Chapter 2406

Chen Kangjie, who was in his prime, had no problem coping with Lin Ling's "attack". It was just that Chen Kangjie took the initiative in the past, but now it was Lin Ling who took the initiative. Chen Kangjie was really not used to it.

What surprised Chen Kangjie was not these, but another aspect of Lin Ling's words that made Chen Kangjie a little bit frightened.

what is the problem?Of course, it was the warning signs that Lin Ling had not been pregnant.

Since Lin Ling said that she wanted a child last time, the two of them hadn't taken any safety measures when they were together. Even several times, Lin Ling still chose the ovulation period to come to Chen Kangjie.But after such a long time, Lin Ling's stomach is still flat, and she doesn't intend to bulge at all.

Except for Lin Ling, when Chen Kangjie was with Fan Xuexi and Deng Min, he didn't pay attention to safety every time, but their behavior was the same, and no accidents happened.

Chen Kangjie didn't pay attention to this problem before, and always felt that he was still young in reality, so there was no need to think too much about it.

But now, Chen Kangjie was a little worried.

In terms of physique, Chen Kangjie doesn't believe that his body is poor. Can a body capable of winning the world championship be worse?Besides, every time Chen Kangjie was with them, it lasted for a very long time, basically waiting for them to beg for mercy and admit defeat before giving up.

On this basis, none of Lin Ling and the others had symptoms of pregnancy, which made Chen Kangjie think a little more.

Women all want to be mothers, and men are the same, always looking forward to the day when they become fathers.Even if you put aside the inheritance and old concepts, having children and becoming a father is also a man's supreme sense of accomplishment.

When life reaches a certain stage, the sustenance of its life will change.When we were children, playing, studying, and even falling in love were our yearning and everything, but when we grow up, family and career will become everything, and children will play an irreplaceable role in this. Key roles, even children will become a man's spiritual support and all hope.

In this life, Chen Kangjie is only in his 20s, but when the two lifetimes add up, Chen Kangjie is already in his 40s. This psychological age is exactly the time when children are regarded as the whole life, and it is also the key age for having children.

Is there something wrong with my own sperm?Chen Kangjie had to think this way.

If Chen Kangjie only had sex with one girl, then it could be said that it might be the other party's problem, but now that Fan Xuexi and the three of them were silent, Chen Kangjie had to focus the problem on himself.

Could it be that something happened in the process of rebirth, which made my endocrine disorder, thus affecting the quality of sperm?Thinking of this, Chen Kangjie broke into a sweat.

It seems that apart from this explanation, no better explanation can be found.

No, we must find a way to make sure, otherwise Chen Kangjie will not feel at ease.

Today's Chen Kangjie has everything he needs, money, career, career, and women.It would be too shocking to deal with infertility under such circumstances.

Chen Kangjie didn't want to cut off his children and grandchildren. He hoped that the next generation could inherit everything he had.The next day, Chen Kangjie went to the recording studio, but instead of starting work right away, he secretly called Ouyang Zhenhua in a room.

"Brother Ouyang, please do something for me." Chen Kangjie lowered his voice and said solemnly, for fear that his conversation with Ouyang Zhenhua would be overheard.

At present, the person Chen Kangjie trusts the most is Ouyang Zhenhua. This kind of trust even surpasses his family members.

"Jie Shao, if there's anything you need me to do, just say it, why don't you please, what's the matter?"

"This... hey... me too..." Chen Kangjie could open his mouth about other things without any scruples.But Chen Kangjie still felt embarrassed about this matter. Even when facing his most trusted Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie naturally managed to do it smoothly.

"Master Jie? Did something happen? No matter what happened, no matter what you need, just give instructions, and I will do my best." In the past, Chen Kangjie always said something to himself, There was almost no such hesitation, so Ouyang Zhenhua was a little worried and nervous, thinking that something serious had happened.

"Don't think about it, nothing happened, I just want you to help me with some personal matters." Chen Kangjie quickly resolved Ouyang Zhenhua's worries.

"Private matter? What's the matter?" Since Chen Kangjie said nothing happened, Ouyang Zhenhua felt a little relieved.

"Is there anyone next to you now, you have to ensure that our conversation is private." Chen Kangjie asked cautiously.

Most people would be taboo about such a question, let alone Chen Kangjie's identity.If he let the news of what Chen Kangjie helped do, he didn't know what he would be fired for.

"No, there is no one. I am alone in the office. Without my permission, ordinary people dare not enter my office. Don't worry about that."

"That's fine, this way, I want you to help me find a doctor, a reliable private doctor." After getting the environment to be safe, Chen Kangjie said to Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Doctor? Master Jie, are you... don't scare me, what's wrong with you?" Ouyang Zhenhua was shocked, but he still paid attention to his wording, trying to avoid making people Chen Kangjie had a bad feeling.

"Keep your voice down, why are you blustering like this? Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm still far away from death. I want you to look for... to help me check that aspect of the problem, see Am I abnormal?" After a little hesitation, Chen Kangjie pointed out the question in a very cryptic manner.

"Jie Shao, do you not want to lift or do you have a problem with your sexual orientation? You don't like men, do you?" Ouyang Zhenhua covered the microphone with his hand and asked in a low voice.

"Go away, you don't want to lift, you like men. I want to check my sperm status to see if I can't get a woman pregnant. Isn't this simple and straightforward enough?" Ouyang Zhenhua's question made him Chen Kangjie couldn't laugh or cry.

"Yes, yes, yes, I understand, startled me. But...Jie Shao, did you find out what happened, why would you want to check the sperm problem. "

"Don't inquire about these things, just help me with this matter, why are you so gossip. Remember, you must be the best doctor, and you must be tight-lipped. I don't want this matter to be exaggerated to the world." Originally Chen Kangjie felt ashamed, but Ouyang Zhenhua still asked like that, how could Chen Kangjie give him a good word.

"That's for sure. I'm guaranteed to be the most authoritative and high-quality expert in the world. Just wait for my news." Ouyang Zhenhua immediately promised, "As for privacy, you don't have to reveal your true face when the time comes. A code name can replace your title."

"Yeah, he can't see me at all. I'm worried. Well, please contact me quickly, and then tell me quickly. It's still a little inconvenient for me to come to Hong Kong and invite the doctor to Zhucheng. .”

What Chen Kangjie actually considered was not convenience or inconvenience, but that Zhucheng had relatively many people who knew him, and it was relatively more difficult to keep secrets.That's why Chen Kangjie didn't mind that he took the initiative to go to Hong Kong to cooperate with the inspection.

Two days later, Ouyang Zhenhua contacted Chen Kangjie, saying that he had contacted the expert team in Switzerland and asked Chen Kangjie to find a convenient time to go to Hong Kong.

Money is easy to do, and others want to find international authoritative experts in such a short period of time, it is almost a dream.But this is not a problem for Ouyang Zhenhua at all.

In order to take care of Chen Kangjie, this international top expert team not only came to Hong Kong in person, but Ouyang Zhenhua also prepared all the medical supplies they said they needed, almost like building a small hospital.

This matter is of great importance and cannot be delayed at will. Therefore, after Chen Kangjie made a clear work arrangement on the fourth day, he secretly flew to Hong Kong with his reliable team.

In Hong Kong, Chen Kangjie almost did a full-body examination.

After the expert team did not dare to sloppy analysis and judgment, they came up with a somewhat frustrating question.

"Jack, I'm sorry to tell you that the result is similar to what you guessed. The trouble is really on your body." Wearing myopia glasses, the white-haired fat expert said to Chen Kangjie with a medical certificate.

"My trouble? What's the trouble?" Chen Kangjie's heart sank when he got an affirmative answer that the problem was his own.

"According to the test report, we thought there was nothing wrong with you at first, because your sperm count is not high, and your body's various skills are also normal, and most of the data are even better than almost everyone around you. But later After we did a rigorous and detailed analysis on several instruments, we found a phenomenon, that is, your sperm seems to be born with insufficient constitution. Because the life of ordinary people’s sperm is within 48 hours or even 24 hours, but your sperm Sperm have very weak vitality. After we conducted experiments, we found that your sperm can only survive for half an hour at most, and some of them only exist for 3 minutes before their vitality and vitality become extinct."

"In other words, my sperm quality is poor? Doctor, what caused it?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"I'm sorry, maybe our abilities are still limited. We can't find the reason. It stands to reason that this kind of phenomenon usually occurs in people with weak health, but your physical indicators are excellent in all aspects. It is difficult for me to know. Where is the problem, maybe this needs your own careful observation."

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