rebirth of change

Chapter 2484 Sad soldier strategy

Chapter 2484 Sad soldier strategy

As soon as Chen Kangjie's results came out, many people were surprised and worried.

Is long not working? Is long regressing so badly?Or something went wrong.

If it was just one time, then it could be understood as a certain mistake, but Chen Kangjie jumped twice, the best was 17 meters, and he even fouled the third time, so the result was not counted.

In the eyes of countless people, Chen Kangjie is an invincible great king, but he lost to Christian Olsen in a qualifying match.

All of a sudden, the hearts of many people who cared about Chen Kangjie were raised, and this required three levels.

The first level is of course Tang Wei, Chen Kangjie's coach. Chen Kangjie's performance has never been so bad. If it is still like this in the finals, he will basically miss the gold medal. This is something Tang Wei cannot accept and bear anyway.

Tang Wei really couldn't understand, the previous training was very good, even in Patras, Chen Kangjie was 0.1 meters higher than in China, how did he change so much in the arena, he held his heart tightly I don't understand.

"Jie Shao, what are you... How could you only jump 17 meters 55, this result can be concluded that you will miss the gold medal, and you actually lost to that Christian Olsen, who just met you Did you play tricks on you when you were here?" Tang Wei grabbed Chen Kangjie immediately and asked anxiously.

"Yes, Young Master Jie, your result is quite a bit worse than your training result. I don't believe this is your normal performance. Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Niu Qihua also worried.

Niu Qihua had to be worried. If something happened to Chen Kangjie, and his performance declined sharply, it might not only be the triple jump event, but it might include the sprint and 1500 meters. Chen Kangjie would also be a big disappointment.In other words, if you can't win the gold medal in the triple jump, will you definitely win the 100m and 1500m?If so, it means that Niu Qihua and Lin Zhidong are also finished, so it's no wonder he isn't worried.

"People have said that he can't win if I participate in the competition, so it's no surprise to let others win once, don't make a fuss." Chen Kangjie had a faint smile on his face, not because he lost Get frustrated or discouraged by qualifying.

"Master Jie, did you lose on purpose?" Chen Kangjie's smile reassured Tang Wei.

"It can't be said that it was intentional, but it really shouldn't be my normal or best level. On the one hand, I subjectively wanted Christian to win once. Objectively, I wanted to save energy, so I didn't work hard. .This is just a qualifying match, and it doesn't explain anything." Chen Kangjie said confidently.

Chen Kangjie is confident here, but the morale of Christian Olsen's team is also boosted, and their confidence has improved a lot.

In their eyes, Chen Kangjie was the only opponent and goal. As long as they beat Chen Kangjie, they would get [-]% to [-]% of the gold medal.

At the beginning, some people thought that this was one of Chen Kangjie's tactics to delay the attack, but they had also studied Chen Kangjie's past games. He had never used such a strategy. Instead, it was a kind of explosive power immediately to lay the foundation for victory is often used.

But this time, Chen Kangjie jumped three times, made a mistake once, and his performance declined sharply twice.Based on past experience, they had reason to believe that Chen Kangjie was really different from the past.What's more, Chen Kangjie also told Christian Olsen that he himself lacked training. Compared with the Sydney Olympics, Chen Kangjie's competitions this time have been reduced to a certain extent. This also verifies Chen Kangjie's trend of "not working" .

Everyone would be happy to win, especially a superstar like Chen Kangjie who won. As long as he wins this game, Christian Olsen will definitely become the focus and subject of discussion around the world.

"I think it's too early for us to be happy... I don't think it's true anyway. I contacted him today. If he is in such a low state, his mentality will not be so good..." Facing his coach and assistant, Christian said in a daze.

"Maybe he did that to paralyze you. Anyway, it's a good thing if you beat him today. We must prepare carefully. As long as you beat him in the final two days later, then You will make history, your best result is more than 18 meters, Olsen, you must not let us down." Christian Olsen's coach patted him on the shoulder and said happily.

The second group of people who are worried about Chen Kangjie is of course his compatriots, and of course those Chinese who place high hopes on him.

In the minds of the Chinese people, Chen Kangjie on the field has been deified, and the gold medals in the three competitions he participated in have been collected by the Chinese people in advance.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.If Chen Kangjie stumbles in this Olympic Games, the more than one billion Chinese and compatriots will definitely find it difficult to accept and feel sad.

As for the third category, of course those fans from other countries and those who like Chen Kangjie.Chen Kangjie on the field may be rivals with the athletes of their own country, and they are only on the opposite side, but emotionally, they don't necessarily want Chen Kangjie to lose, and they still lose miserably.

People's feelings are sometimes very complicated, and they are often contradictory. In the eyes of these people, they will not be happy if their own athletes lose, but they may feel uncomfortable when Chen Kangjie loses.

On August 21, Chen Kangjie will participate in two more races. He will participate in the first round of the men's 1500 meters first, and then the first round of the men's 100 meters.

After Chen Kangjie lost the men's triple jump the day before, the audience's attention to him not only did not decrease, but became even higher.

Everyone hoped that Chen Kangjie's performance the day before was only temporary, anyway, he made it to the final.If he is only temporarily out of balance, then he can have a chance to get it back in the final.

And a sign to measure whether Chen Kangjie is temporarily out of balance or a real decline in ability is his performance and status on August 21.

If he can achieve a good result in the two first-round games of the day, it can be inferred that he did not perform well the day before. If his two games on this day are not as good as before, then Maybe it really means that Chen Kangjie is no longer the Chen Kangjie he was before, and people will start to be mentally prepared to accept a Chen Kangjie who went to the Olympic Games but failed to win the gold medal.

We have a common saying that the more we are afraid of something, the more we will encounter it. There is also a saying that misfortunes never come singly.

In the first round of the men's 1500m, Chen Kangjie was placed in the third lane of the first group.

On Chen Kangjie's right, that is, the fourth lane is Lagat from Kenya.

We know that African athletes have very strong explosive power and endurance. In the most typical sprint events and marathon events, black athletes are often the general victors.

In Chen Kangjie's group, apart from Lagat, there are several black athletes, such as those from Ethiopia and the United States. Apart from Chen Kangjie's yellow face, there is only one white man from Denmark .

However, in the list of competitors that Lin Zhidong and the others had drawn up, Lagat was the only one in this group.


The time required for human eyes to blink may exceed 0.11 seconds, which shows how close the two people's results are.

Before the game, Chen Kangjie had no interaction with Lagat. Lagat just looked at Chen Kangjie a few more times while preparing.

In fact, there is nothing special about it. Every participant, or every person in the stadium, will pay attention to Chen Kangjie when they meet him. The same is true for other athletes except Lagat. Some people even focus half of their eyes on Chen Kangjie.

The starting gun sounded, and the first round of the 1500-meter competition officially started amid the calls of tens of thousands of people.

Chen Kangjie started well, and after running, it was the same. He didn't fight for the lead, but played a role of follower.

Without seeing Chen Kangjie running first, the audience would of course worry for him and cheer him up. The cheers for him were overwhelming.

But no matter what the audience shouted, Chen Kangjie was so calm, as if he had reached his limit.finally.In the first round of the men's 1500m, Chen Kangjie crossed the finish line with a time of 3 minutes and 35 seconds. This result was shot in second place in the group. No.1 was Lagat's 3:34. Chen Kangjie was 40 seconds slower than him. No.0.2 was 33 seconds faster than the 35 person.

Even if it was only the first round, Chen Kangjie's result was still unacceptable to many people.The point is not how much he ran, the point is that he lost to Lagat.

However, Chen Kangjie's coaching staff is not worried. Since Chen Kangjie lost to Christian Olsen yesterday, the coaching staff has formed a strategy, that is, as long as it is not the final competition for the gold medal, Chen Kangjie will never be the first, unless No .3 Bite to death.

This has two purposes, one is to really paralyze the opponent, making everyone feel that Chen Kangjie is not as good as before, or even vulnerable, which will make them underestimate the enemy and become complacent.

Another purpose is to give the audience a roller coaster ride.Let those who thought that Chen Kangjie would never win, get a kind of exciting satisfaction the moment Chen Kangjie won.

This is equivalent to Chen Kangjie making a little joke with everyone. Of course, this joke must be grasped well, otherwise, if one is not careful, it may lead to Waterloo.Especially when the outcome is only 0.1 seconds or 0.01 seconds.

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