Chapter 2553

He Baoguo looked at Chen Kangjie carefully and said, "What the hell are you planning? You came to me with great fanfare, is it just to do this? This is not like your style."

"Godfather, you know me. These days, complaints are not painful or itchy. I am just giving you a chance to express your attitude. Since people want to play, of course I can't be afraid to shrink back, or If you don’t want to play, play bigger.” Chen Kangjie said with a sly smile.

" mean, where did these things happen?" He Baoguo pouted in the direction of the provincial party committee, "It shouldn't be possible, he can't be so ignorant, in such a situation Going to make trouble for you."

He Baoguo compared his heart to heart, and if it was him, it would be impossible for him to do things specifically against Chen Kangjie.Because it is thankless, not only will you not get any benefits, but it may also cause yourself a bad smell.

No matter what Zhou Yongfu did, he would not be such a bastard, and that kind of action exceeded the basic cultivation of a senior leading cadre.

"Maybe he won't, but maybe others will. If I'm not mistaken, the secretary and mayor of Duku City were arranged by Secretary Zhou more than a year ago. At that time, for this personnel case, There are still some disturbances in the province. If it weren't for this, I can hardly imagine that someone who is full and has nothing to do will make trouble for me. Oh, I almost forgot one thing, and now I am supporting Zhou Kang It’s a pity that we lost the first trial in the Jinniu District People’s Court, ha ha.” When mentioning that he lost the lawsuit, Chen Kangjie was not only not depressed, but could even laugh.

This made He Baoguo and Kong Jia a little confused. Shouldn't they be upset if they lost the lawsuit?Why can't you see that kind of breath on Chen Kangjie's body?

"You...are suing a female celebrity supported by Zhou Kang? You mean Zhou Kang... the second child of Secretary Zhou's family?" He Baoguo asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, of course it's him, who else could it be?" Chen Kangjie laughed softly.

"Xiaojie, didn't you know Zhou Kang's identity before? Otherwise, why would you choose to fight in the Jinniu district? It would be different if you played in the capital city. No wonder you lost." Kong Jia asked confused. road.

"I didn't know at first, but I soon found out. It was precisely because I knew who Zhou Kang was that I deliberately sued in the Tianfu court, and deliberately chose the Jinniu District. This district is very interesting. The deputy mayor and secretary of the district party committee is the former secretary of Secretary Zhou, and I heard that the secretary of the Municipal Law Committee is also the candidate appointed by Secretary Zhou." Chen Kangjie said inscrutablely.

According to He Baoguo's political wisdom, when Chen Kangjie said this, he probably knew what Chen Kangjie wanted to do.

"Do you want to fight a legal battle with them to defeat their opponents? Your movie judge that Zhou Kang is also doing the action? Don't tell me, you still want to take Duku City and Jinchuan County take to court?"

Chen Kangjie clapped his palms twice: "A godfather is a godfather. This wisdom is really not built. As soon as I say it, you will guess it all. I guess, it is really unlikely that it is Secretary Zhou on the side of my filming." If it was him who made the move, it would be too contemptuous of a provincial party secretary. Basically, it can be inferred that Zhou Kang should use the tiger's skin as a banner, and the local people will show face and take soft measures against me. The strategy of confrontation. And now I no matter who is doing the action, I will count it on the head of the secretary. Zhou Kang is his son, right? So, if he is unreasonable, then we The only option is to find a fair and just court to file a lawsuit."

"If the court was fair and just, you wouldn't lose so easily." Kong Jia whispered.

"Brother Kong, you are an official, you still have to have confidence in our country's judiciary. If you don't even have confidence, what should we ordinary people do? I firmly believe that the law will give me justice in the end. Yes, I firmly believe in this." Chen Kangjie spoke with integrity and full of confidence.

Does Chen Kangjie really think so?If he really thought so, he would be an idiot.At least at this stage, it is impossible for him to think so, or else he would not have expected to lose the case in the Jinniu District Court.

"What is your next move?" He Baoguo asked solemnly.

"Of course it's a lawsuit. If you lose the first trial, you can still appeal to the second trial. Since I believe in justice, I will complete it in this field. Oh, by the way, godfather, when you met Secretary Zhou As for my complaint, just inform him, and let him know about it anyway." Chen Kangjie said confidently.

He Baoguo pondered for a while, then nodded: "I know what to do."

In the bottom of his heart, He Baoguo really admired Chen Kangjie.Although I have always known that Chen Kangjie is extraordinary and extremely intelligent, but in this kind of wide-ranging political struggle, he can actually manage every step of the way and plan everywhere, which is really rare among the rare.

What was even more shocking was Kong Jia. Of course, his understanding of Chen Kangjie was not as deep as that of He Baoguo, but it was because of this that he was even more amazed at Chen Kangjie's "scheming".Some parts of Kong Jia hadn't guessed Chen Kangjie's intention, but judging from He Baoguo's expression, Kong Jia knew that Chen Kangjie's intention must be feasible and brilliant, otherwise He Baoguo would not acquiesce.

After Chen Kangjie met He Baoguo, Kong Jia called the city of Duku. His tone was not harsh at all, but it was as if he was going through the motions to get acquainted casually.

This caused the people below to misjudge.

If He Baoguo made the phone call himself, then no matter what happened, Duku City had to give Governor He a face, and if it was time to let go, he had to let go after a little delay.Even if He Baoguo loses his temper, the following will behave more positively.

You know, it is very uncomfortable to be put on small shoes by a governor.

But what they didn't expect was that Kong Jia just called. Although the meaning was that, his attitude was not painful, as if he didn't take this matter as important.

Therefore, some people wondered whether this might be Governor He's trick. He just arrived and didn't dare to wrestle with Secretary Zhou, so he used a strategy of retreating and being gentle.

After making this kind of judgment, someone thought about it, so let's delay it for a while, and then come forward to resolve the differences with Chen Kangjie after a short period of time.

It is almost impossible to completely stop Chen Kangjie from filming, so they just make Chen Kangjie unhappy and create trouble for him.

In a meeting discussing farmland water conservancy, He Baoguo condensed Chen Kangjie's complaint to Zhou Yongfu as if he mentioned it casually.

Zhou Yongfu would naturally not take He Baoguo's casual attitude seriously.If he took everything seriously, he would be too busy.

This matter has been calm for a few days.

In the past, the appeal of the second instance of legal cases would waste a lot of time, and the court would not start so quickly.However, after Chen Kangjie and the others filed their appeal that day, the Tianfu City Intermediate People's Court accepted it immediately. Moreover, it is estimated that the procedure was for special cases and special handling. The lawyer who brought him spoke and the verdict was reached, and Song Xuebing still won.

"Director Chu, look at you, putting on such a big battle, isn't it a waste of energy, hehe, you lose in the first trial and second trial, and you won't get a dime, maybe you have to pay a small amount of legal fees, Hahaha." Walking out of the gate of the Tianfu City Intermediate Court, Tao Fei triumphantly walked to Chu Tiansheng's side and taunted him.

"Hehe, if you lose, you lose. What's the big deal? In this lawsuit, you either lose or win. It's normal. Mr. Tao, thank you, thank you." Chu Tiansheng didn't realize the slightest bit after being ridiculed. He even reached out to shake hands with Tao Fei to express his gratitude.

This made Tao Fei dumbfounded, he was completely confused.Could this Chu Tiansheng be crazy because he lost the lawsuit and couldn't stand the excitement?

Thank you, thank you for what?This guy can still laugh, he really doesn't understand football.

"Director Chu, I hope you can go back and tell Director Chen that our holiday is over like this. I believe we all don't want to see this trouble. Don't you think so?" Song Xuebing leaned forward and said.

Song Xuebing was in the entertainment industry. Although Chen Kangjie sued her, she still tried not to offend Chen Kangjie if she could.Because Chen Kangjie's energy and appeal in the entertainment industry are much, much greater than hers.

Chu Tiansheng nodded. This Song Xuebing is relatively sensible. Unfortunately, what Chen Kangjie will do is not something Chu Tiansheng can control.

Chu Tiansheng only knew that he had lost two lawsuits, even if he had completed the task assigned by Chen Kangjie in stages.Otherwise, how could he say thank you to Tao Fei.

In order to win the lawsuit, Tao Fei and the others resorted to various methods, especially with Zhou Kang's help, they put in even more effort.

On the contrary, Chu Tiansheng and the others felt that they didn't care. They only presented their own evidence and demands. They didn't seem to care about the court's verdict, and they didn't take actions to argue with reason.

However, Tao Fei and the others couldn't see the meaning of those actions. They only knew that they had won the lawsuit. Not only did they not have to lose money, but they also faintly slapped Chen Kangjie across the face.

Now they won't hype this matter, but after a while, after they have planned it carefully, they plan to use this matter to hype it.At that time, Song Xuebing will become even more popular.

This is the case in China, regardless of whether the news is positive or negative, as long as it can be published in the media, it will be popular.And this lawsuit is still fought against Chen Kangjie's side, which is even more meaningful. Of course, it is necessary to plan carefully and how to obtain the greatest benefit.

If it is done well, Song Xuebing may not only become famous in China, but may even become popular abroad. Who calls Chen Kangjie a superstar who is popular all over the world?

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