rebirth of change

Chapter 294 Ma Wei Was Robbed

Chapter 290: Ma Wei Was Robbed

Although the outing today went through twists and turns, everyone was very happy. Several people lay down on the grass by the stream, and Chen Kangjie's sportswear was spread out beside him. Rinse in the stream, and you can start eating without lying down.

The freshly picked and washed plums are plump and round, exquisite and translucent, beautiful in shape and sweet in taste. Everyone puts one hand on their head, and the other hand keeps sending food to their mouths, eating it crunchingly non-stop.

Lying among the green mountains and green waters, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, listening to the pattering stream, smelling the fragrance of soil, flowers and plants, and eating the sweet fruits, the exhaustion of a day's trek is gone.Chen Kangjie enjoys the comfortable life now, carefree, outside disputes and secularism, seem to be far away from him at this moment, all he has is this innocent friendship and cheerful childhood, at this moment Chen Kangjie almost completely forgot his own mental age.

A flock of little birds flew by in the sky, chirping, much like the people lying down below, maybe those little birds were also going to play from one forest to another.

"Damn it, why are you eating so fast?" After eating the first two big handfuls of Jubala, he turned over to grab and wash the second time, and Ma Wei threw a plum beard at him.

"Anyway, there are so many, why not eat it for a while?" Jubala dodged Ma Wei's sneak attack and said with a smirk.

"Hey, don't eat so much 'sex' at once, haven't you heard of 'Peaches nourish people, apricots hurt people, and plum trees bury people'?" Chen Kangjie turned to persuade them.

"Old Wen, what are you talking about? What hurt people or killed people?" Ma Wei and the others also got up, and it was Ma Wei who asked the question.

"I won't tell you about peaches and apricots. Let's just talk about plums. Although plums can quench thirst, clear liver, reduce blood pressure and relieve cough, and can also beautify and protect skin, Sun Simiao said: "Don't eat too much, it will make you empty." "Southern Materia Medica" contains: "Do not eat too much, it will damage the spleen and stomach." In short, eating too much at one time will cause deficiency heat and brain swelling, and damage teeth." Chen Kangjie didn't care whether they could understand or not, and sat up with one hand supporting his body , put a plum in his mouth with one hand and said inscrutablely.

Chen Kangjie loves to read, and his memory is still very good. He saw these from the trees, but these are obviously useless to greedy children, including himself. He means to take them home and eat slowly, and then Good things, if you eat too much at one time, things will go against each other.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. Who is Sun Simiao? Then what kind of herbal medicine is it used for?" Mazi felt a little confused. In fact, he was not the only one who was confused, the others were all the same.

"Sun Simiao was a great medical scientist in ancient times. "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" is a medical book, and I can't explain it to you. In short, don't eat too much at one time. Take it home after a while, and eat slowly," Chen Kangjie climbed Get up and pat the grass off your ass.

"Okay, listen to you, we know you are the smartest, what you said must make sense," Ma Wei quickly threw a plum into his mouth, nodded and said inarticulately.

Chen Kangjie smiled and patted him on the head, "You bastard, let's go, you have to go back over the mountain."

Ma Wei also just ran away pretending to escape, and then just laughed.

After Chen Kangjie and the others returned to the mine, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Even though they hadn't had lunch, everyone seemed not hungry, because the plums weighing more than ten catties only had six or seven catties left when they arrived home. It was just enough for each of them to fill up all their wallets, so Chen Kangjie didn't want it.

When Chen Kangjie and Ma Wei arrived at his house, his father had already returned from fishing. There were four crucian carp struggling in the water in the small plastic red bucket outside the house.

"Uncle Ma, are you back so early?" Chen Kangjie greeted Ma Wei's father who was adding water to the bucket from a distance.

"Ah, are you back? I just came back, Xiaojie, come and see, Uncle Ma's harvest today will be brought back to your father later, oh, I'll ask Ma Wei to bring it to you." Uncle Ma looked up and saw Chen Kangjie hooked up with his son and said with a smile.

Ma Wei's father usually comes back after the evening when he fishes every time, and the evening is also the time when the harvest is the biggest, but today he is afraid that he will come back late and Chen Kangjie has already returned home, so he hurried back after getting a few harvests .

"Uncle Ma, the harvest is not small!" Chen Kangjie praised very sensiblely, "But I can just take two, it is not easy for you to go fishing all the way."

"Hey, Xiaojie, take it all, take it all, your uncle Ma often goes fishing, and our family is tired of eating fish." Ma Wei's mother came out of the simple kitchen built with bricks by the door, enthusiastically Said.

It's just that his last sentence made people sound a little strange. Uncle Ma glared at her, meaning did you speak like that? Could it be that our family gave it away when we were tired of eating?

Although those words sounded a bit silly, Chen Kangjie didn't mind, he knew that he had no other intentions, "Thank you, Aunt Ma, then I'll take it."

"Lao Wen, let me carry it for you, and I'll take you back." Ma Wei lifted the small bucket first.

"It's not heavy, I need you to send it, I can do it myself", Chen Kangjie didn't think much about the tiredness of climbing the mountain today, but judging from the exhaustion of Mazi and the others when they broke up just now, Chen Kangjie speculated that Ma Wei probably It's not much better, so I don't plan to let him send it.

"Hey, you forgot, I still have to go get something," Ma Wei poked Chen Kangjie with his finger, and muttered in a low voice.

"Oh oh oh, I almost forgot", Chen Kangjie regretted that he promised to give them the camera.

"Ma Wei, what are you taking? You are not allowed to cause trouble for Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen." Although Ma Wei muttered in a low voice, his mother obviously heard her. His mother didn't see Uncle Ma staring at her just now. 'color'.

"Aunt Ma, that's what happened. I left the door some time ago and brought Ma Wei a camera for him. I forgot to bring it today. He took it with me," Chen Kangjie explained for Ma Wei.

"Oh, the camera, it's very expensive, it's not good, does your mother know?"

When Aunt Ma heard that it was a camera, she was surprised and hesitated.In this era, for ordinary people, even a fool’s camera is a luxury. The last time Chen Kangjie gave Ma Wei a Walkman, it already made their family feel that the gift was too heavy. Excuse me.

"Yeah, Xiaojie, the camera is very expensive, so don't spend that money, buy it and keep it for yourself, he is a little kid, what kind of camera will he use!" Uncle Ma pulled Aunt Ma After getting behind him, he bent down and said seriously to Chen Kangjie.

After all, Uncle Ma is a person who has worked in the unit for more than [-] years. Gifts are things that come and go, and they always receive expensive gifts from others. , but embarrassed to say it out.

"Uncle Ma, Aunt Ma, it's all right. My parents know that they were given to me by others. I already have several copies in my family. These are extra, and they will go bad if left unattended. After a few years, they will become obsolete." So I gave it to Ma Wei to play," Chen Kangjie lied and explained.

Anyway, the gifts that Chen Kangjie brought back now, as long as they were valuables, were all said to be from Ouyang Zhenhua.Otherwise, if it is said that they bought it with their own money, they will inevitably be criticized for spending money "indiscriminately", and it will not be enough if they don't nag for a day or two.Anyway, many Chinese people have this greedy mentality, and Chen Kangjie's mother is no exception.

"Oh, thank you, Ma Wei, then help Xiaojie carry the fish bucket, and then come back early, don't eat at Uncle Chen's house." Aunt Ma came out from behind Uncle Ma again, and gave Ma Wei a serious look. Said, and finally reminded him not to cause trouble to Chen Kangjie's family.

The Walkman last time can only be liked by young people, and only young people can basically use it, so Aunt Ma is not very active even though she knows it is expensive, but this time the camera can be used by adults and children, of course she is I hope I can have a camera at home, so I accept it directly in disguise.

Chen Qigang's status has changed a lot no matter what. When Chen Kangjie's friends went to play with Chen Kangjie, their parents would tell them not to eat at Chen's house. , because I feel that children are always eating at others, and they are worried that they will be considered impolite and disgusted by the Chen family.Because of Chen Qigang's current status, no matter which family he is in, it is very likely that he will be entrusted to do some things in the future. If his child leaves a bad impression, it will affect the effect of entrusting others to do things in the future.

"Mom, I got it, I'll be right back when I go." Ma Wei was a little dissatisfied with his parents' wordiness, so he pouted all the time.

"Uncle Ma, Aunt Ma, then I'm leaving, thank you for your fish." Chen Kangjie couldn't answer Aunt Ma's words, so he went around to say hello and say goodbye.

Chen Kangjie and Ma Wei walked home with the four fish in the half bucket of water. Ma Fangqin learned that it was from Ma Wei's father, and she couldn't do without a few words of praise and thanks, and enthusiastically wanted to keep Ma Wei for dinner. go again.

However, Ma Wei was eager to get the gift of the camera, and before leaving the house, Ma Wei shook his head and refused. Chen Kangjie couldn't persuade him, so he ran back to the room and took out five exquisite packaging boxes, stuffed them in Ma Wei's arms.

"You can take the four of them back together, so that they don't have to run away again. They probably forgot just now."

Holding the Wuhe gift, Ma Wei said goodbye to Chen Kangjie and Ma Fangqin politely, and ran out of Chen Kangjie's house impatiently.It's just that he ran out for more than ten minutes, and ran back with a bruised nose and a swollen face, crying loudly.

"What's wrong with you? Who bullied you?"

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