rebirth of change

Chapter 2323 loyalty or injustice

Chapter 2323 loyalty or injustice

"Liu Neng? How could it be Liu Neng? Could it be that Wei Minggu is a pig? How could he let Liu Neng lead the team? Doesn't he know that Liu Neng is the kind of person who can't turn a corner?" He Zhangyan bounced off the sofa in an instant up.

"I don't know about this, or Wei Minggu wants Liu Neng to be a shield." The assistant guessed.

"Liu Neng can be his shield? Who does he think he is, Liu Neng is the kind of dough that is kneaded casually? Idiot... No, if Liu Neng intervenes in this matter, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to handle. Take the phone... ...I want to call Mayor Su."

"Mr. He, isn't it inappropriate to call Mayor Su's midnight now..." the assistant cautiously suggested.

He Zhangyan raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was indeed very late. He knew Mayor Su. He had a habit of hating people calling him at night, which disturbed his sleep.Especially for some irrelevant things, if you call him at this time, you will probably get scolded.

After hesitating for a while, He Zhangyan gave up the idea of ​​calling Mayor Su, but he still made the call, but it was just to call someone else.

He Zhangyan was on the phone here, and Chen Kangjie was also on the phone. He was also on the phone.

Chen Kangjie's phone call was not to find a certain leader or a big shot, even if the current matter, he could find anyone to solve it satisfactorily.

If Chen Kangjie just doesn't want the house to be demolished, then he really needs to find a relationship, but his purpose is not only that, he also hopes to engage the deputy mayor, it will be more troublesome, after all, a deputy provincial official, It's not that if you want to get it off, you can get it off.

Then who will Chen Kangjie call?Outsiders would never have guessed that Chen Kangjie's phone call was actually to Qin Pu.

Now that he knew that someone was going to cause trouble, Chen Kangjie certainly had to make some preparations. Chen Kangjie didn't know much about other situations, so he asked Xiong Ziqiang to find out, and even told him to try to find out the relationship between He Zhangyan and the deputy mayor.However, Chen Kangjie knew one thing, that is, He Zhangyan and Qin Pu were rivals in cooperation and competition.

Since they have this kind of relationship, Qin Pu should have a deep understanding of He Zhangyan. As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is actually your opponent, not your friend.

If Qin Pu is willing to help and get some key information from him, it will save a lot of trouble, and Xiong Ziqiang doesn't even need to do a detailed understanding of the situation.

It's just that Chen Kangjie's phone call didn't seem to make any progress.

"Who, it's in the middle of the night, why don't you let people sleep?" Qin Pu looked impatient and angry, as if he had been woken up from a normal dream. Anyway, he didn't know the phone number, so it wouldn't be important. People, it doesn't matter if you lose your temper.

"Boss Qin, is it convenient for us to chat?" Chen Kangjie asked relaxedly without the awareness of disturbing people's dreams.

"Who are you? I don't even know you. What's there to talk about? If you have something to talk about, hang up the phone if you have nothing to do." After hearing the other party's address to him, Qin Pu was still dissatisfied, but he still didn't hang up the phone right away.

"It doesn't matter who I am, anyway, I think you should be interested in what we are going to talk about." Chen Kangjie continued calmly.

"I don't even know what you want to talk about. How can you be sure that I must be interested? I'm sleepy and I don't have time to play riddles with you. If you don't talk, then I'll hang up. Don't disturb my sleep." Qin Pu wanted to take the initiative in the conversation, so he didn't intend to be led by the nose by Chen Kangjie.

"Okay, what I want to talk to you about is about He Zhangyan. As partners and competitors, aren't you interested in his affairs?" There is no way, Chen Kangjie can only push forward, so as not to make a fool of himself, Qin Puzhen Hang up the phone.

"He Zhangyan, Mr. He? What's there to talk about about him?"

"Of course it's easy to talk about. He took a fancy to an alley on the side of Zhongxi City. Don't tell me you didn't like it? A few days ago, he was scared away and his subordinates were also thrown out of the alley. Don't tell me you didn't hear anything about it? explain?"

"You...are you the owner of that land? You threw his people out?" Chen Kangjie's words finally aroused Qin Pu's interest. As an old man in the shopping mall, he deduced such a conclusion from Chen Kangjie's words. , not surprising.

"You can say that." Chen Kangjie on the other end of the phone nodded.

"I'm very puzzled. It's your land that he's interested in, not mine. Why are you looking for me? Don't you want to sell it to him or to me?" Qin Pu on the other end of the phone couldn't stop thinking. asked.

"Hehe, Mr. Qin, you're overthinking. It's impossible to sell this land to him, and of course it's impossible to sell it to you." Chen Kangjie laughed softly.

"If you didn't intend to sell the land to me, then it seems that we have nothing to talk about." Qin Pu made a gesture of not wanting to continue and ending the conversation.

"Qin is always an impatient person. Although I don't intend to sell the land to you, it doesn't mean that we have no deals to do." Chen Kangjie said confidently.

"Deal? What deal do you want to make with me?" Qin Pu asked.

"I wonder if Boss Qin is interested in bringing He Zhangyan down?" Chen Kangjie asked directly without beating around the bush.

As soon as Chen Kangjie said this, Qin Pu on the other side of the phone was shocked.But soon he adjusted his mood and breathing.

"Hehe, boss, are you thinking too much? He Zhangyan and I are friends. Since you can call me, you should be aware of this. Since you are friends, how could I be interested in such things? Not only will I not be interested, but I will stop you from doing so, and your calculations are wrong." Contrary to Chen Kangjie's expectations, Qin Pu was not only not enthusiastic and interested in this, but on the contrary defended him.

Chen Kangjie was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to throw away the phone to express that he had made a mistake in his judgment, he suddenly remembered Qin Pu's reaction just now, so he didn't do that rudely.

"It seems that I really thought too much. I thought that Mr. Qin and He Zhangyan were just friends on the surface, but secretly they were rivals. I was wrong. Thinking about it, Mr. Qin and He Zhangyan are both real estate tycoons in the capital. , without such a competitor and friend, I will feel lonely, just like Dugu Qiubai." Chen Kangjie said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

I have never heard that shopping malls are like battlefields, but I have never heard that competition is like friends.In shopping malls, who doesn't want drugs to dominate the market, how could they be willing to give up the market to share with others.As for Dugu seeking defeat, that's even more nonsense.

"You are indeed wrong. I wouldn't think that way, and I wouldn't do that. You're looking for the wrong person." After leaving such a sentence, Qin Pu hung up the phone with a snap.

"Mr. Jie, I didn't expect this guy to have a bit of loyalty, but it doesn't matter. Without Butcher Zhang, he doesn't know how to eat pigs with hair. We can definitely find a gap." Seeing Chen Kangjie still holding the phone stupidly, Xiong Ziqiang said comfortingly.

Chen Kangjie cast a glance at Xiong Ziqiang, then stared at the phone in his hand, shook his head and smiled meaningfully: "Loyalty? Hehe, hehe..."

Master Jie couldn't bear the blow, so he was confused.How can you still laugh?Xiong Ziqiang slandered.

"Do you think I shouldn't laugh?" Sensing the change in Xiong Ziqiang's expression, Chen Kangjie asked.

"No...of course not, I just don't know why you laugh, hehe." Xiong Ziqiang smiled awkwardly.

"I'm just laughing at the word loyalty you said. In business, talking about loyalty is almost unrealistic and stupid."

"Then... I don't understand what it means." Xiong Ziqiang was confused.

"Perhaps you will understand in two days." Chen Kangjie didn't give any explanation, just took it with him.

And after Qin Pu hung up Chen Kangjie's phone, he didn't climb into bed to sleep, even his beautiful and sexy secretary couldn't lure him back to bed, instead he sent him away by slapping his butt twice .

Qin Pu lit a cigar and smoked a third vigorously. His mind seemed very restless, and he needed to use the smell of smoke to anesthetize himself so that his mind could become peaceful.

A few minutes later, Qin Pu took back his cell phone and made a call to He Zhangyan.

"Old He, what happened to that field?"

"Qin Pu, what do you mean? You called me in the middle of the night and asked this? You don't have to worry about my affairs, I will settle it myself." He Zhangyan thought that Qin Pu called again to laugh at him. His jokes made him angry.

"Old He, why are you so angry? I called to care about you. Why are you still biting Lu Dongbin?"

"Would you care about me? Would you be so kind? Huh, you old boy is just taking this opportunity to call me a dog, right?"

Regarding He Zhangyan's divine logic, Qin Pu was really speechless and astonished.

"He Zhangyan, you bastard, don't really know good people. If I was so mean and wanted to see your jokes, I wouldn't call you this way." Qin Pu cursed angrily.

Qin Pu's scolding made He Zhangyan taste it.If Qin Pu was still so kind, He Zhangyan would think that Qin Pu was just trying to make fun of him, and if he scolded him, he wouldn't.Having known each other for so many years, He Zhangyan still understands and understands Qin Pu's temperament.

"Old Qin, what do you mean? I hear you mean something. Could it be that you really care about me?" He Zhangyan softened his attitude and asked.

"You're talking nonsense. Of course I really care about you. Do you know that a stranger called me just now, talking about your business." Qin Pu continued to curse angrily.

"A stranger called you, but they were talking about my business? What's going on, Lao Qin, tell me quickly." He Zhangyan's interest was really aroused by Gao Gao.

A lot of things happened today, and none of them were good.Now that he learned that a stranger asked Qin Pu to talk about himself, how could He Zhangyan not care or be curious.

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