rebirth of change

Chapter 2459 Chen Kangjie suffers

Chapter 2459 Chen Kangjie suffers

"Well, then I'll tell you, the first reason is because we see that the future world is no longer under the control of the United States. It won't be long before a g2 era will come. I remember you When I was in Japan, I once said that China will replace Japan as the world's second largest economy within ten years. We firmly believe in this. Therefore, g2 is the best way for us to work with China to solve world problems. Therefore, forming a cooperative situation with the Chinese side is the right choice in our opinion.”

"However, if you cooperate with China, why would you choose me? You should choose the government, or at least the ruling party. This is the first thing I don't understand. The second is that even if China will replace Japan sooner or later To become the world's second largest economy, there will be a certain distance from the national strength of the United States, do you need to plan now? This is the second part that I don't understand." Chen Kangjie really didn't want to understand these reasons, Logically, it seems to be a bit unreasonable.

"Yes, you are right. If you choose to cooperate with your ruling party, it will indeed get twice the result with half the effort, but we still choose you. This seems a little contradictory. In fact, we have evaluated it. You have not long ago Didn’t you just say in the media that you will quit the entertainment circle? In fact, we have always believed that you will leave sooner or later. It is impossible for a person like you to waste your life like that forever. Please forgive me. In our opinion, entertainment What you do in the industry is really a waste of time for you. We reasonably guess that after you leave the showbiz, you will enter the political field and develop, and you are very likely to become a top figure in the future. Therefore, choosing you shows that we treat you well Confidence. Choosing to cooperate with the party is also risky for us, at least, it is difficult to keep a secret."

"You are a rare genius in a hundred years. If you can create a secret organization like ours in China, then in the next few decades, or even a century, we can work together. You have money If you are rich, you need to be smart and wise, and don’t forget that the top leaders of your country have a soft spot for you, starting from your chief designer, and the three consecutive supreme leaders have all favored you.”

"As for the advance of the time, it's a sign of making a decision before making a move. If you wait until later to plan, it will be too late. If you really enter the political field, it's hard to say, there is still room for us to make good use of it. .”

George Bush stood up, paced back and forth in the room and said.

George Bush's reason sounds absurd, but when he thinks about it carefully, he thinks it makes sense.

Their organization has been established for more than 100 years, and it has been able to achieve long-term prosperity. There are many outstanding members in each session, which shows that they are really outstanding, otherwise they would not have cultivated and supported them. More powerful people who control the country.

"I think you have too high expectations of me. I can't be as powerful as you say." Chen Kangjie said.

"We are mainly based on our judgment. Although we sometimes make mistakes in judging people, in most cases, the accuracy rate is still very high. Long, you have the right time and place. If you can't succeed, then God may be angry " George Bush said firmly.

"Mr. Bush, you only mentioned the first reason just now, so what are the other reasons?" Chen Kangjie asked curiously.

"The second reason is that we are facing competition from emerging industries. The industries our organization controls are mainly concentrated in petrochemicals, energy, finance, military industry, etc. However, with the rise of new technologies and new industries, our Some can’t keep up. For example, Internet, communication, emerging electronic technology, etc., due to various mistakes in the previous stage, we failed to enter into the layout, but you have invested in the layout. We don’t want to be eliminated by the times. So your joining can help us boost in this area.” The first reason, George Bush said was political reasons, but the second part he said was economic factors.

"Could it be that you want to annex my related industries?" Chen Kangjie raised his vigilance.

"No, no, it's not an annexation, but a shareholding. We won't be so greedy. We need you to transfer some of the equity of those companies you own to us. Let Mr. Harriman discuss this part." Speaking of which, George Bush handed over the leadership of the next stage to Edward Harriman Jr.

"Long, we know that you own sy network company, coy electronic technology company, anycall communication company, free semiconductor company and Warwick software company, etc. We hope to get 50.00% of the equity of these companies, and hope you can agree." Little Edward Harriman opened a folder and said.

"Boss, it can't be done. This range is too big, and we will suffer a lot." Before Chen Kangjie expressed his opinion, Ouyang Zhenhua jumped out to raise objections.

"Mr. Ouyang, we don't take it for nothing. We also have to pay for it. Only by retaining 50.00% of the share can we form a strategic partnership." Little Edward Harriman said.

"I also think this is not acceptable. If 50.00% is transferred, it means that we have lost control, which is not good for the long-term development of the company. In addition, in terms of law, the laws of China do not allow foreign capital to control 50.00%. "Chen Kangjie Echoing Ouyang Zhenhua's meaning, he said.

"Long, as far as I know, your companies also belong to foreign capital in your law. Although the funds are from Hong Kong, they are not national capital in China. Therefore, I believe you will find that flexibility in the legal space. ” said Edward Harriman Jr.

"Because it is Hong Kong capital, I have a solution, but for American capital, I can't do anything... Listen to me first, even if this is not the case, I can't give up 50.00%." ​​Hard work Chen Kangjie will not give up the country that has been hard-won.

Although the enterprises that Chen Kangjie invested in are not owned by the state, their industry and scale indicate to a certain extent that they are actually related to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

"As an equal relationship, our company will allow you to hold shares." Edward Jr. Harriman added.

"I remember that when Brown Bush went to China to negotiate with me, he asked me to invest 680 billion US dollars, but he didn't even give me the right to participate in the operation. Will you give me 50.00% of the quota equally? Could it be that your energy companies, arms companies, financial companies, and railway companies can also appoint the chairman of the board and I appoint the general manager?" Chen Kangjie countered.

"Of course not, it must not be allowed." Without even thinking about it, Edward Harriman Jr. immediately refused, "Our industries have been in operation for decades, some for hundreds of years, and have formed a complete set of mature and closed If the outside world intervenes in the management system, it will disrupt the entire ecology.”

"The reason is the same. My companies have also formed a complete set of mature and closed management systems. If the outside world intervenes, it will also disrupt their internal ecology. Mr. Harriman, forgive me for not agreeing to this request." Chen Kangjie insisted hit back.

For Chen Kangjie, it's okay to pay more money, but those industries are really beneficial to the country and the people, if they are handed over, the impact will be great.What's more, those companies are like Chen Kangjie's children, watching them thrive day by day, if people give points for a few words, then Chen Kangjie will find it difficult to accept it psychologically.

What's more, Harriman's conditions completely lacked any fairness and justice at all. If they didn't give them treatment, they had to give it to them just because they were called Chen Kangjie.

"Then how much can you give at most?" Little Edward Harriman asked.

"Up to 20.00%. Moreover, you can only send up to three people from each company to participate in the management. The top management personnel of the company will not be changed, and the people you send can serve as deputy." Chen Kangjie stretched out two fingers and said.

"40.00%, 20.00% is too little." Edward Harriman Jr. stretched out four fingers to bargain.

It can be seen from this point that their previous premise of 50.00% is a strategy of asking price.That's what it means to ask for a lot of money and pay back the money on the spot.

"20.00% five, no more, not all of the company's shares are in our hands, some of them have been distributed to the company's executives and employees who have made outstanding contributions." Chen Kangjie said.

"That 30.00% five, can't be less, if it is less, we won't be able to stand up." Little Edward Harriman took another small step back.

The others just watched Chen Kangjie and Edward Harriman Jr. bargaining back and forth.

In the end, after several rounds, the two sides reached a consensus of 30.00%.

What is a little unfair is that several companies of the other party only agreed to give Chen Kangjie 20.00% of their shares. The reason for Edward Harriman Jr. is that those companies are jointly owned by several families, and it is difficult for them to squeeze out more shares.Moreover, they feel that their business is bigger and more mature, and 20.00% is the limit of the limit.Even in the oil and gas company they want to establish together, Chen Kangjie can only own 30.00% of the shares.

One thing is corresponding, the other party only sends three people to Chen Kangjie's company as deputy to participate in operation and management, and Chen Kangjie can also send three people to their big companies to study and participate, the highest position can only be a deputy. President.

As for the money involved in this series of transactions, it is all paid by Chen Kangjie. He promised George Bush that he would pay more than 3000 billion. In addition to deducting a part of the company's shares in Coy, Chen Kangjie has to pay the other party $850 billion.

This time, Chen Kangjie suffered from the unequal information. Who told him that the other party had a lot of information about him, but he didn't know anything about the other party.

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