rebirth of change

Chapter 2340 Qin Pu was revenged

Chapter 2340 Qin Pu was revenged

Chen Kangjie drank it all, so Qin Pu, who couldn't figure out Chen Kangjie's details and was stunned, could only follow suit to finish the wine in the glass.

After drinking this glass of wine, the relationship between the two parties seemed to become more harmonious and cordial. Qin Pu began to talk about his entrepreneurial experience and the meager achievements he had made over the years.Speaking of meager achievements, that is Qin Pu's modesty. In fact, to become a billionaire in Forty-Nine City is not a small achievement.Of course, if compared with Chen Kangjie, his achievements are indeed meager.

Chen Kangjie listened to what Qin Pu said, and occasionally added a word in cooperation to delay Qin Pu's enthusiasm.

Usually a successful person is also a very skilled listener.It is difficult for a person who is not good at listening to gain followers and success.Because you are not good at listening, you will be cut off from obtaining information, and after a long time, you will become deaf.

While listening, Chen Kangjie keenly grasped the meaning of Qin Pu's words, which is that his achievements are basically based on his own hard work, hard work and wisdom, not relying on opportunism and illegal chaos like He Zhangyan. discipline.

Just listen to it, will Chen Kangjie completely believe it?He's not that stupid yet.

In the current era, especially in the field of real estate development, if one is well-behaved and honest, it can be said that it is almost impossible to succeed.

Of all the legitimate industries, perhaps real estate is the most gray in character.From project approval, financing, demolition, to construction, acceptance and sales, almost every link is inseparable from the government, and almost every link has huge rent-seeking space.As long as there is a mistake in one of the links, it will face huge risks and losses.

Therefore, because of the particularity of this industry, real estate developers have to show their talents. For huge profits, if legal channels cannot be used, then illegal channels will become their choice.Over time, real estate developers have become black and white people, and have become synonymous with local tyrants and domineering.

He Zhangyan is a typical example. On the government side, he has allies and protection umbrellas, and on the society side, he has thugs from the world to order.That's why he was so arrogant and supercilious.

Conversely, will Qin Pu be better than He Zhangyan?Perhaps, but if it was said that his process of becoming rich was clean, then Chen Kangjie would not believe it even if he was beaten to death. He is not a three-year-old child.

"President Qin, have you never bullied the common people during the process of demolition and compensation?" Chen Kangjie didn't agree or refute what Qin Pu said, but asked such a question in a jumpy manner.

"Bullying the common people? No, absolutely not. I, Qin Pu, will not do anything to those ordinary people at the bottom." Qin Pu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and waved his hands in denial.

Chen Kangjie has been looking into Qin Pu's eyes. Eyes are not the window to the soul. Chen Kangjie wants to pass the test and observe Qin Pu's eyes to guess whether he is lying.

Fortunately, Qin Pu's eyes didn't flicker, he wasn't flustered, and he was even a little resolute.From this point, Chen Kangjie believed that he really did not extend his evil hands to ordinary people.

Chen Kangjie wasn't that kind of pedantic person either. In his opinion, as long as he didn't target the common people, it would be considered good.After all, strictly speaking, Chen Kangjie's primitive accumulation is not so open and aboveboard.

It is impossible to be perfect as a human being, as long as there is a bottom line.At least in the current environment, that is the case.Going too far against the tide of society will indeed make it difficult to survive.

"Hehe, Mr. Qin, although I don't like the stealthy behavior of people I know, but if you can do it, you can barely do it without bullying the people at the bottom." Chen Kangjie said casually.

The words were spoken casually, but Chen Kangjie did put on the posture of a superior, a posture of criticizing Qin Pu.

In other words, Chen Kangjie is telling Qin Pu, don't watch you sit and eat and drink with me, but if you have that kind of despicable behavior, then you can't be my friend, let alone go further Proximity and related interests involved.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry about this. I dare not say how gentlemanly I am in life, but I don't bother with those excessive things. I came from the countryside, and I have some bottom lines in life. I won't It's easy to step over." Qin Pu said a little excitedly.

"That's good, I admire such people."

"Mr. Chen, to tell you the truth, I have an appointment with you today because I have something to ask for." After receiving Chen Kangjie's affirmation, Qin Pu hesitated a little, and said shyly with embarrassment.

"Oh? Is there something you need to ask? Mr. Qin, is there anything you can't settle in the capital?" Chen Kangjie asked pretending to be surprised.

Why do you say that Chen Kangjie's surprise is feigned?That's because Chen Kangjie had already had a premonition when Qin Pu introduced his fortune.So much talk in the early stage is nothing more than a kind of paving.

Now that the pavement is almost done, Qin Pu should get down to business and say what he should say.

"Mr. Chen, you are joking. The capital is located at the foot of the emperor. There are not many people like me. Some people may think that I am great, but ah, I still have self-knowledge. After all, I am nothing more than a It’s just a businessman. In the eyes of many people, businessmen like us are nothing.” Qin Pu lowered his posture and said modestly.

Was Qin Pu wrong?Seems good too.In our culture and system, businessmen are not high class, who is the high class?Of course, those government officials who hold real power.

The sense of superiority of businessmen is aimed at ordinary people. In the eyes of some officials, they are nothing, and they can even get whatever they want.

"Then how do you know that I can help you? You are an ordinary person, and I am also an ordinary person." Chen Kangjie asked calmly.

"I can't tell you why, but I just think you should be able to help me, Mr. Chen. Although Mr. Chen is low-key and I don't know your identity, my instinct tells me that Mr. Chen is the kind of person with great ability. "Qin Pu is really a smart person. He is obviously flattering, but the filming is very good, and it is easy for people to believe his frankness.

"Hahaha, Boss Qin is really good at talking. But, maybe you've misjudged me, I'm not as powerful as you said, and I don't have that kind of energy. Of course, even so, I have no objection to listening to Boss Qin. If you encounter any troubles, although I may not be able to help you, I may still be able to come up with an idea." Chen Kangjie said relaxedly.

Chen Kangjie first found room and excuses for himself to retreat.

Chen Kangjie is not the kind of person who wants to show off his face. Even if he can help with some help, he may not be able to help.So, words must not be dead, and you must leave enough room for yourself.

The masters in the rivers and lakes are all able to advance and retreat freely. If you are in a dilemma and put yourself in a dilemma, how can you talk about masters?

Chen Kangjie's words made Qin Pu really depressed. He thought that since he lowered his posture and said good things like this, Chen Kangjie should pat his chest and express: "Speak, buddy, what's the matter, just say it, I'll give it to you." Get over it, it's no big deal."

Not only was Chen Kangjie not as bold and impulsive as Qin Pu had expected, but he repeatedly retreated back.

But what can Qin Pu do?Can he force Chen Kangjie to give him a guarantee?If he could do that, then he wouldn't beg Chen Kangjie either.

So, of course, Qin Pu could only speak out his troubles honestly, hoping that Chen Kangjie could help him based on their cooperation experience.

"Mr. Chen, let's talk about it, it's still related to what we do together. I don't know where the news leaked or what He Zhangyan speculated. Recently, my company has started to face various troubles. Not only Several government departments have checked this and that, and even the bank has troubled me. I am really tired of dealing with it. I know that Mr. Chen is definitely a person with great skills, so I hope you can see it in our cooperation For my little face, help me." Qin Pu said with a tangled expression.

"You mean, you started to encounter revenge, someone retaliated against you?" Chen Kangjie asked dumbly.

"Yes, it can be said that it is so." Qin Pu nodded.

"President Qin, I believe that you are also a person with connections and background. Could it be that you can't handle it by yourself?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Yes, I met some friends in the capital, but they really can't help. I heard that... an old leader of the municipal party committee ordered it behind the scenes. I don't know if it's true or not. Whether it's true or not, No one I know can exert influence at that level. It is said that Deputy Mayor Su was able to climb to a high position only after he was appreciated by the old leader. Although the old leader has retired, but in The influence of the capital is still great. Mr. Chen, if you don't help me, I might not be able to get over this hurdle." The more he talked, the more depressed Qin Pu became.

It can be seen that Qin Pu is really worried and helpless.

"The old leader you're talking about is the former Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Cao?" Chen Kangjie asked directly.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's him. Mr. Chen knows him?" Qin Pu said excitedly, his eyes shining brightly.

He didn't say who it was, but Chen Kangjie named Deputy Secretary Cao, which gave Qin Pu great confidence.At least it shows that Chen Kangjie has some understanding and mastery of personnel affairs at that level.

In fact, it was because Chen Kangjie wanted to pay attention to Deputy Mayor Su that he could understand his experience.With those understandings, he realized that Deputy Mayor Su had indeed received a lot of help and support from Deputy Secretary Cao in his career.

The person who was promoted by himself is now being rectified, and it seems reasonable for Deputy Secretary Cao to help him out.

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