rebirth of change

Chapter 2560 Zhou Yongfu seeks a way out

Chapter 2560 Zhou Yongfu seeks a way out

"Old Jin, I'm sorry, because my unfilial son ended up implicating even you." Zhou Yongfu and Secretary Jin of the Political and Legal Committee were sitting in the reception area, and both of them were not in a good state of mind.

"Secretary Zhou... Alas, things have already happened. Speaking of this... Don't worry, I can still support it. Over the years, if it weren't for your support, I would have achieved what I am today. position." Secretary Jin was quite frustrated, but he didn't blame Zhou Yongfu.

Zhou Yongfu has worked with Secretary Jin for many years. As he said, without Zhou Yongfu's support, it would be really difficult for him to become the secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee.

When Zhou Yongfu was the mayor below, Secretary Jin was still a deputy secretary of the county party committee under him.After taking refuge in Zhou Yongfu, as Zhou Yongfu rose through the ranks, Secretary Jin also changed from the deputy secretary of the county party committee to the county magistrate, and then became the director of the municipal public security bureau, the propaganda director of the municipal party committee, the mayor, the secretary of the municipal party committee, and the secretary of the provincial political and legal committee.Every change of position along the way is inseparable from Zhou Yongfu's promotion.

In the Xichuan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary Jin is also one of Zhou Yongfu's biggest supporters.

But this time, Secretary Jin's former secretary was taken away for investigation, which made many people doubt and worry about Secretary Jin's future.

Those who were investigated and attacked were basically promoted and placed by Zhou Yongfu, which caused Zhou Yongfu's prestige to plummet.

Can't even protect his own direct line, who else would dare to lean on Zhou Yongfu's side?

"But don't be pessimistic. They won't do anything to you at the moment. I will do my best to protect you." Zhou Yongfu expressed his satisfaction with Secretary Jin's attitude, so he encouraged him.

"Since I have been in politics, I haven't done anything corrupt or illegal, so I don't worry about myself. The big deal is that I can continue to play the role of vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference." Secretary Jin is quite optimistic.

"I really didn't expect, that kid is young, his eyes are vicious, and his actions are decisive and vicious. One case will turn our Xichuan upside down and make us restless...I already told the leaders above yesterday, In order to keep you, I am willing to go down early." Zhou Yongfu has not dealt with Chen Kangjie directly, but this does not prevent him from having his own evaluation of Chen Kangjie.

"Secretary Zhou, you..."

"I know..." Zhou Yongfu reached out his hand to block Secretary Jin, "You don't have to persuade me, I will retire sooner or later, it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later. What do you think of me when these things happened? Even if I stay, can I still calm down the situation? Impossible. Maybe if I quit, other people will be less implicated. Chen Kangjie's case has given others a good excuse, and even the leader I know wants to speak for me , will appear to be lacking in confidence. So why should I implicate you. "

"That Zhou Kang..."

"Don't worry, he will continue to do business, but I will let him move Xichuan's business out so as not to cause trouble for you." Zhou Yongfu continued.

"I'm also worried that if he continues to do business in the province, Governor He's side...maybe he will be even more disadvantaged then." Secretary Jin nodded and said.

"That's what I'm worried about. I know what kind of virtue that kid is. If he doesn't leave, he won't be treated badly. Therefore, I will let him go to Mingzhu or Pengcheng. He is also the best in Beijing." Don’t interfere. In order to protect yourself, show weakness when it’s time to show weakness. Don’t think about anything on your side, just coordinate with the provincial high court and follow the spirit of the central government’s instructions.” Zhou Yongfu is a sensible person With his cover, Zhou Kang can have no scruples in Xichuan, but if he retreats, Zhou Kang will still follow the previous operating mode, which is more dangerous.

"What about the compensation over there? During the Tianfu City Intermediate Court, they proposed a compensation of 20 million yuan, and now they have stopped working for [-] days. I'm afraid the other party will hardly give in to this amount of compensation." Secretary Jin tentatively asked.

"There is no sentencing, which is an important reason why we haven't made up our minds yet. Secretary Jin also knows that no matter how much the sentence is, Zhou Kang will pay the money in the end, so he has to discuss it with Zhou Yongfu.

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't care about the amount of compensation, but Secretary Jin couldn't help it.If the verdict arouses Chen Kangjie's dissatisfaction, there is no guarantee that there will be no further complications, which will be very bad.

Now from top to bottom, I hope that the Provincial High Court can come up with a convincing verdict, so that we can have a complete explanation internally and externally.

From the central to the local, everyone hopes that this matter can end quickly.Even with Zhou Yongfu's support, the key to whether Secretary Jin can keep his position depends on how the Provincial High Court decides.He is the Secretary of the Provincial Legal Committee, and speaking of which, the Provincial High Court is also under his leadership.

"...Hey, that's all, [-] million is [-] million, and it will come back after all the money is gone. This money, it's enough." Zhou Yongfu is not reconciled, but now people treat me like a fish, he If you are not reconciled, what can you do?

To Zhou Yongfu, [-] million is the same as a large amount. Although he has seen billions and tens of billions of money, it is different. Those are all from the state.And the [-] million yuan is their Zhou family's private property, which accounts for a large proportion of their family's property.

Speaking of which, whether their Zhou family can withdraw safely depends to a certain extent on Chen Kangjie's attitude. Why do you say that?

Ever since he made up his mind to pursue a big lawsuit, Chen Kangjie has actually been collecting information on the Zhou family and many people around them. The people who have been taken away are partly the result of Chen Kangjie providing "cannonballs".

Zhou Kang was able to accumulate hundreds of millions of net worth in his thirties. To be honest, it is absolutely impossible based on his ability alone. Among them, there will be very gray income.For example, some projects in the province obtained by Zhou Kang are very unclear. Zhou Kang’s company does not have strong qualifications and strength, but he can get the projects, and his project funds have never been in arrears , which is also a great spectacle in the industry.If Zhou Yongfu was not the secretary of the provincial party committee, it would be strange for Zhou Kang to get the project funds smoothly.Anyone who has done government projects knows that government money is not easy to get.

If Chen Kangjie really wants to make matters worse, Zhou Kang will definitely not be able to pass this test. If Zhou Yongfu wants to retire smoothly, even if someone speaks for him, it will become very difficult.

And when Zhou Kang heard his father say that he would prepare [-] million yuan in compensation, the second-generation official jumped in pain.

"Why? That's [-] million, not [-]. Over the past ten years, I've worked hard, and I've only saved five hundred million. Now I'm going to lose almost half of it. Why? That bastard asked him to find money I want."

"You quarrel, quarrel, quarrel, who told you that you caused all this? Don't you think it's not enough trouble? Could it be that the secretary and mayor of Duku City have been investigated and you haven't been alert? Do you want to Pay half and still want to keep a penny. Do you really want to spend a few years in prison before you are reconciled? Damn things, if you are not successful enough, you will fail. Let me tell you, if you are willing to pay, it is still a matter of whether others want it or not. What’s the matter, you’d better hurry up and apologize in person, there’s no room for negotiation, I’ve already agreed to Lao Jin’s side. Moreover, you’d better stay away from Xichuan in the future.”

Zhou Kang was stunned when he heard that he was going to jail for food.

Of course Zhou Kang knew very well how he earned his money.To put it bluntly, 90.00% of his net worth of [-] million yuan is not clean. Therefore, as soon as Zhou Yongfu's words came out of his mouth, Zhou Kang was shocked.

"Father, what do you mean...he already has a lot of evidence for us?" Zhou Kang asked with worried eyebrows.

"[-]% yes, otherwise, how long did it take for the inspection team to come, how could they take away so many people in a row, this can only explain one thing, that is, they have been fully prepared in advance, that is just Let’s go through the motions and perform tricks for the whole country to see, but all the signs show that those who do these things are inseparable from that Chen Kangjie.” Zhou Yongfu is indeed a veteran who has been in the political arena for so many years. Speculation based on clues can grasp the situation eighty-nine out of ten.

"That bastard is so bullying, he pissed me off, so I asked someone to fuck him." Zhou Kang said with his eyes wide open, gnashing his teeth.

"Nonsense, don't you think it's not big enough, you bastard? Are you trying to push our whole family into a situation where there is no redemption? I warn you, don't mess around, otherwise, the king of heaven and I can't save you. Don't talk about him behind his back." He has a very strong political force, even if he doesn't, with his current influence in the world, if you touch him, you will die. And our whole family will also be implicated incomparably. Do you really want to die that much? ? If you want to die, I will call someone to arrest you right now." Hearing that Zhou Kang wanted to find someone to kill Chen Kangjie, Zhou Yongfu was furious and furious.

Did he think Chen Kangjie was Zhang San Li Si on the side of the road, someone who could do whatever he wanted?Even putting aside the unbearable consequences and influences, is Chen Kangjie someone who can be easily killed?

Don't even think about it, if Chen Kangjie suffers a little damage in Xichuan, then this will become an endless round, and no one can stop it.What's more serious is that it is impossible for anyone to dare to stand up and block. Whoever blocks will be classified as a gang of murderers.

"...I see." Zhou Kang regained his composure after being yelled at by Zhou Yongfu.

Even after regaining his composure, Zhou Kang was a little scared.

Don't look at his ability to speak and his tone, in fact, people like him are more afraid of death than anyone else.If it weren't for his father to support him, he would be nothing.

"Everything today was caused by small things. Isn't that enough for you to take a warning? I'm going to retire soon. Do you think who will protect you after I retire? You are not young anymore , It’s time to grow up, don’t dig your own grave by then, you won’t even know how to die.” Zhou Yongfu said in the end that he hated iron for being weak and worried about Qi Qiyan.

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