rebirth of change

Chapter 2487 Breaking Others' Illusions

Chapter 2487 Breaking Others' Illusions

In the end, Chen Kangjie's results came out, which surprised the world. He broke the world record he created eight years ago and raised the world record from 18.29 meters to 18.35 meters.

Don't look at it's just an increase of [-] meters, this is already the best limit that human beings can exert at present.

Chen Kangjie's jump ruthlessly shattered the expectations of many people, and thus regained the confidence of countless people in him.

"Long created a new world record, it's incredible, he raised the world record by 18.29 meters, let's not forget, the previous world record of [-] meters was created and maintained by him, eight years later , a new world record was born, and it was none other than Long himself who broke the limit, this jump was so exciting..." This is how the commentator on cbs commented.

"Long, he didn't let us down. He changed the decline of the previous two days and finally broke out his true strength. Yes, in our opinion, this should be the true strength that Long should have. A new world record Born in front of our eyes, I can't describe my current mood. In front of audiences all over the world, Long proved that he is still the one who jumps the farthest in the world. He is the king, the unsurpassed king... ...." This is NHK's live commentary.

"...We really don't know how much undiscovered potential there is in Long's body. 18.35 meters, such a result is very dazzling, but I doubt how long this result can be maintained. I firmly believe that as long as Long is willing , he can continue to break this new world record. It is basically certain that after this result is recognized, the gold medal in the men's triple jump is already in Long's pocket...... "This is a comment from the British BBC.

"...Chen Kangjie used his own strength to prove that those speculations and disapproval of him are blind behaviors with ulterior motives. I don't know why he behaved like that before, maybe it was his strategy. It may be due to other factors, but his shocking jump is enough to make many people slap their faces and shut up. Chen Kangjie used his behavior to prove once again that what people in other countries can do, we Chinese are the same It can be done. Chen Kangjie's victory not only represents him personally, but also our entire Chinese nation. He is undoubtedly the pride of our Chinese nation. In this arena, he is an unshakable king..." This It is the interpretation commentary of CCTV sports commentator.

Basically, only the domestic government media will use "Chen Kangjie" as the address. The overseas media have almost unified the terminology. For Chen Kangjie, they just call him "long" in English.

"As a Hong Kong native, I am proud that Long can achieve such an amazing breakthrough, but it is a pity that his participation in this Olympic Games is less than that of the last Sydney Olympic Games. Otherwise, we should have seen more of him. Excellent performance. Long deserves to be the king of track and field, just like his status in the music and film circles is unshakable. Long, I admire you so much, your idol status in my heart has become more and more unshakable... ..” This is a comment from a TV station in Hong Kong.

"We are happy for Long to achieve such achievements and breakthroughs, but we must also see objectively that Long's success does not represent the strength of China's sports world. After all, in track and field, apart from Long, the Chinese The performance of Chinese athletes is really lackluster, especially the male athletes. China still has a long way to go to transform itself from a big sports country to a sports power..." This is the sports anchor of Tianzhu National TV Station in South Asia. view on this matter.

The above comment sounds a bit like the taste of sour grapes. He doesn’t even think about it. Even if there is no Chen Kangjie in China, it can still win dozens of medals in the Olympic Games. The number of gold medals is the highest in the world. of the top three.And they, a big country with a population of nearly one billion, usually win single digits in the Olympic Games. For example, in the last Olympic Games, they only won one medal, or a bronze medal. If the history of this Olympic Games remains unchanged , There will be some progress, but it is only a silver medal.It can be said that in such a huge country, their strength in the Olympic arena is not as good as that of Hong Kong.

"Long is my favorite athlete and my favorite entertainment star. I am not surprised by his results, because I never believed that he would be so bad. Facts have proved that my judgment is right. Now we need What is concerned is that according to his usual style, after this jump, he should give up the third jump. It seems that he is a person who spares no effort. Unless someone behind him has amazing results, otherwise, he should give up the third jump This is the end of the long jump process. However, is there anyone else who can reach his peak? I doubt it, even arbitrarily speaking, it is impossible. Even if Jonathan Edwards is on this field, he will probably be convinced And admit defeat. If there is a chance, I hope Long can come to Taipei. I believe that the vast majority of our more than 2000 million people will be his fans, and he will receive a very warm reception..." This is Strait An anchor commented on a blue TV station on the other side.

In fact, even Green TV's comments on Chen Kangjie are basically positive.Maybe they don't want Chen Kangjie to have such a strong appeal, but there is no way. Chen Kangjie's image is very positive, and his popularity is too high and his influence is too great. If Chen Kangjie is discredited or negatively evaluated, maybe even their own Supporters will be dissatisfied.

Especially young people, whoever dares to slander Chen Kangjie is basically making life difficult for his own future, that is, making life difficult for votes.

In the past two days, even if some media made some unfavorable comments about Chen Kangjie, it was because of Chen Kangjie's successive defeats, and their comments had not reached the level of public criticism or belittling.Even so, it also takes a certain risk.

No matter what, Chen Kangjie has now proved himself proudly. Those who like him can cheer as much as they want, and those who don't like him must also shut up. I feel uncomfortable for myself.

Just like what the media person on the other side of the strait said, what Chen Kangjie and the others have to do now is not whether to create better results, but whether to make a third jump.

As the coach, Lin Zhidong rushed forward non-stop after Chen Kangjie finished the jump, and excitedly hugged Chen Kangjie by the waist and threw him three times.

Lin Zhidong was so excited, Chen Kangjie's jump made him truly able to put his heart in his stomach with peace of mind.

Lin Zhidong can already assert with 90.00% [-]% that this gold medal belongs to Chen Kangjie.

During the training, Chen Kangjie was never so strong. Lin Zhidong didn't expect Chen Kangjie's explosive power to be so astonishing. After one shot, he won the game and set a new world record.

According to the current situation of the triple jump in the world, Lin Zhidong can assert that within 30 years, this achievement will basically not be broken. Based on this alone, Chen Kangjie's status as the prince of track and field is almost unshakable in the foreseeable future.

"Coach Lin, look, do I still need to do the third jump?" After being put down by Lin Zhidong, Chen Kangjie put his hand on his shoulder and asked.

"Can you create better results?" Lin Zhidong didn't nod or shake his head, but asked rhetorically.

"What do you think?" Chen Kangjie asked with a faint smile.

"..." Lin Zhidong didn't express his opinion immediately, but pondered for a while, and then said: "Well, you decide for yourself. If you want to dance, I support it. If you don't dance, I won't object. It's all up to you .”

Lin Zhidong felt that Chen Kangjie might be able to do better, but he also felt that it was unnecessary.

After all, it will be the Olympic Games at home in Beijing four years later. If Chen Kangjie's performance is too amazing now, it will not be beautiful if he cannot make further breakthroughs in the Beijing Olympic Games.Even if there is still potential, it would be better to put it in four years. By then, if the current world record is broken again, it will be successful and complete.

It's just that Lin Zhidong can't make decisions for Chen Kangjie, so he left the decision to Chen Kangjie himself, and let him make the choice.

"If this is the case, then I will choose to give up and save my energy. I will participate in the semi-finals of the men's 100 meters in a while." So Chen Kangjie really chose to give up.

Chen Kangjie's thoughts are actually similar to Lin Zhidong's.

With this jump, Chen Kangjie knew that this was basically his limit, but it wasn't that there was no room for improvement.

In fact, before taking off, Chen Kangjie didn't know what position he could reach. He only knew that before jumping, he took a breath from his body, and it was that breath that made him create good results. .

If you do it again, Chen Kangjie dare not say that his grades will be poor, but he is not sure that he will be better. He just vaguely feels that you should still have some space. How strong.

In the same way, in any matter, some people will be happy and some will be disappointed.

Christian Olsen's coach thought that Olsen might beat Chen Kangjie to win the gold medal. Anyway, these two days, his expectations were very high. Even Olsen wondered if there would be such a thing. possibility.

Now, however, not only are their hopes completely dashed, but the rest of the sport and their coaches, too, think their hopes lie in the silver and bronze medal fights.

With Chen Kangjie around, they were doomed to miss the gold medal.

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