rebirth of change

Chapter 2454 Talk to the President

Chapter 2454 Talk to the President

"No matter how easy it is to operate, since I am the largest contributor, I cannot be excluded. This point, no matter how you say it, is unjustifiable. As for my privacy and secrets, whether you want to seduce me or threaten me Anyway, I don't care. Smart people do things, and I believe that they will have a holistic evaluation beforehand. I don't mind working with any friendly people, but I refuse to do things on the basis of oppression. Uncomfortable, very unhappy." Chen Kangjie didn't shrink back with a shy face, but he didn't completely block the door to cooperation either.

At the current position, Brown Bush and the others are still available targets, rather than standing completely on the opposite side. Chen Kangjie must analyze this point clearly.

"Hehe, I almost forgot. With your current conditions and status, Long, comfort and happiness are indeed the first factors in your choice." Brown Bush said with a sip of tea and chuckled.

"That's true. I don't deny this. I can't spend all my money. People all over the world know me. I am the idol of countless people. Of course, I can't live in that miserable life again. "Chen Kangjie nodded in response.

Brown Bush's words were originally meant to be a bit of a joke, but Chen Kangjie accepted them all, admitting that they were the truth.

Chen Kangjie will not be humble anytime and anywhere. In this kind of negotiation field, you should be proud if you should be proud. It is also one of the ways to ask for a price.

"Long, do you have any better suggestions besides what you just said? If you must stick to that part, I'm afraid you and I will be really disappointed." Brown Bu Xilai has come, how can he give up so easily.

"Well... there are other ways, not to say that there is no such thing. I can expand my investment amount to a lot, not necessarily just for shale gas and shale oil projects. I believe you should There are other projects that I can support, but maybe you need to talk to your brother. In a word, I hope we can reach a certain strategic balance. For the strategic balance, I am willing to pay more The price." Chen Kangjie took out his cigarette case, took out a cigarette and lit it, he didn't mean to give a cigarette to Brown Bush.

Chen Kangjie only cared about smoking by himself. On the one hand, if Brown Bush needed it, he could take it himself. The president's brother is an equal.

Some people may think that Chen Kangjie is arrogant. How can the president of the largest country at that time be equal to everyone?

However, Chen Kangjie presupposed that.In politics, George Bush and Chen Kangjie have a huge distance difference, but in the business field, it will be another matter.When it comes to business and cooperation, Chen Kangjie doesn't think anyone has an advantage over him, including President George Bush.

"You mean, you want to talk to my brother?" Brown Bush asked, frowning.

"Yes, because what I have talked with him will be larger in scale and deeper in depth of cooperation than what I have talked with you. Mr. Bush, it is not that I look down on you or challenge your position, but I can also see that Now, with a larger scope and deeper depth, you should not be able to make the decision, as you said, you are not a member of that organization or circle, do you admit this?" Chen Kangjie said straight to the point.

Chen Kangjie has met all kinds of people, including the former president. Chen Kangjie has also dealt with them, and even he has made moves.Therefore, Chen Kangjie has a feeling that Brown Bush is actually playing a role as a pathfinder. Although he mentioned the cooperation method, Chen Kangjie does not think that cooperation method will be their bottom line or the most important decision. .

"How big will the scope be? How deep will it be?" Brown Bush asked intently.

"You have to talk to your brother to know this. Anyway, it will definitely exceed what you and I talked about. This is absolute. We talked about tens of billions, but talking with your brother, at least It will be worth hundreds of billions." Chen Kangjie stared at Brown Bush and said with deep eyes.

"Then when can you go to the United States? You should know that it is very difficult for my brother to come to China. Unlike me, he can come as soon as he says it."

Of course, Chen Kangjie knew that George Bush, who is the president, would come to the Chinese Congress with many rules and various conditions. There would be a lot of consultations between the governments. When the head of state visited, it was not about visiting relatives, it was important for some important people. purpose.

It was precisely because of this that Brown Bush asked when Chen Kangjie would go to the United States. If he wanted to see President George Bush, Chen Kangjie had to pay a visit.

"I can do it anytime, it depends on his schedule, you know, I'm a very free person."

"That's fine, I'll contact the domestic side later. Long, I hope what you said is true and you won't let us down."

"Disappointment and happiness are mutual, I am not disappointed, I am happy, then I believe you will also be happy, it is impossible to be disappointed, the most important point is that we must show enough sincerity, what do you think? "At the end, Chen Kangjie gave Brown Bush a slight smile.

"Okay, tomorrow I'm going to Gannan Province, where your father is in charge, do you want to go back too?"

"I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't go back. I hope you can truly realize the friendship between provinces and states. Your friendly cooperation is not only for the relationship between Florida and Gannan, but also for the relationship between the two countries and the people of the two countries. Mutual understanding and friendship are both meaningful. Here, I wish your cooperation success.”

Chen Kangjie has gone, and there is nothing wrong with him.In addition, if he went, he might be manipulated by Brown Bush, so he simply refused to go. Those were their political affairs, and it was inconvenient for Chen Kangjie to intervene.

In addition, this is also a test for Brown Bush. If he really wants to cooperate with Chen Kangjie, he must cooperate to make the event beautiful and successful.

In fact, regardless of whether Chen Kangjie went or refused their cooperation, Brown Bush would not threaten the friendly cooperation with Gannan Province.After all, he has already arrived in China, and a certain consensus has been reached between the two parties before.If under such circumstances, Brown Bush would be too immature.

Even if they want to put pressure on Chen Kangjie, smart people will not use this kind of consensus work as a condition or pawn, it will only make people look down on and look down upon, and it will only make Chen Kangjie resist.

"There is no doubt about the success of the cooperation. Don't worry about that." Brown Bush assured Chen Kangjie.

Sure enough, when the delegation led by Brown Bush arrived in Gechang, they were warmly welcomed by Lu Nengyu and Chen Qigang, and the communication between them was very harmonious.The two parties had a meeting first, and then accompanied by Lu Nengyu and Chen Qigang, a group of people visited and inspected Gechang.

Finally, at the Gechang Convention and Exhibition Center, the two parties signed a series of cooperation agreements, including the establishment of sister province-state relations between Gannan Province and Florida. Extensive and in-depth cooperation.

For example, universities such as the University of Florida, Florida State University, and Florida A&M University will accept [-] advanced students and international students sent by Gannan Province every year in the future. When appropriate, they will open a direct flight from Gechang to Miami. The two sides hold cultural festivals and tourism festivals and so on.

Of course, Brown Bush also sent an invitation to Chen Qigang and Lu Nengyu in person, inviting them to lead a delegation to visit Florida at a suitable time next year.Both Lu Nengyu and Chen Qigang happily accepted the invitation, saying that they will definitely pay a return visit next year to learn Florida's development and governance experience in person.

Brown Bush stayed in Gechang for a total of three days and two nights. After completing a series of activities, he returned to the United States with his people.

The news about the establishment of sister province-state relations between Florida and Gannan Province not only received intensive attention and reports from the local media in Gannan Province during this period, but even this incident appeared on the second page of the People's Daily, It also appeared on CCTV's news broadcast.

Under normal circumstances, the establishment of the following sister cities or right-hand provinces and prefectures, the central media does not pay much attention to and reports on them, which are all local affairs.However, this time the central media's report, some people felt that the meaning was unusual.The governor of Florida is the younger brother of the president and an important member of the Bush family.

It is undeniable that the People's Daily and CCTV, the two authoritative central media, reported on this matter, also laying the groundwork for Jiangnan Province and increasing the weight of its political achievements.During this time, I believe someone greeted him, not to mention that during Brown Bush's stay in Beijing, Zhao Zhibang wanted to meet him specially.

A few days later, Chen Kangjie, who was filming a costume drama of galloping horses in the desert grassland, received a call from Brown Bush, who invited Chen Kangjie to go to the United States in early September.

However, this time, Chen Kangjie did not go to Washington or Florida, but to Maine.

Why go to Maine?That's because George Bush was going to meet Chen Kangjie at the Crawford Farm in Texas.

Not in Washington, not in the White House, but specifically chose the Crawford Farm in Texas as the location, which shows that George Bush wants to establish a personal friendship with Chen Kangjie.

Crawford Farm is George Bush's private farm.It is named so because it is located in the town of Crawford. In 1999, when George Bush was governor, he bought this place, covering an area of ​​160 acres, 260 kilometers away from the state capital, Austin.This small town was originally unknown, with only [-] families, but since George Bush became president, it has become famous here.

To be precise, the White House is only the office of the president, and this is the real home of George Bush. Inviting Chen Kangjie here can be understood as a family gathering.

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