rebirth of change

Chapter 2465 Gift brought by Whitney

Chapter 2465 Gift brought by Whitney

"Why are you back? Didn't I tell you to rest at home and spend more time with your family?" Chen Kangjie was a little surprised to see the charming Whitney standing in front of him.

Whitney came back from the United States without any warning and without saying hello in advance.

"I'll come back to help you. You've been too busy and tired recently, and I can't bear it, so I'm here to help you." Whitney said without twitching, looking at Chen Kangjie with clear eyes.

"You come to help, you..." Chen Kangjie originally wanted to say that it is enough if you don't come to cause trouble, but when he saw Whitney's melancholy look, Chen Kangjie couldn't bear it again, "Your parents allow you Come? I remember that they should be against it."

"I'm already an adult, I have full personal freedom, I can do whatever I like, no one can control me, and, when I came, my dad didn't say anything against it, and I even faintly Felt he supported it," Whitney said, puffing out her bulging chest.

support?Chen Kangjie was stunned for a moment, but then he was relieved again.

John Whitney had a face-to-face discussion with himself about business, and that business was much, much bigger than buying his collection.Perhaps it was for this reason that John Whitney made a 180-degree turn in his attitude. At the very least, Chen Kangjie was not as simple as an entertainer, he was fully qualified to be an equal to their family.

You must know that the cooperation between Chen Kangjie and Skull and Bones is strategic. This is the first time since the establishment of their organization that they have conducted strategic cooperation with people from abroad, especially people from eastern countries. It is of extraordinary significance.

To put it bluntly, if Whitney can really be with Chen Kangjie, it may in turn increase the weight of their Whitney family in the Skull and Bones organization.

"Then is your health better? Healed?" Chen Kangjie asked with concern after looking Whitney up and down.

"Just look for it. If I didn't spend more time with my dear mother, I would have come here a long time ago. I go to the beach to swim every day." He said, in order to prove that there is really no problem with his body. , Whitney also moved his body twice to show Chen Kangjie.

It's good that Whitney is not active, but when he is active, he focuses on his figure, especially the pair of bulging peaks on his chest, which makes Chen Kangjie very distracted.

He's been really busy recently, whether it's Chen Kangjie with Fan Xuexi or Lin Ling, they are rarely together. It can be said that Chen Kangjie has been inseparable from women for a long time.Whitney is obviously a bit seductive to Chen Kangjie, and the femininity she exudes will naturally make Chen Kangjie think about it.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you can stay and help me with something." Whitney has come, so Chen Kangjie can drive him away.

"Long, I didn't come here empty-handed this time. I brought you a gift." Whitney said flatteringly with a smile.

"Gift? What gift can you bring me? Could it be that you really stole your father's collection? Let me tell you, it's not right to do that. Your father's things are also bought with money." Although Chen Kangjie likes those books It is a treasure and artwork belonging to China, but if it is obtained by stealing, Chen Kangjie will feel that it is out of style.

"No, there are too many of those things, and I can't move that much." Whitney shook his head and said.

"That's not those works of art, what could it be?" Chen Kangjie asked suspiciously.

Chen Kangjie really didn't know, apart from those art collections, what else could impress him, it was already very difficult.

"Although I don't know if you will like it or not, I think it should be what you need and it should be very useful to you." Saying that, Whitney turned and left Chen Kangjie's room.

After a while, Whitney dragged in a large box from outside.

It seems that the suitcase is relatively heavy, otherwise Whitney, who is not short, would use the method of dragging it instead of carrying it.

"What's in it?" Chen Kangjie asked suspiciously, and stood up from behind the desk by the way.

"Long, come and take a look, I don't really understand." Whitney waved at Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie was full of doubts in his heart. What do you bring to me if you don't understand?

However, Chen Kangjie still cooperated and walked out from behind the desk.

Whitney squatted down and opened the zipper of the box, and Chen Kangjie saw the blueprints one by one.

Chen Kangjie recognized some blueprints at a glance, because the paper was relatively large and densely packed with regular lines, accompanied by a bunch of English signs and instructions.

Chen Kangjie knelt down and curiously took out the bound drawings one by one.

When Chen Kangjie spread the above blueprints on the carpet, Chen Kangjie's eyes widened, he was stunned with surprise.

Chen Kangjie didn't study engineering design or mechanical design. It is reasonable to say that Chen Kangjie should not be able to understand these design drawings, but he saw two things he said he recognized at a glance.

One is an airplane. On a design drawing spread out, the appearance of an airplane is drawn, and it is a very modern high-tech airplane drawing.

If the image of the plane alone is not enough to surprise Chen Kangjie, then Chen Kangjie will not be able to hold on to the f--22 on the lower mark.

"Whitney, why do you have this thing? How did you bring it to China?" Chen Kangjie asked solemnly.

"Long, do you know what this is?" Whitney did not answer Chen Kangjie, but asked curiously.

"The latest Raptor fighter jet that is not yet in service in the U.S. military, code-named f-22, is the fifth-generation stealth fighter jet, known as the king of the air, I really don't understand, how did you get these blueprints?" Chen Kangjie replied seriously road.

"You are so knowledgeable and talented. I didn't expect you to recognize it. I really didn't expect it." Whitney praised Chen Kangjie triumphantly.

"Don't praise me first, you haven't told me how you got it." Chen Kangjie didn't get carried away because of this.

Blueprints for the U.S. military's newest fighter jet, and it's no joke.

Chen Kangjie firmly believed that the intelligence department of the Republic must do everything possible to obtain this kind of confidential information, which can be called strategic information.But only when its source is known can one presuppose what to do next.

The thing that the military intelligence department tried everything possible to do was not available, but now it appeared in front of him by accident, and it was the kind that was effortless, and what he got was the design blueprint, so Chen Kangjie had to be more cautious. .

In order to prevent China from obtaining the wreckage of f-117, the U.S. military actually launched an air strike on China's embassies abroad. If they knew that the design drawings appeared in Chen Kangjie's office, I don't know what troubles would arise.

"It's not difficult. I took it from home. Of course, I didn't take the original copy. These are the backup copies I specially photocopied. Long, is this useful to you?" Whitney said relaxedly .

"You photocopied it from home? Do you know how serious it is? I am very puzzled how such design drawings appeared in your home." Chen Kangjie did not feel relaxed like Whitney.

"What's the matter, besides the railway, my family's big business is arms. Several large American arms dealers are actually supported by our family, so sometimes the people below will bring similar to visit and report at home." Whitney didn't think it was such a serious matter at all.

"Does your father know that you did this? You have to know that if outsiders find out, you will be charged with the crime, and it will be very difficult for your father to get rid of the relationship." Chen Kangjie said solemnly.

"Of course I can't let others know...I'm not a fool."

"Then why would you think of photocopying or making a copy of this thing for me? There are so many things that can't be done in a day or two, so you just assume that I will accept them?" Chen Kangjie stood up and asked with his waist in his hand.

"Long, you mean you don't like it? Let me take it back and surrender?" Whitney tilted her head and stared at Chen Kangjie.

dislike?Let you take it back?It's a good idea, if such a good thing is in my hands, if I take it back, to put it lightly, it would be Chen Kangjie's stupidity, to put it seriously, he is a sinner of the nation and the country.

Let’s not say that these drawings are the design drawings of the Raptor fighter jet. At the very least, these things are of great value if they are given to the military research department or Guohao Aircraft Company.

With these design drawings, the research and development process of the fifth-generation stealth fighter in China will definitely be accelerated. More importantly, the performance of the f-22 Raptor fighter can be studied through these drawings, so that we can find a way to overcome it. Once conflicts arise, they can be well-informed and targeted.

"You took everything out, how do you take it back? I'm just curious, how did you judge that I will accept and like it, what is the reason or what factors?"

"Because you are a patriot, I know that if you can also have this thing, it will be very good for your country. Maybe this is also a good way to avoid war conflicts between our two countries. It is not that sentence, Can the one who can fight stop the war?"

Chen Kangjie stared blankly at Whitney. He really didn't expect that such words would come from Whitney's mouth. As expected of a person who has been in China for a while, his thinking is so similar to that of China.

"Yeah, the only way to stop the war is to fight, but I have to find a professional to evaluate the specific value of these things. I hope you can keep this matter [-]% confidential, and you must not leak it at all. , otherwise, it will be bad for you, and it will be very bad for your family."

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