rebirth of change

Chapter 2394 The birth of the third-party payment system

Chapter 2394 The birth of third-party payment

On the day of NO.3 in March, examples like Jack and Chris seem to be happening all over the world.Many people worry about a ticket that is only possible to buy. Whether to go or not is not a choice in their hearts. Whether they have the strength to go is a real problem.

No matter what method you take, all in all, once the ticket sales on opened, users frantically poured in like a tsunami.Due to the huge influx of users at any moment, the ticket sales page of went down for a while.

Vincent's prediction was not wrong. The carrying capacity of 100 million people per minute is indeed a very generous carrying capacity.Even if tens of millions of people log in within an hour, it can be easily handled without any problems.

But there is one thing Vincent didn't expect, that is, millions or even tens of millions of people will flood in and log in at the minute of 1:[-].

Since there are only [-] tickets and they are on a first-come-first-served basis, why do people come back an hour later to make reservations?

The ticket booking system designed by the railway system is to be able to accommodate tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people logging in every day. However, they have not thought of one thing, that is, the one-minute flow of people at the departure point in the morning is the largest, which can also be said to be Burst.The railway ticketing system is down almost every year, because the influx of people is tens of millions, or even tens of millions, in the minute of the two time points when the ticket sales start every day.

The reason is very simple, if you can't get a ticket in that 1 minute, then you don't have to grab it today. Most of the train tickets during the Spring Festival travel period are sold out within 1 minute.Therefore, dealing with such a peak rush of people will become a big problem.

The same is true for the ticketing system of It was completely stuck within ten seconds after the sale started. The number of people who logged in was so large that it exceeded their imagination and estimation.

Faced with this situation, Vincent could only mobilize the company's engineers to deal with it urgently.However, objectively speaking, such a temporary treatment does not have any major effect at all.The system can only be fully restored after the crowds begin to recede.

After the system eased up, Vincent and the others saw from the backstage that the 47 concert tickets were actually all booked out in only [-] seconds.In order to improve efficiency and save time, many people have already registered on Vision Online and filled in all the information.

Those who got the tickets rejoiced, while those who didn't got the tickets felt depressed and lost.

Of course, those who didn't get tickets, they still have many other opportunities to participate, but, after all, the first concert in Chen Kangjie's life has a different meaning.

And there is another question, don't people who watched the first scene not watch the other scenes?Not necessarily, after all, each of Chen Kangjie’s concerts is different, which means that each of his concerts is fresh. For his die-hard fans, if economic conditions permit, I am afraid that every concert will be different. Will not let go.

Although some problems have been experienced, this online ticket sales event has finally achieved a staged success, and it has been completed anyway.

However, in the face of hundreds of pages of messages, suggestions and criticisms in the message area, Vincent would be lying if he said that there is no pressure.Especially when Chen Kangjie called him to inquire about the situation.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, this online ticket sales event didn't go well, and I'm responsible for it." Facing Chen Kangjie, Vincent's smart way is to admit his mistakes and conduct self-criticism first.

"I saw it. I was also logging in at the time, but I couldn't log in. I read some of the critical messages. It's the first time I'm doing this kind of event. It's normal to have some small flaws. It's nothing special. Eat a little It’s wise to learn, there will be many online ticket sales in the future, just try not to have this kind of network paralysis again.” Chen Kangjie is not the kind of person who makes a fuss over a molehill, not to mention that the God of Plague has already realized the problem on his own initiative. .

Speaking of which, it was also because Chen Kangjie was too busy recently. If he could spare some time to care about it beforehand, he might be able to avoid this unfavorable situation to a certain extent.

Others may not have expected that kind of situation to happen, but Chen Kangjie, who has snatched train tickets several times, has full understanding and experience.The peak acceptance capacity of 100 million times is indeed low for Vision Network. No matter what, even at this stage, it should at least increase by five times.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, our engineers are already upgrading the system and upgrading the server capacity. Next time, I promise that this kind of situation will not happen again." Vincent assured.

"Can you tell me the geographical distribution of the audience for this ticket sale?" Chen Kangjie asked curiously.

"Geographically, the domestic market and the Taiwan Straits accounted for only one-third of the tickets, and most of the remaining tickets were sold to Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. Of course, Australia, Southeast Asia and West Asia also have a part." The status and big data analysis in this regard It's just getting started, so Vincent can only give a rough idea without an exact report.

"Oh, it's pretty consistent with what I expected."

"Mr. Chen, this online ticket sale gave me an inspiration."

"Huh? What revelation? Let's hear it."

"This time online ticket sales, although a lot of people have logged in to the website, but the payment is still not so smooth, and the customer service has received a lot of inquiries. I just thought, is it possible to develop an electronic currency to , if netizens have electronic money in their hands, wouldn’t that save a lot of trouble? What do you think?” Vincent didn’t ask Chen Kangjie for advice because of his identity, but in Vincent’s eyes, Chen Kangjie The Internet is very understanding and clear grasp.

The current achievements of sy company are not only based on Vincent's professional and management ability, but also have something to do with the strategy indicated by Chen Kangjie.The simplest thing is the emergence of the communication software qq, which is inseparable from Chen Kangjie's foresight. It is also because of such a simple communication software that SY can conquer cities and conquer territories. Not only is it popular in Asia, even in Europe and the United States, it also has a huge user base .

"Digital currency?"

"Yes, digital currency."

"...vincent, do you know what conditions are needed for the emergence of a new currency? How should it be issued? Who will issue it? How to ensure its credit and currency value, and more importantly, the digital currency you mentioned is different from the current How to exchange physical currency, especially in the face of hundreds of currencies around the world, how to exchange and ensure its stable exchange rate. In addition, how do you get the origin? All currencies currently on the market have related origins. What do you think of these problems? Can you solve it? Even if it can be solved, how long? One year? Ten years? 50 years?" Chen Kangjie just thought about it for a while, and knew that this thing is not feasible, at least not now.

Every time Chen Kangjie asked a question, Vincent's head twitched. In the end, he directly sentenced this issue to death in his own heart.He is not an expert in finance at all, even if he is, he knows that he can't solve those problems at all.

"Well, it seems that I am a little whimsical. In a word, there is no way to break through the current financial structure." Vincent said dejectedly.

"Creating a new currency directly is indeed a bit whimsical at the moment, but I think your idea is at least a breakthrough in the direction. We cannot create a new currency at present, but we can create a set of online payment system."

Chen Kangjie thought of the popular third-party payment system before his rebirth. Because of the emergence of the third-party payment system, e-commerce has become more convenient and easier, so that domestic Internet companies are truly at the forefront of the world. .

"Online payment system? What kind of payment method?" Hearing what Chen Kangjie said, Vincent became more interested.

"Let me tell you a way of thinking. Now customers directly rely on banks, and banks also directly face customers. However, you can create a link between them. In other words, you become a third party. .”

Vincent is indeed a professional. When Chen Kangjie said that, he immediately understood the key point.

"Long, what do you mean, let customers digitize their money in the bank? Let real money become digital money, so that they can pay directly through the Internet?"

"Yes, that's what it means. If you make this happen, the market and the future will be smooth, and all Internet-related transactions can be easily realized. Even, in the future, this method can also enter the traditional market. Trading channels, so as to maximize the involvement of e-commerce, this system can even surpass banks when it develops to a certain extent, in addition to trading, it can also develop financial management and investment purposes.”

"When you say it like this, my heart is full of excitement. Its potential is truly infinite." Vincent said excitedly.

"Let me give you a suggestion. If you want to popularize and improve this set more quickly, you'd better merge into an e-commerce platform, or develop an e-commerce platform yourself. Because e-commerce needs online funds It is the largest and most frequent, whether it is b2b or b2c or even c2c, this method will become the basis in the future. Specifically, you need to find more experts and engineers to study, or do not do it, and perfect it if you want to do it. It will spread quickly and seize the blank market. Whoever can make it first and put it into practical use will be the overlord in the future.”

"It can't be done, it can't be done, my blood is boiling now, long, I don't want to talk to you anymore, I'll find someone to come to study and consult. You said, consciously tell me that it is very feasible, and the future trend is here." Vincent has changed from sitting to standing, and his excitement is a little uncontrollable.

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