rebirth of change

Chapter 254 It's Time to Pay

Chapter 250 It's time to pay the price

"What are you holding in your hands?" Tan Meiyun and the others asked suspiciously when they saw Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie who came back, each took a brocade box.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Brother Ouyang to be generous, and that Mr. Zheng was also generous. He gave us two gifts." Chen Kangjie said with a smile while holding the gray-yellow box.

The two gifts happened to be one for each person, and no one was short of them. Of course, Chen Kangjie chose the Yuchang Sword, while Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua could only hang a beautiful face at home.It's not that Chen Kangjie doesn't like Tang Bohu's paintings, it's just that he can't take advantage of them all by himself.

"What a good thing, you two look like babies," Fan Wenxuan asked jokingly.

In fact, only Chen Kangjie was holding it, while Ouyang Zhenhua was holding it quite casually.

"Mine is a painting of Tang Bohu, and Xiaojie's is a small dagger. The two are worth more than 5000 million together," Ouyang Zhenhua said casually.

"Wow, Mr. Zheng is willing to sell, these two boxes are worth that much?" Fan Wenxuan asked with exaggerated big eyes.

"Our big brother Ouyang is willing to buy his real estate worth more than one billion yuan, so it's nothing to send tens of millions of gifts." Chen Kangjie felt that it didn't matter. There is no love for no reason, no hatred for no reason in the world, and naturally there are no gifts for no reason , especially for businessmen, there are interests condensed in it.

"Hey, when I mention that house, I get scared," Fan Wenxuan said with a sigh, hanging his head.

"Don't talk about this here, go back first, everyone else has finished." Seeing the elevator coming, Tan Meiyun hurriedly yelled everyone to get on the elevator.Only Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui followed Chen Kangjie and the others. The other bodyguards and Dong Mingshu went downstairs to pick up the car and waited at the elevator downstairs.

"Have you contacted Samidov and the others? How is things going?" In the small yard behind Ouyang Zhenhua's house, only Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie were lying on plastic recliners and chatting against the setting sun. Chen Kangjie The application asked solemnly.

After returning from the auction site, Chen Kangjie did not go to her place with He Wanrong, but accepted Ouyang Zhenhua's invitation to visit his home today. Because He Wanrong didn't have a good rest for the past two nights, she went back to rest by herself. Anyway, Ouyang Zhenhua She has been there many times, Tan Meiyun often invited her to play, and Fan Wenxuan promised to go back to eat with her parents tonight, so only Chen Kangjie went there alone.

This is Chen Kangjie's first visit to Ouyang Zhenhua's house. Because Tan Meiyun's parents know that Chen Kangjie is Ouyang Zhenhua's boss, they are extremely enthusiastic about him. people in love.Maybe it's still the same old saying, people will change. After two years of comfortable life, Tan Meiyun's parents have undergone some changes in temperament, and their pursuits are also different. Now the conditions are much better, but on the contrary. The previous neighbors had some care.

"I called and asked in the study just now, and it has been settled. The person has been taken to an abandoned warehouse next to Shapugang, Tuen Mun. It is quite remote, and no one lives within a radius of two kilometers." Ouyang Zhenhua sideways head replied.

"Okay, I'll go over there tonight." Chen Kangjie took a sip of double the orange juice on the low table next to him and sucked it through the straw before he seemed to look in the direction of Tuen Mun and said something simply, without unnecessary nonsense.

"Xiaojie, won't you play too much?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked worriedly.

"Brother Ouyang, I think you know why I want you to spend money in such a high-profile way today. This is because I don't want to make a big fuss, but I also tell some people that if I want to make a big fuss, I don't care. I will never allow people around me to be hurt Injuries include you, so since someone has hurt you, you have to pay the price," Chen Kangjie said in a cold voice with his skin tightened and his eyes blazing.

"Okay, then I'll go with you at night." Ouyang Zhenhua was a little worried that Chen Kangjie would kill someone, but Chen Kangjie actually compared himself with his family. What else can Ouyang Zhenhua say? Spending money, what's the trouble?

"Don't go tonight, you should prepare to go to Japan." The reason why Chen Kangjie rejected Ouyang Zhenhua was mainly because Chen Kangjie predicted that tonight would be bloody, and he would go to Japan in two days. Ouyang Zhenhua did more preparations.

"Okay then, I'll ask A Biao to take you there later, and call me anytime if you need something." Ouyang Zhenhua can't force this kind of thing, just like the last time he mentioned Felkopski's redemption, neither did Chen Kangjie. let him go.

"I won't go back to Sister Wanrong's place tonight, Brother Qiang and the others will stay with me at your house for one night."

"no problem".

"What are you muttering about? It's time to eat." At this time, Tan Meiyun came from behind with a smile.

Tomorrow, their family will also move to the newly bought mansion. As soon as Tan Meiyun came back, she and her parents were busy in the kitchen.

Even if Tan Meiyun was not the kind of gold digger, how could she not be unhappy when Chen Kangjie gave such a mansion to their family as a gift.Today, only Fan Wenxuan is in pain and happiness. According to Chen Kangjie’s private distribution, Fan Wenxuan got the luxury house of 3 million Hong Kong dollars. No. and b12, in other words, Ouyang Zhenhua lives in the expensive one, while Chen Kangjie lives in the cheap one.At first Ouyang Zhenhua wanted to refuse, but Chen Kangjie couldn't hold back his insistence and reason, "Where is the boss living in the small one, and the consultants and subordinates live in the big one?", Ouyang Zhenhua "reluctantly" accepted.As for Fan Wenxuan, there is no other way. It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to give him such a large building now. He can only put it on the account for him first, and slowly deduct his share. After he makes a capital injection for her, she makes If she has made a big contribution, she will be rewarded by waiving the balance. The rewards and punishments must be clearly defined.

"Sister Meiyun, you are now Mrs. Fu, why don't you hire some servants?" Chen Kangjie sat up from the reclining chair with his hips tilted.

"Ouyang said before, but I feel that I am idle at home. If there is nothing to do, it will be very boring and boring. My parents are also, they always have to do something casually every day, just as exercise, otherwise they will eat Sleep, sleep and eat, how easy it is to gain weight", Tan Meiyun said happily with her arms around Ouyang Zhenhua's neck.

"Shouldn't you invite me even if you've moved? Then I guess just cleaning the room will make you a yellow-faced woman. Be careful that Brother Ouyang doesn't want you anymore," Chen Kangjie joked.

"He dares." After speaking, Tan Meiyun seemed to think of something, and then said, "But what you said makes sense. There are so many rooms and the garden area is so large, but it is impossible to clean them all by yourself. You should hire two or three servants." .

"Haha", Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua looked at each other and smiled.

Women are like this, don't look at the confidence when they say "he dares" and "you dare", but it is really for their own happiness and family, what should be changed, will still be changed.

After a rich family dinner at Ouyang Zhenhua's house, Chen Kangjie took Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui, and Dong Mingshu along with A Biao who came to pick him up, and drove out. After arriving at a secluded parking lot in Kuiqing District, the four He got out of the car and boarded another ordinary van waiting there before looking towards his destination.While chatting in the car, Chen Kangjie found out that A Biao’s name was Dong Debiao. He and another colleague, Luo Hu, both belonged to the CIA department. Because they offended their British bosses, they were expelled from the police force. In the end, by accident Both became Ouyang Zhenhua's bodyguards.Although they are no longer serving as bodyguards by Ouyang Zhenhua's side, judging from what was arranged yesterday, they feel that they are still very trusted by the president.

"Brother Biao, how did you get Huang Weiming?" Chen Kangjie asked Dong Debiao who was driving.

"Jie Shao, you should call me A Biao. Yesterday I found a former informant. He is Huang Weiming's younger brother. He provided me with a lot of informants and got a lot of benefits. He told me I, Huang Weiming, will go to the queen's sauna at 11 o'clock in the evening, so I will tell the information to Samidov and the others. I don't know how they got him here. Anyway, that guy hasn't been there yet. Wake up," Dong Debiao said to Chen Kangjie who was sitting in the back row with a charming smile, shaking his round flat head.They admire Samidov in their tone.

To put it bluntly, Ouyang Zhenhua is called Young Master Jie, so how could he let Chen Kangjie be called Brother Biao? In fact, everyone around Chen Kangjie who is older than himself likes to be honored and has no pretensions.As for Samidov and the others, Dong Debiao's admiration is entirely due. The difference in strength between them is too great, and they don't look at what they did before. Therefore, it is okay to rely on Dong Debiao and the others for intelligence in Hong Kong. It must be the professionals of Samidov.

Now Samidov and his family have been brought to Hong Kong through other means one after another. Ouyang Zhenhua also gave each family a settling fee of 50 US dollars. The loyalty is higher, and now they have sold themselves to Chen Kangjie, and this is much better than their previous life, with high salaries and less work pressure.

"Work hard, they have their role, and you have your role. As long as I work hard for me, I will not treat him badly." Chen Kangjie said these words with the tone and attitude of a boss.

Dong Debiao, who was driving the car, responded with satisfaction. Thinking of the millions of dollars in overseas banks, A Biao knew exactly what Jie Shao meant.

Dong Debiao and Luo Hu were kicked out of the police force, causing their wives and children to complain for a long time. Although the police are not high-paying jobs, their income is relatively stable, but they lost their jobs all of a sudden, and they have no other specialties. I was worried, but what I didn't expect was that not long after I left the police force, not only did my life not decline, but I bought a big house in a small high-rise, and the old Toyota at home was replaced by a new Renault. Both families lived happily and happily. They knew how the money came from, but Dong Debiao and Luo Hu knew very well that it was given by Jie Shao.

After going through a section of potholes with seven bends and eight turns, Dong Debiao finally drove this inconspicuous van to the door of a dilapidated one-story warehouse.

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