Chapter 2578

After learning that Lin Ling's man was the famous Chen Kangjie all over the world, the Lin family's attitude towards him was not just a simple change, they just looked at him differently.

I used to think that Lin Ling's pregnancy before marriage was a shameful and shameful thing, but now it has become a good thing.

There is indeed a gap in age between the two, but there is also a gap in their identities. It seems to them that the gap in status can make up for the gap in age.

This cannot completely say that the people of the Lin family are a special reality, it just conforms to the reality and cognition of our society.Just like a man, he may be ugly, but he only has a successful career and a lot of wealth. If a female star finds him, no one will think that he is unsuitable.But if this ugly man is poor and white, any woman looking for him, even if he is not considered crazy, will think it is a flower stuck in cow dung.

"Sister, how long have you been together? Are you still working in the previous company? It seems that I heard that you went to the United States for a while, and did you work there" After the surprise, Lin Zuo felt that it was not so real that Chen Kangjie was his brother-in-law.

"I haven't worked there for a long time. With Xiaojie's support, I have already started my own business." Lin Ling replied generously, holding Chen Kangjie's hand.

"You may have heard of your sister's company,, that belongs to her." Chen Kangjie added.

"What's mine is ours, the investment is yours, the plan is yours, and the direction is yours." Lin Ling said sweetly.

"What is What kind of company is that?" Zhou Kouru doesn't usually go online, so he doesn't understand what is.

"Mom, you are so old-fashioned. is the latest video dating site that popped up, and it is also the largest video site in our country. Millions of people go to watch it every day. I remember two days ago I was I saw a report saying that an investment bank estimated that is now worth one billion." Lin Zuo explained from the side.

"Ten...billion? That's so many." This number really surprised Zhou Kouru.

"The value is so much, but it doesn't mean that I have so much money now. The investment in the front is too large, and there is no substantial profit. There is still a long way to go." Lin Ling said modestly.

"It will be worth waiting for two years to go public. According to your development speed, if you are willing to sell when you go public, let alone a billion, you may be able to sell 50 billion. The prospect of this kind of platform is limitless in the future. " Chen Kangjie patted Lin Ling's arm and said.

"Xiaojie, then your father..." Lin Dachang was also shocked by the amount, but as a person in the system, he also cared about the careers of the elders in Chen Kangjie's family.

"Uncle Lin, my father is currently serving as the governor of Gannan Province. This...because of various relationships, so...the relationship between Lin Ling and me is a bit... ...How should I put it..." In a word, Chen Kangjie didn't know how to explain to Lin Dachang and Zhou Kouru that he couldn't hold a wedding with Lin Ling.

Now that it has been frankly disclosed, this pimple is also an unavoidable question. Since it is asked, it is better to take the initiative to mention it.Chen Kangjie was a little worried, if Lin Dachang and Zhou Kouru said they wanted to visit their home, it would really not be so easy to deal with.

"As long as we are together, as long as you have me in your heart, I don't mind the rest. For your future, I voluntarily do not hold a wedding with you. I don't think that paperwork can play any key role. If you abandon me, what's the use of giving ten marriage certificates? It's meaningless." At this time, Lin Ling showed her empathy and understanding.

Lin Ling knew from the very beginning that she and Chen Kangjie could not live a normal married life like ordinary people. This is not only determined by their age, but also by Chen Kangjie's reputation. Moreover, it also involves Chen Qigang's official career.It's not that the two of them will directly affect Chen Qigang, that kind of influence is implicit and indirect.

"Lin Ling, you..."

"Father, I understand your thoughts and meanings. I also thank you for your concern and love for my daughter. You hope that I will have the part of a woman's life like everyone else. However, I am very satisfied with me now. All of this It’s all voluntary by me. Xiaojie treats me very well, so I hope you can give us more support and understanding. Whether life is happy or not, the key to knowing whether you are warm or not depends on how you feel, and I feel very good. I'm very happy, so I don't expect anything else." Lin Ling didn't want her parents to expand this topic, so she immediately surrounded her and tried her best to excuse Chen Kangjie.

"What about the child? You...hey!" It was a good thing that Lin Ling found Chen Kangjie as a man, but Zhou Kouru still felt regretful.

"I will go to Hong Kong to give birth to my child. Of course, the surname will still be Chen. There is nothing to say about it. Mom, when the time comes, you and I will go to Hong Kong and help me, okay?" Lin Ling replied.

"I have never been to such a far place, nor have I been abroad, can I go?"

"Auntie, Hong Kong has already returned to China. It is our homeland. It is not considered a trip abroad. And you are just going to accompany Lin Ling at that time. You don't need to do anything specific. I will arrange everything there, including the nanny and Servant, if Uncle Lin has time, he can actually go with him. On the one hand, he can take care of Lin Ling, and on the other hand, he can also take a trip. On my side, the most important thing is that there are too many things. I am afraid that when the time comes It may not be possible to spare too much time." Chen Kangjie explained.

"I'll see when the time comes."

"Dad, aren't you in the process of retiring now? You should be retiring by then. You and my mother will accompany my sister to live in Hong Kong for a while. There will be a nanny and a servant. If I can accommodate you, I will also invite Hu Xin to accompany you." Lin Zuo persuaded.

"No problem, the room is big enough, and ten more people can live there." Chen Kangjie smiled.

"You bought a house in Hong Kong?" Lin Ling asked curiously.

"It's prepared for you. It's a gift for you. In Mid-Levels, it used to be the mansion of an English jazz. Now that he has retired and returned to England, I let someone buy it." Chen Kangjie said lightly.

"Wow, the half-mountain villa, I heard it's very expensive."

"It's more than 3 million Hong Kong dollars. When you go there after a while, you can just register with your name."

"Wow, it's so expensive. It doesn't take that much money to buy a community here." Zhou Kouru said pleasantly, "Lin Ling, I will definitely go with you when the time comes, and I'm really worried that the other people I invite will not serve you. people."

"Where do you get so much money? Isn't almost all of your income donated to the foundation?" Lin Ling asked suspiciously.

"The donations are all small money, and those are not worth mentioning." Chen Kangjie waved his hand casually.

"Sister, your company is so big, why don't I quit here, and I'll go to your company and follow you. Does your company still need people?" Lin Zuo interjected after thinking for a while.

Compared with his auto parts store, Lin Zuo certainly knew that going to would have a better future, and the external image would be better.Moreover, since Lin Ling is his sister, if he goes, he will be assigned a senior management position, and an annual salary of hundreds of thousands should be necessary.

"Lin Zuo, I suggest you stick to your line of work. If you do well in this line of work, the future will be bright." Chen Kangjie persuaded.

"What kind of future can there be in buying car accessories?" Lin Zuo said with a puckered mouth.

"Yeah, Lin Ling is going to give birth, so she won't have much time to take care of the company's business, so I can rest assured that I have my own family to help take care of it." Zhou Kouru said helping Lin Zuo.

"Mom, our company has a complete management mechanism. Even if I'm not in the company for a short time, the operation will not be affected in any way. There must be a reason for Xiaojie to persuade Lin Zuo to continue his business, right?" The last two words Lin Ling are Chen Kangjie who asked.

Chen Kangjie nodded and said: "Lin Zuo, do you still remember what I told you before going to dinner? Why don't you want to switch from the sales channel to the manufacturing link? You need funds, and I can help you solve them. You need customers. I will help you contact. If you are just a supplier, I can let you join the supply chain of Tengfei Motors. If you are a brand, my brother’s Rising Sun Company can help you act as an agent. You are a man, I think you should Make your own career. I know that you studied mechatronics engineering in college, which is exactly what you need. If you go to, no matter how good your grades are, people will think that you got your sister I think that’s not the result you need, right?” Chen Kangjie explained why he didn’t suggest Lin Zuo go to

"You can let him join the supply chain of Tengfei Motors? He has no resources, no technology, no products, and no factory. It is a big company. Today it is said that it will invest more than 30 billion to set up a new factory in our province. That's right. , What kind of tricks did you use today to make the Hu family leave and come back, and finally bowed your head so courteously? This should be what you did, isn't it?" Lin Dachang said in surprise.

In order to supply the eastern market and save delivery time and logistics costs, Tengfei Motors specially went to Liji City, where Lilong County is located, to investigate the establishment of a factory. The initial location was Hudong County, which is next to Lilong County.It was specifically reported in the news, and it is not surprising that Lin Dachang knew this.

"Uncle Lin, it's indeed the result of my several phone calls. I don't deny this. As for Lin Zuo, he has no technology, no products, and no factory buildings. All of these are not difficult. As long as he wants to do it, he can do it within half a year, at most. It will happen in a year, and I can even ask Tengfei to send someone to help...Lin Ling has a secret that I didn't tell you before, in fact, brother Ouyang is not the owner of the company."

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