rebirth of change

Chapter 2396 debut

Chapter 2396

April [-]st was originally April Fool's Day in the West, but Chen Kangjie seemed to want to play a joke with everyone. He chose this time for his debut concert.

On April [-]st, most people would think about how to play tricks on their friends, but this day has a completely different meaning and form for the city of Liushuipan.

For Chen Kangjie's concert, almost one-third of the city was under martial law.

First of all, the city of Liushuipan is still very small compared to those big cities in China. It is such a small city, but it is necessary to hold such an important cultural and performing arts event. Of course, it must be perfect, especially with so many reporters. With foreign audiences, if something bad happens, it will not only affect Chen Kangjie, but the reputation of the city will also be greatly affected.

The second is Chen Kangjie's special identity. He is not just a pop king.He still carries many unknown expectations and secrets.Some of these parts Qiu Yi knew, some he didn't know, but even if he didn't know, wouldn't others give him some instructions and reminders?Not to mention the province, I am afraid that the relevant departments of the central government will intervene, it just depends on the extent of the intervention.

The third part is of course the personal relationship. Whether it is for Chen Qigang, He Baoguo or his direct relationship with Chen Kangjie, Qiu Yi must ensure the safety and order of this event.

Chen Kangjie's concert started at [-]:[-] p.m. in the newly decorated stadium of Southern University, but audiences were allowed to enter the venue at [-]:[-] p.m.

Not only did the Municipal Bureau devote almost all of its police force, but they also mobilized hundreds of police forces from various districts below.In addition, the military division also dispatched all the forces it could.In addition, there is also a hidden force that is not very visible from the outside, but it really exists. They are people from Christmas Island.

After four o'clock, citizens will find that there are many policemen on the street, and there are armed police standing guard at some intersections, and some military vehicles and explosion-proof vehicles are also parked on the side of the road.

At 07:30 after dinner, the four-kilometer area around Southern University began to enter a state of blockade. Except for vehicles with special passes, no one could go inside. A total of seven roads were closed.Even the audience who came late with tickets in their hands could only walk.

That's not to mention, those who have watched many performances before will feel that this time, when watching Long's concert, the security check is the highest, much stricter than flying, and all the visible equipment has metal Detectors, X-ray machines, security gates, metal detectors in shoes, and dangerous liquid detectors, and for the first time, an automatic identification machine was used. This is like a computer, but there are two pieces on both sides of the host. Display screen, when each audience comes in, the chips inside the tickets they hold will be scanned by the identification machine, and their pre-registered information will be displayed on the screens on both sides. On the one hand, it is to leave a mark in case of emergencies.

In short, the audience not only has to go through a full-body security check, but also their luggage cannot be brought in, and must be kept outside, including mobile phones.The only things they can bring in are cameras that are considered safe.Eliminate all the parts that may cause safety and security doubts in the bud.

Of course, there is no need to worry about being thirsty and having no water to drink.As long as the audience has tickets in their hands, drinks and other items are prepared for free.Even if the audience in the back row thinks they can’t see the stage, don’t worry, the organizer has prepared [-] telescopes in advance and provided them for free.Even in order to satisfy these people’s desire to have close contact with their idols, at the four entrances, Madame Tussauds was commissioned to make four wax figures of Chen Kangjie in advance for the audience to get close to and take pictures, and the photos will be provided to them for free .

In a word, although the ticket price is high, the related services are as appropriate as possible.

Apart from Chen Kangjie's relatives and friends this time, only some reporters may have received preferential treatment.

There are many reporters who came to report and interview this event, and it is impossible for every reporter to enter the venue.After the competition, reporters from [-] media outlets were allowed to go in for interviews, but most of them were media reporters, and only three camera reporters were allowed, and their shooting time was also limited.

It is understandable that if Chen Kangjie's concert is over, the content of the concert has already been recorded and broadcast, and the subsequent sales will inevitably be affected.This is also an important reason why the audience can only enter with the camera, but the camera is blocked.

Perhaps the secrecy of this event will not be as strict as the Olympic opening ceremony, but it will be as close as possible.

For example, there were two rehearsals a few days ago, which were fully enclosed rehearsals. Except for our own recording team, no media was included.

For the recording of this concert, Chen Kangjie still used his own team, Jedica, Roffman, Carpenter, Burgess, etc., but Chen Kangjie himself changed from a director to a starring role, but he still He served as a consultant, and he also invited Fillmes as a director. Fillmores had previously made videos for Jackson.

As soon as Fillmos came, he first made a suggestion to Chen Kangjie, that there should be an additional forty recording cameras on site, twenty inside the venue, four in the air, six near the stage, and the remaining ten. Six are distributed around the distance, and four are in the middle of the audience.The other [-] seats can be placed outside the venue, backstage and other places.

Fillmos' idea was very simple. He told Chen Kangjie that in order to produce the highest-level singing performance film, two hours of content would require at least [-] hours, or even [-] hours of film sources for backup.Chen Kangjie agreed to Fillmos' request without hesitation, and added more seats than he expected.

Chen Kangjie is not short of machines and personnel. Miramax Corporation, Feiyang Entertainment Company, Double Love Media Advertising Company, Provincial Television Station, Municipal Television Station and other units and institutions can use him at his disposal.

In order to record and produce this film well, Chen Kangjie and the others held many discussion meetings to set up and simulate. Chen Kangjie also clearly explained his needs to his team members step by step.After he played, the command and overall planning were handed over to Jedika, Roffman and Fillmos.

Although Chen Kangjie's performance team caused some disturbance in the city, no one complained.People enthusiastically and actively supported Chen Kangjie.

At [-]:[-], Chen Kangjie walked out of the Mengting Hotel surrounded by many people with excitement, and a special car had already parked at the entrance of the hotel.

Even though Chen Kangjie was used to seeing the big world, at this moment, his heart was also ups and downs, excited and excited.After all, it's the first time he's done a full-fledged event like this like a full-fledged star.

In the past, Chen Kangjie could only be regarded as a part of the event whether he was on stage to receive an award or participated in some activities, but this time, he was all.Moreover, this place is still his hometown, so it is too difficult to achieve complete peace.

Especially since Chen Kangjie knew for a long time that tens of thousands of elders from his hometown had gathered outside the hotel, he couldn't calm down.

"Chen Kangjie... long..." When Chen Kangjie in full costume appeared at the gate, deafening screams and shouts came from outside.

For tonight's event, Wei'an will focus on two places. The first place is of course the Southern University, and the other is the Mengting Hotel.

There was a plan before, which was to include the surrounding area of ​​Mengting Hotel into the martial law area, but Chen Kangjie rejected it.He only agreed to do traffic control, there is no need to isolate all the people.In Chen Kangjie's words, he just didn't believe that his folks would be bad for him.

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't want to do that because he didn't want his concern with the elders in his hometown to be taken too far.After all, he was raised by this side of the soil and water, so he can't be unscrupulous and superior just because he became famous today.

These locals couldn't buy a ticket to enter the venue, so couldn't they just look at him from a distance?Does it have to be that kind of ostentation and indifference?This is Chen Kangjie's question to himself.

"Thank you, thank you everyone, thank you folks, thank you..." Standing on the steps, Chen Kangjie not only waved to them, but even, emotionally, Chen Kangjie bent down and bowed to the crowd.

As soon as Chen Kangjie waved his hand, the mood of the crowd became even higher.In fact, most of the people in the back can't see Chen Kangjie at all, but they will be influenced and driven by the front row, and the front row who came earlier can see it. Some of them are already waiting here A few days.

"Long...Chen Kangjie...^%#@!..." The voice was too loud and shocking, and even the people present couldn't hear what they were shouting.

In short, I can be sure that what they expressed must be words of support and love for Chen Kangjie.

There are so many people who can't see the end at a glance, not all of them are local citizens, many of them are driven from other cities and other provinces.Just to see Chen Kangjie's demeanor.

In fact, the appearance of Chen Kangjie caused a sensation not only around the Mengting Hotel, but also in the stadium of Southern University, which was full of screams and shouts.

The reason is that from the moment Chen Kangjie was about to step out of the hotel gate, the recording had already started, and the situation on the scene was also transmitted to the big screen in the stadium.

In other words, from the moment Chen Kangjie appeared, the nerves of the security personnel began to tense.The hundreds of security forces stationed outside the hotel are under the greatest pressure.

At the entrance of the hotel, Chen Kangjie didn't stay long, and he didn't say too much. The time and the environment didn't allow it.

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