Chapter 2537

Zheng Wencan didn't care about Chen Mei's problem, nor did his younger brother, he took the three girls with him and went out.

Chen Mei wanted to go with them, but was blocked by Zheng Wencan's younger brother standing at the door.

"What exactly do you want?" Chen Mei pointed at Zheng Wencan angrily and asked.

"Guess what I want? Guess." Zheng Wencan looked at Chen Mei as if looking at a kitten under his control.

"I don't guess, I'm too lazy to guess, I just want to warn you, don't mess around, otherwise, my brother won't bypass you."

"Your brother? Who is your brother? He won't bypass me, why can't he bypass my law?" Zheng Wencan smiled jokingly.

"My brother... don't care who he is, anyway, if you dare to harm me, he will tear your bones apart, don't make mistakes." Chen Kangjie couldn't say Chen Kangjie's name.

If Chen Mei brings out her identity, she may be able to resolve her current crisis, but it will definitely have a considerable impact on the reputation of the Chen family.Therefore, Chen Mei temporarily braked, and did not expose herself.

"Hahaha, break my bones? Interesting, interesting. I like people like that. Why don't you tell your brother to come here quickly. I really can't wait to see him." As he spoke, Zheng Wencan stood up from the sofa, took off his coat and remained on the sofa.

Seeing Zheng Wencan take off his clothes, Chen Mei took two steps back in fright.

Chen Mei was unwilling to accompany those so-called bosses, so naturally she would not be willing to have any entanglements with Zheng Wencan.

"Don't come here, don't come here, don't come here..." Seeing Zheng Wencan take off her clothes and force her towards her, Chen Mei was so frightened that she continued to back away again and again.

When she reached the window, there was no way to retreat, so Chen Mei had no choice but to stop.

"Just in this room, where else can you retreat?" Zheng Wencan's footsteps stopped three meters away from Chen Mei.

"What exactly do you want?" There was no way to retreat, and Chen Mei seemed to feel less fear.

"What do you want? Aren't you unwilling to accompany those people? Then you can accompany me, it's as simple as that. You'd better not let me take the initiative. It's better for you to take the initiative than me." Zheng Wencan looked Chen Mei up and down Said pervertedly afterwards.

"Don't even think about it, I won't let you succeed by jumping from here." Chen Mei pushed a window open as she spoke.

"Okay, if you like to dance, you can dance. If you really dance, I will let you go. Jump, find a better posture to dance." Zheng Wencan folded his hands on his chest and pouted his mouth.

Zheng Wencan didn't believe that Chen Mei dared to jump. Even if he dared to jump, he had to climb up first. For Zheng Wencan, the distance of three meters was reached in an instant.

Zheng Wencan wanted to push Chen Mei to the brink of a life-and-death decision, and maybe she would be obedient when the time came.

In the past, some people wanted to seek life and death in front of Zheng Wencan, but in the end no one could really do it.Since he can't die, the only thing left is to cooperate obediently with him, hello, hello, hello everyone.

Chen Mei glanced out of the window, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva in fear.

It is only the fourth floor on the top floor of the nightclub, but it is more than ten meters above the ground.Below the window is the concrete floor beside the sidewalk. If he really jumped off, he would probably be disabled if he didn't die.

And if the head is on the ground, there will be an unrecognizable tragedy.

Thinking of her face being smashed to pieces, Chen Mei felt very sad and remorseful.

Why do I have to be so stubborn to take this path?It would be great if I listened to the advice of my family, then these things would not happen.

In particular, even if I die, I will not get a good reputation. It is hard to tell whether a young girl is in a nightclub, whether she is innocent or not. Apart from being sad, everyone in the family must be ashamed for it .All kinds of gossip will definitely fly.

Of course, Chen Mei is extremely unwilling to die, but if the scheme of the despicable and shameless Zheng Wencan succeeds, she will also be extremely unwilling.But now in front of him, there is no third way.

At this moment, Chen Mei no longer resented Chen Kangjie, she seemed to understand a little bit why Chen Kangjie firmly opposed her to take the path of acting.

The so-called star dream has ruined the happiness of many young men and women, and led many people astray.

What's so good about being famous?What about being famous?At this moment, Chen Mei began to seriously reflect on the life path she wanted to take.

Many people want to be famous, but it is actually for money, and her family is not short of money at all. Chen Mei is very annoyed at herself, why should she be lost in the direction of the future by a dream bubble.Even if one is famous, there are many roads to go, "all roads lead to Rome", not only the road of performing arts can achieve the goal of becoming famous.

Chen Mei even thought that if she was given another chance, she would definitely think about this issue seriously and respect the opinions and suggestions of her family members.

Unfortunately, such an opportunity did not exist in front of Zheng Wencan.Just as Chen Mei was staring at the ground downstairs in a daze, Zheng Wencan had quietly come to his side.

"Since you don't dare to jump, come with me to the bed." Zheng Wencan put his arms around Chen Mei, raised his other hand from bottom to top, and hugged him by the waist.

"You bastard, let go of me, let go of me, nmd bastard..." Chen Mei suddenly panicked, not only cursed, but also stretched out her hands to pat.

Zheng Wencan has a strong body, and Chen Mei's slapping did not cause any harm or hindrance to him at all. On the contrary, Chen Mei's resistance stimulated his hormones even more, and his whole body became more excited.

Zheng Wencan, the gangster, has often spoiled the girls in the company, and the methods he instructed are different, some are lure and coaxing, and some are just coercive violence.No matter which one it was, he didn't suffer any loss or revenge in the end.

Regardless of whether it was a soft method or a tough method, afterward, Zheng Wencan had a way to make those women obedient.

Most of the girls who came here to search for their dreams are just ordinary family children, and the family does not have any power. It is difficult to take revenge on Zheng Wencan, and there is no evidence to take legal channels.

The more times, the more lawless Zheng Wencan became, the more arrogant his arrogance, and the more arrogant his attitude was.It's like he is the king, and those women are either court ladies or concubines, so they can't cause any threatening waves to him.

There was a big bed in the room. After throwing Chen Mei onto the bed, Zheng Wencan pounced on it like a hungry wolf.

Chen Mei's resistance really didn't have any real effect. In terms of body shape, the difference between the two was huge, and in terms of strength, the difference was even further. Punching and kicking were of no use at all.

In desperation, when Zheng Wencan held Chen Mei's hands and bent down to light her, Chen Mei's neck tilted, and took advantage of the situation to bite Zheng Wencan's ear.

"Ah!" The sudden pain in the ear made Zheng Wencan let out a scream.

Chen Mei's bite really hit the nail on the head. Not only did Zheng Wencan's ears bleed immediately, but also, when Zheng Wencan was struggling, the earlobe was almost torn off by Chen Mei.

All of a sudden, Zheng Wencan became furious, not only slapped Chen Mei twice, almost knocking her out, but also almost broke her hand in order to make her let go broken.

"You stinky bitch, aww... just wait, I will make your life worse than death..." Standing on the ground in disheveled clothes, Zheng Wencan covered his bleeding ear with his right hand, He gritted his teeth and scolded Chen Mei who was still lying on the bed.

Zheng Wencan has never suffered such a big loss at the hands of a woman, he must be burning with anger.

It's just that the first thing Zheng Wencan has to do now is to stop the bleeding and bandage the ears.Although it only hurts the ears, if left alone, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.

Chen Mei was lying on the bed, half awake and half unconscious, seeing Zheng Wencan's distressed appearance, she was not only not afraid, but also a little bit relieved, and even showed a slightly gratified smile.

No matter what the final outcome will be, at least I can take a sigh of relief for myself.

"Mr. Zheng, what's wrong with you? How come..." Zheng Wencan opened the door, and the younger brother at the door was startled when he saw that Zheng Wencan's face was covered with blood on his hands.

"You, go and see that stinky bitch, don't let her commit suicide, let alone let her run away, you... just stare at the ball, why don't you hurry up and find someone to give it to me Bandage it up, hiss..." Zheng Wencan would be in a bad mood when he was injured, and he would get angry if he didn't look right to his trusting little brother who cared about him.

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away, right away..." The younger brother who was scolded nodded in agreement, turned around and ran to find someone who could solve this problem.

Zheng Wencan and the others often come to this nightclub, and they are familiar with both the management and the boss.And nightclubs will inevitably have some fights and conflicts, so there are medicine boxes and some trained staff in the nightclub.

Soon, two staff members, a man and a woman, came with a medical kit and took Zheng Wencan to a small room next door to disinfect him, stop bleeding and bandage him.

Originally, the two thought that Zheng Wencan's injury was not serious. After all, a piece of flesh was about to fall off. They suggested that Zheng Wencan should go to the hospital immediately for stitches.

But now Zheng Wencan doesn't have the heart to go to the hospital at all.

"You fix it for me first. I'll go tomorrow or later. I'll deal with that bitch first. If I don't get angry like this, I'll die of suffocation." Zheng Wencan gritted his teeth and said viciously.

The two of them were just a suggestion, and since he didn't follow, they wouldn't say anything else.It has nothing to do with them anyway.

After the hemostasis was bandaged, Zheng Wencan wanted to go back to clean up Chen Mei.

However, at this moment, one of his younger brothers came and said that Boss Liu wanted to see him. The reason was that some of the girls they introduced did not cooperate with Boss Liu's needs, which made it very unpleasant. Boss Liu was getting angry.

"It's really bad luck, are these bitches going to fight against me today? See how I deal with them."

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