rebirth of change

Chapter 2402 Jackson's Unforgettable and Reluctant

Chapter 2402 Jackson's Unforgettable and Reluctant

"Jack, what kind of clothes are these? Why does it look weird?" In the changing room, Michael Jackson was very surprised to see Chen Kangjie wearing a very weird classical clothes.

Jackson has a good memory. Ever since Chen Kangjie told him their code names, he has not called them wrong.

"Mike, these are clothes from nearly 500 years ago. They were worn by men in ancient times. They are called Tang suits. Come on, I've also found you a suit that suits you. You also want to change." Since Chen Kangjie accompanied Jackson If he comes out, of course he will assume the role of guide and explanation.

"I want to wear it too?" Jackson asked, pointing to his nose in disbelief.

The first time Jackson put on his denim, he already thought it was weird.Now let him take off his clothes and change them out again, especially when he puts on more complicated oriental classical traditional clothes that he has never seen with his own eyes, he feels that it is even more difficult to adapt.

"Yes, that's right. If you don't change your clothes, you can't go in. You can figure it out? Do you want to go back?" Chen Kangjie threatened half-jokingly with a smile.

Chen Kangjie didn't intend to scare Jackson. This is the rule of Tangcheng tourist area, and this rule was set by himself.So, Chen Kangjie has no reason to violate the truth.

Furthermore, it would be really strange if the other tourists seemed to have time-traveled, but the two of them were still in modern attire.On the contrary, it is easier to arouse the attention and suspicion of others.

"Okay, then I'll change." Jackson was a bit reluctant, but compared to the end of today's event, he was still willing to accept this strange request.

Wearing this kind of ancient clothes requires the assistance of the staff, otherwise, at least nine out of ten people will wear irregular and incomplete clothes.

With the help of the staff, Jackson finally put on a gray Tang suit.

"Well, not bad, it looks very similar to the envoys and merchants from the Tang Dynasty who came from the Western Regions." Jackson's body movements still seemed a little uncomfortable, but at least it looked like that was the case.

"Western Regions? Tribute envoys and merchants? Jack, did Westerners come to your country 500 years ago?" Jackson didn't seem to know much about the history of China, so the question he asked was It looks a little white-eyed.

Chen Kangjie shrugged: "Of course, at that time, it was not uncommon to see people from Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia, and even some Eastern Europeans in the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Between Europe, there is a trade channel on the Silk Road, which connects dozens of countries, large and small, and the silk, porcelain and other items of China are passed to the West through this channel..."

Chen Kangjie took Jackson to the "street" of Tangcheng, explaining the history and some allusions of the Silk Road to him by the way.

In the end, it got further and further away. From Zhang Qian’s mission to the Western Regions, to Zheng He’s voyages to the Western Seas, and even the Maritime Silk Road, he gave a concise but comprehensive introduction to this Western king of entertainment.

"Jack, your motherland really deserves to be one of the four ancient civilizations. It has such a long history, and it is so prosperous and powerful in history." Chen Kangjie spoke vividly, and Jackson listened carefully. After listening to this part, he shouted sigh.

"Of course, look at these buildings. Although these buildings are built now, they really existed more than 1000 years ago. These buildings are based on historical descriptions and descriptions by historians and architects. The records are fully presented in a one-to-one ratio, and even the architectural techniques are kept as unchanged as possible. When these majestic buildings appeared, Europe at that time could be said to be a barren land." Speaking of the history of his own nation, Chen Kangjie was naturally proud that could not be concealed.

"Is that a performance venue?" Jackson nodded and asked, pointing to a small square in front of which hundreds of people stood.

There is a pavilion in front of the small square, and a group of gorgeously dressed actors are performing attentively in the pavilion.

"It can be said that it is a stage. In ancient times, it was a very good cultural and entertainment venue..."

Chen Kangjie accompanied Michael Jackson all the way in Tangcheng and introduced them all the way. They also stopped to taste some strong ethnic snacks on the way.

"Wow, what is that place in front? Why does it look so grand and gorgeous, and many people are walking there, what happened?" Jackson took a bite of a bunch of candied haws, and pointed Asked the most towering and prosperous place in Tang City directly in front of him.

Like Jackson said, there were a lot of people rushing past them towards that drop.

"Don't we know if we go to see it? It is the center of this scenic spot, and it is also the place that attracts the most attention, because it is the ancient emperor's palace, called Daming Palace. Let's go and see what happened. What?" After it was put into use to receive tourists, Chen Kangjie rarely came here, and there was no other person accompanying him today, so Chen Kangjie didn't know what happened.

Jackson and Chen Kangjie quickly followed the crowd, and after they climbed a tower, Chen Kangjie understood what had happened.

"Jack, why are there so many people? It looks very solemn!"

"Of course, because what is going on below is the emperor's enthronement ceremony."

"The Enthronement Ceremony? What is the Enthronement Ceremony?" Jackson scratched his head.

"The Enthronement Ceremony is... a new emperor. To be formally inaugurated and to gain the recognition and acceptance of the civil and military ministers and hundreds of millions of people, such a large-scale ceremony must be held. The ancient emperor's enthronement ceremony was very cumbersome, and the scene It is very magnificent, and it cannot be sloppy or careless at all. In other words, there must be no accidents. See, the group of people in the middle holding the small pieces in their hands are the ministers at that time, and the people in neat armor next to them are At that time, the generals, the generals, those standing next to the emperor were his harem beauties, which means his wife wife..."

"I understand. It's just an inauguration ceremony, just like the inauguration ceremony of our US president. But, does an inauguration ceremony need to be so grand? There are all people here."

Regarding the Michael Jackson analogy, Chen Kangjie was really speechless and funny.Ascension to the throne was said by him to be an inauguration, but it seems that he cannot be said to be wrong, and the meaning is really close.

"Hehe, Mike, there is still a big difference between the enthronement ceremony of the ancient emperor and your president's inauguration. For example, our emperor's ascension to the throne also means the divine right of kings, because another title of the emperor is the Son of Heaven. Through such a grand ceremony , the emperor wants to prove that his power is bestowed by God. The scale is not the same. The enthronement ceremony you see now is already streamlined and streamlined. In fact, the ancient emperor had to take office, the ceremony It is very cumbersome, they have to worship the heavens and the earth, offer sacrifices to their ancestors, even amnesty the world, entrust hundreds of officials, fast and bathe many days in advance, etc. If you really want to complete all those rituals, then you must at least do it here Live in it for many days. This is to give tourists an intuitive feeling and a general understanding." Chen Kangjie explained.

"Jack, I'm surprised. How come you know all these things so clearly? Do you come here often? It seems that no guide has given us such an explanation!"

"Hey, these things are common sense and don't need to be explained." Chen Kangjie said foolishly.

In fact, what kind of common sense is there? Is it possible that he doesn't know about the projects he invested in?Although Chen Kangjie does not directly participate in the management and operation, these basic content materials must have been reported to him.

Many tourists who come to Tangcheng will find an inn to stay in in order to better enhance the experience.Because this excursion project is experiential, if you just take a quick look at the flowers, the effect will be greatly reduced.This point, when buying tickets to come in, the staff will repeatedly emphasize.At the gate of the entrance, there is also a prompt wall and a large screen for explanation.

However, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to take Michael Jackson to live there for one night, to experience the feeling of being an ancient person.They have their own schedule and things to do.

Therefore, after a general day of swimming, the two came out before nightfall.

Changing back to his denim clothes, Michael Jackson felt a little uncomfortable again.

"That Tang suit is very cumbersome to wear, but it's quite comfortable to wear. It's a little uncomfortable for me to return from ancient times to modern times."

"Haha, if you like it, I can give you a suit to take back as a souvenir. It is sold in the shop next to it. You can also customize it. Do you want it?" In order to meet the needs of tourists and increase profits, the scenic spot specially hired craftsmen. Make Tang costumes to sell to interested tourists.

There are silk, linen, and cotton, and the prices are different, depending on the needs and feelings of tourists.

"That's not necessary. If I want, I will find someone to do it. Today, you stayed with me for a day. Thank you very much."

"Mike, we are friends. Isn't it worth me to give you something if you come here? Or do you think that little money will make me poor? Come on, I'll go and customize a luxurious emperor's outfit for you." Chen Kangjie Pull Michael Jackson and walk to the custom-made clothing store.

It takes more than 1 yuan to make an emperor's suit, and there are very few people who usually make it.But this amount of money was nothing to Chen Kangjie, and before Jackson could offer his opinion, Chen Kangjie decided to ask for it.

"Jack, are we going back now? After shopping outside for a day, I was really sad that no one recognized me. Today is too memorable. I never thought that I could be an ordinary tourist, and Or travel to the ancient China."

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