfamiliar with his guns for a long time.It should be said that since he was the deputy director a few years ago, he has almost never had the opportunity to use a gun.Therefore, it is impossible for him to carry a gun at ordinary times, and he wears it today only because of the special task, and it is just for decoration.

This gun, if it is not used for a long time, it will become rusty, Wei Minggu fiddled with it for a long time before pulling out his gun with difficulty.

"Don't move, don't move at all..." As soon as the gun was pulled out, Wei Minggu held it with both hands and pointed at Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, Director Wei, are you sure you want to do this?" Chen Kangjie was not only not afraid, but even laughed happily.

"Don't be joking, raise your hands, raise your hands... and you too, raise your hands too, don't move at all, District Chief Liu, I've already controlled the overall situation, you hurry up and notify the brothers outside to come in." Wei Minggu Pointing his gun at Chen Kangjie and then at Xiong Ziqiang, he probably felt that standing was more threatening, and then gave Liu Neng instructions.

It stands to reason that when such a situation arises, Liu Neng should follow Wei Minggu's advice and cooperate with him, but Liu Neng finds it strange, as if the situation cannot be that simple.

Especially when Liu Neng watched Chen Kangjie being pointed at with a gun, he was not nervous, not afraid, and showed a playful smile, he felt even more weird.

This was so abnormal that he couldn't even believe it was true.

"Hehe, Chief Liu, do you want to listen to him?" Chen Kangjie asked Liu Neng with a smile.

Liu Neng felt guilty, he didn't know what choice to make, he was in a dilemma, he always felt mysterious.

"District Chief Liu, call quickly, call..." When Chen Kangjie asked, Wei Minggu urged anxiously.

"Director Wei, are you really in control of the situation? Do you really think your gun can fire bullets?" Xiong Ziqiang asked Wei Minggu, looking closely at him.

"What do you think? Do you think my gun has no bullets in it? Let me tell you, I know my gun is never out of bullets. I advise you to be honest, if it goes off, it will be bad." Wei Minggu Said proudly.

"Hehe, Director Wei, why don't you try to shoot him?" Chen Kangjie smiled and pointed at Xiong Ziqiang.

shot?give it a try?Wei Minggu and Liu Neng were puzzled and shocked, can this be given a try?Can a person be resurrected after death?What the hell are they up to?Could it be a group of lunatics?

No matter how he thought about it, Wei Minggu didn't dare to shoot anyway, he was the police chief, not a member of the underworld.

Wei Minggu held up the gun, his hands were trembling, his eyes were staring, wondering what to do next.

"Don't dare? If you don't dare, then put it away. What are you doing with it? Don't be ashamed? Don't take out the gun casually, especially for the police, understand?" This time Chen Kangjie stopped laughing, but sank down. face.

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