rebirth of change

Chapter 2335 Liu Neng's Encounter

Chapter 2335 Liu Neng's Encounter

"Hmph, don't use aggressive tactics against me anymore. If I'm really afraid, then it's useless for you to be aggressive." Liu Neng snorted coldly at Chen Kangjie's aggressive tactics.

"Hehe, haha." After the attempt was not seen through, Chen Kangjie could only laugh in embarrassment. After anyone who played such a trick was found out, it would be difficult to deal with it calmly, "Then are you going to do it or not? Ask this way, It's finally right, right?"

"Whether I do it or not, you have to tell me who you are first. Even if I am in the front line, at least I have the right to know who gave me the order and who I am standing for, right? Am I going to die in such a daze? Presumably You know better than me that once the things you give me are handed over, they will involve the struggle of the upper echelon, and any random wave can drown me." Liu Neng shook his head while pouring wine into his glass Said.

Is Liu Neng really an upright person in officialdom?From the above words, we can know that he is not too big.

If Liu Neng is really the kind of stickler who accepts death, then he can climb to this position without background and support, which is a great irony to our officialdom rules.No one who has really reached a certain level in the officialdom is simple.

Perhaps, Liu Neng was willing to accept Chen Kangjie's radical method in front of him, and to be the first bird who offended others, because there were various considerations in it.

"If I were an ordinary person, would you choose to back down?" Chen Kangjie asked bluntly.

"Not necessarily, but at least I won't jump out without a strategy. I believe that even if you are in my perspective, you will be the same." Although he is holding the wine bottle with his right hand and his body is crooked, Liu Neng looks at Chen Kangjie But his eyes are clear.

Liu Neng did not play sloppy with Chen Kangjie, he spoke the truth.

Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes and pursed his lips, as a tacit approval of Liu Neng's words.

However, Chen Kangjie did not readily reveal his old background because of Liu Neng's words.

"Mr. Chen, are you still going to continue to daze?" Seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't speak, Liu Neng was a little displeased.

We've already talked about this part, you still put on a show like that, isn't it too arrogant.Even if you are some kind of "Prince", then I am still a deputy department-level cadre. Even if I don't have a deep background, the power in my hand is not muddled.

"No, I was thinking about how I should tell District Chief Liu. After all, the current District Chief Liu has changed his image in my mind." Chen Kangjie replied.

"Do you think I'm not so easy to use?" Liu Neng asked.

"No one has ever used you, or you have never been used by anyone. Between us, maybe we just get what we need." Chen Kangjie argued with peace of mind.

Before, Chen Kangjie felt that he was taking advantage of Liu Neng, but the face-to-face communication today made him feel that maybe it was not like that from the beginning. He felt that Liu Neng was being used, just wishful thinking.

As for which kind of Liu can make Chen Kangjie feel at ease, he can't say, each has its own advantages.If he is simple, straightforward, or upright, this kind of person is trustworthy, or this kind of person's character is more impressive.However, it seems to be even more difficult for such a simple person to move up and obtain a larger development platform.A wise, or cunning person who judges the situation is sometimes better to use, and the potential of this kind of person will be greater.

At the same time, Liu Neng himself was silently observing and evaluating Chen Kangjie.He secretly reflected on himself, did he use too much force?If you arouse resentment because of your pretending to be smart, then the previous efforts are very likely to be in vain, and you will get nothing by pretending to be a good person.

"If you have any scruples, then forget it. Since you have brought this thing out, I will accept it. This is to drive sheep, ten or one hundred. Anyway, I will offend the one who should be offended. , There is nothing else to worry about, I will take this matter." After some weighing, Liu Neng adjusted his language strategy and stopped asking about Chen Kangjie's identity and background.

Liu Neng has decided to take a gamble. If he wins the bet, he may have a bright future. If he loses the bet, he will find himself on the bench.

Anyway, in the district, the executive deputy mayor of himself is nominally the government's second-in-command. In fact, the real power is not as great as what outsiders see.In the departments below, many people don't quite dump him for the other deputy district chiefs.On the Standing Committee, he didn't have any strong support himself, and even if it was something he insisted on, he couldn't get through some of it.

The reason why he can sometimes hold some people down in the district is because of his stubborn character and his style of collusion.Didn't the old saying say that if you don't have desires, you can be powerful.He, Liu Neng, is not greedy for money, and secondly, he will not use any means to climb up the ladder, so some people still respect him even if they don't dump him behind his back.

"District Chief Liu has thought it through?" Liu Neng's sudden change made Chen Kangjie a little surprised.

"Do you want to be clear about this? I've already got half of my body wet, do I still care about getting my whole body wet? Of course, as I told you, this time, I have to choose a strategy no matter what. Straight to the point. Alright, now that I've taken over your business, shouldn't you have a drink with me?" Liu Neng said casually.

Liu Neng's change really gave him a lot of points in Chen Kangjie's heart.

"No problem, come here, then I wish District Chief Liu a successful start and eliminate harm for the people." Chen Kangjie readily filled himself with wine, raised his glass to Liu Neng and said.

"I'm killing harm for the people, but you are the one who wins the day, ha ha." Liu Neng accepted the task, but he still couldn't let go of it 100% in his heart.

After a glass of wine, the two put aside what happened just now and chatted, really like two friends.

"District Chief Liu, it stands to reason that a person like you would not be able to climb to this position. How did you do it?" Chen Kangjie asked curiously after taking a bite of the dish.

"Hehe, you mean I have no backing or background, right?" Liu Neng laughed at himself.

"Hmm." Chen Kangjie nodded.

"Let me put it this way, before I entered the district, my grades were all based on my hard work. It is impossible for the leaders to only consider the relationship and background when promoting a person. If that is the case, it would be too ugly But ah, I was really lucky to be able to go to the district." Liu Neng said, shaking his head as if he was borrowing wine to express his feelings, and he didn't feel that he was still a "stranger" so he kept his mouth shut.

"Luck? How about luck when you get promoted?" Chen Kangjie asked puzzled.

"It's really luck. Do you know how I got my official position? Hehe...Let me tell you, it was a leader who got it with a casual sentence."

"I would like to hear the details, so that I can learn more."

"It should have been four years ago. I was working as a secretary below. Deputy Mayor Wang from the city came to inspect the work in our community. Since our social work was pretty good at that time, Deputy Mayor Wang felt very happy after the inspection, not only He praised me in public, and even stayed for a meal. This leader is here, of course we little shrimps have to show their hospitality. That day, Deputy Mayor Wang was a little drunk, but before he got drunk, there was He praised me a lot, saying that people like me should be reused, otherwise, I am sorry for the hardworking cadres at the grassroots level..." Liu Neng said while recalling the scene back then.

"Is it because of that sentence? If that's the case, wouldn't you have found an organization?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"That's right. At that time, Deputy Mayor Wang was Secretary Chen's celebrity, and he had a great say in the city. It may be that Deputy Mayor Wang just said a few words inadvertently, but others had associations, so he Some people speculated that I might be from Deputy Mayor Wang. No, not long after Deputy Mayor Wang inspected, I became the executive deputy district chief. Do you think I was lucky? In fact, Vice Mayor Wang and I The mayor has nothing to do with him at all, that time was the first time I had such close contact with him." Liu Neng said with a wry smile.

When Liu Neng said this, Chen Kangjie understood why he became a rootless tree.

Because that deputy mayor, Chen Kangjie, knew it, and that secretary, Chen Kangjie, knew it even more.Speaking of which, he, Chen Kangjie, was responsible for all this, because he was the one who brought down Secretary Chen, and even that deputy mayor, Wang, also suffered.

"After you became the executive deputy mayor, did you really want to become the disciple of Deputy Mayor Wang, but, not long after, Deputy Mayor Wang suffered a disaster, and as a result, you have no one to rely on? Is that so?" Chen Kangjie expressed his guess.

"That's not exactly the case. I wanted to be the deputy mayor of Wang at the time, and I also found an opportunity to report to him. However, after I got in touch with him seriously, I found that I was too far away from him. Recently, there will be risks. Later, as you said, in a short time, Deputy Mayor Wang collapsed, and I, because I was promoted by Deputy Mayor Wang, was excluded everywhere. Several times, I almost left the district government. It is only because I have no faults that can be exploited, and I am still in my prime, and some people are not willing to bear the reputation of eliminating dissidents, so I can survive until now. Thinking about it now, Staying in the district government might as well go back down, but since I'm up, I can't go back." Finally Liu Neng said with emotion.

"So that's how it is." Liu Neng's words raised Chen Kangjie's understanding of him to another level.

It seems that Chen Kangjie was not entirely to blame for what happened to Liu Neng. In fact, even if it was caused by Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie would not regret it.A man can do something and not do something.

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