Chapter 270: Charge Out

Sato Saburo himself was frightened by the sudden change. When he turned his head and saw that the person who helped him was the person he let go just now, the expression on his face instantly relaxed, and he did not make any resistance.He really didn't intend to get out alive just now, and the other party didn't even intend to let him get out alive, so he fought desperately with the idea of ​​killing one by one, protecting him. All four bodyguards were killed or fell down, I suddenly found a life-saving straw, and everyone would feel inexplicable, who wants to die if they can live.

But they didn't leave so easily. Just when Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu supported Sato Saburo to Chen Kangjie's bloody car, a dozen or so vicious members of the three-member team who found something bad were going to kill Dong Mingshu and the others. Come.

Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu did not fight each other at close range. They supported people with one hand, and "shot" with the other hand. Of course, the "shoots" were not the chest or the head, but the thighs or knees. The purpose was to make the opponent lose fighting power.

In just a few tens of seconds, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu each fired six or seven shots, and the dozen or so people approaching by the other party fell down and howled while hugging their legs.

In order to guard the car and Chen Kangjie, Samidov, Alyosha and Xiong Ziqiang also got out of the car and knocked down all the dozen people who tried to get close to the car. More and more people discovered the mutation here. With a few disabled companions on the ground, and Sato Saburo being supported by the other party, these gangsters have already grasped useful information.

These people belonged to a group, and they didn't intend to kill anyone, so the thirty or so vicious guys with red bodies and blood dripping from the tip of their knives approached Chen Kangjie and his two cars with ferocious faces. .But seeing the opponents all holding guns in their hands, they are somewhat 'colored' and stern.

"Hurry up and get people in the car and rush out." Chen Kangjie felt that the situation was a little critical, so he yelled.

After all, they had limited bullets, if more people surrounded them, then these red-eyed guys would really cause a lot of trouble for them, that's why Chen Kangjie was really anxious.

Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu quickened their pace before throwing Saburo Sato into the car, and the other party rushed forward desperately.

In order to relieve the pressure on Xiong Ziqiang and the others, Basev and Loveski also stretched out their pistols from the car door, chug chug, a burst of seven pistols fired at the same time, each fired at least three shots, the opponent quickly Twenty or so people fell down, and before they had time to watch the fourth shot, a dozen or so had already rushed forward.

In order to leave as soon as possible, seven people shot at the same time, regardless of whether it would cause death. The ones who rushed were either stabbed to death by the snatched knife, or shot flying, and two were punched by Alyosha. Just dizzy.

Solving this group of people won some time, everyone hurried into the car, the bullets in the guns were basically exhausted, and dozens of opponents gave up chasing others and ran towards Chen Kangjie and the others.

As soon as the door was closed, the car driven by Mu De drove out, rushing directly towards the few people who were running towards them.The car was driving too fast, the opponents were densely packed, and the floor wet with blood was slippery. Four guys who didn't have time to get out of the way crashed into Chen Kangjie's car.It was just a few loud bangs of "boom boom boom", three were knocked down, and one was even bounced up, then spun around in the air and hit the windshield. ** The crash was full of cracks, and the car in front of Samidov was not much better, and also knocked over three people.

Even so, the car cannot be stopped. With his own skills, Ma De continued to drive the car forward with someone blocking the windshield, so those who were not hit would desperately use a knife or Other weapons smashed the vehicle, hoping to 'force' the vehicle to stop.The surrounding car windows were all smashed, and Xiong Ziqiang, who still had two bullets left, didn't care so much, so he fired two shots outwards, hitting the two of the two guys who smashed the most. The abdomen, because it was shot at close range, coupled with the high impact of the Type 84 7.62mm miniature pistol, directly took the two of them into the air.

The two drivers drove forward desperately, gradually leaving the pursuers behind, and approached the bend of the wide main road. With a flick of the tail, the injured person under the windshield of Chen Kangjie and his car was killed. It was thrown seven or eight meters, and it stopped after three more rolls. However, this brave guy is doomed to tragedy today. The bus came and passed Chen Kangjie's car, and the police car in front just passed over the guy's body, and it seemed that there was no possibility of survival.

It is impossible for Chen Kangjie and the others to think too much. After flicking their tails, they rushed forward and rushed forward. From a good rearview mirror, they could see the anti-explosion police who had parked and signaled them to stop, and some people put their rifles on the ground. I raised it, after all, because there were not only Chen Kangjie and his two cars on the road, they gave up shooting. The police were afraid of hurting innocent people or causing a large-scale traffic accident, not to mention, there were many people waiting for them to deal with And rescue it.

Chen Kangjie and the others did not have a big chase with the police on the main road. Ma De and the others only drove a section on the main road before turning down and turning back from the side road. They knew that there should be follow-up policemen on the main road to intercept them. , The two cars themselves are scarred and covered with blood, very recognizable.

Fortunately, the two drivers were very familiar with the streets and alleys of Tokyo. After more than 50 minutes, they finally circled back to the small building where Chen Kangjie lived.

Ouyang Zhenhua went out to do some errands and hadn't come back yet. When Di Qiuren saw the two bruised Toyotas and looked at Chen Kangjie's clothes, almost all of them were blood-stained, he was really frightened.

"Jie Shao, what is this?" Di Qiuren's voice trembled when he asked.

"Don't talk so much, quickly arrange other vehicles, transfer to the suburban residence, clean up all the cars and houses here, do you know how to do it?" Chen Kangjie didn't answer Di Qiuren's words, and hurried into the living room Walk.The bodyguards supported Saburo Sato, who was seriously injured, and followed him down.

"Okay, I see, I'll arrange it right away," said Di Qiuren, who was about to make a phone call.

"By the way, tell President Ouyang," Chen Kangjie added, and then he opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of drink and drank it down.

This time he got into trouble with a group of three, plus he killed someone and came back in two broken cars. Chen Kangjie had to guard against someone who would track him down here, so this place cannot be lived in, and must be cleaned up.

That night, Chen Kangjie and his group moved to a large villa in the western suburbs of Tokyo, and the injured Saburo Sato was also brought here for treatment.Although almost all of his injuries were skin trauma, there were many wounds, and he lost a lot of blood along the way, so Basyev and Made helped him into the room to bandage and rest as soon as he entered the villa.

After Ouyang Zhenhua came back at night, the first thing he did was to care about what happened.

"Master Jie, what's the matter? Don't scare me, I won't be able to do business then." The two entered Chen Kangjie's room. Before the door was closed, Ouyang Zhenhua asked anxiously.

"It's okay, I'm doing well. Changing the residence is just a precautionary measure." Chen Kangjie smiled and pulled Ouyang Zhenhua to sit down, and then said lightly.

"But... Pang Hui was injured. I heard that all the bullets they carried were also shot out, and the rescued person was covered in wounds all over his body. What if something happens to him, what can we do?" Ouyang Zhenhua But just because of Chen Kangjie's understatement, he will not completely put his raised heart back into his stomach smoothly.

"Well, that's a hall master of the Inagawa Society. They had a big fight with the three-member group in the Kabukicho area today, and we bumped into them...".

Chen Kangjie put away his smile, and told Ouyang Zhenhua everything that happened today. Hearing that, Ouyang Zhenhua was afraid for a while, that Master Jie was actually caught in such a large-scale desperate fight.Ouyang Zhenhua doesn’t understand the Inagawa Association, but he still knows about the three-member group. Many Hong Kong movies will mention the largest violent gang in Japan. Those people are vicious and lawless. How can Ouyang Zhenhua not worry about Chen Kangjie’s safety? .

"Fortunately, they didn't use guns, otherwise we would be in trouble. A few people should have died at our hands, so Tokyo should be more'chaotic' these days. We will leave Tokyo tomorrow and go to other places in Japan, and then Flying back to Hong Kong from Sapporo," Chen Kangjie finally said.

"You should go back early. I heard that Sapporo in Hokkaido is a good season and it's very cool. You can go there for two days first. We have a company there. I have to go to Yokohama, Nagoya and Osaka in these two days. , and then I will go to Sapporo to meet you and return to Hong Kong together," Ouyang Zhenhua said with a nod.

"Or, I'd better go with you," Chen Kangjie took out a cigarette and said.

"That's right, Master Jie, you'd better go over there and find a hot spring village and stay there. I'll let Di Qiuren deal with it. I'm really worried that you will save another person when you go out." Ouyang Zhenhua repeatedly He waved his hand and said.

Ouyang Zhenhua's words made Chen Kangjie dumbfounded, indeed, Chen Kangjie had only been in Tokyo for four days, he rescued two people, fought a few times, and made two people in Hong Kong before coming to Japan.Every time I go abroad, it is almost never safe and sound. If something dangerous does not happen, it is always not finished. Is this how wealth and wealth are sought in danger?Am I just a troublemaker?Chen Kangjie thought to himself.

Anyway, thinking about it, Chen Kangjie felt depressed and speechless. Fortunately, many disasters were caused by him on his own initiative and purpose, including the rescue of Saburo Sato this time. The old saying of traveling far away.

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