rebirth of change

Chapter 2502 The Scarred Olympics

Chapter 2502 The Olympic Games that left scars.

"Ambassador Cai, why don't you summon international experts for consultation on Long's diagnosis and treatment? One person counts the disadvantages, and the other two counts the long. Are you planning to use traditional Chinese medicine that has no scientific proof to give Long information? Would that really be harmful to Long? His recovery is not good?" A reporter from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) stood up and asked Cai Qichang.

"First of all, I think you have some prejudices and misunderstandings about Chinese medicine. Although I am not a doctor, there is one thing I can proudly say. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has contributed to the multiplication and prosperity of the Chinese nation. We Our ancestors used Chinese medicine to treat patients and save lives many centuries ago, and we have also formed our own unique theory of Chinese medicine. There have been many great medical scientists in history. Perhaps due to cultural differences, your understanding of Chinese medicine Not deep enough. But I believe that with the progress and development of the times, more and more people will know and understand and accept this ancient medical category. As for the international expert consultation you mentioned, this possibility is not impossible , but we will decide according to the situation." Cai Qichang's answer is not lacking in grandeur and wisdom.

"Mayor Bakoyannis, can you tell us about the murderer? What kind of person is the murderer? Why did he kill Long like this? How is the arrest so far?" A Hungarian TV station The host threw the question to Bakoyannis again.

"As for the murderer, the police and the intelligence unit have already got some information, and a suspect has been locked, but it is not convenient for me to disclose it here. As for the murderer's attempt and purpose, to be honest, we can only find out after he is caught. Only then will we really know, and the previous remarks are only based on speculation. I dare not say when we will catch the murderer, because I cannot arbitrarily make decisions for the security department, but we will definitely do our best. Catch the murderer as soon as possible and bring him to justice. For this goal, not only our domestic security agencies will be mobilized, but we will also cooperate with security agencies in many countries around the world. On our land, we will not allow crimes to occur. The hand that is less likely to commit crimes is extended to the beloved and respected Long, thank you for your question." Bakoyannis replied objectively and rigorously.

"Can that tell us which country the suspect is from? There are rumors that the murderer is a chef of a Chinese restaurant, is that true? Does this mean that people from the Chinese country are attacking their compatriots?" Greek local asked a newspaper reporter.

The reporters are all supernatural beings, and it is impossible to keep them [-]% confidential about matters that the world pays attention to.The local media must know many people from the police and security departments, and it is not impossible to get some gossip from them.

"First of all, I want to say that your suspicion is not logical. The Chinese restaurant is not opened by the Chinese side, but by us. The chefs or staff inside are also hired by us, so we can't just say that The murderer must be Chinese. The establishment of the Chinese restaurant is not only to meet the needs of Chinese athletes and coaches, it actually serves the customers from East Asia and Southeast Asia. Most of the staff inside are not from China Nationality. In addition, let's talk about the news you got... Now what I can say is that your guess is relatively close to reality, but which country the staff member is from, because of his identity It is not yet possible to distinguish the fraud, but one thing is certain, that is, he is a man of yellow race, and he has a certain accumulation and grasp of Chinese food. The police are currently pursuing them with all their strength. With further news, we will It will be announced as soon as possible." Bakoyannis just said that it was inconvenient to say it, but when he was asked directly, the denial obviously should not be and is not advisable, but Bakoyannis still maintained a certain degree of caution and did not leave Speech flaws.

This Olympic Games, if there is no episode of Chen Kangjie, it will be quite successful.However, Chen Kangjie's paragraph really hit Bakoyannis' reputation and affected his support, especially among young people.No matter what method caused Chen Kangjie's serious injury, people will think that the Athens government failed to protect him, and there are major management flaws.As mayor, Bakoyannis has an unshirkable responsibility.

"Ms. Nabakoyannis, how do you comment on this Olympic Games? Do you think it is a success? Has it achieved the purpose you envisioned?" asked the reporter of Sky TV.

"Hmm... If there hadn't been Long's murder, objectively speaking, I think our Olympic organization work has been successful, and we have basically achieved our goal. But unfortunately, such a thing that happened is regrettable and Sad thing, this has indeed cast a shadow over our organizational work and competitions. We do not deny or shirk our responsibility for this. The review work has already begun. We not only have to review the International Olympic Committee, We must also review our citizens and the people of the world, thank you." Bakoyannis said heavily.

When asked a similar question, it must have been anticipated in advance, so Bakoyannis already had a draft.

At this time, any words to shirk responsibility will add fuel to the fire. On the contrary, only by facing the problem bravely and admitting the problem can we win understanding.More importantly, Chen Kangjie had to get better, otherwise, it would be a huge stain on the city of Athens forever.

"Mr. Kesla, does the International Olympic Committee see it in the same way? Do you have the same point of view?" The reporter of Der Spiegel continued to ask the Chairman of the Executive Committee Kesla on this topic.

"Yes, we also believe that there are great regrets and shortcomings in this Olympic Games. Although we are grateful for all the hard work and efforts made by Athens for the Olympic Games, as people have said, Long's accident made this Olympic Games stay He has a lot of scars, here, what we hope most is that Long can recover as soon as possible, I sincerely pray for him." Kesla said.

"Mayor Bakoyannis, tens of thousands of long supporters have gathered outside the Athens General Hospital. What are you going to do with those crowds? Don't you worry that the crowd will be stimulated by the spark of a certain message, Is it getting out of hand?" The reporters of the Australian TV station paid attention to the issue from different angles.

But this problem really has to be faced, and it is also very practical. To a certain extent, those people have already had a certain impact on the city.But despite this, Bakoyannis and the others really didn't dare to do any irritating behavior, they were just afraid of detonating that *barrel.

"Those people waiting in the hospital are kind-hearted people who care about the safety of Long. From another perspective, if I were not the mayor, maybe I would have been waiting there with them. To be honest, I understand their feelings. Our feelings towards Long are the same. Although we have repeatedly appealed to those people to leave and give Long a quiet healing space, we will take good care of them accordingly. I think everyone who likes and supports Long is Good-hearted people are all rational and civilized. As long as they maintain basic discipline, we will not take any action. We have a common purpose, which is to pray that long can finally defeat the virus, so that we can stand up again and continue to give us Create glory and joy." Bakoyannis' words generally sounded relatively soft.

Bakoyannis followed this occasion to appease those supporters of Chen Kangjie, hoping that they would not have any excessive behavior.Only by winning the favor of those supporters can we better control and guide their emotions.

If the tens of thousands of youths in full swing were not pleased and appeased, anything could happen.

"Ambassador Cai, I see that Long's illness is also very concerned and valued by the China National Guard. Didn't you send investigators here? It is said that CIA is also involved in the investigation of this matter. Did you carry out the investigation? Some kind of cooperation?" A reporter from Japan's NHK TV station asked Cai Qichang.

"Of course we have sent relevant personnel to understand the situation. Chen Kangjie is a citizen of our country of China. As you said, almost all the people of China are concerned about him. It is impossible for us to be completely indifferent. No action will be taken. As for the cia you mentioned, I'm sorry, I don't have the relevant information, so I can't answer you here. But we welcome all forces from all over the world to participate and help us." Cai Qichang continued to reply cautiously .

"Ambassador Cai, which of Long's family members came to Athens this time? Does he have a girlfriend? Is his girlfriend also here? If so, can you arrange for us to interview her?" said a woman from the New Zurich Zeitung. The reporter asked a question that was never asked.

"I'm sorry, lady, I don't know about Chen Kangjie's private life, and it's not convenient to mention his privacy. What I can tell you is that his brother has come here and is waiting in the hospital. As for Others, so far I have not known about it." The question was tricky, and Cai Qichang handled it gracefully.

The other party's question was based on the assumption that Chen Kangjie already had a girlfriend. This was an ambush question.But Cai Qichang is a diplomat, he knows what can and cannot be said.What's more, as an ambassador abroad, Chen Kangjie's private life is indeed unclear.

Chen Kangjie's private life is a mystery to many outsiders, and it is also a topic of great interest.If any reporter can find evidence that Chen Kangjie has a girlfriend, it is best to get photos or videos, it will definitely be a big hit.

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