rebirth of change

Chapter 2331 Like a snowball

Chapter 2331 Like a snowball

"I am not a party member and cadre, you have no right to arrest me, you have no right to arrest me, I want to complain, I want to find your leadership..." He Zhangyan became anxious when he heard that he was going to follow him.

"We are not arresting you now, but we need your cooperation to investigate some matters. Moreover, this document was not given to you by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but by the Anti-Corruption Bureau. This has nothing to do with whether you are a party member or cadre. We are the leader, so you have to go back with us to find our leader." The deputy secretary glanced at He Zhangyan disdainfully, and said righteously.

He has seen a lot of people who find various reasons to resist and obstruct them. When they are asked to cooperate with the investigation, they either call out their injustice or say what kind of relationship they have.Therefore, for people like He Zhangyan, the deputy secretary is extremely disdainful.

"I won't go, I want to report to the higher authorities, you are overstepping your authority, you are retaliating, I will not go..." He Zhangyan is very clear about what he has done, if he follows it, then think again It is not so difficult to come out, so he strongly resisted.

"Mr. He, you are a person of status anyway. Don't force us to use force. In that case, it will lose face." Due to He Zhangyan's lack of cooperation, a leader of the Anti-Corruption Bureau waved his hand, and there was The staff of the two anti-corruption bureaus clamped He Zhangyan, one on the left and the other on the right.

Under normal circumstances, people from these departments are relatively gentle when they take people away. They are different from the Public Security Bureau.Of course, the objects they often have to deal with are also different from those faced by the Public Security Bureau.However, if the other party does not cooperate, it is impossible for them to continue to be civilized.For work, when it is time to use strength, it will definitely use strength.

It may be that seeing resistance is futile, or it may be to save the last bit of face for himself, and he does not want to be taken away like a piglet. In the end, He Zhangyan could only sign and follow with a dark face unwillingly.

Not all of the leading cadres that He Zhangyan hosted today were taken away, whether there was a problem or not, many of them escaped the catastrophe.

However, what happened in person today was a huge shock and warning to them.Don't stretch out your hand indiscriminately, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand.

These leaders, who usually hold great power and give orders, are all as obedient as little white rabbits today. Seeing their colleagues and friends who are closer to them being taken away, they are all silent, not daring to take a breath, for fear The sound of my panting attracted the attention of others, and finally I put a piece of paper in front of myself.

Since no one was taken away, the news could not be concealed. After an hour, many people in the circle knew about it. In an instant, all kinds of gossip began to spread in the sky, and there were all kinds of comments.

Just half an hour after He Zhangyan was taken away, a group of people were stationed in his real estate company and began to seal up and search some key information and accounts of the company.

So far, the people involved, except for He Zhangyan, are only in the district. Relatively speaking, their ranks are not too high. Those who are required to cooperate are some cadres at the deputy department level and the chief and deputy director level.It can be said that the damage surface is still limited within a controllable range.

Sitting in the inquiry room of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, He Zhangyan finally saw some evidence or reasons why he was brought in to assist in the investigation.

It can also be said that He Zhangyan is not as simple as assisting in the investigation, he is actually the person under investigation as a briber.

Although the evidence before him is not enough, compared to what he has done, it is only the tip of the iceberg.However, those evidences are already very clear and clear, and the fact that he ordered others to bribe some leaders in the district is hard evidence, and he cannot be denied in the slightest.Most of those bribe-takers were also the protagonists who accepted his banquet today.

Seeing those evidences, He Zhangyan's first reaction was not to be afraid, but to wonder who betrayed him?

Even if He Zhangyan is brave enough to do such illegal things, he will not brag or publicize them everywhere. Although everyone knows that he must have some rent-seeking behavior, but that is only tacit, such a private matter, the evidence It is very difficult to collect.Unless there are spies inside or you have been noticed by someone with a heart, otherwise, there are some things that outsiders can't get.

Of course, He Zhangyan immediately targeted Chen Kangjie and his group.Because the ones who most want and are most likely to engage him are their group of people.

However, out of rationality, He Zhangyan quickly ruled them out.Because it didn't take long for the feud with him to happen, they couldn't have the sufficient time and opportunity to find out about him all at once.But if it wasn't for them, it would be hard for He Zhangyan to think who it would be.

Even in the face of genuine evidence, when He Zhangyan faced the interrogators of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, he remained silent, neither admitting nor denying it, whatever you want to say.

He Zhangyan has two calculations, one is to avoid the occurrence and occurrence of the situation where too much talk is bound to fail, and silence is the best way to deal with it.Another calculation is that He Zhangyan is waiting for rescue.

To be able to do such a big business in the capital, and to have a net worth of hundreds of millions, He Zhangyan certainly has his own connections and backing.He knew very well that if he wanted to live a better life, or even go out, the best action was to shut up, say nothing, delay time, and wait for the opportunity.As for the propaganda about being frank and lenient and resisting strictness, and making meritorious service for performance, it has no effect on He Zhangyan.

As far as the current evidence is concerned, it doesn't matter to him whether he does meritorious service or not. On the contrary, if he talks nonsense, he may die even worse.

He Zhangyan's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, but it doesn't mean that those who benefit from him also have the same determination and backbone.Especially those cadres who were taken away with He Zhangyan, they saw that He Zhangyan was taken away together, how can they bear it, but they are afraid that He Zhangyan will speak first, and they will lose the good opportunity to make meritorious service for leniency.

When someone spoke, not only some other leading cadres were drawn out, but He Zhangyan's new bribery facts and evidence were also drawn out.

It's like rolling a snowball, the more it rolls down, the bigger the snowball will be, and the bigger the snowball will be, the more dangerous it will be. In the end, it can crush people to death or even cause an avalanche.

Seeing more and more evidence in front of him, He Zhangyan became more and more impatient, and his pessimism became more and more intense.If he can't go out or if this momentum can't be contained, then the consequences he faces may become worse and worse.

Is there really no one outside to rescue He Zhangyan?Of course not, since it was known that he was taken away for investigation, many people have been working hard.Not to mention anything else, Deputy Mayor Su couldn't just watch He Zhangyan be ruined like that.

Of course, Deputy Mayor Su couldn't really be that warm-hearted and helpful person.He had to save He Zhangyan.

He Zhangyan is not just the food and clothing of Deputy Mayor Su's parents. The children's luxury houses abroad and expensive consumption, his wife's showing off in front of friends, and some shady expenses of his own are all provided directly or in disguise by He Zhangyan. Without He Zhangyan, their family's standard of living and happiness would soon become a cliff-like break.

Another more important point is that the life and death of He Zhangyan is related to the future of Deputy Mayor Su. If he talks indiscriminately inside, the glorious image of Deputy Mayor Su will be destroyed, and the throne of power established over decades will also be destroyed. Abandoning him, as for the painful prison disaster, it seems that it cannot be completely avoided.

It's just that, it would be fine if Deputy Mayor Su didn't intervene in this matter. Once he intervened, the speed and process of his getting involved would be greatly accelerated.

First of all, Deputy Mayor Su greeted the relevant departments and leaders through his own relationship, hoping that major issues can be reduced to trivial ones.

Anyway, money, things outside of the body, as long as they are managed properly, they will come back when they go.

However, in the face of Mr. Su's greeting, the relevant leaders adopted a way of practicing Tai Chi. They did not promise, but they were not offended.

Let's talk about it, it doesn't seem so strange for a real estate company to seek rent-seeking accommodation from some leaders of some departments.In the entire society, if you ask any ordinary person, they will tell you that there is no real estate company that does not use some gray tricks or conduct illegal operations in the process of development and growth.If it works honestly, this real estate company can be successful, that would be a big strange thing.

This seems to be an open secret of the whole society. If the relevant departments really want to investigate, at least half of those enterprises will have to be dumped, and more than half of the departments and leaders involved in their work will also suffer.

Because of this situation, the involvement is too big, so the government tends to turn a blind eye, especially for some small faults, it basically treats them as nothing.

It is precisely because of this situation that Deputy Mayor Su greeted him. He is in charge of urban construction. Since it is an open secret known by the whole society, there is no need to take it too seriously. It is almost enough.Didn’t some similar cases in the past be dealt with with a lot of thunder and a little rain?There is no need to hold on to He Zhangyan's matter.

When he greeted several times in a row but met with soft nails, Deputy Mayor Su felt that something was wrong.

Since he could talk, it meant that the person Deputy Mayor Su greeted had a pretty good relationship with him.But it is this kind of good relationship that makes him unable to do what he wants to do, so the meaning in it is worth savoring carefully.

Through the deliberation and analysis of Deputy Mayor Su, there is only one situation that can lead to this situation, that is, there are leaders whose status is not lower than his, paying attention to this matter.Only under such circumstances, out of self-preservation, would his "friends" become cautious.

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