rebirth of change

Chapter 2417 SARS Epidemic

Chapter 2417 SARS Epidemic

"Long, why don't I help you clean up."

In a hotel room in a small town near the sea, Chen Kangjie was packing his clothes and preparing to go to Hong Kong, and Whitney was standing near the door of the room.

Whitney was one of Chen Kangjie's assistants. He came from Zhucheng to find an excuse to report to Chen Kangjie on the preparations for the concert and musical. His main purpose was to come to Chen Kangjie's side.No matter what he did, Whitney hoped to get closer to Chen Kangjie, otherwise he would not give up the favorable conditions and come to be an assistant who can be ordered at will.

"No, I don't have much, I can do it myself." Without raising his head, Chen Kangjie continued to put his clothes into the luggage bag.

Whitney felt a little weak, touched his forehead with his hand, and continued to stand there.

"Is your luggage ready? We're leaving soon."

"It's all ready, but the leaders of the local government said that they would hold a farewell ceremony for you. They said that you rejected the previous welcome ceremonies. Did you also refuse the farewell ceremony?" Whitney said softly, The sound lacked its usual crispness.

"Oh, I just don't like that kind of occasion, so I refused their welcome ceremony. Why do I want to have a farewell ceremony?" Chen Kangjie zipped up, straightened up and said.

As far as the local government is concerned, if such a big celebrity came to make a film in their own jurisdiction, besides providing all the assistance, they would of course use Chen Kangjie to do some publicity work, at least to expand their popularity and show part of themselves jobs exist.If the opportunity to contact Chen Kangjie is missed, most people will feel it is a loss.

However, when Chen Kangjie came, the municipal party committee and government of the county-level city and the leaders of the prefecture-level cities above all proposed to hold a welcome ceremony for him. Chen Kangjie refused because of time constraints and everything was too complicated.

Although Chen Kangjie's refusal made the leaders of the local government look a little embarrassed, they did not discount it easily in the process of assisting and cooperating.Including sending a large number of police forces to maintain security and isolating local people who want to get close to watching the excitement.

Given Chen Kangjie's reputation and the fact that his father had once served as the deputy secretary of Yuedong, he had to carefully weigh any point of view.

Now that Chen Kangjie has finished, the leaders of the local government feel that there is an opportunity to get closer to make a good relationship.

From the point of view of sophistication, Chen Kangjie really should give face and meet each other, after all, he has done a lot of work.But for this kind of superficial work, Chen Kangjie just didn't like it from the bottom of his heart. He felt that it was a waste of each other's time.Besides, Chen Kangjie is indeed very busy.

"Then what should I do? It was Mr. Liu Deyi who asked me to pass it on to you. I'll call back and refuse directly?"

"Are you calling? Can they understand you?" Chen Kangjie glanced at Whitney and said.

Although Whitney's Chinese proficiency has improved, it is still far from the level of fluent communication with the locals.

If she were asked to call the local government, she would definitely confuse the other party.

"You'd better ask Liu Deyi to call. If you don't refuse, let him agree to meet them... Hey, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Not paying attention, Chen Kangjie didn't notice the abnormal condition on Whitney. Now that he took a second look, Chen Kangjie found that Whitney was actually sweating on his forehead, and he seemed listless and weak.

"No, it's nothing...Maybe it's from the air conditioner." Whitney shook her head and insisted.

"It's nothing, it's the air conditioner?" Chen Kangjie walked up to Whitney, "Let go, let me try."

Whitney took his hand off his forehead, and Chen Kangjie put his hand on it to try her forehead.

Chen Kangjie was able to get so close to him, and even reached out to his face, which made Whitney's heart jump like a deer.

Her pair of blue eyes stared straight at Chen Kangjie, as if she wanted to take advantage of such a close opportunity to see Chen Kangjie clearly.And Fangfo was shocked by Chen Kangjie's approaching behavior, he was a little dazed and couldn't recover.

Since working as Chen Kangjie's assistant, it was the first time that Whitney was so close to Chen Kangjie, let alone had physical contact for the first time.These are the goals that Whitney hoped for, but failed to achieve for a long time.

"You have a high fever and it's very hot. Let's go. I'll take you to the hospital right away." After putting his hand on Whitney's forehead for three seconds, Chen Kangjie put his hand down and said solemnly.

Chen Kangjie did this only out of concern and love for the staff around him, and did not have any other thoughts at all. Even though Whitney is a very beautiful Western beauty, even Chen Kangjie knows that Whitney treats him differently feelings.

"Go to the hospital? No need, I'll just take some medicine, don't you still have to meet with local government officials?" Whitney said stubbornly.

"You're sick. You have such a hot fever. What else do you want? Don't worry about it. Go to the hospital first. I'll let someone handle the farewell party." Chen Kangjie was not very enthusiastic about the farewell party. Ni was ill again, Chen Kangjie didn't have that kind of thought.

In addition, Chen Kangjie has to consider another angle, that is, Whitney is also a member of the Whitney family in the United States. If something unexpected happened to her because of working for him, it would always be a bad thing.The Whitney family is a very special upper-class family in the United States. This kind of relationship can be used when it is not sure.

Whitney didn't think so much, she only knew that Chen Kangjie cared about her and loved her so much, which made her very touched and warm from the bottom of her heart.It seems that all the hard work and hard work made before are worthwhile at this moment.

Unable to suppress the warm current in his heart, Whitney blinked, and the sockets of his eyes became crystal clear.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Kangjie picked up the phone and dialed out, seeing that something was about to overflow from Whitney's eyes, he asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just touched."

At this time, the call was connected, "Hurry up and let the car wait downstairs. I will come down immediately and take Miss Whitney to the hospital. She is sick."

"Let's go downstairs." After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie helped Whitney up and walked outside.

When walking out of Chen Kangjie's room, Whitney sneezed, and after the sneeze, he wanted to vomit a little.

Chen Kangjie was a little strange, why did the air conditioner cause such serious symptoms? Fever and sneezing are understandable, they are symptoms of a cold, but why do they still have to vomit?

However, Chen Kangjie didn't ask too much, anyway, he would know everything when he arrived at the hospital.

Chen Kangjie and Whitney came downstairs, Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui, and Dong Mingshu were already waiting at the door.Liu Deyi was not by Chen Kangjie's side when he was going to assist other people in the crew.

"Go, go to the hospital." While giving Xiong Ziqiang instructions, Chen Kangjie took out his phone and called Liu Deyi, telling him that he could not participate in the so-called farewell ceremony of the local government, and he was fully responsible for how to deal with it.

"Jie Shao, the local officials will be here in half an hour. Look... can someone else take Miss Whitney to the hospital? They are really kind and they have already beaten me Four phone calls." Liu Deyi's position is really difficult, he usually deals with the government, so if Chen Kangjie doesn't show up again, he feels like he owes him something.

"I don't have time now. You can explain it to others. If they still don't want to let go, just wait until I come back from the hospital." Chen Kangjie also understood Liu Deyi's difficulty, so he took a step back.

The vehicle soon arrived at the local people's hospital, but since Chen Kangjie and the others did not identify themselves, the medical staff asked them to register and follow normal procedures.

Seeing Whitney in his arms getting weaker and weaker, Chen Kangjie was a little unhappy.

"Can't you do something special? Haven't you seen the patient look like this?"

"Who comes here, who is not sick? If you want to see it, you can register. If you don't want to see it, please don't block the door here, go over there." The nurse who was stopped by Chen Kangjie and the others seemed very impatient.

The service attitude of almost all hospitals is not good. They eat public meals, and they are rarely warm and polite to the people who work.

"What's your attitude?" Looking at this nurse with freckles for a year, Chen Kangjie couldn't get angry at all.

"That's my attitude, don't come if you don't like it." The nurse gave Chen Kangjie a contemptuous look, then simply ignored them and left.

"Jie Shao, why don't you go to the emergency room, hurry up." At the critical moment, Xiong Ziqiang suggested a useful solution.

"Yes, Brother Qiang, you go to register, we will send her to the emergency department." The anger is gone, but the most urgent thing now is to let Whitney enter the examination procedure.

The environment in the emergency department was much simpler, but no matter what, Whitney was finally admitted.Moreover, after the doctor discovered that the patient was a foreigner, his attitude improved a lot, and the deputy director came forward to diagnose Whitney.

Sitting on the chair outside the emergency room, Chen Kangjie frowned, he felt something was wrong.

I've been so busy lately that I haven't had a rest in my mind.Sitting down now, thinking about Whitney's symptoms, Chen Kangjie became a little worried.

The reason is that in the previous life, at this stage, the SARS epidemic that shocked the world broke out. The symptoms of this infectious disease happened to be similar to those of Whitney, and the source area of ​​the outbreak also happened to be in Eastern Guangdong Province.

I hope Whitney is not infected with sars, if so, it will be troublesome.

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