rebirth of change

Chapter 2517 Who is Dong Siying

Chapter 2517 Who is Dong Siying

It was impossible for Chen Kangjie to refuse Fan Xuexi's request to go shopping. Meeting such a ridiculous interview was considered today's harvest.

"Where do you want to go shopping, I'll ask someone to drive over."

When Chen Kangjie went out, there must be someone following him. They didn't need to take the bus or take a taxi at all.

"There's no need to take a car, let's just go for a walk, wherever we go." Fan Xuexi wanted to be like an ordinary couple with Chen Kangjie because of such a rare opportunity.

The weather in Mingzhu in summer is still relatively hot, but now that it has entered autumn, the cool weather is not too cold, which is really more suitable for shopping.

"Okay, you are the biggest today, you have the final say."

However, Fan Xuexi walked a few steps with Chen Kangjie in his arms, and they saw Xiao Meng and Xiao Li, who were sitting opposite them in the building just now, came out of the building with a cardboard box in their arms and rushed to the bus stop.

The demeanor of the two seems to be very low-level.

"What are your plans?" Xiao Li asked Xiao Meng.

"I don't have any plans now, let's take it one step at a time. In such a big Pearl City, I don't believe there is no place for us to stand. We just need to find another job. What about you?" Xiaomeng asked back.

"I'm the same as you, but I plan to rest for two days. After graduation, Mingzhu hasn't seen the city well yet. I'll take a walk by the river tomorrow." Xiao Li hooked his hair with his little finger and said .

"Tomorrow? How about...I'll go with you tomorrow. I haven't visited the riverside when I come to Mingzhu. I work and work every day. I'm as tired as a dog." Xiaomeng hesitated After a while, he said.

Two young men and women have just left a company together. This kind of experience and feeling of being connected by fate seems to make the two of them collide with a special spark.

Perhaps, from the moment Xiao Li followed up and expressed his resignation, Kenben was doomed to start a certain relationship.

"Okay, it's nice to have someone to be your companion, otherwise there wouldn't even be a person to take pictures." Sure enough, Xiao Li readily accepted Xiao Meng's proposal.

"You two, didn't I disturb you?" Just as the two were having a lively chat, Chen Kangjie led Fan Xuexi to them.

"Hey, it's you, why haven't you left yet?" Seeing that it was Chen Kangjie and Fan Xuexi, Xiao Meng was a little surprised, they thought they had already gone far.

"I was about to leave. I saw that you really left this garbage company, so I...see if I can help you. After all, you lost your job because of us." Chen Kangjie spread his hands and said .

"You are here to find a job. What can you do for us? It's not a big deal to leave your job. You just need to rest for two days and find another job. You should look for a job on your own." Xiao Li glanced at Chen Kangjie and Fan Xuexi said after a glance.

Both Xiao Li and Xiao Meng didn't really believe that Chen Kangjie could really help them. If he could, they wouldn't have to come here to find a job.To a certain extent, they took Chen Kangjie's words more as bragging, or simply irresponsible words.

"Hehehe, so, I have a business card here. If you want, you can go here to find a job, and they will give you a suitable arrangement." Chen Kangjie took out a business card that couldn't be simpler from his pocket. .

It couldn't be simpler because the so-called business card Chen Kangjie took out was just a small card, and there was only a phone number and a name on the card, which were still handwritten.For those who have worked in the company, this is extremely shabby and crude.

"Is this a business card? It doesn't have the unit name or address." Xiao Meng frowned. He felt that Chen Kangjie was just joking with them, and the joke was not funny at all.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully." Chen Kangjie took the note back again, took out the pen on his body, and added a line of words on it.

"Here, I don't know where their branch office in Mingzhu is, but I believe you should be able to find it. If you can't find it, you can call the owner of this phone, and she will arrange it for you. "After finishing writing, Chen Kangjie handed the note to Xiao Meng again.

"Mengting Tourism Hotel Group?" Xiaomeng read the line added by Chen Kangjie in confusion.

As people who have been working in the workplace for more than two years, they have heard of this company. Qili company itself wants to collect information on all domestic companies, and then contact those companies to try to help them with Internet construction.

And Mengting Tourism Hotel Group is the leader of the same industry in China, and it is the leading domestic leader in tourism product creation, publicity and promotion, tourist reception, business participation and other aspects.It is a large company with an annual turnover of tens of billions.In front of such a company, the enterprise power is the little ant.

However, if Chen Kangjie introduced a little-known small company, Xiao Meng might still think it was reliable, but what he introduced was such a large group with extraordinary strength that could go international. I feel a little ridiculous.

It's very simple logic and reason. If he has such a relationship and connections, why doesn't he let his girlfriend go?He also accompanied him to a company like Qili to interview for a job, seeking a job with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan.

Looking at the backs of Chen Kangjie and Fan Xuexi who had already left, Xiao Meng had the urge to crush the note and throw it away.What's this, it's too bullying to be ridiculed by you because of your unlucky resignation today.

Xiaomeng still doesn't know that the note in his hand is wanted by many people but can't be obtained.

"Meng, do you not believe them and think they are playing tricks on us?" Xiao Li asked as he returned Xiao Meng's cardboard box.

"Obviously, not to mention whether these two people will be so kind, if they really have such a network of resources, will they still be looking for jobs everywhere? A piece of broken paper is called a business card. When we are A three-year-old who doesn't understand anything." As he said that, Xiao Meng was about to throw the note into the trash can on the side of the road.

"Wait, Meng, we...are we too sensitive and thinking too much? We have no grievances with them, why are they playing tricks on us? There is no reason or reason. Could it really be..."

"Li Min, Mengting Tourism and Hotel Group, it's not like you don't know this company. Before you leave, if someone in the company can take it down, you won't have to worry about food and drink for half a year. How strict is such a company? With such a piece of paper, we can join in? Are you thinking too much? We have no grievances with them, but there is no guarantee that there will be such boring people in the world." Xiaomeng still doesn't believe this piece of paper would have that important utility.

" the worst, let's just make a phone call and ask. What if... what if it's true? You don't lose anything by making a call, it's just a few cents for the phone bill. What do you think?" As a girl, Li Min is not so impulsive, she needs to be a little more careful.


"Are you familiar with Mengting Tourism and Hotel Group? Whose phone is that?" Walking on the busy street, Fan Xuexi flicked her handbag and asked Chen Kangjie curiously.

"There is a business relationship, of course I am familiar with it, and don't forget where this company started, how could it have nothing to do with it, they still want me to be an endorser." Chen Kangjie replied casually.

"Are you still involved in the investment?" Fan Xuexi asked sharply.

Chen Kangjie paused, then continued walking: "Yes, I have shares in the company, but I don't participate in the operation. That mobile phone number is the phone number of their president."

"Wow, you are really generous. You introduced jobs to the two soldiers, and the one who moved out directly was the president. You are not afraid to scare them. I suspect that they would not use the phone number you gave to find them. "

"I can't help it. I don't know the middle managers in their company at all. I only know the president well, so I can only move her out. As for whether they believe it or not, I don't care about it. It's their business. In life, sometimes opportunities are always in front of you, and whether you choose to seize them is a personal matter. It may be fate, or it may be character. In short, success is not accidental, and failure is not accidental." Chen Kangjie shook his head and said.

"Success is not accidental, and failure is not sounds so philosophical!" Fan Xuexi praised after silently reading Chen Kangjie's words.

"That's right, do you think your husband is a vain name?" Chen Kangjie said with a smile while tossing his hair.

"Husband, you big-headed father-in-law, we are not married yet, where did you get your husband from?"

"Hey, beauty, do you still want to go back on your word? There's no way. It's easy to get on a pirate ship, but it's hard to get off a pirate ship. I'll be my husband whether I get married or not." Chen Kangjie touched Fan Xuexi's chin, very uninhibited ridiculed.


"Hey, who are you?" Over there, under Li Min's insistence, Xiao Meng decided to call that phone number, he wanted to prove his judgment was correct.

The phone was dialed out, and after a few rings, a calm and capable female voice rang through the phone.

"You... hello, may I ask, is this Mengting Tourism Hotel Group?" Hearing someone answering, not an empty number, Xiao Meng's voice suddenly became abnormal.

"Yes, I'm Dong Siying, who are you?"

"Li Min, the person on the phone said it was Dong Siying, who is Dong Siying?" Xiao Meng told Li Min in a low voice while covering the phone.

"Dong Siying...ah! I remembered, which company's president has such a name, can't it be so awesome, this number is the president's phone number?" Li Min didn't respond at first, but once Moments later, when she realized it, she was startled.

"President...President?" Xiao Meng trembled, and actually hung up the phone, "Oh, I accidentally hung up the phone, what should I do, what should I do, I hang up I got a call from the president..."

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