rebirth of change

Chapter 2557 Zhou Yongfu's anger

Chapter 2557 Zhou Yongfu's anger

Ever since Chen Kangjie filed the complaint, Tianfu has become the focus of the media. Whether it is entertainment media, political media or social media, almost all of them filmed people flocking here to interview first-hand information.

Anyway, the government has not issued an order to control the situation or control the media, which means that this matter can be reported.

Finally, an event that is entertaining, social and political, of course all media should pay attention to it, including many central media and foreign media.

In fact, it's not that the propaganda department doesn't want to control it. This matter is still a bit big. As a sensitive department, they still hope to keep a low profile as much as possible.But the problem is that Chen Kangjie held a press conference right away, and informed not only the domestic media, but also the Western media in Hong Kong, Macau and overseas.

At this time, it is a bit difficult and passive to do public opinion control again.Not only newspapers and TV reported this matter, but also on the rising Internet, this matter was even more noisy.

All the major western media reported this matter with similar news headlines, "Judicial Inspection of China", probably like this.

In other words, this incident has become a standard to test whether our country is judicially impartial and independent, and it has also become a fact that confirms whether we really promote the rule of law.If Chen Kangjie loses in the end, there is no doubt that our international image will drop to a freezing point, and all kinds of criticisms and criticisms will come overwhelming.This is not only driven by the political forces behind it, but also the pressure of Chen Kangjie's tens of thousands of fans around the world.It will not only become an excuse for Western ideological suppression, but also become a spontaneous understanding of the people.

"Bastard, son of a bitch..." Zhou Yongfu angrily smashed a cup in front of Zhou Kang, "You want to kill me, you want me to die without a good result, right?"

Don't look at Zhou Kang in his thirties, now he doesn't dare to breathe, and stands there with his head down, letting Zhou Yongfu vent his curses.There is a red palm print on his left cheek.

Before entering the house, Zhou Kang expected that there would be a storm, but he didn't expect to be slapped by Lao Tzu when he was so big.

Zhou Kang learned of the news of Chen Kangjie's big move in Tianfu when he was in the capital. He was also taken aback at that time. Chen Kangjie has always kept a low profile, and he did not expect him to come out like this all of a sudden.

But Zhou Kang didn't think it was serious at the time. After all, it's not like this kind of thing never happened, and it often ended up being nothing.

However, after Zhou Kang's friend Xi Shao talked with him, Zhou Kang understood the seriousness of the incident.

"Zhou Kang, this time, I'm afraid you will be punished."

"Master Xi, what about it? This has nothing to do with me directly, how could it be related to me."

"Can't you see it? People are not trying to drag you, but your old man. This time, if your old man wants to retire safely, or go to the National People's Congress to make use of his residual heat, I'm afraid It's a bit over the top." Xi Shao said after snorting coldly.

"Aiming at our old man? Mr. Xi, what do you say?" Zhou Kang became alert.

"Hehe, what do you say? What do you say? No matter what the High Court decides, it will be a scandal for Xichuan Province. If you win the judgment, you will be questioned. If you lose, you will also be questioned. It just turned into questioning the past, indicating that the work in the past was not done well. And He Baoguo just went to Xichuan Province, and he was in charge of all the affairs of the provincial government. Then you say, who will be blamed in the end? Whose people are there in Duku City? Didn’t you say hello to those people who dared to do that? This account is not counted on your old man’s head, but on whose head is it counted?”

"That guy is so courageous? Does he have such an attempt and skill?" Zhou Kang frowned, but he still didn't quite believe that a young man like Chen Kangjie dared to challenge his father, a secretary of the provincial party committee.

"I reminded you at the beginning that that guy is not so easy to mess with, but you just don't believe it. I guess, your old man is suffering from a headache and aggrieved right now." Young Master Xi said leisurely.

This matter has nothing to do with Xi Shaocai, so he was able to calm down and look at this matter from the perspective of a bystander.If he hadn't had some friendship with Zhou Kang, the second hundred and five, Young Master Xi wouldn't have said so much to him.

Although Young Master Xi is also in business, he is not as bastard as Zhou Kang, and he usually doesn't bother to do things that use tiger's skin as a banner, so whether it is in the family or in the circle of friends, he is more valued. .

Although a considerable part of Xi Shao's analysis was his judgment, some of it was heard from his father.

When this incident happened, many bigwigs in the capital were paying attention, and there were some discussions among them in private.But no matter how we discuss it, it is not good for Zhou Yongfu. A member of the Politburo even proposed that Zhou Yongfu should be transferred at this time.Of course, this transfer does not mean to give him a promotion, but to let him retire early. It is just to temporarily place him in an idle position.

"Master Xi, is there no way to resolve it?" Zhou Kang asked for advice.

"It's difficult, Zhou Kang. They brought a large number of reporters to sue, which shows that they have no intention to be good. This matter has been known all over the country, oh, no, maybe the whole world knows it. How do you solve it? Besides, is your family willing to be soft? Seriously, even if your family is soft now, I am afraid that the bad influence has already been caused. Some people said that Chen Kangjie was very vicious, and I half believed it. Now, I believe it , Seriously, even if it's me, I don't dare to mess with him now, that guy..." Young Master Xi shook his head, but didn't finish his sentence.

"Then what should we do? What should we do?" Xi Shao asked impatiently.

Before Young Master Xi could continue to speak, Zhou Yongfu called. Zhou Yongfu didn't say much in the phone, but ordered Zhou Kang to go home immediately.If you don't come home today, never come home later.

No, Zhou Kang bought air tickets non-stop and rushed back to Tianfu.For so many years, it was the first time that Zhou Yongfu used such a harsh tone to Zhou Kang. Of course Zhou Kang had to face it solemnly.

The reason why Zhou Yongfu called Zhou Kang was because he already knew that Zhou Kang was involved.

The defendant in Duku City and the defendant in the Tianfu Intermediate People's Court, of course the leaders of these two units must hurry up to inquire about the news and clear up the relationship, especially in the case of Duku City, the secretary and the mayor rushed to Tianfu City to tell Secretary Zhou do report.

It was because of this report that Secretary Zhou knew that his son played a disgraceful role in it.

Of course, the secretary and the mayor were scolded and criticized by Zhou Yongfu. How could they do such unruly things just because of his son's few words?It's just the ultimate bastard.

The two city leaders were so criticized that they couldn't hold their heads up.

They are also very depressed, thinking to themselves: "Do you think we are willing to do that? Then your son came to us under your name. If it weren't for your precious son, we would be full Is it possible? Many times your son’s greeting is what you mean, and Xi Chuan is not a big secret... If you want to blame this, you should blame your son first..."

Aggrieved is aggrieved, but in the face of the secretary's criticism and anger, the two main leaders of Duku City can only bear it silently. It is impossible for them to make that kind of unnecessary excuse. Hate them.

Later Zhou Yongfu learned from Zeng Guoan that the Jinniu District Court and the Tianfu City Intermediate People's Court would judge him to lose completely when he had all the truth, which was also the result of Zhou Kang's operation.Because of Zhou Kang's intervention, the district court and the city intermediate court dared to be so bold.

Zhou Yongfu guarded east and west, guarded up and down, he didn't guard against all this was caused by his son.

That's why Zhou Yongfu was so angry when he saw Zhou Kang that he couldn't help but slap him.

"Dad, don't be angry, I didn't expect that bastard to play this game out of common sense..."

"Crack" Zhou Yongfu slapped the wooden coffee table: "You don't play cards according to common sense, why do people play cards according to common sense? You think that if I become the secretary of the provincial party committee, you can be lawless, right? Okay Apparently, a Bai Ding can command the municipal government and the municipal courts, how amazing you are, why don't I just give you a deputy governor to do it, huh?"

It was fine if Zhou Kang didn't quibble, but when he quibbled, Zhou Yongfu became even angrier.

Not to mention, what Zhou Yongfu said is really in line with certain realistic facts.In many cases, Zhou Kang's greetings are indeed better than those of an ordinary vice governor.Of course, this is not because Zhou Kangduo is great, but Zhou Yongfu, the secretary of the provincial party committee who has worked in Xichuan for many years, is still very prestigious below.Down below, he also promoted and placed the most people. Out of gratitude or fear, those people tried their best to curry favor with Zhou Kang.

In normal times, Zhou Yongfu took measures to turn a blind eye to Zhou Kang's actions, including some unruly actions. This is not only encouraging Zhou Kang, but also encouraging in disguise. In the end, there was a situation that was difficult to end today.

Zhou Yongfu himself felt that the rescue at this time was beyond his scope. He had already answered several calls from the capital. Although those people were only asking about the situation or caring, they were enough in themselves It shows that the situation is beyond his control.

Under the attention of the international media, Zhou Yongfu did not dare to make random instructions on this case. The best way at present is to suppress it first. On the one hand, wait for the limelight to subside. thing.

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