rebirth of change

Chapter 2555 Had to file a case

Chapter 2555 I have to file a case

Vice President Meng is in a dilemma. It is impossible to take such a case casually. An intermediate court and a city government become the defendants. After such a case, it is tantamount to taking over the world's biggest hot potato.At that time, this case will undoubtedly become the focus of the whole country and even the whole world. To be honest, no one wants to be such a focus.

In a word, unless they sentenced the Duku City Government and the Tianfu City Intermediate Court to lose, it would be impossible to quell the incident, not to mention abroad, it is estimated that many people in China would think that they were officials protecting each other and covering up.

Another point worth noting is, why did the Tianfu Intermediate People's Court become the defendant this time?Isn't it because Chen Kangjie lost the lawsuit?Then if he is sentenced to lose this time, will he go to the Supreme Court to sue the Xichuan Provincial High Court next time?This possibility is great.

But if he was judged to win, it would be hard to explain. This was not only a slap in the face of the Central Court and the Duku City Government, but also a slap in the face of himself and the provincial party committee.

It is now clear that this case has become more than just a judicial case, it has become an important part of the political game.If Chen Kangjie wins, how will the High Court explain to the Provincial Party Committee, and how to explain to the brother units below? Wouldn't this be tantamount to implicitly admitting that many cases judged by the lower court in the past were wrong?Isn't it an admission that many governments are malfeasant?The ripple effects can become unmanageable.

Of course, the provincial high court still has a strategy, which is to directly refuse to accept the case and refuse to file the case. Then there will be no question of winning or losing, and it will eventually return to the system to resolve it.

It is indeed the best solution not to accept the case. However, Chen Kangjie did not come alone. He also brought many reporters from home and abroad.

Domestic reporters are easy to deal with, but foreign reporters become very troublesome.

If Vice President Meng rejected Chen Kangjie's complaint, then it is estimated that our judicial system will be criticized by the whole world within a day or so.

Originally, our judicial system and human rights situation have been widely criticized in the West. If we don’t even accept cases now, we really don’t know what it will be like to be fired.And when the time comes, it is estimated that the first person to stand up and take responsibility will be Vice President Meng.

Vice President Meng really regrets it now, why did he come here? Others will hide, so he just dodges himself.

But in fact, Vice President Meng couldn't hide at all. He was ordered by the president of the High Court. The leader asked him to come. Could he not come?

All eyes were on Vice President Meng. Whether the situation would develop to the left or to the right was in his mind.The trembling of every fine hair on his face was recorded by the cameras of the reporters.

"Vice President Meng, what's the matter, do you feel embarrassed?" Chen Kangjie asked calmly.

"Oh, no, don't make things difficult..." With that said, Vice President Meng's forehead was dripping with sweat.

"Vice President Meng, I'm not just a plaintiff, I'm also a representative of the National People's Congress. According to the constitution, I have the right to supervise your work. I don't say this to put pressure on you, but to hope that you can act according to the law. Implement our major policy of ruling the country according to law." Chen Kangjie now wants to use power to overwhelm others with a high-sounding sound, no matter what, the High Court must take over this case.

If they didn't take up this case, Chen Kangjie's later scenes would be difficult to continue singing.

"Okay, okay, we will definitely act in accordance with the law and follow the rules, but... I can't decide whether to file a case or not. We have a special case filing room and professional staff will carry out the investigation. A complete assessment, they will judge whether we should take this case according to the law... In this way, I will accompany you to our filing room now, and hand over your indictment to them for assessment, is that okay?" Vice President Meng has not stopped looking for a way out for himself. After thinking for a long time, he finally thought of a way.

This was only thought of by Vice President Meng after Chen Kangjie kept reminding him of the "rules".Because according to the rules, whether the case is accepted or not, it is indeed handled by the filing room.

"Okay, then thank Vice President Meng for accompanying us." Chen Kangjie stood up and readily agreed.

Immediately, a large group of people flocked to the filing room.

The staff in the case filing office only knew that there was a commotion in the high court, but they didn't know what happened. Some people wanted to watch the excitement, but they were blocked by reporters.

There were quite a few reporters who came with Chen Kangjie, and some of them couldn't squeeze into the reception room, let alone others.

The staff in the filing room saw this group of people flocking to their side. The leader was Chen Kangjie, who could only be seen on TV. They were all surprised and happy, and they didn't know how to describe and calm down their feelings.However, accompanied by Vice President Meng and following so many reporters, the staff in the case filing room did not dare to make mistakes, so they could only suppress their emotions and act as professional as possible.

When he saw the two indictments handed over by Lawyer Guo, the director of the case filing office was also taken aback. He had worked in the case filing office for five years, and this was the first time he had seen such an indictment. He sued the city government and the intermediate court at the same time. .

To be honest, such complaints have caused the professionals in the case filing office to lose their professional qualities. From a legal point of view, whether such a case can be accepted is relatively easy.However, the fool also knew that he was not such a simple administrative lawsuit, and even according to the indictment, there was a very high possibility that a criminal part would be involved in it.

Vice President Meng stood by, but he didn't dare to speak anymore.Accompanying Chen Kangjie here is just out of importance and respect for Chen Kangjie. He finally transferred the hot potato to the filing room.

Facing this kind of case, the director of the filing office is really in a difficult situation.

"Mr. Chen, this..." the director of the filing office said in a dilemma.

Maybe it was thinking of what he was going to say, so Chen Kangjie didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence at all.

"Don't tell me that you are going to have a meeting to study it, don't tell me that you want me to go back and wait for the call. Your staff are all here, and you need to have a meeting, you can do it now. And I don't think there is anything worth studying. , our indictment makes sense, you accept it, and if it doesn't make sense, you reject it, it's very straightforward. Is it possible that there is an argument whether to accept it or not? Whether you accept it or not, turn back to mine All journalists will have a copy of the indictment, when the time comes, the world will be fair, and I don't even mind having the most authoritative legal experts to debate it." Chen Kangjie's words completely blocked what the filing room wanted to say.

Now there are only two options in the filing room, choose one of the two.As for what Chen Kangjie said, it seemed that they had no more choices.

The director of the filing office looked at Deputy Director Meng for help, hoping that Deputy Director Meng could give a hint as to whether the case should be accepted by the High Court or not.

And Deputy Director Meng didn't make eye contact with the director of the case filing office at all, so he pretended not to see it, but, whether it was for himself or for the high court, he had to hint, so his head was not paying attention. Just click twice.

Of course, Deputy Director Meng could see that the director of the filing office didn't want to take this case, and he didn't dare to take it either.Therefore, what Deputy Director Meng meant was to encourage him and ask him to find a good-sounding reason to decline.At least, I can't give an answer today, and I'll wait until the higher-ups deliberate before making a decision.

However, the director of the filing office misjudged Deputy Director Meng's behavior hint, and he thought that Deputy Director Meng was signaling him to follow up.

Generally, it is human nature to have a leader to accompany you to do things, and you want to open the door to convenience.If he didn't want to file a case, Vice President Meng would have no reason to come forward.

"Mr. Chen, according to the relevant laws and regulations, we have accepted your case, but you have to wait for the notice when the trial will start, and we will arrange for you, the plaintiff and the defendant, to appear in court together..."

When the director of the case filing office took over the case, Deputy Director Meng almost fell down.

You bastard, how can you take such a case?You are trying to kill us all.

"Thank you, thank you comrades in the court. Your actions will surely prove to the world that our court is the real people's court and the last line of defense to maintain fairness and justice. I believe that your bravery today will surely win the justice of the Republic. Write a brilliant page in history, and at the same time make due outstanding contributions to the construction of our judicial system..." Chen Kangjie raised his hand and held the hand of the director of the case filing office and praised, "There is one point I want to put forward now. Application, considering that there are many people who care about me, it is impossible for everyone to have the opportunity to appear in court. I apply and hope that the court hearing will be broadcast live. If you feel that the resources of the TV station are not well coordinated, then I can do it. I can broadcast live online, and I believe that many other TV stations are also interested in broadcasting live, how about it?"

At present, there is no example of live broadcasting of court trials in China. Even for some major cases involving important leaders, in fact, only very short shots are cut into the news.

So Chen Kangjie's application request was another surprising blockbuster.

"Mr. Chen, although the public trial of the court can allow citizens to participate, but the live broadcast you mentioned... It is difficult to have relevant clear regulations to cooperate at present. Please allow us to discuss it and make a decision according to the specific situation at that time. How about a legal and reasonable arrangement?" Worried that there would be another promise in the filing room, Vice President Meng could no longer remain silent, so he hurriedly stood up and said.

"Alright, but for the sake of transparency and fairness, I still suggest that you consider my request. Vice President Meng, thank you, comrades in the filing room, thank you too, then we will go back and wait for the notice, and hope that your court can play a role Work efficiency, put an end to the bad habit of procrastinating... Goodbye everyone, thank you..." Before leaving, Chen Kangjie did not forget to apply some pressure.

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