rebirth of change

Chapter 2333 Drunk in a good mood

Chapter 2333 Drunk in a good mood

"Deputy District Chief Liu, what did you do as the executive deputy district chief? The party and the people gave you such a high position and such good treatment. The people trust you and the party trusts you, but look at it, everyone. Look, how do you do your work? You don’t know this, you don’t understand that, are you worthy of your position? Are you worthy of the trust of the party and the entrustment of the people? If all our comrades carry out work like you, then we will still What future is there? How can we lead the people to achieve a great modernization?" After a long meal of criticism, Deputy Mayor Su picked up his teacup and took a leisurely sip of tea.

Although he was drinking tea, Deputy Mayor Su's eyes were always locked on Liu Neng like a falcon, observing his every move and every subtle change in his expression very carefully.

Facing Deputy Mayor Su's scolding and criticism, Liu Neng was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother.

Most of the parts that Deputy Mayor Su criticized were intentional crimes, purely seeking trouble for nothing.Is he, Liu Neng, so unbearable?Of course Liu Neng disagreed and felt wronged.

But what if it is a grievance?Is it okay for the superiors to criticize it?Could he speak up in front of so many people?

No, as a subordinate, Liu Neng can only accept it.If he sticks his neck now and raises the bar unconvinced, then he will not get any benefits, and it is impossible to win any justice.Conversely, if he did that, Deputy Mayor Su would have more reason to deal with him and attack him.

With his head down, Liu Neng remained silent like a little daughter-in-law.All he can do is to make his heart more tenacious and stronger, so as to meet the follow-up continuous targeted blows.

Seeing Liu Neng's embarrassment, some of his colleagues gloated in their hearts and snickered at the corners of their mouths, while others were insensitive, as if this incident was a mouse that ran past the door next door.

Is there anyone who sympathizes with Liu Neng?Of course, some people expressed sympathy for his experience. After all, Liu Neng's behavior is not that bad.But sympathy is sympathy, and it is absolutely impossible for them to stand up and fight against injustice.

A fire broke out at the city gate, which affected the fish pond.This kind of unlucky thing happens every day, and no one wants to be that kind of unlucky person.If he defended Liu Neng, he would offend a large number of people, and even direct Deputy Mayor Su's anger onto himself.No one is a fool, how could he do such a thankless thing.

What's more, there is another point, Liu Neng himself did not stand up to argue.He can bear it himself, so why should he meddle in his own business?

"Deputy District Chief Liu, I suggest you, in the future, you must devote more energy and time to your workers. Don't be idle all day long, it will not be good for you. You must know that our party has never supported idlers. Yes. In his position, he must seek his own government, and it is the last word to do his job conscientiously, and don’t spend all his time on things that have nothing to do with him, understand?” After taking a sip of tea, Deputy Mayor Su put down his teacup calmly, and then continued to criticize Liu Neng's words.

The words of deputy mayor Su couldn't be more obvious. They were warning Liu Neng not to make trouble for nothing, otherwise, his position would most likely be lost.

Logically speaking, Liu Neng has already reported him, so what's the point of admonishing him at this time?

In fact, of course it makes sense, at least he, Deputy Mayor Su, is still working as his official outside.He didn't want the situation to continue to develop and involve him.

In addition, whether it is those officials or He Zhangyan, they are still in the investigation stage, and have not drawn a clear conclusion, nor have the results been made public.Since Liu Neng is the whistleblower, maybe the relevant departments will ask him to verify and understand other situations.The deputy mayor of Su hoped that Liu Neng would stop talking nonsense at that time, and it would be better to overturn some of his own reports. In that case, the situation could be controlled within a controllable range.

Deputy Mayor Su hopes that Liu Neng is a smart person, and hopes that Liu Neng can understand his "good intentions". If Liu Neng continues to be obsessed and stubborn, then he doesn't mind taking further measures against Liu Neng.You know, if a deputy mayor wants to deal with a deputy district chief, if he really wants to kill him, the deputy district chief will be very difficult to resist, and there will be many ways to deal with it.

"Mayor Su, I understand." Liu Neng hung his head and replied resentfully, ignoring Deputy Mayor Su's expression.

Does Liu Neng really understand?Or he really understood, but would Liu Neng do that?If Liu Neng was a smart person, then he would never really do that.

If Liu Neng dared to back down, he might be able to relieve the pressure on his shoulders in a short period of time, and he could also avoid Deputy Mayor Su's blow for the time being, putting himself in a relatively safe position.However, if he does that, then he is basically finished.

Comparing your heart to your heart, no matter who it is, can you really calmly let go of someone who has hurt you greatly?impossible.

So, as long as those people pass this hurdle, then Liu Neng's good life will basically come to an end.Will those people let him go?Won't.Will Deputy Mayor Su appreciate him or support him?Of course not.Even, for revenge and deterrence, he would be stomped to the ground with one foot, and he would never stand up again.

"Since you understand, District Chief Gao, I think members of your team, as close comrades, should find some way to help Comrade Liu Neng. Our party has always emphasized learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones, curing diseases and saving people. To help comrades grow and progress, It’s something we should do without cadres. You can’t just stand by and watch because some comrades have such and other shortcomings, you know?” Seeing Liu Neng subdued, Deputy Mayor Su finally stopped confronting him directly, and turned to the high district long direction.

Regardless of whether Liu Neng really understands and follows his request, Deputy Mayor Su can't force Liu Neng too hard, as long as he achieves the purpose of admonishing and giving a warning, lest if he is pushed too hard, it will backfire.Anyway, Deputy Mayor Su believes that he can hold a subordinate like Liu Neng who has no background and backing in his hands.

"Mayor Su, don't worry, I will definitely have more relations with Comrade Liu Neng in the future. Comrade Liu Neng is still working very hard at work. The key is that sometimes the direction is not so clear. After what you have done today After some guidance, I believe there will be corresponding changes in this aspect. Besides me, we have a collective." District Chief Gao didn't seem to have a throat discomfort, he was smiling, and the words he said were only as loud as a bell .

The conversation between Deputy Mayor Su and District Chief Gao was equivalent to giving Liu Neng two choices.If Liu Neng can really "make amends", then they don't mind giving him more rights and supporting him.But if he continues to be "dead-headed", they don't mind pushing Liu Neng aside and crowding him out until Liu Neng falls down.

To put it bluntly, this is an oboe for Liu Neng to watch as soon as he starred in it. It depends on his choice as to where to go.Whether to advance or retreat depends on his comprehension.

Anyway, under the attack of his superiors and colleagues, Liu Neng couldn't turn his palms.

"That's good, that's good... Just now, Comrade Liu Neng's report, although there are some such and other problems in it, but we must also admit that there are still many bright spots in your work. This flaw does not hide the good Well, the criticism that should be criticized, and the praise that should be praised, we are not tired of praise. Generally speaking, your work is worthy of recognition. I hope that you can strengthen your unity in your future work and work together to continue to carry out your work. Go up. I believe that comrades have such ability and wisdom. If this job is done well, it will be a good thing for you, your municipal government, and the people below..." Deputy Mayor Su really The most important thing is that it will change its face, and it is quite skillful to play the first suppression and then the rise.

Just now, they criticized the work in their district as useless, so they almost called them idiots.But when I looked back, I was sure of their work again, as if they were not alone.Some comrades sitting in the audience doubted whether Deputy Mayor Su had studied Sichuan Opera, the quintessence of Sichuan Opera——Changing Face.

Next, Deputy Mayor Su spoke a lot of words of praise, put forward some work requirements, visited a few places casually, and then got in the car and headed home.

Deputy Mayor Su didn't come to inspect the work sincerely, so of course he didn't have the time and thought.Anyway, the work of attacking and deterring Liu Neng, at least on the surface, seems to have achieved some results, so Deputy Mayor Su will naturally focus his time and energy on more important and urgent places.

Right now, what is deputy mayor Su more concerned about and more urgent?Of course it was his connection with He Zhangyan.

The most urgent task, what Deputy Mayor Su has to do is to find a way to cut off his relationship with He Zhangyan, so as to avoid the situation where sparks start a prairie fire.

After completing the reception for Deputy Mayor Su, Liu Neng had no intention of going home after get off work.He was extremely depressed and needed to vent.So, after Liu Neng left the district government, he walked down the road for a long time, dejected, and finally stopped at a roadside restaurant.

Looking up at the restaurant's "In a Good Mood" plaque, Liu Neng smiled knowingly, opened the door and walked in, asked for a small private room, ordered a few dishes, ordered two bottles of wine, and had a drink alone stand up.

Under a rational situation, drunkenness does not necessarily lead to a better mood. After waking up, you have to continue to face the things that should be faced, and there is no way to escape.But Liu Neng was a little hard to calm down today, he felt that what he needed now was to have a good glass of wine, and it would be best if he could get drunk.At the very least, being temporarily drunk can relieve him of today's depression and discomfort.

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