rebirth of change

Chapter 2472 It's too embarrassing

Chapter 2472 It's too embarrassing

"Leng Yong, don't go too far, why should I drink this wine today, so what if I don't drink it?" Gao Jie had no choice but to show his usual temper.

"Slap!" Leng Yong instinctively slapped Gao Jie back.

Subjectively speaking, Leng Yong didn't want to make the relationship too rigid, even if he wanted to teach Gao Jie a lesson, he never thought of doing it himself.After all, Gao Jie's father was a deputy governor, his father's deputy.

As the saying goes, many friends lead to many roads, and many opponents create more obstacles.

If Gao Jie's father is really forced to the opponent's side, it will not be a good thing for Leng Changao after all.Even an unconventional vice-governor may not help much sometimes, but if he wants to make trouble, he has a lot of energy. He also has his own field and department in charge, and he also has his own network of contacts.

But at that quarter of an hour, Leng Yong couldn't bear it.As the son of a governor and a postgraduate student at the Industrial and Commercial University, his self-control cannot be really that bad, otherwise, it would be too wasteful and lose his reputation.

However, as soon as Gao Jie's momentum came up, Leng Yong's hot blood rushed to the top of his head, and his anger went straight out, and he couldn't suppress it, so he raised his hand and slapped Gao Jie's face.

Leng Yong's movements can be so natural, which may have something to do with his disregard for Gao Jie in his heart.If he was afraid or relied heavily on Gao Jie at ordinary times, it was impossible not to think twice.

Being slapped without warning, Gao Jie's heart was hotter than his face.This is not the home of two children, and Gao Jie was beaten in front of so many people. What face will he have to stand in front of others in the future?

"Leng Yong, you bastard, you dare to hit me..." Touching his hot cheek, Gao Jie cursed angrily.

This is the difference between Gao Jie and Leng Yong. Leng Yong's instinct is to use hands, while Gao Jie's desperation is to use his mouth.This shows that there is a certain disparity in the psychological confidence between them.

"I hit you when I hit you, and you don't give me face. Why should I give you face? I just hit you. If you want to scold me again, you still hit me..." After hitting, Leng Yong You can't back down at this time.

At this time, there is no medicine for regret for Leng Yong, he can only go forward bravely, otherwise, it will bring him self-injury.

"Leng Yong, you've gone too far. No matter what, you can't hit someone. It makes you feel reasonable and confident." Jin Yingtong couldn't pretend that he didn't see all this, no matter what, Gao Jie is her suitor, so he can't keep silent.

"Of course I'm upright, of course I'm justified, Jin Yingtong, you'd better not interfere in this matter, otherwise everyone's faces will not look good at that time." To Jin Yingtong, Leng Yong was a little more polite.

On the one hand, Jin Yingtong is a girl, if Leng Yong cares too much about a girl, people will look down on her.On the other hand, if Leng Yong wants to get Ye Wei, he still needs Jin Yingtong's help, he doesn't want to offend such a middleman too much.

"Are you looking good now? It's really too much." Ye Wei lowered his voice and muttered in disbelief.

"You still have the face to talk, you, you bastard, you didn't cause everything. Leng Yong invited you to drink, that's what it looks like, look at you, you look like a saint, do you really think Who are you?" Min Yanqiu, who had always disliked Ye Wei, appeared again following Ye Wei's words.

Min Yanqiu can't see Leng Yong's hard work to win Ye Wei's favor. She thinks she looks no worse than Ye Wei, but Leng Yong treats her indifferently, which makes her feel very unbalanced .

"Min Yanqiu" Leng Yong yelled, "You fucking shut up, can you die? Ye Wei is dissatisfied, and that's me, it's none of your business, what right do you have to say about her, and who do you think you are ah?"

Although he wants to drink Ye Wei's wine, when conflicts arise, Leng Yong still stands by Ye Wei's side. Whether it's out of courteousness or from the bottom of his heart, he must choose Ye Wei at this stage. .

Min Yanqiu looks good and has a good figure, but compared with Ye Wei, she always feels a little more vulgar. Standing together, the likability of the two is at least 30.00% less than Ye Wei.

Ye Wei is the kind of pure and innocent girl that people want to care for and possess as soon as they see it, and it takes effort to obtain it.And Min Yanqiu gives people the feeling that as long as she is willing to give money, she will probably do whatever is asked of her.

Tears rolled in Min Yanqiu's eyes, so aggrieved that she might cry at any moment.

"Leng Yong, no matter what, you can't get angry at Yanqiu. Don't you know who is on your side? Now they don't give you face, and getting angry at Yanqiu will only make relatives hurt enemies Hurry up." Min Yanqiu's best friend put her arms around Min Yanqiu, helping Min Yanqiu to speak a word of justice.

"I don't need you to teach me how to do things, ok? ok?" Being pointed at repeatedly, Leng Yong looked very irritable.

"Bring that glass of wine, I'll drink it, Leng Yong, did I drink it, let's forget about today's matter?" In order to calm the incident, Ye Wei, who had always insisted on not drinking, bravely stood up at this time.

Ye Wei only hoped to leave this place as soon as possible after the matter was settled, today's party really made her unhappy, if it wasn't for Jin Yingtong's repeated persuasion, she wouldn't want to come.

Since the source was caused by him, Ye Wei felt that he should face it and not be taken over by others.

"Ye Wei, you don't need to drink it. Why should you drink it? Who does he think he is? Does anyone else have to drink his wine? I don't believe it." Ye Wei wants to drink now, but Gao Jie stood up to stop him with all his strength.

Gao Jie was also someone who liked Ye Wei. Seeing Ye Wei's humility, Gao Jie felt that as a man, he couldn't agree, especially when he had just been slapped by Leng Yong.

That slap made Gao Jie's arrogance, he just wanted to fight Leng Yong without flinching.

Buddha fights for a stick of incense, and people fight for breath.If he was slapped and still accepted and flattered him, then Gao Jie would really be able to stop messing around.No one would look down on someone like that.

"Ye Wei, you really don't need to drink. Now this matter has become a matter between me and Gao Jie. If you want to drink, I will treat you alone another day. You can drink any wine you want, and you can drink it wherever you want." At this time Gao Jie won't let Ye Wei drink, and neither can Leng Yong.

To show his ability and arrogance, as well as his care and love for Ye Wei, Leng Yong must turn the conflict into a festival between men, only in this way can he blur the focus.

Leng Yong is very clear about which one is more influential and can establish prestige, letting Ye Wei drink alcohol or forcing Gao Jie to succumb.

"Gao Jie, Ye Wei doesn't need to drink, but you have to. I'll leave my words here today. If you don't drink, I promise to make you miserable. Don't forget, you are going back to Nanhu after graduation, and I will I want to go back." After comforting Ye Wei, Leng Yong said threatening words to Gao Jie.

Leng Yong's hint was very clear, what he meant was that if Gao Jie refused to accept his softness, then when he returned to Nanhu, he would use various means to punish Gao Jie.

Gao Jie's father can arrange work for him through his relationship, so Leng Yong can use Leng Changao's power to boycott him.Even if he returned to Nanhu, if Gao Jie was not sent to a remote village, he would still be waiting for him. This is the usual method and method used in the struggle between the yamen.

"I just don't drink, what can I do, just let the horse come over, and I will continue, the rabbit bites when it is anxious, who is afraid of whom?" go back.

"Are you serious?" Leng Yong asked with cold eyes.

"I'm telling the truth, Leng Yong, I will remember this slap..." Gao Jie was already on the verge of riding a tiger, and could only advance but never retreat.

"Gao Jie, aren't you too cowardly? You just remember something after being slapped? Tsk tsk tsk, hey..." Chen Kangjie jumped out to intervene again at this critical moment.

It's just that everyone else was angry or angry, or wronged and resentful, but Chen Kangjie still looked like an old god, leisurely and leisurely.Even this kind of sowing words, Chen Kangjie said very easily.

However, the more relaxed and casual Chen Kangjie looked, the redder Gao Jie's face became.Just like what Chen Kangjie said, he, Gao Jie, is showing that he admits cowardice, at least for now he can only be hard on his mouth.

It's just that the facts are one thing, and it's another thing to be pointed out in such a public manner.

Gao Jie felt that his face was hotter than the slap just now, especially when many people looked at him, he always felt that others were despising and spurning him.

If he could beat him, Gao Jie really wanted to rush forward and give Chen Kangjie two kicks.It was because of his sowing dissension and nonsense that he couldn't get down like that.

To be aggrieved, Chen Kangjie was responsible for Gao Jie's slap. If it wasn't for him, how could the situation be so out of control.

After today's conflicts, Gao Jie knows very well that it will be difficult for him and Leng Yong to turn hostility into friendship again. What's more, the relationship between his father and Leng Changao will also be impacted and affected, which will affect his father's situation. would be quite disadvantageous.

But what's the use of blaming Chen Kangjie?

This roommate of mine couldn't handle him one-on-one. He never thought that even in such a complicated situation with many people, he would slap him hard one after another.

Don't you remember to fight Leng Yong to the death now?Gao Jie didn't lose all his sanity one hundred percent.

"Chen Wen, don't sit and talk without pain in your back." Gao Jie gave Chen Kangjie a vicious look, "I don't understand what it's good for you to do that kind of incendiary thing."

"Hehehe...does your back hurt when you sit and talk? Then you really have kidney deficiency, hurry up and eat Liuwei Dihuang Wan, it's cheap and easy to use." Chen Kangjie's words made many people present laugh "It seems that you really just remember. For someone like you, if I were him, I would give you a slap to make you remember more."

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