rebirth of change

Chapter 2384 Is it not easy to want to die

Chapter 2384 Is it not easy to want to die

The discipline in the army is completely different from that in the arena. In the arena, there will still be humility or avoidance of disadvantages, but it is different in the army. Luo Zhibing just finished speaking, and Zhou Zheng called his name, and moved quickly out of the crowd The four younger brothers who came were immediately pushed down by Luo Zhibing's soldiers with a few sticks.

The whole movement process is skillfully coordinated, crisp and neat, without any sloppiness.

Originally, there were a few more who wanted to come out whether they were willing or not, willingly or not. Seeing this, they were all frightened and stopped.

Knowing that going out would be embarrassing and embarrassing, but still going out, that's not bravery, it's brain flooding.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see clearly that those sticks were not just a joke, they were for real.There was a bastard who was so close that he even heard the sound of bone cracking, and he couldn't help taking two steps back in fright.

"Why do you beat people? Why do you beat people? Are soldiers like you? Which army do you belong to? I must ask your leaders for an explanation. You are breaking the law. You are committing a crime. Do you understand? "Seeing that his subordinates were being caught like chickens, Ding Xuan, as the eldest brother, certainly couldn't stand up.

Of course, Ding Xuan couldn't be reckless, he took a reasonable approach.He believes that as long as it is reasonable, the other party's casual behavior will not make sense.

Ding Xuan also knew that the army cannot meddle in local affairs casually, and because he knew this, Ding Xuan seemed to speak so righteously.In fact, Ding Xuan's heart is also sinking, the reason is that these people really dare to attack, not just kidding.

But one thing Ding Xuan seems to have forgotten is that the military cannot meddle in local affairs, so can local governments meddle in military affairs?The same cannot.To put it bluntly, what he said, asking for an explanation, what crimes and laws, etc., are not up to him. Even if he has the ability and his father has the influence, how to deal with it is also a matter within the army.

Facing Ding Xuan's roar, Luo Zhibing remained indifferent, as if listening to a mosquito buzzing.

Luo Zhibing was indifferent, but Chen Kangjie was not.

"Crack!" Chen Kangjie stepped out in two steps, pushed Luo Zhibing away, and slapped Ding Xuan on the face.

This slap Ding Xuan didn't prevent at all, so he was hit hard.

"Pit, spit." Ding Xuan turned around, shook his head, opened his mouth wide and spit out twice, his two teeth were covered in bloody water.

"You... ah..." Ding Xuan wanted to speak, but his jaw seemed to be a little out of control.

"Are you not sure why I hit you?" Chen Kangjie stared at Ding Xuan with miniature eyes, "When you hit Niuniu just now, why didn't you say you committed a crime? Didn't you just scold me very well? My slap, It can only be regarded as a little bit of interest you just scolded me, but it's not enough."

Ding Xuan was beaten by Chen Kangjie, the people below him only took two steps towards him, Xiong Ziqiang and Luo Zhibing stood on the left and right, and on the other three sides there were a group of fierce tigers watching, they didn't dare to act rashly.Even that Zhou Zheng was shocked by Xiong Ziqiang's stare.

"I... tell you... this department will not be finished, if you have this department, you will let me go...otherwise I won't..." Spit out two One tooth, and a few loose teeth, Ding Xuan became slurred.

I don't know if Ding Xuan was enraged or lost his head, but he was not afraid anymore, and even said "kill me if you have the ability".

"Kill you? Hehe, it's not that I dare not, it's that it's really against the law. If you attack me now, in a legitimate self-defense, I really don't mind except you killing harm for the people. If you really want to die, Do you want to try it. That silly fork, didn’t you have a knife in your hand? Give your knife to Boss Ding. Come, go and take that knife. That knife is longer. With your fat body, It can only be forced to cross each other." Chen Kangjie pointed to a big man with a knife next to Zhou Zheng, and ticked him.

Chen Kangjie didn't know what to call him, so he called him a big fool, which made Xiong Ziqiang and Luo Zhibing almost burst out laughing.

The guy with the knife was so humiliated by Chen Kangjie, he didn't stand up, and he didn't stand up, his face was twisted like a pig's liver, he was conflicted in his heart, and he was in a dilemma.

Ding Xuan was even more shocked by Chen Kangjie's words, and his whole body suddenly became rational and sober, like a muddled person being poured with a bucket of cold water.

If Chen Kangjie spoke harshly, perhaps Ding Xuan would think he was bluffing.Ding Xuan, who has seen all kinds of people a lot, knows one thing very well, that is, the really scary people are definitely not the kind who talk big, but the kind who are calm, calm and indifferent, and they don't make a move That's it, once you make a move, you really dare to do anything.

Ding Xuan had no doubts that if he really dared to catch and raise the knife, a hole would be stabbed in his stomach by the knife.

"What's the matter with the two of you? Can't hear or don't understand? Take it, in this world, it's hard to live, isn't it easy to want to die?" Seeing that neither of them moved, Chen Kangjie showed contempt Eyes, "If you don't dare, then don't babble all day long, I look down on people like you."

"Comrade Luo, let your people do it." Chen Kangjie glanced at Ding Xuan in disgust, and took two steps back.

Maybe Chen Kangjie's contempt really irritated Ding Xuan deeply, making him unable to accept and control it anymore, this guy suddenly rushed towards Chen Kangjie.

In an army, if the leading officer is brave, the people below will also become fearless. If the leading officer is afraid of wolves and tigers, the people below will also be fearful.

Ding Xuan's move, coupled with Chen Kangjie's previous ridicule towards his subordinates and the brutality of taking down four people, Ding Xuan's brothers also became restless. Among them, the big fool who was named by Chen Kangjie and gave Ding Xuan a knife Fork, You Qi couldn't control it, and he really dared to lift the knife and came up.

"Take it down, take it all down!" Luo Zhibing shouted, and went up to meet him.

As the two sides meet each other, a scuffle will inevitably unfold.

Seeing the fight started, the onlookers quickly dodged back one by one, for fear of being accidentally injured by the unlucky ones.Being accidentally injured in such a melee, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find someone.

Originally, Ding Xuan and his men were half-surrounded by the people brought by Luo Zhibing. With Luo Zhibing's roar, the half-encirclement turned into a full encirclement in a few seconds.

Ding Xuan's subordinates came with weapons, and Luo Zhibing and the others did not empty their hands. What's more, they also have an advantage in numbers. Coupled with the strict discipline and tacit cooperation among each other, the whole situation will soon become It was one-sided.

When Ding Xuan rushed towards Chen Kangjie, Xiong Ziqiang, who had never let down his guard, stepped forward, blocked Ding Xuan, and protected Chen Kangjie behind him.

To deal with Ding Xuan, Chen Kang used a slap in the face, while Xiong Ziqiang didn't pay much attention to it. With two punches and one kick, Ding Xuan's obese body fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

The reason why the one-sided situation formed so quickly, and the people Ding Xuan called could only parry, not only because they were relatively small and not good at team fighting, but also because they lacked confidence and momentum from the beginning.

Even though many of Ding Xuan's younger brothers were armed with weapons, few of them really dared to attack these soldiers.

These people have been in Pengcheng for some time, and they deal with the armed police every time they enter and exit the customs, so they are not particularly unfamiliar with soldiers.One thing they know very well is that if they are cruel to the soldiers, once heavy casualties are caused, their end will be miserable.What's more, people's sticks and engineering shovels are not vegetarians.

In a few minutes, the parking lot outside the Xianggan Building was full of gangsters who had been hanging out in the surrounding area all year round, crying for their fathers and mothers.

These people were dealt with like this, not only did the crowd not feel sympathy, some even couldn't help applauding.

The hearts of the people are against each other. These people usually bully good people around here. Ordinary people dare not speak out against them. Even if they are bullied and report to the police, the police will still favor the other party in the end.

Therefore, seeing them being repaired one by one, the common people feel very happy.

Of course, some of Luo Zhibing's soldiers also failed, and no one could guarantee absolute safety in the chaos.Fortunately, the injury was not serious, and someone on the scene brought out emergency items to help with the bandage.

"Mr. Chen, are those cars still being smashed?" Luo Zhibing threw an iron rod on the ground and asked beside Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie withdrew his gaze from those wailing bastards: "Of course, if you say it, it's like pouring water."

"Okay, let's do it right away."

With a wave of Luo Zhibing's hand, the soldiers whom he had named just now leaped out of the crowd, carrying their engineering shovels and striding towards those Mercedes-Benz cars exuding noble brilliance.

"Bang bang bang...boom boom...dangdang...squeak..." All kinds of harsh voices merged in an instant .

The quality of the engineering shovel used in the army is really good. It doesn't look big, but it is very strong and easy to handle.That solid car body, if you chop it down with a shovel, even if you don't open your mouth, it will still be a big hole.Like window glass and headlights, if you basically shovel it down, it will be considered ruined.

The windshield is more difficult to get. It is difficult to break it with a sapper shovel, and there will only be a small hole.But this didn't deter those soldiers. When one jumped on the hood, jumped up and kicked it with his feet, the others followed suit. Soon, some even jumped on the roof of the car.

Watching the brand-new Mercedes-Benz cars gradually become unrecognizable, hideous and ugly under the rough treatment of the soldiers, the onlookers will feel a little heartache.

Ding Xuan didn't die, he was just beaten up and couldn't get up.Hearing his Mercedes-Benz being vandalized wantonly, he felt his heart was about to bleed.

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