rebirth of change

Chapter 2357 Persuading Jackson

"Okay, November NO.11, right? I'll definitely go when the two-month anniversary comes."

"Thank you for your support, thank you for your cooperation, I thank you on behalf of the families of the dead and injured." Michael Jackson himself was equally happy to receive Chen Kangjie's affirmative reply.

"You don't have to thank me. This is what I should do. As long as I can help those victims, I am willing to do it. I saw that tragic scene at that time, and even now, I still feel sad in my heart."

"Yeah, if it were me, I would be the same. Relatively speaking, you are much stronger than me. For this reason, I cried twice. It is because of my heavy heart that I initiated this event." Michael exclaimed Jackson.

"You are a true philanthropist, you are a truly kind person, your character is worth learning from." Chen Kangjie's words are not perfunctory or hypocritical, he thinks so from the bottom of his heart.

As an artist, Michael Jackson's contribution to the society is really unmatched by others. His philanthropic footprint can really be said to spread across five continents.Not only did he pay for it, but he also did many things by himself.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie felt a little awkward about himself.It's not that Chen Kangjie has no kindness, but it's hard for him to have the strong will to implement it himself. This has something to do with his many things and little time.

"Long, don't compliment me. Now who doesn't know that you are the number one philanthropist in the entertainment industry, and all your income is donated to the Long Foundation and other charitable foundations. So, you have done better than that. Hello, it should be the other way around that people want to learn from you... But now, I am afraid that you are the only one who can judge me from the bottom of my heart." At the end of the speech, Michael Jackson said melancholy.

"Michael, I know that people in the world have a lot of misunderstandings about you. It is because they don't understand you. But my opinion of you has never changed a little bit. I believe that time and history will prove everything. I also believe that your heart It's powerful, otherwise you wouldn't do that." Chen Kangjie comforted him sincerely.

"Long, thank you, thank you for being able to understand me like this. Your words made me feel so much better. I haven't heard such heartwarming words for a long time." Michael Jackson was so moved that he choked up.

"Michael, even so, but... there is something I think I should say, your out-of-court settlement a few years ago may have really started a very bad start..."

"I didn't want to..." Michael Jackson was anxious to explain.

However, since Chen Kangjie understands Michael Jackson, he will not let him explain the words out.

"I understand, you don't need to say, you were also out of good intentions at the time, you wanted to protect that little boy, you wanted to end the troubles that plagued you as soon as possible, right? But, you paid more than 2000 million US dollars in compensation, and you didn't think about it. But will this make many people covet and feel that they have control? In this world, not everyone is so kind. In your west, the beginning of human nature is evil. If someone thinks this is a way to make money , and something similar happened again? So what to do? Did you settle out of court and pay a large fee?"

"This... I really haven't thought about it, maybe it won't happen?" Michael Jackson said uncertainly.

"It's hard to say. According to my opinion, it is very possible. After all, tens of millions of dollars, for most people, may not be earned in a lifetime. What's more, with the previous successful examples as demonstrations, if I were If I were a small person, I would most likely take the risk and do that. If I succeed, I will make a lot of money. Even if I don’t succeed, it seems that the loss is not big. On the contrary, you, no matter whether you have done it or not, once someone has such an attempt, plus If you go to the media to stir up trouble, you will only suffer worse, have you ever thought about it?" Chen Kangjie further helped analyze.

Chen Kangjie's words are naturally not groundless. In the historical era he experienced, it didn't take long before someone jumped out to copy the lessons learned from the past and brought up the Michael Jackson sexual assault case. Chen Kangjie knew that it was a non-existent thing, but his purpose Just money.Moreover, Michael Jackson's character seems to have been figured out by others.

"Then what should I do? I really can't bear to see a child ruined so ruthlessly." Michael Jackson sincerely asked for advice.

Because of his great fame, Michael Jackson became like a canary in a cage, with very little contact with the outside world, and the people around him, including his lawyer, seemed to only want to make money from him, otherwise they would not Will agree with his somewhat stupid decision back then.

He has countless fans, but it seems that few people around him really care about Michael's life and death. He is just a card for them to seek benefits.Compared with Chen Kangjie, Jackson is really pitiful and pathetic. He was not happy when he was a child, and his love was not smooth. Now he is misunderstood and slandered. He has become famous since he was a child. It can be said that he has no real friends. Even his father just wanted him to help make money.

On the contrary, Chen Kangjie, who was thousands of miles away, felt sorry for each other and was willing to treat him sincerely like a true friend.

"Do you think that you are really saving him by doing that? I can't see it. You all know whether any dirty things happened in the middle. You feel that a person has lived for decades in self-blame and guilt. Will you be happy in the midst of struggle? Will you get positive growth? No, that kind of suffering is equally cruel to a child, and it is also distorted to his life. This is from the perspective of the other party. So what about from your point of view? Do you continue to endure the world’s misunderstanding of you endlessly, do you think what will happen if there is another accusation and out-of-court settlement? In that case, you will be ruined, you will not Not only will you lose money, you will even lose everything. Ask yourself, being slandered and misunderstood, are you not in pain? Are you not uncomfortable?"

"Of course I'm in pain, and of course I'm uncomfortable. Many nights, I can't sleep. I can only sleep peacefully by taking medicine. Even in my sleep, my soul seems to be struggling and crying." Michael Jackson said in a deep voice.

"That's right, it's something that's not good for you or anyone else. Since it's not good, why do you need to do it. Of course, if you want to talk about good things, it's the parents with ulterior motives behind the children's scenes. But for people like them, There is absolutely no need to make such unworthy sacrifices. Setting up a very bad example will cause great damage to the whole society." Chen Kangjie said, waving his hand in the air.

"so what should I do?"

"What to do? Of course, take up the weapon of law, prove your innocence, and give the whole world a clean account. No matter how far the lawsuit goes, you must not hesitate or back down. Whether it is for you or others, you There should be no room for concessions. Those ugly faces must be exposed to the world, so that people can really see. Only in this way, you are responsible to yourself, to your family, and to the society I think, you don't want your children to be spurned and pointed at by others, do you?"

Michael Jackson was silent for a long time, and Chen Kangjie could hear his deep sigh of relief through the phone.

"Long, thank you, thank you for enlightening me. Your words really made me understand a lot of things at once. I have decided that if there is another similar thing, I will never back down. I will defend my My dignity and innocence, I can no longer indulge in pedantry and cannot extricate myself." As if exhaling all the stale air in his body, Michael Jackson seemed to be refreshed in an instant.

I don’t know if it’s because of Chen Kangjie’s enlightenment and persuasion. Not long after, Michael Jackson faced another groundless slander and accusation. He didn’t shrink back and tolerate it like he did a few years ago. Instead, he was very determined to settle the lawsuit. In the end, he himself got a good name rectification.

"Hehe, we are friends. Since we are friends, of course I have to say something." Chen Kangjie laughed when the goal was achieved.

"I'm very happy. Being able to become a true friend with you is the most exciting and luckiest thing I've done in so many years. Thank God for allowing me to call you." Michael Jackson said excitedly.

"Haha, since we are friends, you don't have to thank God, you should take some practical actions. I'm going to have a concert, can you help me stand on stage and help me out? Also, you Shouldn't the concert in China be on the agenda? By my side, your countless fans are already waiting for the flowers to thank you." Chen Kangjie's concert needs singing assistants, and in this case, If Michael Jackson is not the first invitee, who is qualified to be the first invitee?

Moreover, Chen Kangjie also wanted to help him in action by doing this.In the past few years, Jackson's performing arts activities have been few and his income has dropped sharply. It seems that his life is not as good as before.Whether it is to assist Chen Kangjie in singing or to hold a concert in China, he can get a lot of income.

"I've heard about your concert, don't worry, if you need me, you can ask me casually, and I will never refuse. Even, I have some related experience, if you don't mind, I am willing Provide some advice." Jackson was a very simple person, and he became Chen Kangjie's friend, and his words became very casual.

"That's great. I'm still worried about this. That's it. When I come to the United States, let's have a good talk and communicate. I will come here at least one day in advance. I have a lot of things here. It's hard to have a long time."

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