rebirth of change

Chapter 2493 acting as an audience

Chapter 2493 acting as an audience

"Gatlin, why did you attack Long and harass his performance? Is it because of jealousy?" The reporters' questions were merciless and very direct.

"I...I didn't intend to do anything to Long in advance, I..." Gatlin was rather embarrassed, and his expression was also tangled.

"That was a temporary idea? You said you didn't intend to do anything to Long, but it's obvious that your actions are very aggressive and dangerous." The reporter who asked the question didn't give Gatling a chance to dodge at all, and his words became even more serious. sharp.

"I really didn't expect this to happen. I'm sorry. Therefore, I would like to publicly express my apology to Long here. I'm sorry. Please forgive my recklessness and inconsideration." Gatlin became a little anxious.

"Mr. Gatling, are you really ill-considered and reckless? We saw that because of you, Long had to take risky actions at the last moment. If he was injured because of this, you think you can just say sorry Resolve it?" A female reporter from the French Broadcasting Corporation stood up and asked.

"I really didn't think about the consequences. I'm very, very sorry. I sincerely regret my actions, and I'm sorry." The only thing Gatlin can do now is to apologize, hoping to resolve the anger and pressure of all parties through an apology.

"I would like to ask the head coach, Mr. Allport, will you take some punitive measures for Gatlin's wrong behavior?" A male reporter from New Zealand National TV turned his finger on the American head coach.

"Thank you, thank you for your question. We reiterate once again that we do not support or encourage such impolite and dangerous behavior. We regret and are not happy to see this incident today. As the head coach, I would also like to express our apologies to Long here. We did not regulate and educate our players well. This is our mistake. As for how to deal with Mr. Gatling, we still need to do further work. This needs to be dealt with in combination with our own rules and regulations and the penalty rules of the IAAF. We will not cover up our mistakes, and we will face this matter positively. The Olympic arena is a fair and just arena and, We will definitely work in strict accordance with the rules of the International Olympic Committee, thank you." As the head coach, Allport's speech is still convincing. Although he did not make a clear promise, he also drew a direction.


This press conference, no matter for Allport or others, can be said to be aggrieved and embarrassing. All they can do is to make a condescending apology and hope to win the understanding of Chen Kangjie and others.

There was no way to do this. Who told them to do something wrong, and it almost caused irreparable consequences. What was especially unacceptable was that the target was Chen Kangjie.

Here, he was working hard to explain to the reporters, while on Chen Kangjie's side, he was walking with Lin Ling on the streets of Athens.

"Are you really not injured? The moment I saw you fall, I felt so sad." Lin Ling asked, holding Chen Kangjie's arm like a little girl, looking up at Chen Kangjie's ordinary face after disguise. .

"Hehe, am I fine? If I get hurt, how can I go shopping with you? Don't worry, I'm not someone who gets hurt so easily." Chen Kangjie smiled relaxedly, stretched out his other hand to touch He touched the top of Lin Ling's head.

"Didn't you say that you would not meet me until all the games were completely over? Why did you change your mind today?" Lin Ling asked with a happy and satisfied smile.

"Why else, I miss you, I don't think we should leave, let's take a car to the hotel where you are staying." Chen Kangjie showed a seductive look.

"Hmph, that's what you think of me, so I won't do it, you men, you know that." Lin Ling pouted, pretending to be dissatisfied with Chen Kangjie's obvious purpose.

"Hehe, love is made. It's been a long time since I've been tender, don't you think so?" Chen Kangjie had a hippie smile on his face.

" can't be so direct." Lin Ling pinched Chen Kangjie's arm shyly.

"Hehehe, we're not the kind of people who want to be famous, we can say what we think, let's go, go out first and then come out for dinner." Being pinched, Chen Kangjie was not only angry, but laughed cheerfully.

"No, you still have a game the day after tomorrow. Let's wait until after your game is over. I don't want to be a sinner. If you make your performance abnormal because of indulgence, then I will be guilty. If the outside world finds out that it's me, I'm afraid Don't be drowned by saliva." Just when Chen Kangjie was in high spirits, Lin Ling shook her head and poured cold water on him.

"Not at all, I have already competed twice, and there is one left, so there should be no problem, let's go, let's go, how uncomfortable it is to hold back." Men, when the * is not strong, it is rational Yes, but in front of women, when the desire rises again, it feels a little fearless.

Chen Kangjie is just at the age of blood, and he hasn't touched a woman for two or three months. He can still control Lin Ling when he doesn't see him. Now his arm is being rubbed by Lin Ling's chest. Irrepressible.

"Xiaojie, just bear with it, just two days, after two days, you can do whatever you want, and I will do my best to satisfy you, okay, the whole world is watching you now, you can't have It's a little bit wrong, it's only two days, ah." After all, Lin Ling is more than ten years older than Chen Kangjie, and her control ability at critical moments is still a little stronger.

"Oh, two days... It's hard now."

"Don't feel bad, there's ice cream for sale over there, I'll buy one to cool you down, hehehe..."

Before Chen Kangjie could express his opinion, Lin Ling broke free and ran towards the ice cream truck.

Under Lin Ling's persistence and resistance, in the end Chen Kangjie was unable to kiss Fangze, took a walk with Lin Ling, had ice cream and dinner, and then returned to the dormitory in the Olympic Village.

For his own women, Chen Kangjie usually respects them quite a bit, and he usually doesn't force them to do something he doesn't like because of his own preferences or desires.

Back in the dormitory, Chen Kangjie saw Gatlin's apology.

Chen Kangjie was basically satisfied with this apology.To say that he is basically satisfied means that there are still some unsatisfactory places. For example, Gatlin did not admit that he did that action on purpose. Maybe he has other considerations, but he did not admit that it was intentional. Making his apology should be discounted by [-]%.

Downstairs in Chen Kangjie's dormitory, there were many reporters waiting. If it wasn't for Chen Kangjie's disguise, it would be really difficult to escape the keen eyes of those reporters.

The next day, Chen Kangjie sat in the stands of the track and field field and acted as an ordinary spectator, with Lin Ling next to him.

In order not to attract attention, Xiong Ziqiang and Chen Kangjie didn't bring any of them, but Samidov followed him.

In 2004, although our country's economy was already at a stage of rapid take-off, there were not so many Chinese people who went abroad to watch the Olympic games in Athens.If Chen Kangjie has some Chinese faces around him, it will attract attention if it is not good.On the contrary, the old faces of Samidov and the others will not attract attention.

Sitting in the stands of the track and field field, Chen Kangjie didn't intend to study the status of other track and field opponents. That was Niu Qihua's business, and Chen Kangjie didn't sneak away to watch the game because he was a track and field fan.

He was sitting in the stands, on the one hand to accompany Lin Ling, on the other hand, it was the first round of men's 110 hurdles today.

Chen Kangjie is paying attention to Liu Fei's game.

"The Liu Fei you mentioned is your teammate. Is he really that good?" At the beginning, Chen Kangjie told Lin Ling which game he was paying attention to, so Lin Ling asked this curiously.

It’s no wonder that Lin Ling would ask such a question. It’s really because the performance of Chinese athletes on the international track and field field is really unsatisfactory, especially male athletes. , has almost never won a gold medal, and it is already a great breakthrough to win a medal.

It can be said that China's track and field team is currently supported by Chen Kangjie. Without him, it is not impossible for the men's team to be wiped out.

"Well, he's really good. I've trained with him, and I know his strength. However, his condition depends on his performance after a while." Chen Kangjie nodded.

If you don't change, Liu Fei will be the 110-meter champion in this Olympic Games, thus creating a history.It was because of this that Chen Kangjie was so sure.

"Could he be stronger than you?" Lin Ling asked a little curiously, and seemed a little proud of her lover's kingly strength.

"There is no way to compare this. They are two different events. If he comes to run 100 meters, he can't outrun me, but if I go to run 110 meters hurdles, I should not be his opponent. This is called art. There are specializations, and each event requires long-term training to achieve a good result." Chen Kangjie is not arrogant, and what he said is relatively objective.

Not long after, the first knockout round of the 110-meter hurdles began.

When Liu Fei appeared on the track, Chen Kangjie stood up excitedly like an ordinary audience.

Watching the game is completely different from participating in the game. At this moment, Chen Kangjie is an enthusiastic audience, not a star or a world champion. He stands here to cheer for Liu Fei of the Chinese national team.

Soon, it was Liu Fei's turn to play. From the big screen, Chen Kangjie could see that Liu Fei was full of fighting spirit and confidence in his calm.

This is the first time for Liu Fei to participate in the Olympic Games, and he is very eager to have a good start in the most important competition in the world.

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