rebirth of change

Chapter 2404 Contradictions at the dinner table

Chapter 2404 Contradictions at the dinner table

"When did your name become Jack?" Tuo Peixi walked beside Chen Kangjie and asked in a low voice, "Also, how do you say I am your ordinary friend? Are we really that ordinary?"

"What's my name? It seems that I don't need to report to your old man for approval, right? Isn't it okay to have a nickname? Besides, the relationship between us seems to be maintained at the stage of ordinary friends, isn't it?" Chen Kangjie lowered his voice and asked a series of rhetorical questions Before Tuo Peixi, who rolled his eyes, had any further reaction, Chen Kangjie strode faster and accompanied Michael Jackson to the front.

If Chen Kangjie eats it by himself, then he will order spicy or spicy pot bottoms, but in order to cater to Michael Jackson's taste, Chen Kangjie calls it Yuanyang pot.In the United States, some people don't eat pork very much, so Chen Kangjie ordered beef hot pot.

"Jack, is it just a pot like this? Then how do you eat it?" Looking at the copper pot with red and white soup bases in the shape of a gossip separated in front of him, Michael Jackson was very interested in this kind of diet. The way is very puzzling.

From this point, it can be known that this superstar has never eaten hot pot.

It is also easy to understand that Michael Jackson was a person who had difficulty getting out of the house, and his food was specially prepared Western food. How could he go to Chinatown to eat hot pot?Therefore, it is expected that I have never been exposed to hot pot as a form of dining.

"Don't underestimate such a pot. It can cover the world in one pot. Almost all food can be cooked and eaten in it. If you can eat chili, put it in it. If you can't eat it, put it in it. Put it in this clear soup, they are all made with unique seasoning, refreshing and delicious, maybe you will fall in love with it after eating it." The hospitable Chen Kangjie explained to Michael Jackson waving.

"Ah, Mr. Mike, is this your first time in China?" Tuo Peixi asked curiously, thinking that this American man was quite interesting.

"No, this is my second visit. I have been to the capital once before, but I didn't have the chance to taste this authentic Chinese food that time."

"Then what kind of friends are you guys? You are also from the entertainment industry?" Tuo Peixi found this American funny, but also weird.

Michael Jackson wants to be an ordinary person, but after all, he has been away from this identity for decades, and has developed many of his usual habits in surprise.Naturally, there will be some behaviors that are a bit out of tune with ordinary people.

"We are very good friends. Didn't Jack tell you? I can be friends with him, and of course I am also a person in the showbiz." If it were someone else, he would definitely choose to see Chen Kangjie's face twists and turns, but Michael Jackson I don't have that awareness.

"You broke the casserole and asked what the hell are you doing? Now that everything is here, why don't you hurry up and eat?" I don't know why, Chen Kangjie just can't be gentle with Tuo Peixi now, maybe it has something to do with her personality, maybe it's also because of her taking Tuo Zhihan It has something to do with threatening him.

"Hmph, why are you so fierce? You want to chat while eating, and it's not feeding pigs. Do you have to bury your head in hard work?"

The conversation between Chen Kangjie and Tuo Peixi was in Chinese, so Michael Jackson couldn't understand a word, and he could only walk back and forth between the faces of the two of them blankly.

"Jack, come on, have a taste. I suggest you taste it whether you can eat spicy or not. The taste is completely different. The locals like this kind of food the most. "Chen Kangjie put the beef roll with some Put the vegetables into the pot, and at the same time greet Michael Jackson warmly.

However, Michael Jackson was worrying about the two small wooden sticks holding the chopsticks, and they couldn't hold them securely, let alone use them as skillfully as Chen Kangjie and the others.

"It's too difficult. How come you can operate it, but I can't. I really can't understand how you Orientals use two small wooden sticks as tools for eating." Michael Jackson was very frustrated after he couldn't handle the chopsticks for a long time.

"Hehehe..." "Hahaha..." Both Chen Kangjie and Tuo Peixi were amused by Michael Jackson's clumsy movements and helpless expression.Especially Tuo Peixi, who was laughing happily, leaning forward and backward.

Usually, when Westerners come to live in China, the first problem they face is using chopsticks. However, although there are certain mechanical principles in the use of chopsticks, it is not easy to master.

The use of chopsticks by Chinese people is the result of childhood experience, and it can also be said to be an innate ability.It is normal for a child of two or three years old to be able to use this tool proficiently.

For Westerners who are used to knives and forks, it is really a bit fatal.

"Look at my posture, the chopsticks should be clamped here... yes, the strength of the thumb and index finger is the key, um... it can't be too loose, but it can't be too tight, the middle finger and index finger The ring finger acts as the fulcrum of the lever... Yes, you just need to practice it one more time. In Chinese food culture, using these two small wooden sticks is a foundation, because our food form is different from Western food. If you can’t use it With chopsticks, most of the food is difficult to obtain. For example, if you use a spoon to scoop up the hot pot, the soup is not easy to filter. In addition, these two small wooden sticks are also bred with a strong traditional culture. I think you can learn to use them, hehe, I have been with you for a day, so you should repay me by learning to use chopsticks.” Chen Kangjie sat next to Michael Jackson, set an example and patiently demonstrated to him and taught him how to use chopsticks.

"Just these two things, do they have strong cultural meaning?" Michael Jackson couldn't understand how such two simple sticks still have strong cultural implications.

"Hehe, it seems that it is indeed very simple, but its use has been verified for more than 3000 years in our history. Its name is chopsticks. Chinese culture is very particular about meaning. The homonym of chopsticks is fast life. Treasure son, in addition, it also has good meanings such as happiness, five sons enrolling in the imperial examination, etc. Ten pairs of chopsticks together also mean perfect. China attaches great importance to the reflection of blood kinship and family concepts in the way of eating. A pair of chopsticks can be used freely, which is simple, economical, and convenient. In addition, you see that the two chopsticks are the same length, but Its use must be two together. In ancient times, some people used it as a token of love, which is likened to a pair. Two chopsticks together indicate that they will never be separated until they grow old... "Chen Kangjie deserves to be a man of profound knowledge, and he really knows how to explain the chopsticks culture.

"How do you know so much? This knowledge is so biased, you also learn it?" Tuo Peixi's eyes were full of admiration, and she stared at Chen Kangjie flickeringly.

"This is common sense, isn't it? You use it every day, how biased it can be, and you will understand it with a little attention." Chen Kangjie put a piece of blanched beef in Michael Jackson's small plate and said.

"You mean it, right? Why do you dislike me so much today?" Tuo Peixi was irritated by Chen Kangjie's bluntness, and couldn't help but contradict him.

"Why did I have a heart? What I said is the truth. You asked me to treat you to dinner. I invited you, but you didn't eat much. Now you complain about me. I really don't know how to deal with it." You." Tuo Peixi was uncomfortable, and Chen Kangjie was not very satisfied either.

"Deal with me? I don't want you to deal with it. If it is to deal with it, then I will not eat this meal. I will be full." Tuo Peixi slapped the chopsticks in his hand on the table and said angrily .

The business of this hot pot restaurant is quite good, and it is also the peak time for dining.When Tuo Peixi got angry, he immediately attracted the curious eyes of many people.

"What are you doing? Why am I mad at you, my aunt, can't you calm down?" Chen Kangjie is a face-saving person, and now he and Michael Jackson are disguised, just not wanting to attract attention, now Everyone pays attention to them here, what to do if they are seen through.

"You bully me, how can I stop?" Tuo Peixi's face was full of excitement, and in the eyes, the crystal tears seemed to be spinning, and they would fall out at any time.

"Jack, have you quarreled? Why does this lady look very angry and caring?" Michael Jackson overcame difficulties according to the method taught by Chen Kangjie, and finally delivered that piece of beef to his mouth. He felt a sense of accomplishment. Attention was attracted by Tuo Peixi.

"No, no, girls, they like to be coquettish and show their temper. Let's eat. If you practice more, I believe you will quickly master the skills of using chopsticks." Chen Kangjie did not admit that there was a dispute with Tuo Peixi, he finally It's easy to accompany this man once, and of course I don't want the good atmosphere to be damaged, which will affect the appetite and progress.

"Tuo Peixi, can you stop making trouble? Anyway, since you are here, you should be good, okay, it's a face for me. In his whole life, perhaps only today can be so free, I don't care. I hope it will be destroyed halfway, and I don't want him to feel uncomfortable or flawed today, okay?" Turning his head, Chen Kangjie lowered his voice and started working on Tuo Peixi.

"Today may be the only thing in my life. Who is he? Tell me who he is. If you tell me, maybe I will cooperate with you." Xi grasped the core point.

Chen Kangjie really didn't want to say it, but seeing that there were still many people staring at him, he softened.

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