rebirth of change

Chapter 2563 Execution is more important

Chapter 2563 Execution is more important

What Chen Kangjie said caused He Baoguo to think deeply.

Although it is just a small name problem, it actually has a very strong practical significance.

From ancient times to the present, we have been saying that if the name is not right, the words are not right.The implication of this sentence is that if you want things to go smoothly, a good name and title is very important. It is not only related to how to say it, but also how to implement it.

Zhou Yongfu went down, but many people in the province knew that he and He Baoguo had a big difference of opinion on the prediction and prevention of earthquake disasters.

Up to now, there should be many people who do not think that an earthquake will really happen, and even if it does happen, the destructive power may not be great.If He Baoguo promotes the work according to this title, it will be in a hurry from the province to the city to the county.

Maybe many people would not dare to confront He Baoguo publicly, but it is still easy to do some small tricks in private to prevent his policies from being fully implemented.Anyway, when you ask, people present a lot of difficulties, and they are objective difficulties, so what can you do?

You know, Zhou Yongfu has left, but the political influence he left behind is not small. If those people release some bad news and signals among the common people, there will be more troubles.

But changing the title to poverty alleviation and relocation, urban construction and industrial development will be different. The common people will strongly support it, and it will be easier to unite people within the system.After all, whether it is in the province, city or county, they all hope that they can achieve results in these two tasks, so that they can be more confident in their promotion.

"Your suggestion is very good. Although we have always been opposed to that kind of trickery, as long as the goal and ending are good, I don't mind doing it again." After a while, He Baoguo raised his head. made up his mind and said.

"Godfather, this is not a trick. We are not cheating for the sake of cheating. In fact, we really want to implement it like this. If the people who have been relocated from the mountains do not provide them with good housing and Living environment, if they do not provide them with convenient employment channels and a stable source of income, they may still prefer to farm in the mountains. Another example is the relocation of the county. If the relocation is not conducive to economic development, the new city will not be more beautiful It is beautiful, and life and work are more convenient. That is not enough. So, you can regard it as an important content of earthquake or geological disaster prevention, or it can really be regarded as an important way to accelerate the development of mountainous areas in Northwest China. It will be more convenient for you to get policy support from the central government, and maybe you can get another support fund, it depends on how your province plans and arranges." See He Baoguo Having made up his mind, Chen Kangjie spoke more clearly.

"Well, this idea is very correct. Now we are compiling the five-year plan for the [-]th Five-Year Plan, and this content can be included in it for overall planning and implementation." He Baoguo said.

"That can't be done." Chen Kangjie said without thinking.

"Why not?" He Baoguo was puzzled.

Chen Kangjie objected because the 2006th Five-Year Plan period was from 2009 to 2008, but the earthquake occurred in the first half of [-].If this policy is included in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, I am afraid that it will not be completed when the earthquake occurs. According to the usual common phenomenon, the goal is often achieved after a sprint in the last year.

If it is really that time, I am afraid that the day lily will be cold.

"This... I think you should deal with it on a case-by-case basis. This is a policy you have vigorously promoted. How can you share your achievements with others? Besides, the implementation of this policy is mainly based on loans. Of course, I will also personally provide a part of the donation. These things are hardly related to the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, so I suggest you not put them in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. Moreover, in order to show importance and efficiency, I hope All work tasks can be completed within three and a half years." In order to speed up the progress of this work, Chen Kangjie also used his nonsense skills.

"What you said is not completely unreasonable... It's just that three and a half years, isn't it too hasty? Do we have so much power to complete it in such a short period of time? Just talking about the construction of those resettlement sites and county towns The basic construction may take more than five years." He Baoguo hesitated.

"Godfather, have you forgotten the high-tech city where the city was built? Think about it, how much time did it take for such a big city to accommodate millions of people? We can be unhappy about other things, but for infrastructure construction, I'm afraid No one in the world is faster than us. With the experience of high-tech cities, as long as the funds are in place, I believe that there will be an earth-shaking change in three years." Chen Kangjie said in the record.

It only took more than three years for the high-tech city to be built from planning to construction. In five years, the construction of the entire high-tech city has been basically completed, and 80 people have moved into the new area to work and live. , Up to now, the high-tech city has accommodated more than 100 million people. This speed has shocked many people.

And with the experience of the high-tech city, Chen Kangjie can provide sufficient funds, so the speed can only be faster, it cannot be slower.

"What you said reminded me that the mayor and secretary of Duku City are still vacant. Should I transfer two people from Qianzhou to help?" He Baoguo thought about it.

"Godfather, I think your idea is very good. Policy planning is important, but implementation is more important. You are right. For example, Secretary Yao Zheyao, who has been in the high-tech city for many years and is very good at construction. If you have experience, you can definitely transfer him to assist you. There is also Luo Zirong, who has worked in the township and is also responsible for planning and construction at Liushuipan. He has a lot of experience in this area. If these two people participate , I believe you will save a lot of trouble." Chen Kangjie didn't think too much, and immediately recommended two acquaintances.

Many people criticize that officials like to use acquaintances, saying that it is the culture of gangs and small circles, but objectively, it is impossible not to do so.

A cadre needs to use a person. He must at least understand this person's ability and character. To do this, basic familiarity is essential.

Switching to another person, I don’t understand this, I don’t know that, who dares to use this kind of person at ease, wouldn’t it be the same as a blind man touching an elephant, and it would be more dangerous and inappropriate.

But for Chen Kangjie's recommendation, He Baoguo did not immediately agree.

He Baoguo respected Chen Kangjie's opinion, and to a certain extent also valued his opinion.However, as the secretary of the provincial party committee and governor of a large province, he also has his own considerations and concerns, and it is impossible to act according to Chen Kangjie's ideas.

But looking back, Chen Kangjie also felt that his suggestion was a bit abrupt, at least for Yao Zhe, it was a little bit inappropriate.

Yao Zhe is now the secretary of the municipal party committee of Jiebi City. Before that, he was the deputy secretary of Zhucheng and the secretary director of the high-tech city.

It is obviously inappropriate to transfer him to Duku City to serve as the mayor. Even if he is the secretary of the municipal party committee, it may not be good for Yao Zhe.At least in Jiebi City, his work has been on track, he is familiar with all aspects of the environment, and the support from the top and bottom is relatively large.

The transfer from Jiebi City to Duku City as the secretary of the municipal party committee did not benefit Yao Zhe in any way.Moreover, after another year or two, Yao Zhe would have almost no problem being promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in Qianzhou.When we get here, we have to start all over again.

After He Baoguo talked with Chen Kangjie, the work in Xichuan Province started quickly. First, the Land Department and the Xichuan Provincial Monitoring Station of the National Geophysical Research Center immediately sent several teams down to conduct surveys and site selection.The Department of Civil Affairs, the Provincial Construction Committee, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation and other units and departments have also successively sent working groups to take charge of the business work within the authority and responsibility of their respective departments.

For example, the Department of Civil Affairs has to count how many poor people there are, and how those scattered villages can be integrated into a large community. Of course, the Department of Agriculture must also consider how to use the land in the mountainous area after such a large-scale relocation. And what kind of impact this relocation will have on food production.Food security is still very tight from top to bottom.

For example, when the Department of Transportation goes down, it is natural to consider the construction of the road network. Whether it is the resettlement site for poverty alleviation or the relocation of the county, transportation is the top priority and the work content that must be implemented as soon as possible in the early stage.

At the same time, Jin Yuhan actively mobilized the TV, newspapers and radio in the province to vigorously and comprehensively publicize this benefit project, trying to gather the consensus of the people in the province as much as possible, so as to achieve the understanding of the whole people, A realm of popular support and popular participation.

At the beginning, everyone felt that it was an impossible task to fill their hunger with cakes. However, Limin Bank signed a contract with the Xichuan Provincial Government immediately, and the first phase of 100 billion funds was already in place.

With money, everything will be easy.

Limin Bank provided capital loans to the Xichuan provincial government in three phases, the first phase was 100 billion, the second phase was 150 billion, and the third phase was 250 billion, with a total of 500 billion financial support.

In addition, two foreign banks in Hong Kong have also sent teams to negotiate with Xichuan Province. The two banks will provide a total of 400 billion in financial support.

The rest of the funds will be considered and resolved by Xichuan Province. After all, the bulk has already been implemented, so it is impossible for the province to not release anything.He Baoguo plans to squeeze out 30 billion yuan from Xichuan Province every year. At the same time, they must actively seek support from the central government, hoping that the central government can provide them with 50 billion to 100 billion yuan in support every year.

Of course, it is impossible for the cities and counties below to not pay a penny.After all, they are the ones who benefit. According to the deployment, the following counties and cities will have to bear a total of about 100 billion funds.

In this case, the overall project is basically no problem.

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