rebirth of change

Chapter 2413 "Take Me Reborn"

Chapter 2413 "Take Me Reborn"

Before leaving Hong Kong, Chen Kangjie called Xiang Yan and asked him out privately.

Chen Kangjie wanted to find Xiang Yan, and Xiang Yan was naturally very happy. He thought that Chen Kangjie had something good to share with him.

"Brother Xiang, I ask you one thing, please help."

"Young master Jie, what's the matter, you tell me, I have nothing to say about whether it can be done or not." Facing Chen Kangjie, the God of Wealth, Xiang Yan would never refuse.

Even Xiang Yan, who was aloof outside, still felt that it was a great honor to do something for Chen Kangjie, at least Chen Kangjie didn't see him too far.Moreover, when it is beneficial to do things well for Chen Kangjie, will he be forgotten?

"Remember the last time I asked you about Ms. Wenxiu's daughter?"

"You mean Wensi? What's the matter? Master Jie, you..."

"Don't make wild guesses. I want you to help me with Wensi. I met her in Hong Kong two days ago, but it seems that someone is searching for her and looking for trouble with her. You are familiar with the people in the world, and you have many eyes and ears. Help me find out what happened? Who is looking for her." Chen Kangjie waved his hand and said.

"What's the matter?" Xiang Yan frowned.

"It's absolutely true." Chen Kangjie nodded.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to inquire about this matter when I turn back. Don't say you still confess to me. Even if you don't want to save your face, from Wenxiu's point of view, I know about this kind of thing, and I will understand it." Xiang Yan agreed very readily, and his words were sincere and simple, without any intention or thought of asking for credit or showing off.

"That's good. After you find out, remember to tell me as soon as possible." Chen Kangjie didn't seem to be in such a high mood.

"Jie Shao... I still can't help but want to ask, did something happen to you and Wensi? Don't blame me for gossip, you know, from my current perspective... to their mother Girls should also care about it." Xiang Yan was not sure what purpose and consideration Chen Kangjie had for asking him to do that, so he had to figure it out.It can also be said that the relationship between Chen Kangjie and Vance is different, and the way he takes actions may be somewhat different.

Emotion is one thing, but practical considerations of reality cannot be avoided.

Of course, Xiang Yan asked more tactfully, he couldn't embarrass Chen Kangjie, otherwise it would be counterproductive.

"Just treat me as good friends with her. By the way, it's best not to let Wenxiu know about this matter... so that she won't worry... and avoid unnecessary incidents. …”

Chen Kangjie refused to allow Xiang Yan to tell Wenxiu, so as not to worry and avoid troubles, he just didn't know how to face Wenxiu's mother-in-law.Thinking of Wenxiu knowing that he was having sex with her daughter, Chen Kangjie would feel weird anyway.

"Okay, I understand. I will help settle her matter. Whether it's Hong Kong or Taiwan, I still have some energy." Xiang Yan turned his eyes and said.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't say it clearly, Chen Kangjie's tone of voice when he said the word "good friend" was so unsteady and hesitant that Xiang Yan, a veteran of Jianghu, still noticed something.

This answer was enough for Xiang Yan, so he wanted to wrap up the whole thing, not only to find out the situation clearly, but also to be responsible for solving it.

From Xiang Yan's point of view, what happened between Chen Kangjie and Wen Si was ultimately a good thing for him.Although Wensi is not his daughter, Wenxiu and Xiang Yan have always had a relationship.Invisibly, the relationship between them has become closer.

As the boss behind the underworld in Hong Kong, if Xiang Yan really wants to do something, as long as he is willing to pay the price, it is usually very difficult to fail to do it.Anyway, in Xiangyan's hands, there seems to be no shortage of people, money, connections and contacts.With these few conditions, he is completely capable and confident.

"..." Chen Kangjie pondered for a while, "You can solve it, but there are two things you should pay attention to."

"Which two places, Young Master Jie, tell me." Xiang Yan pretended to listen respectfully.

"First, I believe you must tell me the situation. Second, don't let Wensi know that you are doing things, and of course, don't let her know that it's me." Chen Kangjie just wanted to help her resolve the crisis quietly, but did not It is regarded as a bargaining chip for compensation or transaction.

"Well, I promise, I will do according to these two points, Young Master Jie, you just wait for my news." To a certain extent, Xiang Yan doesn't particularly care whether Wensi will remember his love, he values ​​it more, It was on Chen Kangjie's body, that's why Chen Kangjie agreed to whatever he wanted.

"Tell you something, you can refer to it yourself, I think you can make some investments." Chen Kangjie was satisfied with Xiang Yan's performance, so he wanted to reward him with some sweets.

"Say it, Master Jie, tell it." Xiang Yan was very excited when Chen Kangjie mentioned investment.

This is based on past experience and profits. Every time he invests according to the guidance of Chen Kangjie or Ouyang Zhenhua, Xiang Yan has made a lot of profits.It can be said that the current Xiang Yan is sometimes more like a capitalist, but not so much like the boss of the underworld.

"Pay attention to the Dow Jones index. If there is no accident, it will continue to fall in general next month, and its bottom line will fall below the 8000-point mark in the second half of next month. You can discuss it with your investment consultant yourself, what should you do? Do like this, but don’t be greedy, this wave of downtrends won’t last long, just accept it when it’s good.” Chen Kangjie gave Xiang Yan a general direction.

Although the information Chen Kangjie said was not accurate enough, it was enough for an experienced investor to use.At least Chen Kangjie identified two ranges and one trend.The time frame is next month, the trend is down, and the range is at the 8000-point boundary.

With these three elements, as long as you operate properly, you will get a very good return on investment.

The three elements mentioned by Chen Kangjie are not based on guesswork. On the one hand, he knows the historical facts and trends. On the other hand, the funds led by Ouyang Zhenhua have to operate in that area.So next month, the Dow Jones Index will fall to [-] points, which is actually almost a certainty.

"Understood, understood, thank you, thank you Master Jie for your guidance." Xiang Yan was excited and excited. He is not very good at financial investment, but Hong Kong itself is a financial center, and of course Xiang Yan has such professionals that he can use.

After handing over the matter to Xiang Yan, Chen Kangjie did not continue to stay in Hong Kong. There are still a lot of things waiting for him to do in the mainland.

Although the results of the physical examination in Hong Kong this time were not satisfactory, it was even a sad result.But when there is no way to change it, you still have to continue to do what you should do, and you can't just let it down because of this.

Back in Zhucheng, Chen Kangjie immediately threw himself into the intense preparations for the concert.

For this Zhucheng concert, Chen Kangjie chose a piece of music that is not well known to everyone, or not very popular, as the opening theme song, that is "bring me to life", which translates to "bring me to life". I am born again".

Why is there such a song, in fact, Chen Kangjie's foothold is on the word "rebirth".

In the eyes of others, rebirth is just a hypothetical issue that does not exist, but Chen Kangjie just happened to be reborn. He is not just an expression, but to a certain extent, it is his inner experience.

Chen Kangjie heard this song while watching the movie "Daredevil". Whether it is music or a movie, it fits Chen Kangjie's character a bit.

"how can you see into my eyes like open doors, leading you down into my core, where i'm be so numb, without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold, until you find it there and lead it back home, (wake me up), wake me up inside, (i can't wake up), wake me up inside, (save me), call my name and save me from the dark, (wake me up), bid my blood to run, (i can't wake up), before ie undone, (save me), save me from the nothing i've be, now that i know what i'm without, you can't just leave me, breathe into me and make me real, bring me to life......." (How can you look into my eyes, like entering an open door, straight to the bottom of my heart, where it has long been numb and lost its soul, my Mind sleeps somewhere cold until you find it and lead it home. (Wake me up), wake up my heart, (can't wake up), wake up my heart, (save me), call my name, bring me Rescue me from the darkness, (wake me up), let my blood flow, (I can't wake up), before I perish, (rescue me), rescue me from nothingness, now I know what I've lost, you can't Leave me, take me to breathe, bring me back to reality, bring me back to life....)

Although this song is a rock song, Chen Kangjie made some modifications and added a popular singing style. In the cry of rock and roll, people feel that Chen Kangjie is talking about something. He really hopes that his heart can be listened to or listened to. understand.

Doesn't Chen Kangjie have such feelings in reality?Of course there is.But he couldn't say it out, so he could only focus on this song.

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